HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-08-20, Page 27Auction Sale of household furnishings, antiques and misc. items, on Aug. 23, 1980 1 P.M. Sharp 65 Victoria St., East, Exeter, Ont. for Mrs. Dorothy Prigga (Brady) HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES — York sliding window air con- ditioner, coffee 2 end and corner tables, tub chair, custom made window seat, set of drapes, large 4 pce, bedroom suite, set of twin beds, lamp, large oak drop leaf table. and 4 chairs, 5 ace. kitchen suite, odd chairs, electric-toaster, rota broil oven, iron, coffee pert, fart, floor polisher and coffee server, several dishes such as soup tureen with ladle, Austrian china fruit bowl, cut and pressed glass, several sets of glassware, old silverware, sterling silver liquor glasses, wine glasses, hammered aluminum pieces, pots and pans, old Underwood typewriter. ' T.V. tables, linens, blankets, brass coal skuttle, iron dog, some jewellery, 2 Mex- ican sombreros and serape. Many other items. TERMS CASH Norm Whiting Auctioneer Phone Exeter 235.1964 BONUS DRAW WINNER — The Bank of Nova Scotia hockey college had a local winner recentlrin a bonus draw. Receiving her cheque from manager Art McKenzie was Krista Anderson of R.R.3 Kinburn. T-A photo *******************)'.. ANTIQUE ***************** * ► Auction 10:30 A.M.- Real Estate & Furniture "4( ), AT., AUG. 23rd S AUCTION SALE '* Bean festival, Saturday Just a few days remain before Zurich latinehes its 15th annual Bean. Festival, Qn Aug)* 23, the good SOW of this Huron, ,County 010-. Way expect to welcome 20,000. or more visitors, for a full day of feasting ,. fun and frolic. "We're hoping to get, a good break from the weatherman," said Glen Thiel,• festival pObliCity chairman, "and are going all-out to make sure visitors have a lot on their plate," T9 begin with, Thiel promises there'll be heaping platefuls where the ham and bean dinners are concerned.. These come with such trimmings as pie slaw and bread, plus beverages: "The price is right at $3 a plate," said, Thiel. "Where else can you feed a family of four for only $1.2 and have a fun-filled 'day in the bargain'?" The entertainment features include such things BS an old-fashioned break- fast - homemade sausage and pancakes served tan- doors from 11 a .ra to Then from 11 a,M, to 7 p.m. OM the full-P:10e bean and ham dinners, cooked and served in the inimitable zurich mode. The program also in- cludes the Canadian hor- seshoe pitching cham- pionship competition, which attracts upwards of threescore of the country's. best, There's also a festival queen contest starting at 3. P•rn, to find a successor to last year's queen,. 17 year-old. Carol Ross of Exeter. Other attractions include midway rides, outdoor craft and produce displays and demonstrations staged by the Ontario Bean .Marketing Board, The day winds up with the bean festival dance at 9 p.m. in the Zurich arena. Festival volunteers an- ticipate serving up more than a ton of beans, -a ton of hams 1.500 ,200{114 of C* slaw and 35{1 loaves of but- tered bread. Preparation of the food began Monday night when. the first of 2,400 pounds of white beans went into the. coolters. The beans are first boiled, Oa pounds at a time, and .then Mixed with other ingredients and baked in, trays. After cooking , the beans are kept under refrigeration,. On festival day they are reheated and served. The festival is held an- nually to promote white beans, a crop that is cultivated in profusion in the farmlands around Zurich and plays an important part in , the Huron County economy. It is operated by Zurich Bean Festival Inc., a non profit organization of volunteers, DOWN UNDER VISITORS — Jack and Mary Kennedy of Sydney, Australia spend two days in Exeter visiting with Cec and Martha Moody of 114 Andrew Street north. The two ladies were friends in earlier days, but, had not seen each other for the past 25 years. The Kennedy's are completing a five month jaunt around the world covering about 25,000 miles. From the left are Cec and Martha Moody and Mary and Jack Kennedy T-A photo all EN IND I OUTSTANDING At AUCTION Celebrate birthday Pinery Auction Barn I On Highway 21 . ins nephews and wives, I Saturday, August 23 at 1:00 P.M. m Exeter and Everard and • Edw i n and Gladys Miller, I Over 300 lots of antiques, collectibles a 'Ed along wit h ith mille friends . r called on him, 1 III Por, en .g W.A. (Fred ) Miller, Bluewater Rest Home was honored with a birthday cake 1 Mile North Of The Pinery Provincial Saturday on the occasion of k 4 Miles South Cif Grand B d his 96th birthday. and household items. I WANTED: good clean consignments, I Your Auctioneer: PAT LYON III . • I.A. PHONE: 243-2713 "`'tom- RR 2 Grand Bend I 111111 IIIII PIN. all 111111 11111 NIB MI 11111 al al III II I ACCOUNTANT-PUBLIC 1.11,...•••10=11.11.101•Mr. GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS; 257 Churchill Or. EXETER 235-0281 JOSEPH F. DARLING CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT THE OLD TOWN HALL 022 MAIN STREET EXETER, ONTARIO TEL, 1519.235*2208 NOM 100 1 The Times-Advocate has over 18,000 readers. Tell them about the services offered by your business. For information call 235-7331 CHIROPRACTORS C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN L RODER, D.C. DOCTORS Of CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panel Lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please DAVID C. HANN, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 105 Main Street, Exeter 235-1535 By Appointment Doily Evening CHIROPRACTORS 147 MAIN STREET, S. EXETER, ONTARIO, TELEPHONE P.O. BOX 1600 1519) 235-221 i rtioNtito 21•ne4d- f r17.014442,06e eorp r.°T. ,44ore 1111:2117113111111111111111111111111111111 The mind is a wonderful thing; it starts working the minute you're born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public, 10. on Saturday morning August * 23rd, 1980 at 1:00 P.M. * For Mrs. Fred (Ida) Bice, -164 Church St., in the 4( village ofAilsa Craig. ,1" HOUSE --1 storey frame cottage approximately 28 * x 40 with small back shed attached, the home is yr covered with vinyl siding and the lower part of the r` * front consisting of Angel stone - also a 1 car garage, ..br the lot approximately 58 x 15th - the house consists of kitchen with build in cupboards, dining room, !iv- 1( ing room, 2 bedrooms and 3 piece bath', small pan- A,,. .1" try off kitchen, Lake Huron water and heated by 'Pk 16.. forced air oil furnace in basement - this home is " situated in a lovely part of the village and must be r. * seen to be appreciated. Terms - 10% down, balance -41( in 30 days. Subject to moderate reserve bid. FURNTIURE — old square dining room table and 6 11( *chairs and buffet, G.E. refrigerator, Mcaary, 4 k., burner 24" electric stove, chrome kitchen set table IT k and 4 chairs, small metal tables, dressers, wash air *stand, metal bed, small wooden tables, odd chairs, r• pressed back arm chair, sump pump, electric lamps, a if * coffee table, 2 chesterfield one pull out, old 2 piece r_ *bedroom suite, library table, rocking chair, 2 old IL mantle clocks, pictures, vacuum cleaner, coal oil je 16. lamp, cuckoo dock, small amount of bedding, dishes --r• .and glassware, rugs, weed sprayer and numerous* Alr misc. articles. * TERMS CASH — owner or auctioneers are not 1K * responsible for accidents sale day. For viewing the .4( Auctioneers AT HENSALL ARENA Consisting of: *Furniture'- 8 pc. dining rpom set ; round walnut table ;-* * walnut vanity with swinging mirrors ; antique spindle * easel ; washstands (1 pine, 2 oak) ; 3 pine tables ; 3 pine* blanket boxes pine medicine chest ; pine dough box ; 2* Jr pine bonnet chests ; 2 pine flat to walls ; pine side* * board ; cherry drop leaf table ; slant front cherry desk * (pigeon holes) ; cherry love seat ; childs wicker rocker ;* 2 windsor arm chairs ; 3 press back rockers ; 2 press back * *arm chairs ; 2 sets of 4 press back chairs ; press back* * high chair ; captains chair,; very old 5 ft. buffet ; * die bed ; hi-back bed ; 2 fainting couches ; organ top ;* antique sleigh ; clover leaf table (claw feet) ; turtle* * table ; 3 pc. bedroom suite ; (tear drop handles, 1850) * Jam cupboard ; couch & chair ; 2 brass lamps ; mirrors & * antique clocks. • Glass and Bottles • Collection of salt and pepper* * shakers ; 3 beaver scalers ; large & small darling sealers * *; few pieces of occupied Japan ; 4 pc, toilet set wash- basins ; few pieces of ironstone ; large collection of* bottles consisting of Goderich bottles, Underwood: ink * *bottle with pour spout (Cobalt blue) ; blob tops, bitter * * bottles, flasks ; 3 pc. molds ; etc. ; coal oil lamps ; piano *doll ; china rolling pin : grey beard & bold crocks, etc. * Tools, Tins, etc. - Butter press ; leather cutter ; candle* "r maker ; variety hand carved spoons ; ladles ; planes ;4. *wooden mallets ; Abbey tobacco tin ; pilot tin ; worlds *Navy & Ceylon tins, etc. ; copper boilers ; copper tea* kettle ; antique doll ; mechanical toys consisting of oo- * cupied Japan mechanical turtle ; hand-walking clown ;* *plus other antique toys. * AUCTIONEER: GODERICH, ONT. *' Lunch boot . • FirrES Tours and -Travel Ltd. 4-DAY NASHVILLE No night driving. 4 full days of scenery, music, fun and relaxation. DEPARTS: Oct. 10 4-DAY GET AWAY NEW YORK Fifth Avenue Specialty Stores DEPARTS: Aug. 29 Oct. 10 MARITIMES 15 DAY Cameras ready as we wend our -way around the famous Cabot Trail, one of the East's most scenic drives. DEPARTS: Sept. 08 KILLARNEY MOUNTAIN LODGE Come to, Killarney on the North Shore of Georgian Bay and discover a holiday word of contrasts. + 6 Delicious meals + Chi-Cheemaun Fare + All Entertainment and Side Trips etc. + Boat Cruise to Little Current + Managers Cocktail Party DEPARTS: Sept. 02 Sept. 19 Sept. 29 Offices in MOUNT FOREST 323-1545 MITCHELL 348-8492 SHELBURNE 925-3080 DURHAM 369-5440 Pickups in: Mitchell Times'-Adyocati, Aurin20, 1900 100901-1A „.....eirreritorertersterett Exeter Men's Bowling League Open Mooting Sunday Aug. 24/80 10:30 a,m. at EXETER LANES All new bowlers welcome, All teams please have a representative in attendance. home or information phone 348-9013 or the * HAROLD LAMB * • Hugh Filson let Tom Robson /( >F 1-5244657 * * 666-0833' 6661967 - __ .*********** *******. * *********;4;*4 * * ** Alm••••••••=m+ ACCOUNTANT-PUBLIC .1 C=1=21111111111111111 IDon Van Patter Licensed Auctioneer Antique, household, farm •and estate ' sales Consignments welcome Call collect Zurich 236- 4547 WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants Local Offices 476 Main Street Exeter 235.0120 63 Front Street Strathroy ' 245-1913 291 King Street London 434.4513 Highway # 7 AHcona • 828-3966 TERRY HAUGHTON AUCTIONEERS ACCOUNTING & BOOKKEEPING MOUNT CARMEL'' Income Tax Centre Income Tax Accounting For Farmers & Businessmen Monthly Bookkeeping Service Phone.237-3469 Vince Ryan B.A. 3 Doshwood NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt. Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE . ANYWHERE We give complete sole service PROFIT 8Y EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER FL R. 2 GRAND REND. ONTARIO PHONE 519-2.43-2713 CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT Gerold A. Webb D.C. Doctor Of Chiropractic 438 MAIN ST., EXETER By Appointment Phone 235.1680 OPTOMETRIST Dr, James S. Smibert 11 Wellington St, N. St. Marys Telephone 284-3115 Monday to Friday 9:00 - 5:00 and Saturday A,M, for appointments OFFICE SUPPLIES SEE US FOR A FULL LINE OF Office Supplies Furniture & Equipment L1VINGSTOME'S Downtown Exeter or in The North Erg, Plata Guaranteed 7 ) investment Certificates representing several trust companies Norma J. Hooper 15 Gidley St., E. Exeter 235-1010 irttranalla Realty EXETER 235-2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 482-9747 Appraisals Mortgages life Insurance Trust Certificates \t, AUCTIONEERS {Hugh Torn FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct sales of any kind any place We guarcIntee you more. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0811 666-1967 ACCOUNTANT-PUBLIC RICHARD WELSH s' Chartered Accountant 120 Alice St. Lucon, Ont. Ph. 227-4224 Bev. Morgan Insurance Agency Ltd. 238 Main Street, Exeter NOM 150 Ontario 235-2544 Complete Insurance Coverage This Space GEO. A. GODBOLT M.B. A C ould Chartered Life Underwriter Be Yours Mutual life of Canada 476 Main St., -Exeter, Ont. NOM 150 235-2740 Queen's Hotel SEAFORTH , This Thurs. - Sat. BULLY Next Week RENDEZVOUS Cover Charge Fri. & Sat. Only $1.00 Fa mily Planning County Family Planning Project Invites You To Attend FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC Every Tuesday from 6:30 - 9 p.m. HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Ann St., Exeter For Information Call -235-1014 Weekdays or Tuesday evenings Everyone welcome Charter Bus Trip to Polku-Time Taping WATERLOO MOTOR INN KITCHENER Sun., Sept. 7 Bus leaving.1:30 p.m. from Chartetwoys Depot Exeter Tickets $4.00 per person return. Full course meals available. Return home by approximately 11:45 p.m. For more informa- tion toll NORM WALPER 235.1684 Dna) (gC. OPTOMETRIST 4rivoiliW SYNDICATE LIMITED 671 - 380 Wellington Street / London, Ontario N6A 5B5 Telephone: Bus.: 679-8993 Res.: 473-0055 COMPLETE AUCT ION MERINO SERVICE FARM - ANTIQUE HOUSEHOLD REAL ESTATE PAT LYON "YOUR AUCTIONEER"