HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-09-04, Page 19BLYTH 523-4244 WALKERTON 881-2231 Fire Up for Fun with Spitfire® This 287-lb. firecracker of a sled loves a good time. It has a direct-drive system with fewer parts than larger sleds, A 340 FireburstTM free-air engine supplies Spitfire's spunky power. COMPLETE AUCTIONEERING SERVICE FARM - ANTIQUE - HOUSEHOLD - REAL ESTATE PAT LYON "YOUR AUCTIONEER" R.R. 2 GRAND REND. ONTARIO PHONE 519-243-2713 CHIROPRACTORS Gerald A. Webb D.C. Doctor Of Chiropractic 438 MAIN ST., EXETER By Appointment Phone 235-1680 CHIROPRACTORS INSURANCE The Times-Advocate has over 18,000 readers. Tell them about the services offered by your business. For information 11=1:11111111111111111M11111111 e5/. ,/goore 147 MAIN STREET. S. EXETER. ONTARIO, j TELEPHONE (519/ 235-2211 P.O. BOX 1600 NOM 1S0 C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN L. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panel Lone, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please DAVID C. HANN, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 105 Main Street, Exeter 235-1535 Sy Appointment Dolly Evening Bev. Morgan Insurance Agency Ltd. 238 Main Street, Exeter NOM ISO Ontario 235-2544 Complete Insurance Coverage GEO. A. GODBOLT M.B.A. Chartered Life Underwriter Mutual Life of Canada 476 Main St., Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S0 235-2740 This Space Could Be Yours TERRY HAUGHTON 041.10.fifIff SYNDICATE LIMITED 601 - 380 Wellington Street / London, Ontario N6A 5B5 Telephone Bus: 679-8993 Res . 473-0095 OPTOMETRIST Dr. James S. Srnibert 11 Wellington St. N. St. Marys Telephone 284-3115 Monday to Friday 9:00 - 5:00 and Saturday A.M. for appointments ACCOUNTANT-PUBLIC GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 257 Churchill Dr. EXETER 235-0281 ACCOUNTING & BOOKKEEPING I Don Van Patter -N Licensed Auctioneer Antique, household, farm and estate sales Consignments welcome Call collect Zurich 236-4547 , C MOUNT CARMEC\ Income Tax Centre Income Tax Accounting For Farmers & Businessmen Monthly Bookkeeping Service Phone 237-3469 Vince Ryan B.A. 3 Dashwood AUCTIONEERS AUCTIONEERS — Hugh. Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct sales of any kind any place We guarantee you more. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666.1967 CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JOSEPH F. DARLING CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT THE OLD TOWN HALL 022 MAIN STREET EXETER, ONTARIO 7,ELI 1519-2315-2208 NOM 1E0 r ACCOUNTANT-PUBLIC RICHARD WELSH Chartered Accountant 120 Alice St. Lucan, Ont. Ph. 227-4224 ACCOUNTANT-PUBLIC WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S.,, Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. INVESTMENTS OPTOMETRIST OFFICE SUPPLIES SEE US FOR A FULL LINE OF Office Supplies Furniture & Equipment .LIVINGSTONE'S Downtown Exeter or in The North End Placa Guaranteed Investment Certificates representing several trust companies Norma J. Hooper IL 15 Gidley St., E. Exeter 235-1010 REAL ESTATE - • Realty EXETER 235-2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 482-9747 Appraisals Mortgages Life Insurance Trust Certificates NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt Courteous Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete sole service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235.1964 EXETER • Ai1sa Craig group marks anniversary Times]-Advocate, September 4, 1980 .Pago 7A' Turned from brid.„0 to knitting Stokes, it was noted, served years many quilts have been on the knitting committee donated to Cedar Springs for 30 years. and some have been given to Following the war the aid fire victims, group continued with their Children have been spon- program of service and sored in Turkey and support made quilts and other items given, to the Cancer Society for the Childress War and other canvassing groups, Memorial Hospital in Lon- as well, Funds for these don and supported Red Cross projects have resulted by Projects. Over the past maintaining the refreshment COOP ZURICH 236-4393 ORDER OR PICK UP NOW HENSALL 262-3002 booth at the local ball park for almost 30 years. This season it had to be discon- tinued due to the lack pf members with time available to help man the booth each night. While inflation has hit the cost of membership fees of most organizationS, it still costs only the sum of 25e to HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE )B3MOLD. By JOY SCHEIFELE Even before the bells rang Tuesday morning, enthusiasm and anticipation permeated the rooms' of East Williams Public School as teachers and staff prepared for the start of a new school year. • Several new faces will greet the children on their return, including Principal, Larry Griffith. Mr. Griffith comes to East ,Williams from Parkhill 'where he served as Prin- cipal for the past three years. Born in Lobo Township he attended Lon- don Teachers College and received his degree at the University of Western On- tario. His first school was located at the 12th conces- sion and Nairn and, "was one of the best experiences in my career", reported Mr. Griffith, as he recalled the Was observed for the 16 members who have passed on since the founding of the Victory Boosters. A film made in 1948 or 1949 of the Ailsa Craig communi- ty and some ofl.ts residents brought back many memories as members saw their neighbours, friends and possibly themselves, at that Isabell Stokes and Bet- ty Sutherland provided special music prior to the smorgasbord supper. A specially decorated anniver- sary cake was cut and serv- ed by President, Lorna Priestly. Founding members of the Victory Boosters were Lor- n a Priestly, Annie McLachlan, Edith McFarlane, Isabell Stokes, Mary Burgess, Marion ' Reed, Jean McLachlan, Kay Brown and Isabel McLean. Seven of. these original members were present for the re-union. Lorna Priestly and Isabel], Stokes were each presented with a gift in recognition of being active club members over the 40 years. Lena Nova Bender, while a long time resident of the com- munity, will also be new to East Williams this September. She has an ex- cellent teaching history as well, and transferred to East Williams from Parkhill West Williams Public School. Over the years she has taught with both the Waterloo and Middlesex County Boards of Education. "I really enjoy the primary grades", reported Mrs. Bender. "They are a most interesting age group". Married to Merlon Bender, they have two children, Becky and Bradley. Another new staff member, but long time com- munity resident, is Ruth Arnel. Mrs. Arnel will be teaching the Special lear- ning Disabilities class and is well qualified for the task. In addition to teaching regular classes over the years she has also taught at Craigwood School and for the last two years was teaching girls from the Teen Girls Home in Parkhill. She and her hus- band, Fred, have two children, Jonathan and Veronica. join the Ailsa Craig Boosters and 5' per meeting. Everyone is welcome and the Ailsa Craig Boosters in- vites anyone interested to join them the 1st and 3rd Thursday evening from Thanksgiving to Easter at the Activity Centre to keep the Boosters going for another 40 years. John Deere EarlyiJity .Double Discount Days This Thurs., Friday and Saturday On John Deere Snowmobiles. Savings like you have never seen before. Pius interest free financing for the snowmobile season. Fire Up for Comfort with Trailfire° Starting At the book on Trailfire wrote 1 799 comfort, 340 or 440 FireburstlM engine sits low in the chassis for truly outstanding stability. Features CDI, rubber track with riveted bar, disc brakes. • FOUNDATION #1 FREDERICK • REGISTERED #1 FREDERICK • CERTIFIED #1 YORKSTAR By JOY SCHEIFELE AILSA CRAIG. Celebrating 40 years of achievements the Ailsa Craig Boosters held a reu- nion at the Ailsa Craig United Church, Sunday, August 31st, All former and present members were in- vited to attend the special afternoon remembering and, socializing together. The Ailsa Craig Boosters began in 1940. The war had just started and a group of eight ladies, who'd been meeting regularly each week toplaybridse, felt the need to be of service. Knitting needles were quickly brought into action and the Victory Boosters formed as they faithfully knitted socks for the soldiers throughout the war years, By sponsoring euchre par- ties they raised money for the necessary yarn as well as for cigarettes for the soldiers. President, Lorna Priestly, welcomed the 42 guests, many of whom had travelled some distance to attend the - re-union. A minute of silence East Williams get new school official Starting AT 129 (g2 HURON TRACTOR EXETER , JOHN DEERE BLYTH 519.235-1115 519-523-4244 EXETER 235-1115 WE'RE YEW SW Olt SEMI. Larry Griffith little one room school. After five years there he was transferred to Valleyview Public School where he 'remained for twelve years as principal. "The enrollment is up slightly this year", Mr. Grif- fith explained. "As of the end of June the school closed with 259 students and a total of 270 are expected at the opening." A new Class is being added to East Williams this year. A General Learning Disabilities Class is being provided with a capacity of 16 students. This will necessitate a class being housed in the portable at the rear of the school. The school will have a total of eleven classes, including two full time Kindergarten classes. Full time librarian, Mrs. Robinson, will jointly serve East Williams and Parkhill. Mr. Griffith will continue living in Poplar Hills with his wife, Pat, and their 5 children, Also pew this year is Harold Webster, the grade 8 Leacher. Mr. Webster transferred to East Williams from Plover Mills on a two year exchange program. He, too, comes to East Williams with a broad experience in teaching. A graduate of McDonald College in Montreal, he taught for 2 years at Beau Hornois in Quebec and 5 years at St. Hubert, Quebec, and waS Vice-Principal the last two years there. He then transferred to the Scarboro Board of Education and taught grade 8 at the Birchcliffe Public School for 3 years and at the Samuel Hearne School for a year before moving to London. For the past six years he was at Plover Mills where he taught grade 7 and some grade 5 and 8. He brings special qualifications to his grade class at East Williams as he helped develop the Canadian curriculum for grade 8 english. He -is a B.A. graduate and he is married with two daughters.