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hii first century
gardening and keeping up
his home, himself, since the
death of his wife, Jennie
(Shoebotham) in 1972, Mrs.
Brock was a sister of Mrs.
Frank Hardy, Sr.
Macrame history
studied by 4-H
John Brock, formerly of
Lucan, now of London
celebrated his 100th birthday
. Sunday, with an Open House
at his home on Cliftonvale
Avenue, where he has lived, FUDGE AND CLOWNS — Appearing as clowns along with pooch Fudge in Saturday's
Ilderton Fair parade were Tanya Hodgson, Brenda Tanner and Victor Furness. T-A photo
Parked cars collide
Four area accidents
Insect Toxicologist
From Concord California
THEME: The Magnificence of Genesis
TOPIC: The Black Hole & Beyond
Thursday, October 2
7:30 P.M.
All Welcome
Top Quality
Cordially Invite You To Attend A
From gm PJA.
Wayne Ellis
General Development communities
on both Florida coasts and in South Central Florida
offer many opportunities for people who are just thinking
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down. At this informative and interesting seminar you'll
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homes now available, how a homesite purchased now can
save you thousands of dollars in the future and how
you can take advantage of a variety of programs designed to
help you own a dream 'Florida home, much easier than
you ever thought possible. There's no cost or obligation
to purchase. Even if you're just interested in learning
more about the Sunshine State you're welcome!
38 East St., Ooderich, Ontario NM 1N3
Attn.: Mr. Wayne Ellis
Authorized Ontario
Representative fur
rrIrk General
7...411 Development
A prespraus has been Bled with the Registrar or the Real Estate and Business B r„ Lot At t. Ontario ASK
rr"r"18•11M14.177rwarrer—v-Irrwirswerona, .4 —.7 • *re-7 r.
Michigan visitors
Seniors to entertain
John Brock celebrates
A FAIR MAGICIAN — Ruth Ann Hokanson participated in
Saturday's Ilderton Fair parade as a magician. T-A photo
The members of the
Sunshine and Busy Buddies
groups met in their Club
Rooms in the Masonic Hall
Thursday afternoon,
Following the usual
opening the program
committee for October 9th,
asked permission to invite
the "Arm Chair Group" to
entertain the Club from
Montrose, Michigan with a
Program of Old Time Music,
This is in addition to the
slides on Canada and a
couple of humorous skits.
Money was collected for
the dinner tickets, and those
who have not paid the
treasurer, Edythe Murdy,
are asked to do so tomorrow,
Thursday, at the meeting, or
immediately thereafter.
A new member joined the
Club, Gote Wennerstrum,
and we welcome him.
Charlotte Barker,
celebrating her birthday,
received congratulations as
did Marjorie Steeper, Louis
Raycraft and. Ed Dowdall,
who celebrate during the
The Busy Buddies con-
tinued their lovely pictures
in Japanese Embroidery and
winners in the euchre played
by members of the Sunshine
Group were Lady's High
Mary Scott, Lone Hands
Jessie Lewis, Low Angeline
Scott, Man's High, Marjorie
Steeper, Lone Hands Ed
Dowdall, and Low Edythe
Murdy, the two ladies, of
course, playing men's cards.
The craft club prize was
won by the daughter of the
instructor, Nancy Moore.
Lunch was provided by
Lexie, Gladys and Rose
Atkinson and Margaret
Friday afternoon 48
members and friends
travelled to Toronto to see
the taping of the Tommy
Hunter Show. It was a lovely
The Lucan 1 4-H club held
their first meeting of the new
season at the home of leader
Donna Thompson; on
Monday evening, September
22nd. Carol Burns is the
other leader again this year
and the Women's Institute is
most grateful to these
women and the other four-
Phyllis O'Neil and Anne
Straatmari, who have led
many clubs, and Harolyn
Sire and Sue Barr are new
leaders this year, but whose
clubs start this week.
The election of Officers
resulted as follows:
President, Debbie Manders,
for village
The village of Lucan
qualifies for a deputy-reeve
for the first time for the two
year term which begins on
December 1 of this year.
Reeve Ivan Hearn said he
would likely be ready to be a
contender for another term.
The four current coun-
cillors Harry Wraith, Larry
Hotson, Norm Steeper and
Gary McFalls have in-
dicated they would again be
available for re-election.
Wraith said he was
definitely interested in a
council position only while
the other three said they
would be in the running
See us for
Fall Bulbs
for these
Potting Soil
our own special mix
Reg. $3.50
NOW3•00 per bag
Hardy Mums
(in bud) 290 pot
We also have a
wide selection of
Evergreens and
other Nursery stock.
277Main St.
vice-president Laurie Burns,
press reporter Darlene
Paton, rotating secretary for
this meeting Sheryl Cobleigh
and cover design members
Jane Thompson and Sheryl
This club is entitled "Your
Corner of the World"
meaning the club girl's
bedroom and the "History of
'Macrame", going back to
the 13th Century, was
discussed by the leaders.
They also told of the
materials used and equip-
ment needed. Meetings will
be held each Monday night at
the homes of the members.
The Evening Unit of the
Lucan U.C.W. met Tuesday,
with the leader, Freeda
Melanson opening the
meeting with prayer.
Jean Brown as chair-
person of the visiting
committee urged members
to visit the shut-ins and new
people more frequently,
particularly those who have
not been called on recently.
Home-made jelly is still
available to take as a wee
token of friendship,
Bernice Lockyer reported
for the quilting committee
and the treasurer informed
the members that $500. has
been raised in this manner.
A planning committee for
the Christmas gifts for shut-
ins was appointed, namely
Jean Brown, Kae Thompson,
Verna Ibbitson and Freeda
At the October meeting,
which will be a pot luck
supper commencing at 6:30
p.m., each member is asked
to bring a gift suitable for a
shut-in, man or woman,
unwrapped. Also, for sale,
Mr. Brock was born at
Whalen's Corners, son of Mr.
& Mrs. John Brock Sr.,
growing up there. He spent
several years in Manitoba,
as a young man, returning to
Lucan in 1915 where he
joined Frank Hardy Sr, in
the Hardy and Brock
business until 1922. He was a
member of Holy Trinity
Anglican Church.
Mr. Brock was married to
Jennie Shoebotham in 1916
and they had three children,
John Melville, injured while
serving in the navy and who
died later because of these
injuries, Marion (Mrs.
Russell Hills) of Alvinston
and EdwardReynold(Ted) of
Toronto. They moved to
London in 1922, running a
butcher shop on Hamilton
Rd., but because of hard
times in the thirties he gave
this up and worked at
Coleman's until he was 80
years of age. Mr. Brock
enjoys good health and his
many, many friends wish
him the very best.
something from your garden
or your kitchen, Marjorie
Park and Mabel Froats will
be in charge of the meeting
on Missions in Japan.
A service of
"Thanksgiving" was led by
Leda Revington, assisted by
Kae Thompson. The
meditation was "The
Therapy of Thankful ness",
and the members shared in a
Prayer Litany of Thanks.
Jean Brown led in bible
Study, dealing with "Gay
Rights - an Alternate Life
Style!" based on the report
accepted for study only,
from General Council on
sexuality. She asked the
question "What does the
Bible Say?" and mentioned
Genesis 19:1-11, and
references in Leviticus and
Deuteronomy, Romans,
Corin thians, 1st Timothy
and Jude.
If any member didn't know
just how to vote before the
meeting, they surely did
afterward, as the study could
leave absolutely no douubt
as to the right and wrong
way of living.
Four accidents were in-
vestigated this week by of-
ficers of the Lucan detach-
ment of the Ontario Provin-
cial Police,
Involved in a mishap at 5
p,m. Tuesday on County
road 23 in London township
were two parked cars.
A vehicle owned by Bever-
ly Westman, R.R. 3, Granton
was parked on the side of the
road when a vehicle owned
by Cyril Harrison, London
pulled up behind to ask
When the driver left the
second car, a two year-old
child pulled the gearshift
into drive and it lurched
ahead into the first vehicle.
At Holy Trinity Anglican
Church, Sunday morning the
Old Testament Lesson was
read by Edythe Murdy and
the New Testament Lesson
by Joyce Sovereign. The
choir, under the direction of
Beulah Hardy sang the
lovely hymn "Be Thou My
Rev. Bruce Pocock,
speaking on the Rich Man &
Laz arus compared the
welfare 'people in this
country, with the poor of the
world, saying they are rich
when you think of those in so
many underdeveloped
"Can we afford to be so
comfortable?" asked Mr.
Pocock. "We have a
responsibility, we ARE our
brother's keeper, there is no
getting away from it. We
must look our Christian
Commitment in the eye".
Next Sunday, October 5,
Holy Trinity will celebrate
the annual Harvest Festival.
Something from the garden
or field which will help make
the church extra beautiful
will be appreciated. Please
bring your contributions to
the Church next Saturday,
morning or afternoon.
The next Service of
Baptism will be held
November 2 at the 11:15
service. Please contact the
rector as soon as possible so
he may do the necessary
work before that date if you
have a child to be baptiz ed,
or if you know of one who
should be.
Sunday school news
Two new projects have
been started by the Sunday
School. First a 'Nearly New
Shop" is open each Saturday
morning in the Hall from, 9 to
12 for children's clothing and
your contributions on share
alike basis, will be welcome.
Your help and your pur-
chases will keep it going.
Also the members are selling
red and green glace cherries
and raisins in bulk for your
Christmas baking.
trip down. with driver Rill
McRoberts of Ilderton-
McNaughton .Tours, pointing.
out all the interesting, placei
and sights.
Dinner was much enjoyed
at "The Pork Place" and we
recommend it to all, Not only
do you. enjoy an excellent
dinner, but you support the
Ontario Pork Producers.,
under whose oversight the
restaurant is. operated,
Three coupleS, owing to an
allergy to pork by one. of
each of the spouses, walked
up the street half-a-block to,
"Ed's Warehouse" and they
also reported a good meal.
The taping of theshow
interesting and most sur-
prising, Little did we know
the tremendous amount of
work which goes into that
hour of excellent en-
tertainment. Every segment
was repeated at least once.
and several of them twice!
before they were • approved
.by the producer.
Tommy was even more
casual and friendly during •
the taping than he is on the
finished production as he ,
talked to his audience bet-
ween scene changes and
while awaiting the report
from the producer on each
segment. We will wait:
anxiously to see how many
shots of our group appear on
the actual show which, we
were told, will not appear for
11 or 12. weeks.
I'm sure there would not
be many of those on the trip
getting up the usual time on
Saturday morning; as we
arrived home about 2 a.m.!
& Mrs. Richard Wise
of Canton, Ohio have spent a
few days with Mr. & Mrs.
Clarence Hardy during the
past week, and visited other
relatives in the area. Mrs.
Wise is a niece of the late
Frank Hardy.
More Lucan
news on page 1 2
'Farm & Industrial
Equipment Repair
Welding hydraulic hose
general farm supply
Ph 203-3602 or '
come in to see us at
109 Main St.
Constable B.D. Munro was
the investigating officer. He
set damages at $700.
Monday at 12 noon a park-
United Church
"Thieves Plain and
Fancy" was 'the theme for
Rev. Keith Brown's con-
tinued series on the Ten
Commandments. The plain
steal "things", the fancy
steal in an. underhanded
way, cheating on their in-
come tax, false advertising,
misrepresenting a child's
age, cheat-God by not put-
ting away His tithe, etc.
It is not only the victim
who is hurt, sometimes
badly, but this does not hurt
his character, however, the
person doing the stealing has
a bad mark against his
character for always, and
said Mr. Brown, "Moreover
he cannot be trusted by God
or his fellowman".
God has committed to us
the sacred use of property
and possession to be used by
us as good stewards. Let us
be faithful to His will, The
choir, under the direction of
Helen Stanley sang the
lovely Gospel, hymn "If
That Isn't Love?"
Marguerite McRoberts
and Iva Hodgins were the
welcoming committtee and
were joined by two of the Sr.
S.S. class Darryl Ibbitson
and Brent Bannerman to
receive the offering.
The Bible Study
Fellowhsip has recom-
menced each Sunday
evening except the first
Sunday of each month, at the
Manse at 7:30. You will
receive a warm welcome.
Tomorrow morning at 9:45
the Prayer and Share
Fellowhsip meets. This is an
interdenominational group
and you will receive a warm
welcome here also, for Bible
Study, Discussion and
Next Sunday, October 5
World Wide Communion will
be celebrated at 11:15 a.m.
and at 7:30 p.m. the LonclOn
& Area Chapter of the U,C.
Renewal Fellowhsip will
meet in the C.E. Wing.
Please note that a change
has been made to the first
Sunday evening of each
Wednesday October 8, the
annual chicken barbecue
will be held. Admission by
advance tickets only. Get
your from U.C.W. members
Sunday, October 12,
Thanksgiving Sunday. Will
you share your gifts from
field and garden to decorate
the Church? Bring them to
the Church by 7 p.m.
Saturday evening.
Sunday, October 19,
Baptism Service, Parents
wishing to have their
children baptizled- please
contact your minister as
soon as possible.
FAIR COWBOYS — Beth and Steve Bloomf eld were dressed
as cowboys in Saturday's Ilderton fair parade. T-A photo
hill 13 UCW urged to
11[611'7'. do more visiting
TOP ILDERTON CALVES — Pete DeBlock is shown with his grand champion commercial
steer at the Ilderton Fair while Ken Filson had the calf scramble champion. t-A photo
We purchased a number of calves from the Ilderton
fair Calf Club sale.
of this excellent quality beef
We specialize in custom killing, smoking and curing.
Between Lobo
and Poplar Hill
ABATTOIR on Hwy. 22
TELEPHONE 666-1230
ed vehicle owned by Frank
Delpellard, London was
struck by an unknown vehi-
cle while it was parked on
Concession 8 in London
township. Constable S.C.
Fleming set damages at
Constable Jim Craig es-
timated damages at $1,800
when vehicles driven by
Donald Miles and Lawrence
McIntyre, both of London
collided at 8:50 p.m. Sunday,
on Highway 7. No one was in-
Vehicles driven by. Calvin
Haskett, R.R. 1, Lucan and
Olga Hern, R.R. 1,
Woodham were in collision
at 3:20 p.m, Friday on
Concession 6 in Biddulph
township. Constable Flem-
ing listed damages at $2,500.
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley
Hambly of Camrose Alberta
and Mr. & Mrs. Ray Hong,
Quesnel, B.C. visited cousins
in Lucan, Clandeboye and St.
Marys, during the past week.
Mrs. Hambly is the daughter
of the late Rev.and Mrs.
Elmore Hodgins, who in turn
was a brother of the late
Ward Hodgins of Clan-
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Houtman,
of Holland have been guests
with Mrs. Peter Veel of the
2nd Con. Biddulph township
for the past few weeks and
were among those attending
th Tommy Hunter Show
taping on Friday evening.
They returned to Holland
yesterday, Tuesday.
Sunday school reminder
Don't forget your pictures
and mementos of the past
'years in the Sunday school,
also names of former pupils,
teachers and officers.
The attendance today was
99, let's make it 109 next
Sunday! Bring your friends
who do not attend S.S. and
help them to learn about
Jesus and His love.