HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-10-01, Page 27A GRAVE STUDY — Grade eight students at Exeter Public School were in the outdoors
Thursday with a variety of activities. Shown doing a study at the Exeter Cemetery are
Darryl Little and Michael Pollock. T-A photo
Ilderton fair parade.
— Rick and Jordan Guy piloted their antique tractor in Saturday's
T-A photo
Step -hen receives grant
Auction Sale
of Antiques - Primitives - Nostalgia
Zurich Arena Auditorium,
Saturday, October 4th, 1980
Preview 9:00 A.M. Sale Starting
at 11:00 A.M. Sharp
Wide selection of items consisting of oil lamps,
finger, pedestal, nickel plate on brass, railway hand
lamp, tin reading lamp, old electric light shades,
sliver and brass items, old tools, tin match holder,
old sdalers, crocks, gun stock chairs, tables with turn-
ed legs, Captain's chair, sad irons, trivet, store
calenders from the 30s, depression glass, berry
spoons, primitive kitchen items, numerous plates,
cups and saucers, old Bibles from Simcoe area,
school books from early 1900's, political cartoon
from the Portsmouth Times dated July 1889, toll rate
sheet of the Middlesex and river canals dated 1821,
poem sheet entitled "The Railroad Jubilee" dated
September 1851, etched map of the Chesapeake
and Ohio canal dated October 1826, old framed
watercolour prints, quilt frame, maple school bench,
oak desk, three piece bedroom suite, pieces of Nip-
pon, Noritake, amethyst, walnut dresser with mirror,
old cast iron fry pans, buck saw, hay fork, hay knife,
old store tins, wicker baskets, bottles, 400 day
clocks, steamer trunk, barn lantern, egg crate,
potato baskets, goblets with column stems, curved
glass show case (6 ft.) Circa 1890, press back chairs,
old scale with scoop and weights, two school desks,
bowl and pitcher set, wheat pattern, water pitchers,
granny glasses, brass jewel box, spool leg plant
table, insulators, stubby pop bottle, ice cream
maker, dough bowl, glass rolling pin, wardrobe, old
strainer shaving mugs, German Jasperware plaque
white on blue circa 1880-1890, toothpick holder,
celery dish, , outstanding lithograph of the. Sistine
Madona and child in ornate frame signed
"Kunstanstalt (Vormals Gust. W. Seitz)" circa '1890
many more items too numerous to mention.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a fine selection with
over 300 items in all, be sure to attend, cash or che-
que with suitable I.D., lunch booth, parking, auc-
tioneer or owner of hall not responsible for ac-
DON VAN PATTER - Auctioneer
Zurich (519) 236-4547
Auction Sale
for Mrs. B. McKenzie, East William Street,
Seaforth plus additions
Thursday, October 2,
at 6:30 p.m. sharp
in the Gaylea Building South Main St., Seaforth
This is an outstanding offering of oak, pine, cherry
and butternut furniture in excellent condition. An-
tiques! sideboard, secretary, book case, bonnet
chest, chiffonier, dresser with tear drop pulls, rock-
ing chair, chiffonier desk, jam cupboard, bedroom
suite - high bed, dresser and wash stand ; stylish
Library table, swing shaving mirror, 5 leg extension
table, set of 6 chairs, buffet, china cabinet with bow
front glass, harvest table, pump organ, picture
frames, crocks and bottles, bookcases, washstand,
trestle table, treadle sewing machine, umbrella and
walking sticks, autoharp, part of baking cupboard,.
over 50 odd choirs, odd tables, desk and swivel
chair, jewellers bench, clock case, coal stove, com-
bination gas/wood stove.
beds like new, 3 electric stoves, 2 gas stoves, 2
fridges, upright freezer, 2 washer spin dryers, gas
electric clothes dryer, 2 washing machines, 4 day
beds, love seat, 4 living room suites, chrome table
and chairs, exercising vibrator, bedding, lamps,
hand and garden tools, books, beds, radios, pole
lamp, rugs, card table , chest of drawers, buggy
wheel, heating and vibrating recliner, picnic table
and benches, crib, T.V.'s and more.
The sale will start at 6:30 sharp.
Owners and auctioneers are not responsible for ac-
cidents or loss.
For further information call
Auctioneer 527-0514
R.R. 4 Seaforth or 527-0940
Monday, Oct. 6.
at 7 p.m.
- Pick up of donations on
Sat., Oct. 4 or contact
Committee Members
Pete McFalls 235-0368
Bob Clark 235-0548
Jerry MacLean 235-0800
JimScott 235-0694
Gerald Brintnell 229-8244
Brian Wedlake 235.2172
Please support Minor Hockey
1200 Head
at 1:00 p.m. •
Sat., Oct. 4/80
Consisting of: Steers, Heifers and Calves.
Victor Hargreaves (519) 482-7511 Clinton
Barry Miller (519) 235-2717 Exeter
or 229.6205 Kirkton
Doug Carruthers 237-3734 (Dashwood)
Greg Hargreaves 262-'2619 (Henson)
AUCTIONEER): Larry Gardiner
Township of Bosanquet
Arrangements have been made to receive
from Bosanquet Residents refuse, not nor-
mally picked . up on weekly collection. At
Grand Bend Dump Site, Hwy. #21, just
south of Track and Trail property from
11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. on Saturday, Oc-
tober 4th, 1980, brush, wire and spray cans
Yours truly.
Robert F. McCordic, A.M.C.T.
Clerk Treasurer
16 For Sale • TImeF-.Advoeatn, October 1, 19K
heater automatic thermostat,
complete attachments, excellent
condition. $120.00, Phone 262-
3200. 40:41c
Complete with forms. 16 cu. ft.
Cement mixer, Stock $4500.00.
Phone 237-3573. 40t
BOARD PENCE for sale,
About 3400 linear feet of 2 x 6
and as5prted lengths up t9 15 feet
long,. At least 130 cedar posts to
/be removed from site at Exeter.
Make an offer. Call London
672-3232, 40:41c
LAWN SALE 138 Gidley St. W.
Friday, Oct, 3. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Rain or shine, 40c
* * Filson & Robson
:Stocker Sale, Denfieldt.
*Livestock Sales, 7;00 p.m.*
Oct. 2
*Quality Swine Shedden,*
* • p.m' *
* Oct. 4 *
*Household & Electrical,*
*Mrs. Boyd, 55 Foster Ave.*
seLondon, 1;00 p.m.
* *
* Oct. 6 *
*Stocker Sale, Rainy •River,*
*11:00 a.m. *
* Oct. 8
*Ontario Landrace Sale,*
*Stratford, 1:30 *
* Oct. 10 * * *Stein Bros. Production*
*Sale, at the farm, 7;00*
*p.m. *
Oct. 1 I
*Clearing Farm for Beni
*Troyer, 12:30 p,m.
* Oct. 16 *
:Consignment oft
*Household & Antiques, 1
*Ilderton Curling Club,i.
*6:30 p.m. *
* Oct. 1 8
*Construction Materials for **
*Ed. Andrews, Hamilton*
*Rd. London, 9:45 a.m. *
* Oct. 1 8
*Clearing Farm, Bruce*g_
*Walden Est., 1:00 p.m. 74,
* Oct. 25 *
:Clearing Farm, C. Shady,*
* *Zurich, 1:00 p.m. *
16 For Sale
SIJNASti. Products, time release
vitamins, minerals and herbs.
Vitamin C. Vitamin. B and pro-
tein. Independent distributor.
Phone 262.5242. .! 40e
17 Wanted To Buy
CATTLE - we pay good price for
recently injured unthrifty cattle.
Easy loading trailer with winch.
Call collect 238-2796 John
Anserns Grand Bend. 36t
18 Wanted
in good working condition only,
Reply Harold Butler. Phone 227-
4254 Lucan. 39-41c
animals of the tea ornaments
from Red Rose tea. Anyone
wishing to sell them please call
228-6823 anytime, 40x
master or King. Preferable with
attachment for ribbing. Phone
229-6538. 40:41*
OLD BRICK buildings for
wrecking and salvage purposes.
Contact Ross Lumley, 118 5
Murphy Rd., Sarnia or tel. 542-
4088, 40*
19 Property For Sale
PRIVATE SALE - Exeter one
block from stores and post of-
fice, 2 bedroom double brick ful-
ly restored bungalow on 3/5 acre
beautifully landscaped lot,, Large
kitchen`, living and dining rooms,
plus other living areas, 8 rooms
in all, high dry basement, in-
sulated, storms and many extras.
Open for offers. 235-1779.
HOME IN excellent condition
on large lot north of Exeter.
Bright modem kitchen, large
family room and many extras.
Phone 262-6020. 4042*
KIRKTON - 6 acres on paved
road. 21/2 storey red brick home
with 5 bedrooms and bath for
owner plus self contained apart-
ment which is rented'at $125. per
month. Implement shed 80x25
with workshop also bank barn.
about 50x50. Ideal property for
many uses. Asking $75,000. Call
Jim Rowcliffe, 1-672-3232
Rowcliffe Real Estate Limited,
Realtor, 256 Oxford Street,
London. 40:41c
$37,950.00 3 bedroom home, 4
years old, freshly decorated,
large lot, country kitchen 11 1/2 %
1st mortgage. 2nd mortgage
available. Phone 227-
4771. 39:40c
bedroom bi-level broadloom,
two full bathrooms. Finished rec
room, garage on I 1/2 acres. Phone
1-672-6863 or 238-8907. 234
8 ROOM solid brick home with
carport and patio. 237-3571
Dashwood, O,D, Truemner.
19 Property For Sale
house in. Woodham on no, 23.
highway. Recently decorated
with new roof, new windows, In-
sulation, air-tight woodstove
(includes large woodpile) and oil
furnace, Good garden on a large
lot. Mid 20's, Phone 229-6362
Herne; 284.2310 Office, 31t
20 Property For Rent
Townhouses for lease, 3
bedroom, living room, dining
room, kitchen, full basement, 11/2
baths, cable TV, electric heat,
broadloom throughout, large
yard, paved driveway, $295 plus
utilities, Call for appointment,
672-7236, Ingersoll 1-485-
2456. 214
WE NOW HAVE warehousing
space available for lease at Oud
Warehousing. Phone 262-2928
or 262-5768. 15t
MOBILE HOME, 2 bedrooms I
mile south of Elimville. Call 229-
8864. 28t
LARGE FARM house, 3 miles
North of Dashwood. Pine floors
throughout. Available im-
mediately, $225.00 a month, 438-
8240 or 432-4409. 29t
in Hensall
One bedroom available now Oct.
or Nov. 1st $225.00. Featuring
shag carpeting, K.elvinator
appliances, all utilities paid.
For Inquiries phone 262-3448 Hen-
sail, or 453-2280 London.
Main St. Adults only. $200 a
month. Phone 235-2090 after 7
p.m. 32t
1 BEDROOM apartment cen-
trally located, fridge and stove,
heated. Available Sept. 1. Phone
235-2087 after 6:30. 32t
AVAILABLE immediately 1
bedroom apartment, centrally
located in Zurich. 236-4320 or
236-4592. 36t
3 BEDROOM townhouse on
Simcoe St. Available immediate-
ly. Phone 235-2393. • 36t
HEATED, furnished 1 bedroom
apartment. Also bachelor apart-
ment, both above Canadian Tire.
Phone 235-1497 and 235-
0451. 36t
1 BEDROOM house; Available
Sept. 13. Phone 2364137. 3840c
apartment, heated. Art Gaiser
235-2754. 38t
IN HENSALL - One bedroom
townhouses. Heat and utilities
included, with or without fridge
and stove $195.00 per month.
Phone 262-2014 or 262-3346. 39t
3 BEDROOM farm house 8
miles east of Exeter on Hwy.
Available October 1. Phone 229-
8804. 39:t0c
3 BEDROOM farm home close
to Hensall, Completely redone
with wall to wall carpeting.
Phone 262-2928 or 262-5768. 39t
2 BEDROOM HOUSE. 5 miles
south of Grand Bend on Hwy.
21. Phone 243-2015. 39 :40c
RENT - OPTION to purchase 4
yr, old home, 3 bedrooms on
quiet street in Lucari, re-
decorated $340.00 per month
plus utilities. Will rebate rent to
$295.00 if option exercised.
Phone 2274771. 39:40c
3 BEDROOM apartment with
dining room and playroom, elec-
tric heat on Main St., Exeter.
235-0141. 39t
4 BEDROOM home, 1 block
from Main St. Exeter. Phone
235-0141 or 235-2203. 39t
2-1 BEDROOM apartments
with electric heat on Main St.
Stove and fridge included.
$150,00 per month. Phone 235-
0141. 39t
4 BEDROOM farm house and
barn west of Zurich. Nice sur-
roundings. Available Nov. 15.
For more information call 262-
5708. 39-41c
FARM HOUSE for rent. Call
237-3363. 39:40c
FOR RENT in Hensall, 3
bedroom apt. Dining room,
carpeted throughout, Over 1,000
sq. ft. of floor space. 262-
2530. 40t
HOUSE ON Hwy. 21 (north).
Phone 2364749. 4045c
MEDIUM SIZED store with
bright cheery living quarters,
good main street location, centre
of town. Reasonable rent. Hen-
sail 262-3205,
LOVELY 4 bedroom farm
home, 4 miles East of Hensall,
262-6809. 40:41*
heated, fridge and stove.
Available immediately. 235-
1680. 40t
RESPONSIBLE young person
needed to share new apartment
$165.00 per month, living and
dining area, furnished, T.V., etc.
235-0325. 40x
3 BEDROOM House, 2 baths
fridge and stove, 2346786. 40t
GRAND BEND 2 bedroom
winterized house, furnished or
unfurnished, $175.00 a month
plus utilities. 238-8618. 40c
21 For Rent
DOUBLE WIDE House Trailer,
available Nov. 1st on Hwy. 4
near Hensall. 262-5628. 40:41c
STORE YOUR boat or car for
the winter, good, clean, dry
building. Phone 238-8382. 40t
ROOM & BOARD available in
Centralia. Phone 228-6867. 40c
portable cement mixer, power
trowels, wheelbarrows, etc.
Form ties stocked. Call N.J,
Corriveau, Zurich 236.4954. 18t
of Canada's largest selections.
Agent for Freeman's Formal
Rentals, Syd Silver's and Jeff's of
Sarnia, Bob Swartman Men's
Shoppe, Exeter, 235-0991. 48t
THE "OLD Town Hall"
auditorium for rentals including
weddings, meetings, banquet
room, lectures, exhibitions,
films, etc. Kitchen facilities
available. Contact property
manager Bill Dinney 235-
0231. 23t
23 Wanted To Rent
50.100 acres cash crop land close
to. Crediton. Phone 234.6281.38t
doctor wishes to rent home for
winter months (approx. 6
months) for winter recreation.
Weekends only. Write Box
100M, c/o Times Advocate, Ex-
eter, Ontario. 39 ;40c
25 Notices
I IAN HAAKE will not be
responsible for any debts other
than those incurred by
myself. 40e
Cash prize
—Twenty $1000-cash awards
will be made available again
this year to encourage high
school students to promote
good nutrition in their
The "Food for Health"
awards were introduced by
the Ministry of Health with
the support of the Ministry of
Education, during the
International Year of the
Child, to encourage healthier
eating habits in the school.
Health Minister Dennis
Timbrell said that all
Ontario secondary schools
offering Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
or 13 are eligible to win one
of the cash prizes. Schools
that won last year can enter
again provided they carry
out an active program
during the 1980-81 school
Guidlines and entry forms
for the awards competition
have been mailed to student
councils of schools
throughout Ontario. They
have been revised this year
to encourage submissions foi
ongoing programs as well as
newly-initiated campaigns.
"All submissions will be
judged on the basis of their
creativity and their potential
to continue over the years, as
well as their effect on the
sale and consumption of
nutritiuus foods in the
schools," Mr. Timbrell said.
cider scare
evidence" links the serious
kidney illnesses of 14
Toronto-area 'children to a
specific batch of apple cider,
Huron County medical of-
ficer of health Dr. Brian
Lynch told county cou cil
Lynch;, responding to
concern among council
members about the outbreak
and its possible effect on
apple growers in Huron, said
that a "tremendous amount
of work" has to be done
before it can be proven that
apple cider produced by a
Halton-area orchard caused
the rare kidney ailment.
A county health inspector
did turn up at the weekend's
ciderfest at Egmondville he
said, but that was mainly for
public relations. No
problems at the ciderfest
were reported, he said.
"The risk to the general
public is exceptionally
small," even if a connection
is proved between the cider
and the sick children, he
"I think you are more
likely to get involved in a
motor vehicle accident"
than be chemically poisoned,
said Lynch.
He criticiz ed the media
for, creating much of the fear
about consuming apple
cider, and said he can un-
derstand producers 'being
concerned about their sales
being affected.
on Highway 21, 1 mile. north of the
Pinery Provincial Park, 4 miles south of
Grand Bend.
Sunday, October 5, 1980
at 1 P.M.
Furniture, small appliances, stoves, dishes,
glassware, brasswcsre, plus a large collection of an-
tique tools such as broad axes, adzes, maddox,
wrenches, draw knives, hay knives, horse bits, shoe
repair outfits, mortise chisels, augers, bean boring
machine, beam scale, brace and bits, etc.
TERMS: Cash, cheque with proper I.D, Visa or
Master Charge.
VIEWING: 12 noon day of the auction,
ANNOUNCEMENT: Antique store liquidation Auc-
tion on Oct, 19.
Good clean consignments wanted for future auc-
Pat Lyon
Phone 243-2713
No property removed until settled for. Not responsi-
ble for accidents. ,
The Board of Management for the Exeter
Central Business District Improvement Area
hereby gives notice as follows:
In accordance with its constitution, and
fhe various requirements contained therein,
the Board of Management has appointed a
Selection Committee to prepare a list of the
names of qualified persons who have in-
dicated to the Selection Committee that
they wish to be considered as prospective
members of the 1981-1982 Board of
Management for the Exeter Central
Business District Improvement Area.
Interested persons may contact the follow-
ing members of the Selection Committee:
Jerry Gray 235-2234
Gord Ross 235-1990
Joanne .Dinney 235-2350
or attend the October 16th, 1980 Board of
Management meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the
Exeter Municipal offices.
The Selection Committee list as approved
by the existing Board of Management will
be presented to the Council for the Town of
Exeter for confirmation and those persons
approved and confirmed will be contacted
by Exeter Council.
Of Road Closing
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to
The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter
284, Section 443 and other powers thereun-
to enabling, the Corporation of the
Township of Stephen proposes to stop up
and close:
A portion of the original road allowance
being part of lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 Aux
Sables Concession, in the said Township
of Stephen, more particularly described
in Schedule "A" attached hereto.
The lands comprising that part of the
said road allowance hereby stopped up
and closed, and the subsequent sale or
other disposition of the said lands, shall be
subject to easements for existing sewer,
watermain and hydro services on the lands
in question.
That subject to the said easements, the
lands comprising that part of the said road
allowance hereby stopped up and closed
shall continue to be vested in the Corpora-
tion of the Township of Stephen to be dealt
with from time to time as the Council of the
said Corporation may see fit and deem
And that the Council of the said Cor-
poration will hear, in person or by counsel,
solicitor, or agent, any person who claims
that his land will be prejudicially affected
by the said by-law and who applied to be
heard at a meeting to be held at the Coun-
cil Chambers at the Village of Crediton in
the Township of Stephen, County of Huron
on the 21st day of October 1980, at the
hour of 8:30 o'clock in the afternoon.
Dated at Crediton, Ontario, this 16th
day of September A.D. 1980.
Wilmar D. Wein,
Clerk of the Township
of Stephen
Schedule "A"
In the Township of Stephen in the County
of Huron and being composed of all of the
original 33 foot road allowance adjacent to
the westerly boundary of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5,
Ausable Concession, save and except that
portion of the road allowance adjacent to
the westerly boundary of that portion of Lot
2, Ausable Concession designated as Part 1
on RD Plan 657 registered in the Registry
Office, Goderich, Ontario.
Grants totalling $573,005
under the Ontario Homes
Renewal Program (OHRP)
have been allocated to 15
municipalities for
homeowners to repair their
houses, Housing Minister
Claude Bennett . has an-
nounced. Included in the
latest list is $40,000 for
Stephen Township.
OHRP provides grants
based on population to
Ontario municipalities to
administer as loans to
owner-occupants with a
maximum annual income of
$12,500. Bennett recently
proposed that the income
ceiling be raised to $15,500.
The prime objective of the
program is the correction of
faulty structural and
sanitary conditions and the
upgrading of plumbing,
heating, insulation and
electrical wiring.
Loans of up to $7,500 may
be made to eligible owner-
occupants to bring their
homes up to the standards
set by their municipality. A
portion may be forgiven
depending on the recipient's
income. Interest rates range
from zero to eight percent,
again depending on income.
OHRP is one of the
province's actions to assist
municipalities and the
private sector in conserving
and recycling existing
resources through com-
munity renewal activities.
These "Ontario Renews"
programs include downtown
and main street
revitalization. neighborhood
improvement, housing
renovation and property
The grants announced
today are portions of the
total 1980-81 OHRP funding
for each municipality.
OHRP extends home
renewal possibilities to
owner-occupants in any
municipality in Ontario,
urban or rural, which has
adopted either a minimum
housing standards bylaw or
a resolution setting such
standards. The benefits of
the program are also ex-
tended to residents ' of
unorganized municipalities
in Northern Ontario.
Hugh Filson
Tom Robson
Page 13A