HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-10-16, Page 8Watch For GRANDMA'S CHOICE, YARNS coming BOW! Many visit for holiday Shipka 'couple .honoure Visitors g daring the weekend with. Mr. and Mrs. Ferman Snyder, have been their daughters, Mr.. and. Mrs, Otto Plein, Christopher and Melissa, of Elmira, Mr. and Mrs, Ric Storey, Lon- don, and Mrs, Snyder's brother Armand Musselman of Tavistock. Sunday dinner guests with Cliff, Velma and Kathy Russell were their family, Doug and Ann and children, BruCe and. Judy, Donald and Ann, also Velma's parents and brother, Mr., and Mrs. Edgar Webb, St. Catharines, and Roy Webb, of Niagara Falls, Tom, Rosanne, Jackie and Jenny Russell spent the holiday week end in Belle River with Rosanne's parents, Mike and Alice Schiebel and other family Clark Adams, spent the weekend in Exeter with his grandparents, Les and Marjorie Adams. Bill Maier and family of Mio, Michigan, visited Thursday and Friday with his Morenz cousins here and in Grand Bend. Elimville ladies meet speedy recovery. B.C. visitors here with' members. Evelyn Pickering, Ada Dietrich, and Mrs. Cecil Smithers, have been their aunt, Faye Knechtel, of Maple Ridge, and their cousin, Leona Dettwiler, of Nanaimo. The visitors have spent two weeks in Ontario, also visiting in Toronto and By MRS. HUGH MORENZ Eleanor .and Glenn Durie, -511.1PKA were their daughter and SO- AbOgt. 40. friends, neigh- in-law, Lynn and Ken bouts. and retativeS. Chambers, of St. Catharines, gathered, Thursday evening, and Eleanor's sister, Mrs. at Shipka. Community Isobel McKenzie, of Scar- Centre, to. honour DM and borough. Anne Russell. Who. were 'Mrs, Thelma '1,eierling, recently married, accompanied by ,Mrs. Pearl During the social part of Miller, of Dashwood have the evening progressive returned from a two week euchre was played. Winners holiday in .California. While were high lady, EvOlyn there they visited cousins, Pickering, low lady, Mrs. B. Mr, and Mrs. Don Williams Wiendels, high man, Tom and family in Port Huenene, Russell, low man, Ben and another cousin, Joyce Wiendels, most lone hands, Denton, in Arcadia, and Cliff Russell. Thelma's uncle Mr. E,cron. Theresa Brannon read an LaFond in Mount Monrovia. address to the young couple The two ladies travelled by and Jim Pickering and plane and on their return trip Milton Sweitzer presented were stranded one night in them with a rocking chair Montreal, due to strikes, and a toaster. Both young We are sorry to report that folks thanked everyone. Doris Sweitzer, is a patient Lunch hostesses were Doris in St, Joseph'S hospital, and Eva Sweitzer, Bonnie London, and wish her a Erickson, Mary Dietrich, Mabel Guenther and Theresa Brannon. Personals Redent visitors with Sid, THE. SPINNING JENNY 346 Main St., Exeter Phone 235-2601 WEEKLY SPECIALS Oct. 15-21 Flannel Suiting Novt 7.50 Quiana reg. $9.98 NOW 1.50 Pillow TickingretV'8N0j $ 2 50 Lingerie Fabric and Elastic ,V2 Price All Laces, Ribbons and Trims 112 Price While you're in don't forget f9 check out the values in our 1/2 Price Section fine markets... of fine foods Pilizehrs BLADE OR SHORT RIB BEEF ROASTS (WITH ENTIRE BLADE BONE REMOVED) • CUT FROM TENDER CHUCKS SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT TILL CLOSING TUES. OCT. 21 [ FOR YOUR HOLIDAY BAKING MAPLE LEAF CHOPPED SUET 375 gr. pkg. SPECIAL! *09 PAASPTL`f LEAF BAVARIAN SAUSAGE. SPECIAL! .78 500 g. PKG. r zehrs Saturday October 11 through Saturday Nov. 1, 1980. Pumpkin judging 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. Nov. 1,1980 at your Zehr's store. AND African Lion Safari HEY KIDS! Get a FREE visit to African Lion Safari, have a FREE COKE, and choose your FREE PUMPKIN from the world's largest pile of pumpkins. Carve your pumpkin for Halloween and take it back to the same Zehr's store Sat. Nov, 1, and you could win . A KODAK CAMERA OR 1 OF 100 CONSOLATION PRIZES BURNS SMALL LINK PORK AND BEEF BREAKFAST SAUSAGE SPECIAL! 048 ib. /ZEHRS PRIVATE LABEL SMOKED SKINLESS WIENERS 1 lb. SPECIAL! *11 •48 SLICED FRESH AT THE DELI COUNTER SCHNEIDERS SLUE RIBION BOLOGNA SLICED lb. In CORNS ROUND SMOKED COOKED NAN SLICED ib.*259 a zehrs *ea MAPLE LEAF PORK BUTT BONELESS SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ,ROLLS ( BEEF OR CHICKEN SHOPYS 250 gr. TWIN PIES SCHNEIDERS FINE QUALITY SLICED VARIETIES BOLOGNA 1 gr 75 . AT THE WHARF FRESH FISH COUNTER,(not in all markets! ,SMOKED COD FILLETS PRI:gr lb. $189 •EZEZIMIOMII•••••1101•111111M to Page 8 Tlrnes-Adwocgte, Octobir 16, 1900 MR. AND MRS. ROBERT BAXTER Sheila Elaine Duncan and Robert William Baxter were married at Thames Road United Church, July 26, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan, RR 1 Kirkton and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. William Baxter, RR 2 Mitchell. Officiating at the ceremony were Pastor Ross Hargreaves and Rev. Stan McDonald.. The maid of honour was Marlette Vanderhyden, Stratford and bridesmaids were Janis Richardson, Kirkton, Kathy Baxter, Mitchell and Betty Anne Miller, Staffa. Flower girls were Erin Richardson, niece of the bride and Julie Oliver, cousin of the bride. Best man was Doug Baxter, Mitchell. Guests were ushered by. Steven Eckert, Ray Belfour and Warren Rock all of Mitchell. After a wedding trip to Niagara Falls, the couple are now residing at RR 2 Mitchell. SCHNEIDERS TASTY SMOKED SKILLET STRIPS SPECIAL! 500 gr, PKG, •••••• MAPLE LEAF FINEST REGULAR SLICED SIDE BACON gram PKG. • CANADA 'A' GRADE CROSS CUT RIB ROASTS 19] FORMERLY GROUND CHUCK MEDIUM GROUND BEEF SPECIAL! • • 1 Kg. Kg. CARTON SCHNEIDERS FAMILY PACK BEEF BURGERS E CANADA 'A' GRADE SPECIAL! FROM THE CHUCK BONELESS SHOULDER .0 POT ROASTS lb. SPECIAL! •69 lb. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES O REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS SCHNEIDERS PORK SHOULDER FULLY COOKED SMOKED BONELESS PICNIC SCHNEIDERS OKTOBERFEST SAUERKRAUT SPECIAL! 1 410 500 By KATHY COOPER Mrs. Floyd Cooper was in charge of the Elimville Institute meeting held in the Elimville Hall, Wednesday. After the minutes; roll call, treasurers report and cor- respondence were dealt with, a Hospital Auxiliary report was given by Mrs. Delmar Skinner. The rum- mage sale is to be held Oc- tober 27 and 28. Members were thanked for their help with the branch and district displays for the Exeter Fair. Mrs. Cooper reminded members of the coming events for the next month. Miss Ruth Skinner and Mrs. Floyd Cooper gave a report on the very interesting day spent at Gorrie when they attended the.rally. After much discussion of the article in the Exeter- Times - re "Wanted housewives to share their ideas" it was decided a letter should be written to the Times expressing the views of the Institute. Mrs. Murray Coward call- ed on Mrs. Karen Tieman who gave a very interesting demonstration on making ap- ple people. "This is the time of year to make apple people" Mrs. Tieman said "with our fresh, firm apples in plentiful supply," Mrs. Tiernan was thanked by Mrs. Lorne Johns who then gave some helpful hints on the use of apples. Prizes for the potato con- test (one potato planted in the spring) were presented to the following: Highest total weight: Mrs. Thomas Hern, 11'/z lbs. Se- cond highest total weight: Mrs. Russell Morley, 81/4 lbs. Highest number of potatoes: Mrs. John Coward 33 potatoes, Longest potato: Mrs. Theron Creery. Oddest shaped potato: Mrs. Ross Hargreaves. Lunch of different apple desserts, was served by the committee, Black Brown Grey and Beige GYPSY '46 Smyth 's SHOE STORE MAIN ST. EXETER PHONE 235-1933 NOTICE OF NOMINATIONS TOWN OF EXETER TAKE NOTICE that nominations will be received by the Clerk of the Town of Exeter at her office, 406 Main Street, in the period commencing from 9 a.m. on Thursday, Oc- tober 16, 1980 and concluding on Nomina- tion Day, Monday, October 20, 1980 at 5:00 p.m. for the following positions: MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY-REEVE (6) SIX COUNCILLORS (2) TWO P.U.C. COMMISSIONERS AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that where the number of candidates for an office who are nominated at the end of nomination day is not sufficient to fill the number of vacancies to which the candidates may be elected, on the Wednesday following Nomination Day, October 22, 1980, the Clerk may between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. receive and certify additional nominations for the office in respect of which there was an insufficient number of candidates. Each of the members so nominated if elected, are to serve a two-year term from December, 1980 to November, 1982. The required nomination forms may be obtained from the Municipal Office and must be completed, filed and accepted by the Clerk by the above deadline. Elizabeth Bell Clerk and Returning Officer 406 Main Street Exeter, Ontario 235-0310 GEOFFREY VERNON and CYNTHIA GUNN Cynthia Jane Gunn and Geoffrey William Harcgurt Vernon exchanged wedding vows on August 30, in Knox Presbyterian Church, Stratford, With Rev. Frederick, Neill ,officiating, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gunn, Exeter, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Vernon, Toronto. Anne Ferguson, Guelph,wasthe maid of honour, and bridesmaids were Kathy Vernon, Susan Vernon and Karen Virag, all of Toronto. Mark Armstrong of Winnipeg acted as best man, and guests were ushered by Bruce Gunn, Exeter, Chris Murphy and Phil Pinnington, both of Toronto. Douglas Prentice of Toronto was soloist. The reception was held at the Exeter Golf and Country Club. The couple is residing in Ot- tawa, where Cynthia attends Law School at the University of Ottawa, and Geoff is employed with National Trust.Photo by Jack Doerr SHOPSYS CANADIAN BREAKFAST HAM SLICES 175 gr.PKG.139 PRIDE OF CANADA TRIPLE PAK sit no COOKED MEATS 500 gr. 70 KITCHENER PACKERS SUMMER SAUSAGE CHUBS lb. #3.49 PRELIMINARY LIST OF ELECTORS for 1980 TOWN OF EXETER The Preliminary List of all Electors as 'set out in Section 22 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1977 (as emended) will be publicly posted in the office of the Municipal Clerk and at least two conspicuous public places in the municipality on or before the 14th' day of October, 1980 as required by Sec- tion 25 of the said Act. Electors should examine the list which will be in the following locations: Municipal Building, 406 Main Street South Exeter Post Office, 26 Sanders Street East Exeter Public Library, 330 Main Street South to ensure that their names and relevant in- formation are correctly shown. Complaints in the nature of requests for additions or corrections to or deletions from the list may be made by an elector com- pleting and filing a form obtainable at the office of the Clerk. The last day of filing forms, requesting additions, corrections or deletions is Oc- tober 22, 1980. The electors are also reminded the School Support List for 1980 faxes may be in- spected at the office of the Clerk during of- fice hours. Elizabeth Bell Clerk and Returning Officer Town of Exeter NOTE: Any person may check the VOTERS' LIST or SCHOOL SUPPORT LIST by contacting the Municipal Office at 235-0310. CANADA "A" GRADE FULLY AGED FOR TENDERNESS Ali. 41, ••• • • • • • 11 •