HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-09-24, Page 22OFFICIALS CONFER — President Bernard Benn and vice- president Joe Hogan of the Huron-Middlesex Liberal Associa- tion confer at Thursday's get-together of the association at the Pineridge Chalet. T-A -photo SS for mothers LUCAN AREA HOCKEY PLAYERS Drive A Little Farther And Save A Lot More On SKATES 111160410 We have a great Selection from • BAUER • MUNARI • CCM • MICRON And Of Course ... A Full Line Of Hockey Equipment FOR EVERY AGE AND SIZE $Jerry MacLean & Son AUTO & SPORTS LTD. Exeter 235-0800 OUR STORE IS BIG ENOUGH TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS.. BUT SMALL ENOUGH TO BE FRIENDLY LOCAL TALENT — Angela Hardy of Lucan was one of the participants in the Exeter Fair talent show held Friday night.T- A photo A SAINTSBURY DRAW — Ladies from the Saintsbury Anglican Church were at the 1980 Exeter Fair selling tickets on a quilt drchy. From the left are Marg Carroll, Mary Kooy and Marg Greenlee. T-A photo WI panel discusses loss of loved ones SINGING COWBOY — Scott Triebner presented a number of songs during Friday's talent show at the Exeter Fair. T-A photo OCTOBER 2 Over $5,500,000 in tax-free prizes: Including $2,000,000 in bonus prizes. 70 .30 BONUS GRAND PRIZES* PRIZES 104100,000 6 - $100,000 10 $50,000 24-$25,000 50 - $10,000 k • No subsidia ry prizes. Based on 6 million tickets issued. ** The seven-digit Bonus Draw ticket number gives you a chance to reap one of 10- $100,000,10-$50,000 or 50- 10,000 Bumper Bonus Prizes. If your Bonus Draw number corresponds exactly to any of the 70 Bonus numbers drawn, you're a $10,000, $50,000 or a $100,000 winner! The regular six-digit ticket . number gives you a chance to reap one of 6-$100,000 or 24-$25,000 Grand Prizes plus 331,914 other prizes. That's $3,618,000 worth of tax-free prizes! Watch the Wintario Bumper Bonus Draw, live on Nat 9 p.m., Thursday, October 2. But don't forget to get a ticket. Still just $1. This Thursday could be your lucky day! -7,9,1r1r7^•,•• ; .• $ en "or s. plan luncheon for Michigan visitors Hits 80 mark To celebrate his 80th birth- day a surprise party was planned by granddaughter Debra for Ernest Kennedy at the home of Villa and Tom Emery, Alice Street, on Fri- day. Thirty relatives and close friends enjoyed a smorgasbord supper, with Russell Thompson as M.C., and these were joined during the evening by many other friends dropping in to con- gratulate Mr. Kennedy. Everyone was sorry that Mrs, Emery was confined to hospital but glad to hear that Next Sunday, September 28 at 10 a.m. in the Church AILSA CRAIG REPAIR Farm & Industrial Equipment Repair Welding hydraulic hose general farm supply Ph 293-3602 or come in to see us at 109 Main St. AILSA CRAIG Lucan United Church Couples Club Garage & Bake Sale Sat., Sept. 27 9 P.M. BOB PATTERSON'S GARAGE Main St. Lucan she was out of Intensive Care. Assisting Debra were Margaret (Emery) Hodgins, Arva, Lynn (Emery) Graham, Lucan and Helen Garton, Tillsonburg, Mr. Kennedy's sister-in-law. Guests were present from Toronto, Kitchener, Delhi, Tillsonburg, Lambeth, Lon- don, Clandeboye and, of course, Lucan. Mr. Kennedy was very happy to receive the follow- ing letter from his friend Ar- nold Hodgins, who. because of ill-health could not attend office in the Sunday school, for Mothers of S.S. age children — an informal dis- cussion based on Mark's Gospel. Come as you are and join us over a friendly cup of coffee while your children are in their classes. The Leader is Jean Brown. Your Help Is Needed — The 200th anniversary of the S.S. Movement will be celebrated with a birthday party in the morning service on Sunday, November 2. We wish to invite former teachers, officers and students to this •event, If you know their names and addresses we would ap- preciate them. Phone 227- 1143 with this information or write it out and drop it in to Supt. Jim Robertson. Also if you have photos, stories and/or mementos of S.S. in Lucan, may we borrow them for the occasion, please? Phone Dale Froats at 227- 4706, if you can help in this way. Paper drive coming up Don't forget the paper drive Saturday, October 4. Tie the papers in bundles that youngsters can handle and the pupils from the McGillivray Central School will collect them from the curb, between 8 and 10 a.m. in Ailsa Craig, Lucan, Nairn and Parkhill. the party: "Happy Birthday! Happy 80th, Birthday! Welcome to the `over 80 club' - how nice it is to have you join us! If you take a little time to study statistics, you will soon find that this is a very exclusive club. You will be amazed at the number of people who have tried to make it - but failed. I believe that the `Over Ninety Club' is more ex- 0, elusive and has fewer members, This makes it less attractive as there are so few members it is hard to have fun. They say you can scarcely get up a card game or start a good fight! But in the `Over Eighty Club' we have lots of fun and store up so many memories, As you know it is in beautiful memories that age gets most of it's joy. So, once again Happy Birthday and welcome to the 'Club', Yesterdays troubles are written on sand, Brushed out of existence by God's own hand; The things of the future, our hearts may fear, Can all be dissolved, when tomorrow is here; Out of a life-time, these hours alone, The hours of today, are completely our own.' Sincerely, Arnold A. Hodgins. Awards at • Sunday School Awards to children of the United Church Sunday School were made during the morning service by the minister, Rev. Keith Brown, superintendent Jim Robert- son and secretary-treasurer Sherry Lane who read the names and explained briefly each type of award, Seven children received perfect attendance awards. For these awards a child may be absent only four Sun- days during the year. The whole service was geared to the children with hymns and the story "The House of Many Lamps" told by Mr. Brown. Upcoming in the U.C. Tomorrow night choir prac- tice is at 7 p.m. Please note change of time, and at 8 p.m. promptly, the Couples Club meets at the Church to proceed to the Kaschper Racing Shells plant for a tour. All couples are welcome. Next Saturday, September 27 the Couples Club garage and bake sale will be held at 129 Main Street. Phone 227- 1143 for pick-up or bring your "valuable junk" in the night before. The Fanshawe Course for Sunday School teachers, commenced Monday even- ing and will continue for eight sessions, at the Pentecostal Revival Centre from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Emma Crouch of Chris- tian View Bible College is the instructor and the course is designed to assist S.S. teachers in acquiring ad- ditional teaching skills and improving their teaching effectiveness. Classes will consist of lec- ture, demonstration role playing and practice teaching. Everyone welcome. The Fanshawe course for people enjoying singing will commence tonight Wednes- day at 7 p.m. until 9:30 in the United Church, and will also continue for eight sessions. This course will provide the area community with a local choir for practice sing- ing or singing at various events. It is not a course in how to sing, but on singing as a group. Leader is Stephen Wolsley of London. Everyone welcome. Registration the first night. GUILD MEETS Members of Holy Trinity Guild met in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, September 9th with Rev. Bruce Pocock leading in prayer and Lena Hardy reading the scripture. The business meeting chaired by president Muriel Culbert was given over mainly to planning the an- nual turkey supper to be held in the lower hall on Wed., October 29th from 5 to 8 p.m. Other internal business was discussed and finalized. A most interesting meeting was arranged by Education and Cultural Ac- tivities cenvener. Marjery Crozier at the September meeting of the Lucan Women's Institute on Wednesday evening, in the Masonic Hall. The theme for the evening was "How to relate to the loss of a loved one" and a panel composed of Father J. Finn, Chairman, Rev. Bruce and Patricia Pocock and Eileen and Clarence Haskett, discussed this sub- ject most ably and asked for audience participation. The panel was thanked by Jane Crozier, The roll call "Give the Saturday afternoon the Pentecostal Holiness Church conducted an ordination ser- vice at the Lucan Revival Centre. Dr. G.H. Nunn, con- ference Bishop, led the ser- vice. Receiving Mission Workers license were Ross Pescock, Thamesville, and Mrs. Eunide Davis, Scar- borough. Minister's license was granted to David Pritchard, pastor of Carlisle church; to Derek Craig, prison worker; and to Ken Boudreau, worker for Jesus `79. Ordained as ministers were Steve Taylor, Toronto, and Richard Brewster, paster of the Allsaw Pentecostal Church near Haliburton. Following the ordination service, the Christian Education department held a Youth Rally. The C.E. Director, Rev. Rick Brewster conducted the ser- vice. Mrs. Joan Cochrane sang without any accom- paniment. Laurie Shaw played her guitar and the Sunstone trio, with Larry McGill at the piano, July McGill and Doug Butler sang. Bruce Thomson joined A youth service and con- temporary Eucharist were celebrated at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Sunday morning, with the Lucan Youth group and their leaders in charge of the ser- vice., The Call to Worship was led by Susan Hodgins and the Responsive Lord's Prayer by Carolyn Lankin. The Collect for St. Matthew's name of your birthplace" was answered by members from Clandeboye. Riverview (Ailsa Craig), Lucan and several guests, also giving their names and present residence. During the business meeting chaired by vice- president Isobel Haskett in the absence of the president Vina Emery because of il- lness, it was moved that a donation of $25 be sent in the name of Terry Fox to the "Marathon of Hope". However, when the offering was received it exceeded this amount by $7.60, so $32,50 has been forwarded. A card was signed by all present, wishing God's them to lead in "Somebody Touched Me". Rev. Jim Eby, speaker for the seminar, gave his final teaching from John 1:19-23 saying an echo is just cheap words of what you heard some else say, but God wants us to be a voice. Sunday, °ping Rev. Ray Brewster Belled the mor- ning set (ia by reading Isaiah, 06:1. James Henry and c:Harold Fletcher on guitar and Ken Allen on violin played selections for the stringed instruments. Rev. Bill Cochrane talked to the junior church about bullies being like the devil. Some of the children have big brothers to help them, while all of us have Jesus as Big Brother to defeat the devil, Joan and Rev, Cochrane led the children in singing "Bigger Than all my Problems". . Rev. Brewster ministered from Hebrews which tells of God's consuming fire. Part of the shaking of this world's security is the fire of God testing our lives. Everything we have in our lives must revolve around the kingdom of God, because the fire of God's testing will Day was read by the Rector, Rev. Bruce Pocock and Scripture Lessons were taken by Kelly Ibbitson and Karen Radcliffe. A meditation on John 3:16 was given by co-leader Bar- bara Bannerman based on the winning National mental Health Essay written by Trudy Trivers of Blind River entitled "Live Love, Give Love and Love Life", blessing and help in Terry's courageous fight. A beautifully decorated cake was admired by all before being cut and served with ice cream by members of the hostess group. The lunch committee was Isobel Haskett, Lillian Ashton,• Marjery and Jane Crozier. Gertrude Rosser, presi- dent of Riverview and Velma Hardy, president of Clandeboye voiced thanks on behalf of their members for a most interesting and friendly meeting, and Ber- nice oLockyer thanked all who had taken part in the meeting as well as the lunch committee. purify us. Do we serve God out of conviction or con- venience? We need to serve' Him in godly fear, 'and reverence, with total dedica- tion, Rev. Ray Brewster led the evening service. He read a letter from Rev, David, Wyns, a missionary in Zim- babwe, Afritai telling how the work is growing in the churches there. Rev. Brewster spoke on the correct attitude to fasting. One of the ways to handle persecution is in small fellowship groups. The reason for fasting is to pray for someone to be saved and delivered from wickedness; for others who are heavily burdened mentally; and that the oppressed will be set fee. Upcoming events — Thursday, October 2, Dr. Arthur Moore, biologist and scientist, professor at U.C.L.A., a worker with NASA, will be at Christian View Bible College, Ailsa Craig, for the afternoon ses- sion, then at Lucan Revival Centre for evening session, at 7:30 p.m. to speak on events relating to science and space happenings relating to the Bible, Kelly gave the Offertory Prayer with the offering be- ing received by Darryl Hodgins, Susan Hodgins, Darlene Paton and Brian Froats. Danny Hodgins, Lori Shipley and Karen Radcliffe presented the gifts of bread and wine at ,the altar, Co-leader Bryan Smith offered prayers of the people of God following whiclaami McRoberts told the children's story "Warm Fuz- zies" — all the nice things children and people can do for each other, and members of the group distributed "Warm Fuzzies" to the con- gregation. The Rector celebrated the Eucharist with the con- gregation, inviting all visitors who have been ac- customed to receiving Com- munion in their own church to share the Lord's Table. The hymns were all con- temporary, and were includ- ed in the Church Bulletin, concluding with the beautiful "Prayer of St. Francis". A note in the Bulletin in- cluded a thank you to the members of the Youth Group, their co-leaders and assistants, Linda & Dale Froats, to Penny Hodgins for her help with musical ac- companiment, to Beulah Hardy for her work with the Church music and to all who, in their small way, helped to make the service become a reality today. President Mildred, Hirtzel welcomed a large number of members to the Sunshine and Busy Buddies groups Thursday afternoon for the second meeting of the fall season. Plans, were finalized for the luncheon Thursday. Oc- tober 9 at the arena when the Seniors' Club from Mon- trose, Michigan visit the Lucan club, Slides on Canada will be presented by two members of the Middlesex Kiwanis. Club and a musical program is being prepared. The Busy Buddies voted 400 toward the cost of the luncheon. Tickets were sold for the bus trip and dinner Entertain • seniors As part of the celebration for Royal Canadian Legion Week Lucan Branch #540 members entertained the seniors of the community at a euchre party Wednesday afternoon, Len Fisher very capably organized the players, following words of welcome from past president and Deputy Zone Commander Jim Simpson. Lady's high prize was won by Helen McDonald, Lone hands Margaret Allen, Low Kay Armstrong. Man's high went to Tom Kooy, Lone hands Percy Williams and Low John Park. Lunch was served by Jim Simpson and Secretary Sid Daley. President Ken Woods thanked the seniors for help- ing the Legion celebrate and said if there was any way in which the members could help the seniors to call on them. Sunshine club presi- dent Mildred Hirtzel thank- ed the Legion on behalf of all present. Auxiliary member Doris Butler had spent the mor- ning collecting plant "slips" from other members when club members and friends attend the Tommy Hunter Show taping on Fri- day evening, September 20th. All tickets are sold. but if you would like to be first on a `waiting list' please call 227-4714 at once. The Busy Buddies enjoyed Japanese Embroidery and the member winning the Prize in this group was Mabel Needham. Euchre prize winners were Lady's high, Laura Williams;. Lone hands; Charlotte Barker. Low score, Mildred Birtzelt' Man.'s high, Joe Carter; Lone hands, Jean Miller; Low, Angeline Scott, both playing men's cards. Lunch was provided by Ed' and Kay Armstrong and. Zelma and Albert Armstrong. Celebrates birthday Special ordination at Lucan Revival Centre At Holy Trinity Eucharist celebrated V f r