HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-09-24, Page 36(Formerly AQUA-PRO) SCUBA-OWING Sport Diver Course, Commencing October 16,1980 at the YANASTRA COMMUNITY CENTRE Course length 42 hours 12 weeks - $115,00 FOR INFORMATION CONTACT; Vanastra Community Centre - 482-3544 or Sid Seroggs 482-3151. Candidates may obtain NAUI, ACUC, or CMAS Certification recognized worldwide. All aged above 15 may register ENROLL NOW— TOTAL REGISTRATION IS LIMITED MIDWAY, CONCESSIONS and EXHIBITS BUILDING opens 6.30 p.m. 4-H CALF CLUB JUDGING and STEER SALE AMATEUR SHOW 8:00 p.m. CROWNING QUEEN 9:30 SATURDAY FEATURES— Opens 10.00 a.m. LIVESTOCK Complefb Eehlbif PRODUCTS OF THE SOIL LADIES CRAFTS FOODS and BAKING FLOWER SHOW EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITS PHOTOGILIPHY EXHIBIT ART EXHIBITS 4.11 ACHIEVEMENT DAY PET SHOW Official Opening at 12 Noon HORSE SHOWS HUGE PARADE starting at 11.00 am. BANDS — MIDWAY CONCESSIONS — PONY RACES — ROAD RACES Tug-of-war, Obstacle Course Race Many Refreshment Booths on Grounds DANCE -1, Music by MAPLE SUGAR 128th Annual IIIIERTON THE EDUCATIONAL Sept. 26,27 Am EXHIBITION FRIDAY FEATURES-- MR. & MRS. ELDON HEYWOOD Happy A nniversary' L from your family X\41.11ti wrest MOTOR HOTEL GRAND BEND H'woy 21 1,4 Mile S. Traffic tight For Reservations Phone 238-2365 DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY Breakfast, lunch and dinner Smorgasbord every Sat. ENTERTAINMENT Sept. 26 & 27 PAUL & JUDY Schnitzel Night Every Friday We offer a Schnitzel dinner 495 including salad bar for only Reserve your favorite spot for THANKSGIVING DINNER Sunday & Monday, October 12 & 13 BR DRIVE-1N-THEATRE BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 0:00 P.M. FIRST SHOW AT 8:20 P.M. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDA 1%SEPT. 26-27.28 Beech St., Clinton OWNIE' S MAXWELL SMART is AGENT 86 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 4411_ South Huron 7#01 Recreation Centre FALL ACTIVITIES WINTER GYMNASTICS Will begin November 1, 1980 Price $18.00 16 weeks Schedules and Registration forms were sent out to the schools Head Instructor - Liz Scott Last day of Registration Oct. 24, 1980 11161 llllllll 111111 iiiiiiiii 1111011 iiiiiiiiiii 1111101101,1 lllllll CHILDREN DANCE LESSONS Instructor - Barb Westman Call SHRC for more information Price $3.00 per lesson 3/4 hr. $4,50 per lesson 1 hr. ni iiiiii imiononinutionlut llllll lialliolmilmoomon ADULT DANCE FIT CLASSES $35.00 for 10 weeks Instructor - Barb Westman Starting October 2, 1980 8:30 p.m. At the EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL 111111110,111y111111111 llll 1 l 1111111111111111111111 lllllllll Illt ROLLER SKATING Last Roller skating of the season Fri. Sept. 26 & Sun. Sept. 28 7;30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. 1111111111111 llllllllll 111111111111h1"1111101111111110111111 ADULT PROGRAMS This year we are offering programs in: Christmas Arrangements - Nov. 6- Dec. 10 By Wanda Regier Price $15.00 for 6 weeks. Introductory Lesson Nov. 5 Mixology - Oct, 7 to Dec. 9 By Cheryl Chapman Price $20,00 for 10 weeks (supplies in- cluded) (Learn to make different kinds of drinks) Time - 8:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. lllll llllll ilicilannialinii111041110Joi EXETER FIGURE SKATING CLUB Ad Elsewhere In This Paper Note: Pro only to be in attendance Wed. not S ot. 1111111111111111111I11111111Yf 1111111 (11111111 Y1111111n 11111Y11 FIGURE SKATING REGISTRATION The Huron Centre for Children & Youth is pleased to announce that Mr. Robert Couchman Executive Director Family Services Association of Metropolitan Toronto will speak on The Mental Health of Children at Home and at School" At the Annual Meeting of the Centre at 160 Huron St., Clinton on Wednesday, Oc- tober 1, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Couchman has been a frequent guest on national radio and television speaking on matters related to mental health, families and education. The Huron Centre for Children & Youth has provided counselling services for hundreds of young people and families from all over Huron County and beyond since its' incor- poration as a Children's Mental Health Centre in 1977. The Centre is governed by a Board of Directors, elected at the Annual Meeting of the Corporation each year. Exeter Figure Skating Registration Wednesday, Sept. 24th 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday, Sept. 27th, I 0 a.m. to 12 at S.H. RECREATION CENTRE * Marg Carrie, Rick Pettit, Jeff Loosely will be available for private lesson bookings and consultations. (Wednesday night only) CFSA members should be available at registration. For further information call Marie Tiernan 235-0436. Peg Sellers welcomes any used figure skates or outfits for the "Boutique" which will be set up on above dates. Call 235-1617. For Reservations please phone 524-2191 Bentniller Inn , Nestled in Benmiller. Ont., just 7 kilometres east of Goderich on Huron County Road 1, just off Highway 8 LICENCE]) UNDER THE L.L.13.O. NV. 2 A Ti Acivoote, $0 t. ANNUAL VAN' .t..4.ir7VIDNOrtX11S: DATION Mel* ,,.. Z th September r.„,12.004,,, 5.00rul. „a 'du: itii$toric V4N lio 2 kin S. or s E od orotoro usr. ort IL tacir.i0 Special Attractions hmerro+,.::,:m.„ miek., S. oulto n Hook', Cider Ma 6ing r Apple Hurter 14,0044: tandie Ilal‘lian Mew ii A anon Hide,. A ()rid Doll Collei•Alini Satibqtge sinfring Cutter) *rani-1.)rd Diptai” • 4 Avoing nique Pfau h. -Stitioli." Photo ENIiilin. Q11itts. Spinning Ai 4 much,mAch.vivre., -New Events: Sat., Sept 27 only 1;80 - 5:30 p.m. - Bavarian Tent - Van Eginond House 8 p.m. - Sippin' Cider Concert at SDHS )”grpo,c14M4difope.1,Mo04 .(.qn Mom,woWntroxth irp.ohm 110.41.$31dW,M104W6r0 Mff...4....11a11,4110...ontuiO4 TOP NANNY .7,— Susan VanEgmond, RR 1 Clinton, left, receives the Jerry MacLean & Son trophy for the best doe in the Exeter fair goat competition. Fight over impost fees won't apply in Exeter r "act with a common front" to lobby Queen's Park to close the loophole in the Public Utilities Act retroac- tively to ensure levies will stand, Manlow said that surveys have shown more than 150 utilities in Ontario use some form of lot levy or impost charge to help recover the cost of expansions to water systems. He said most utilities use either special legislation enacted for their city or region or the Public Utilities Act. "The only manner in which frontage charges can be placed legally is with a bylaw of council utilizing the Local Improvement Act or Section 362, Subsection 2 of the (Ontario) Municipal Act which requires OMB ap- proval." He noted that if a developer successfully recovers the impost charges in court, it is up to individual homeowners who have paid the levies as part of their purchase price of properties to launch suits to recover the levies from the developer. Association president Ed Blake, a London PVC com- missioner, told the meeting he could "only stress the gravity of the situation." Pushing the government to amend the (Public) Utilities Act, he said, "is a means by which we may preclude ac- tion against our com- mission." Optimist Club Stephen Bookings available for HURON PARK ANNEX * Weddings * Parties, Etc. Air Conditioned CONTACT BILL McG RATH 228-6871 Ciderfest Sippin' Cider Concert Sept. 27 8p.m. SEAFORTH HIGKSCHOOL ntertainnient includes 7 time fiddling champion Ed Gyurki and area talent. Refreshments Tickets available at• Mary's Sewing Centre, Clinton; the expositor, Seaforth or call 482-3324 or 527-I86Q. Adults $3 - Children $140 FISHERMAN'S COVE RESTAURANT Specializing in fresh fish dinners from our boat to your ta4le. SEPTEMBER HOURS. Tues. - Thurs. 11;30 a.m. - 7:30 p,m. Friday 11:30 a,m. 9 p.m. Sat. & Sunday 8 a.m. -9 p.m. Closed Mondays 63 River Road, Grand Bend Eat in or take out 238.2025 Hensall Parks Board Dance F-_ HENSALL COMMUNITY CENTRE El E.- Saturday, September 27 Music by "Spirit" Doors open at 8 p.m. $5.00/ couple Proceeds for community recreation needs. Held under the authority of a special occasion per- mit. 5111111iini111111111111111111111111111011111111iIIIIHMAIMIIIIMMINWHOWilittittiliiiitiilin / A FAMILY WEEKEND \ IN, TORONTO FOR ONLY $49.00* Naturally we can't include meals in that price, but we can provide a very comfortable 2-bedded deluxe room whether you stay with us Friday and Saturday or Saturday and Sunday. And your children under 12 occupying your room with no additional beds are free! We're convenient to both airport and 401 and we'll spoil you with free parking, colour cable TV, in-room coffee and morning newspaper. Our food is great, the service will please you and our outdoor summer pool is a great way to relax. We have courtesy transportation to and from the Toronto International Airport. Come and see ust By advance reservation only call or write! Subject to limited availability. Rates subject to change without notice. Not applicable to groups or conventions. Cambridge Motor Hotel Our people make the difference 600 DIXON ROAD. REXDALE, ONTARIO M9W 1.11 TEL (416)249.7671 TELEX 06-989326 6°13" CdP)* DINING R.00 11. e41/AlEg.E. CAW4D/AW F-000 439 Main St., Exeter 235-0464 Special Chinese Buffet Canadian and Chinese Food Monday - Friday 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m ONLY '3.75 All You Can Eat See ad elsewhere in paper. SPONSORED- BY TUCKEY BEVERAGES OminiumouniumunomummoutounomumnimoommithomomoomotiniarTz..: 24, 190 A decision by the Ontario court of appeal on the legali- ty of impost fees charged by public utility commissions will have no effect in Ex- eter. PUC manager Hugh Davis said Tuesday that the local commission does not charge impost fees which are a method of recovering costs for the expansion of municipal facilities caused by addition of new developments. Davis said the town has had an impost fee for a number of years and at one time the PUC requested that they be included in the town's fee. The town rejected the idea and suggested that the utili- ty initiate its own form of impost fee. This suggestion was rejected, Davis said. Doug Manlow, general manager of the Trenton PUC told the annual meeting of the western region of the On- tario Municipal Waterworks Association in Goderich Monday that the court's decision on special levies charged to a developer by the Picton PUC has grave implications for all PUCs in Ontario. He said his town is in- volved in litigation with a developer involving $27,000 in charges and he isn't op- timistic. Trenton will win the case. Manlow said he was bringing his warning to Western Ontario because "this thing could sweep across the province." The court interpretation of the Public Utilities Act clearly indicates that such levies cannot be imposed without the municipality joining the PUC in getting Ontario Municipal Board ap- proval for the levies, Manlow said. "If action is not taken by government there will be windfall profits realized by developers, across the province of Ontario, We must emphasize there are literally millions of dollars at stake. Government in ac- tion at this time will result in a rash of lawsuits wherein developers will realize large sums of money. "These losses will, in turn, cause the water rates across the province to increase significantly. Thus the water ratepayer of Ontario will be the final victim of this unfor- tunate misinterpretation." He urged the commission managers• and members to gon WELCOM EXTENDS TO YOU A HEARTY Our unique country resort has something special for you! Join us for our,.. Noon-Day Buffet/12 Noon to 2:30 Daily/'10.50 Sunday Buffet/12:30 to 2:30 Every Sunday/s10.50 Sandwich menu available weekdays 2 Fully Licenced Lounges/Open Daily till 1 a.m. A Business meeting or family outing, Bertmiller is for you! Come as you are, relax and enjoy 7 days a week.