HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-09-04, Page 11THE LUCAN BROWNS — Minor baseball in Lucan was organized this summer for the first
time. The Browns are shown above. Back, left, coach Wayne Green, Troy Edginton, Daryl
Edginton, Jeff Gwalchmai, Todd Vance and Todd Deeks. Front, Chris Bell, Pat O'Sullivan,
Steven Yule, Allan Cunningham and Donnie Cunningham. T-A photo
Power disrupted
Car hits hydro pole .
- mammon,
Lucan Bowling Lanes
Opening for the
80-81 Season
Fri., Sept. 5th
at 7:00 p.m.
Bantar Junior Registra-
tion w." be on Tuesday,
Sept. 9 at 4 p.m. at the
Bowling Lanes.
Registration fee will be
Don and Audrey Watt
227-4236 or 227-1034.
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Tirnei-Advocate, September 4, 1989 Page 11
Need .more leaders
'T %Ai Ctillf
4 bRSE
The Blues are the leaders in the Lucan and area minor baseball
league with six wins and a single loss, Back, left, Rod Johnston, Steve Neal, Mike Arts, Greg
,Newman, Jay Milton, Jim Kwasnicki and Tim Carter. Coaches at the extreme back are Jim
Kwasnicki and Doug Johnston. Front, Sandy Hyde, Terry Evans, Steve O'Sullivan, Peter
Molenkamp, Mike Radcliffe and Patrick Arts. T-A photo
Asks for rabies shots for
impounded animals
Members of the Busy
Buddies craft group of the
Lucan Senior Citizens club
met at the home of Iva M.
Hodgins on Friday evening
to plan activities for the fall
Commencing Thursday
afternoon, September 11,
Japanese Embroidery will
be taught by Mrs. Thelma.
Moore of London. Those
interested in taking this
class who have not already
chosen their picture must do
so at the meeting tomorrow
afternoon, Thursday, so Mrs.
Moore may bring all pictures
and working_ frames., if
needed, the following week.
This will be a 4 week course
and $10.00 will be paid by the
Club toward the cost of each
Ceramics will commence
on October 16 through' to
November 6th and a Fan-
shawe Course "Adaptable
The service at Lucan
United Church Sunday
morning was taken by Wes.
Stanley, assisted by his wife
Helen at the piano and
reading the children's story.
Speaking on "Temptation"
based on Matt 3 & 4 Wes. told
the congregation that the
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
and God's voice
acknowledging Him as His
Son must have been a high
point in his life, or as we
would say today "A
mountain-top experience."
However one s cannot
always live on a mountain
top and we have to be tested.
We should thank God for
problems sent to test our
faith and we can be sure that
God will not send more than
He knows we can bear.
The flowers in the Sanc-
Christmas Crafts" will be
given during the next four
weeks, if it can be arranged.
A Christmas corsage or
arrangement will be made
on December 18th with the
usual Club Dinner.
It was decided to have the
rug in the craft room com-
mercially cleaned., to huy a
really good oscillating fan
and to look into the
possibility of having the
room redecorated.
Members of the Sunshine
Group will also commence
their meetings tomorrow
afternoon, with the business
meeting at 1:30 and cards at
2 pm,
All retired folks in the
village are invited to come
out for an afternoon of cards
or crafts each week, and
bowling will be starting up
soon as well. The men's
coffee club continues each
Monday morning and there
tuary were from the funeral
of the late Bruce Walden and
the sympathy, of the
congregation is extended to
his family.
Cathy and Henry Kaune
were the welcoming com-
mittee and were joined by
their children,- Lisa' and
John, who distributed the
bulletins and assisted in
receiving the offering. Next
Sunday Linda and Dale
Froats will welcome you.
The Cradle Roll meeting is
postponed one week to
Tuesday, September 9 at 10
a.m, All mothers with their
pre-kindergarten children
are invited to attend.
Next Sunday the service
will revert to the pre-
summer time of 11:15 a.m.
and Rev. Keith Brown will
is room. for many 'More in
this group. .All men will
receive a warm welcome.
Don't forget - all those
going to see "Annie Get Your
Gun" are reminded to be at
the Masonic Hall at 1 p.m.
Your correspondent has had
the privilege of -attending
and it is one terrific show!
Muriel Cobleigh was'
elected secretary-treasurer
for the group and Iva
Hodgins agreed to carry on
as chairman for another
year •
Four wins
in soccer
Lucan minor soccer teams
won all four games played
this week. Simon Mould,
Mike Dillabough and Peiter
Molenkamp scored one goal
each as the Lucan
mosquitoes defeated
Taxandria 3-1.
The bantams scored
victories over Ilderton 7-4
and Ailsa Craig-Nairn 4-0.
Frank Toonders booted
three goals in the win over
Ilderton while single goals
went to .Eric Drost, Darren
Mills, Dave Egan and Tony
Vanden Heuvel.
Frank Toonders and Eric
Drost both scored twice in
the victory over Craig-
Lester Arts and Jesse.
Crawford were double
scorers and Tim Shipley
booted a single as the pee
wees defeated Taxandria 5-1.
Clare 'Paton and son Jim
attended the Perth County
Plowing Match at the farm
of Tim Nicholson, Monkton,
Saturday, Clare, entering
Class 2 came in top man and
Jim in Class 6, under 21
years received a second.
Congratulations to both.
Lucan council decided
Monday night to investigate
a suggestion by village
animal control officer
Howard Currie regardir.g
the treatment of dogs which
have been impounded.
Currie who has been bitten
several times in recent
weeks by dogs he has ap-
prehended said they should
be given shots for rabies if
they do not carry proof of
previous treatments.
Councillors felt the
suggestion had merit and
named a committee of
councillors Larry Hotson
and Harry Wraith to work
with Currie, the local
veterinarian in charge of the
dOg pound of OPP officers in
the regard and the
possibility of obtaining a
tranquilizer gun.
The resignation of bylaw
enforcement officer Vina
Emery was accepted with
regrets and advertisements
will be placed for a
, The duties of building
inspector:Evan Ibbotson will
be enlarged to include sign
Clerk Ed Melanson has
been named Lucan's
representative on the Lucan
and area, fire board to
replace the late Clifford
Abbott. Abbott's spot on the
Lucan Hydro Commission
will not be filled as the
regular municipal election is
coming up in a couple of
'A thank-you was received
from Len Maslen, president
of the Lucan-Biddulph
branch of the Canadian
Cancer Society for council's
contribution to Terry Fox's
Marathon of Hope.
A payment of $8,500 was
authorized being an interim
payment of . the village's
share of a proposed deficit of
the Lucan Community
Centre for the year 1980.
In an agreement with
neighbouring municipalities,
the village assumes 40
percent of the deficit which
Hydro power was off in
Lucan, Ilderton and
surrounding communities
for an hour and 10 minutes
early Monday morning as
the result of an accident on
Highway 4.
At about 3 a,m. a vehicle
driven by Robert Riley of
Huron Park struck a hydro
pole after losing control of
his vehicle about .3
kilometres south of the
Ilderton sideroad on High-
way 4.
Constable Marshall in-
vestigated and set damages
at $6,000.
At 9.25 p.m. Sunday,
vehicles driven by Gary
Matthew Buttrill, RR 2,
T-ball over
T-Ball is over for another
The Green Hats beat the
Red Hats Tuesday by a score
• of 25 to 22. The Green Hats
were the champions for the
- this year is expected to be
about $36,000. The interim
payment approved Tuesday
night is for $8,500.
An amending . bylaw was
passed to correct an error by
the planner in a zoning
designation in the village
official plan.
The village will be
providing a trophy for a no
body contact hockey tour-
nament to be held in Lucan
Bruce Shaw led the singing
for the morning service.
Judy Henry showing the
Junior Church shells, pic-
tures, and earth from places
she had visited, explained to
them these objects could not
make those places real. It is
the same with knowing the
Bible not making Jesus real,
as it is the experience of
knowing Jesus that makes
Him real.
Rev. Keith Gonyou, of
Exeter Pentecostal Church,
ministered froin Phil 4:4-13
telling how like apostle Paul,
we can learn to be content in
any circumstances. We need
to learn how to abound in
life, then how to live in trials
and adverse circumstances,
being abased, because all
things that come into our
lives as Christians come
The date for the paper
drive sponsored by
McGillivray central public
school is Saturday, October
4. • Please save all your
papers, tie securely in
bundles and place at curb.
Three purposes are being
served by this effort,
ecologically it is sound as it
lessens, considerably, the
material going into the
landfill site, and, of course,
the students will benefit
from the money raised. The
third point it clears the
accumulation of papers out
of your garage, or wherever !
Kerwood and Linda Goodar,
London collided on Highway
7, just east of the Highway 4
intersection. Corporal Tom
Collins listed damages at
The same day at 12:30
a.m., Constable C.S.
Fleming listed damages at
$800 when vehicles driven by
Thomas Rankin and Huay-
Liang Ong, both of London
were in collision on County
road 20, north of Highway 22.
Saturday at 12 noon
vehicles driven by Harry
McDonald, Windsor and
Beverley Anderson, RR 1,
Denfield collided on County
road 16 at Highway 4.
Constable D.B. Stables
estimated damages at $1,800.
Sarah Jane Nixon,
Granton lost control of the
vehicle she was driving on
County road 23, near the
CNR tracks at 10 p.m.
Saturday when a moth flew
into her face. Constable B.D.
Munro set damages at $600.
The tame day at 11 p.m
Johanna Vandenheuvel,
on November 21, 22 and 23.
A letter from tournament
chairman Bill Darling in-
dicated 340 players would be
in Lucan for the weekend of
Inquiries will be made to
find out of replacing of
cracked and settling
sidewalks along Main street
may be included in con-
link reconstruction98l
Do y91.1.1410W that for every
boy in Scouting today,
there's another who. would
like to be but can't - and that
he can't because there are no
adults in the neighbourhood
who are prepared to. give
some of their time.
We would like to include
your kids, We would like to
include You.
Don't worry about not
knowing how to handle it; We
don't sent you. in cold .to meet
a gang of energetic kids,
Training sessions, hand-
books . and/ special
periodicals help you to "Be
Prepared!" No experience is
necessary - we'll provide the
know-how and skills,
We need people to help as
Beaver leaders (boys 5-7)
and with Cubs (8-10) and
others to serve on the
committee, which provides
the groups with equipment
and materials and handles
some of the paper work.
Come and discover that
Farm & Industrial
Equipment Repair
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general farm supply
Ph 293-3602 or
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Something is not only fun and
worthwhile for kids, but fun
yes, fun and worthwhile for
adults. join us. Call 227-4906.
o'r u7-40n.
For all interested in
helping, the Group Com-
mittee meets on September
11th at 7;30 pal, at the Lucan.
United Church.
Luton Minor Hockey
House League
R egistration
Sat., Sept. 13 & 20
10 a.m, - 12 noon •
Embroidery course
Seniors plan for
United Church
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Revival Centre
through by God.
As sometimes prosperity
is not meant to be our
present blessing, we learn to
believe that God is still in
control of our lives,
There are hard lessons
that are necessary for us to
learn which God allows, no
matter how important we
once were. Through all this
we still need to keep a loving
spirit. Unless we learn how
to live when abased, we will
be in misery. Instead we
prepare ourselves to do
God's will.
For the evening service
Clare Swartz led the singing.
Laurie Shaw played her
guitar as she sang "Lay
Your Hands Gently Upon
Us," then "Abba Father."
Rev. Roger Mason spoke
from John 17, the priestly
prayer of Jesus just before
His crucifiction. This prayer
was not meant only for the
disciples, but for the church,
as in verse 20. Jesus not only
reported to God the Father,
but prayed for the church.
Whenever people find fault
with the church, they forget
they are part of the church,
and need to change them-
selves, also.
There are four charac-
terictics of Christ and the
church. First Christ glorified
God as in verse 4. Three.
times God spoke that He was
pleased with Jesus, His son.
Jesus glorified God in con-
secration, His holy
character, and obedience to
4, Denfield lost control of the
vehicle she was driving on
loose gravel on Concession 9-
10 in London township and
rolled over. Constable Jim
Craig listed damages at
At 11:50 am, a vehicle
driven by James Kinsella,
RR 1, Belmont left Adelaide
street, south of County road
28. Constable Stables set
damages at $75.
Sign up
for hockey
The Lucan Minor Hockey
Association has planned
registration dates for the
upcoming winter season.
All wishing to participate
in Lucan minor and house
league hockey are asked to
visit the Lucan arena for
registration on Saturday,
September 13 and Saturday,
September 20.
Registrations Will be
accepted from 10 a.m. to 12
noon each day.