HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-08-07, Page 4ti44rt,.011ernOrif g rrr -*11.•nn. • • -•=7. 74.111P.P. TImso:A,Ivoccos, August 7, 1909 Arnolgempiect 1924 "There was one main reason for my downfall — my upkeep." Taking the easy way out from his nose and the rain makes me turn the wipers on high. There must be a better sport somewhere, and an easier way to have fun. It looks as if it's going to be an all day rain and the kids will be indoors from the time they get off the buses at 8:40 tin the time they head out in the afternoon. They'll be like 200 caged tigers by 3:30 and the keepers won't • be in much better humour. The chief of the zoo will probably be in somewhat less of an angelic mood also. Looks like a fun day. You know, a bit of coon- huntin' might not be so bad after all. Editor — Bill Batton Assistant Editor --Ross Haugh Advertising Manager Jim Beckett Composition Manager — Harry DeVrirs fluaines*Mnnoiler — Dick Jenukind Published. Each Wednesday Morning Phan* 235.1331 at Exeter, Ontario second clus Moil Registration Numlne0306 SUPSCRIPTION RATES: Canada $14.00 Per. Year; USA $35.00. Election in the offing Preserve it, Conserve it, Ontario", The PCs are again using tax dollars to tell Ontario voters how great the province is under their rule. The practice is followed faithfully prior to every Ontario election, soften- ing up the electorate. After all, is there any place you'd rather be? Is there any other government who could look after your needs as well? You can look for a further promotional campaign with your tax dollars in September and then an elec- tion call. What worries you? food. Perhaps it is a sign of the times that as many people are worried about keeping the household budget in line and maintaining a job as they are worried about their health. But if Canadians are worrying too much about their socio-economic status their health is liable to deteriorate in any case. Maybe the merry-go-round will never stop. The same poll asked Canadians what gives them the most satisfaction and family and friends was a clear winner. Health and work were a distant second while religion, independence and liesure activities provided satisfac- tion to a minority. What all this may indicate is that healthy people with money who enjoy good relationships with family and friends, have few worries, But where does one find these people? Point worth noting goods from other nations. What's the problem? Why aren't big businesses buying more Canadian made goods? Generally, the multinationals claim Canadians aren't aggressive enough in promoting their products: Smaller manufacturers, on the other hand, argue this is not the case. They claim major companies in the big automotive, department store, and a variety of other fields are afraid to try something new, such as purchasing products in Canada. "We seem to get the short end of the stick, even though we can provide quality and service at a better than competitive price," says an Ontario auto parts manufacturer. "The big companies just don't want to change their buying habits." Instead of importing more and more foreign made goods, big business in Canada should take a second look at what's available in this country. Otherwise, Canadians may get upset when they see jobs being siphoned to other nations. By making a real effort to "Buy Canadian," major firms would deserve a pat on the back. It's a point worth noting.—Mainstream Canada. Perspectives tail of a coon hanging from the edge of his packsack. Two dogs are dragging wearily behind him. From the looks of them it's been a long wet black night out there in the bush. There's no truck in sight for a mile in either direction and I figure he's got a long cold walk ahead of him before he hits a bit of warmth and dryness. He's going the other way and. I'm a bit late or I'd stop and give him a lift. As I look back in the mirror he hits the gravel at the side of the highway and stops for a minute to catch his breath. Water is dripping Timm IfOuhliOnkt1 1113 Advocate lEstriblithesi 1551 $199040 comokoAl..EIST FARMLAND. C,W,N.A.,,,9.V4,N.A. CLASS. 'A' and Published by Publications Limited. .IMENE. EERY', .PUBLISHER eNA Ontario Premier Bill Davis and his PC cohorts have never been known to hide their light under a bushel basket. They are astute at timing and if they are true to form this time around, voters should be gearing up for an Oc- tober election. There are some subtle things - happening that lead to that conclusion. Simply turn on your radio or televi- sion and listen to the government- sponsored advertisements which in- dicate that "Life is good, Ontario. A recent gallup poll netted some rather interesting statistics on the things that worry Canadians. The major worry of Canadians is health while the financial problem of making both, ends meet finished a dis- tant second. Fear of unemployment was the third major worry of Canadians and the fourth was having enough money in old age. Health topped the list with 35 per cent of those polled listing it as their major worry. But following health,economic related concerns were a major source of worry. Making both ends meet preoc- cupied 23 per cent of those polled while 13 per cent were worried about keeping their job. The remaining percentages were eaten up by concerns over having enough money in old age, having reasonable housing and getting proper There's a lot more to buying Cana- dian that meets the eye. While Canadian consumers are pressed with high-class, expensive, and subsidized advertising pleas to purchase products made in this coun- try, many multinational companies ap- parently don't see the need to change their purchasing policies. Developments such as the Shop Canadian program, as well as regional efforts like Atlantic Plus and Acheter Quebecois, underscore the job creation and economic benefits to be derived from consumers spending their hard earned cash on home-grown or m anuf ac tured-products. Yet most subsidiaries of multi- national companies, and even Cana- dian owned big businesses, appear to be reluctant to change their ways, replacing imports from the U.S. and other countries with components and end products manufactured here. The evidence: even with a 15 per- cent decline in the value of the Cana- dian dollar vs. the U.S. dollar in the last three years or so (the differential is greater compared with some other industrialized countries) we're still im- porting as much or more manufactured Itans4,09.2.v..o,eols':::avar74a own.Y By STD FLETCHER I'm driving to work one cold drizzly October mor- ning. The heater is starting to get warmed up and in about ten minutes my pant leg will start to dry up where I splashed it just as I was getting into the car. Along the highway I spot a hunter; he's just come across a plowed field and there's mud right over the top of his boots. He's got a The sunny, carefree 'days of summer tend to dry up many of the normal topics on which columnists can ex- pound, so this week the writer again turns to some of our old file copies for assistance in filling the space given to his use each week. It is not, however, without some sense of direction. The intent was to in- dicate how newspapers have altered their coverage of deaths throngh the decades, and while that is not the most inspiring topic for a summer day, it is rather interesting.. From the inception of weekly newspapers in Ontario communities in the mid to late 1930's and through until the late 1940, obituary notices were generally found on the front pages. Joining death notices on the front pages were numerous advertisements, the minutes of council meetings printed verbatim from the clerk's records, a few change of ownership an- nouncements and details of such events as jack rabbit drives and highlights from the speech of a visiting evangelist, etc. Generally speaking, the news content on the front page was only half that given to advertisements and often obituary notices constituted half the reading matter that was displayed. Obituary notices appeared to be written primarily to fill that vast holes the editor had at his disposal and the death of any citizen, regardless of his/her prominence in the community often received twice as much coverage as the happenings at the local council meeting, Perhaps some members of present day council can take some solace from the fact their endeavours are now con- sidered more newsworthy than the death of some citizen. * * Early newspapers were most elo- quent in their accounts of the character of the deceased, although that was usually over-shadowed by the flowery and detailed description given to the Let's see now. Here it is about August, and I was supposed to produce a book this summer. I wish it were as simple as getting pregnant and produc- ing a beautiful, healthy, welcomed child. Two different parties are after me, as we say in this country, to get off my bottom and pop a best-seller. Some daffy dame in Vancouver got me out of bed one morning at 7:10 with a phone call, offering to be my agent, at ten per cent. I was a little grumpy. I have been known to throw the alarm clock right through a window when it goes off at 7:15. I asked her What the hell time it was in Vancouver. It was 2:10 a.m., naturally, a time when even daffy dames should be snoring. Twenty minutes later, while I was shaving, she called again to ask how many pages the book would have, what kind of paper, what kind of cover, what price. She chould have heard my answers all the way to Vancouver without bothering Ma Bell. A couple of days later, my old lady got a call, right in the middle of her siesta, from some publisher the d.d. in Vancouver had called. At this point my o.l, was getting a bit brassed off, answering the phone calls at all hours from old fighter pilots who were flying when they called, people who wanted an instant recipe for becoming -a syn- dicated columnist, and dear old ladies who were suffering from insomnia and just wanted to tell her they'd been reading my column for seventy-six years. AS a result, she gave the world- famous publisher what is known as short shrift. I don't know the etymology of the phrase, but basically it means being cut off at the knees, so that your shrift, or whatever, is dangling in the dirt, He didn't call again, and I haven't called him because I don't want to appear to be towering over him, My other agent, and old friend, who could sell cowboy boots to Indians, and moccasins to cowboys, dropped a line with some suggestions and advice. He should'know better. He's been giv- ing me both for more than twenty years, and I have not only ignored both, I have usually done the opposite, with no dire results, except that we'd both have made some money if I'd listened, But what good is money these days? First thing he suggested was a title. If I'd had a national contest to choose the worst pos§ikle title for my pregnant but un-popped book, his would have won private flowers, wreaths were received from the Exeter council, Masonic Order, IOOF, Agricultural Society, Canada Club, General Accident and In- surance Co., Coal Retailers Association. and a beautiful harp from the various organizations of Caven church." * In the 1950's, weekly newspapers changed drastically and started to give comprehensive coverage to community activities through words and pictures and death noticesomere shunted, off the front pages and placed in obituary columns, The flowery terms used to describe the lives of the deceased and the causes of their, deaths were ab- breviated considerably. In the late '60s and '70s, most newspapers confined obituary notices to a simple form, giving only the date of the death, a list of survivors and per- tinent information regarding funeral arrangements. There are, of course, deaths which occur among prominent citizens of the community which still get mention on the front pages, but these are rare in- deed. * * * The problem for editors and their staff is in determining who should be given some special treatment. Obvious- ly, it is practically impossible to make such judgements, so we tend to take the easy way out by treating everyone the same. However, we do so in the knowledge that through the years those people who have been community leaders and done more of their fair share in making the area a better place to live, work and play have received full coverage for their activities in this newspaper. We like to think it is more ap- propriate than leaving all the good things to say until a person is unable to read them or to leaving the verbal bouquets to a time when they can not hear them. first prize. Next, my old buddy offered some ideas for chapters: the family, the school, sex, politics, etc. I wish he'd spelled out the etcetera, because I don't know much about the others. The family, What a chapter! Dull, dull, dull. Unfortunately, I came from a happy family. I didn't hate either my father or. my mother, so there's no mileage there. I get along great with my brothers and sisters, as long as we're several hundred miles apart. I love my son and daughter, when he's in Paraguay and she's in Moosonee. I adore my grandboys, especially when I'm waving bye-bye as they leave for another few months. My wife and I put up with each other. So what's to write about? The school? Another dead end. I've been going to school: public, high, un- iversity, air force lectures, teach, for more than forty years, and I know about twelve per cot more than a six- Months infant. In math, I can't even use a calculator without getting all fouled up, as the Revenue Department just informed me this week, to the tune of $810.00. And Mainstream..cartada An Urgent Message to Banks By H', Roger Worth Still, one financial institu, Canada's bankers, It seems, Lion, RoyNat Ltd., has over, have difficulty understanding come the complexities, and re. the importance of the smaller strictions related to the bond businesses that are creating a program and is offering money majority of the new jobs in a to expanding small firms at country where unemployment five percentage points or more approaches' the one million below normal rates. mark. But RoyNat only has 29 interest paid by independent What's ironic is that loan compared to about 8,000 for branches across the country, the chartered banks. business people is one major This means smaller busi- reason the banks are able to nesses in outlying areas will report ever-rising profits. have a great deal of difficulty Even when the banks have taking advantage of the plan, an opportunity to support the That's why it is urgent that sector at, virtually no cost to the banks get involved. themselves, they are reluctant As the December 31, 1980, to move, cutoff date for the program Consider the case of Otta- comes closer, many smaller wa's Small Business Develop- firms may miss the boat on this ment Bond program, which innovative job-creation scheme. Or they may simply shelve ex- pansion plans because interest rates are too high. Canada's small and me- dium-sized enterprises deserve better support from the bankers who play such a crucial role in the fate of independent busi- ness people. The nation's jobless should also be concerned because un- less smaller firms expand they will undoubtedly be walking the bread lines for a longer • period of time. •It doesn't matter much whether the federal bureau- cracy are at fault in the scenar- io. What's important is that the differences somehow got sorted out so that the chartered . banks can offer the service to' customers at all of their 8,000 branches. 30 Years Ago The addition of three new art instructor at the boys' camp of Huron Presbyterial, north of Goderich. Mr. Murray Stephens was School is progressing rapidly rooms to Exeter Public as opening time draw near. The extension will give the building a total of 16 rooms A new department of to handle record rnrollment agriculture "designed to fit this fall. the need of the community" George H. Follick Hensall will be established at the Ex- has retired after serving as eter District High School un- manager of Wm. Rennie der the direction of MrAn- Seeds, Ltd.. Hensall for the drew Dixon, Mr. John past 43 years. Mahon of Stirling will be his assistant. 15 Years Ago Miss Nancy Wright, a Barry Southcott, son of native of St. Andrews, N.B,, Mr. and Mrs. Robert and gold medalist in her Southcott, broke his arm ARCT exams at Toronto, has Friday evening at camp near opened a music studio in Ex- Goderich. eter. Harold G. Elder of rural Exeter Kinsmen are con- Hensall, Ontario received a sidering the project of Canadian Night Endorse- numbering houses in the ment rating award at the village. 20th annual International Strikes on the Canadian Flying Farmers Convention National Railways are tying at Omaha, Nebraska. up the whble of the Domi- Mr. Ozen Zivkovic will be nion this week. teaching Geography at South Huron High School 20 Years Ago this year. The Exeter Chapter 222, Jack Darling and Garble Fritz were chosen king and Order of the Eastern Star, queen of Exeter Kinsmen's appeared on Act Fast on CFPL-TV Sunday evening. summer playground which concluded Thursday night Rev. J. Phillip Gandon is with a cowboy and Indian the new deputy reeve of Ex- parade. eter, appointed at the Robert Southcott, Carfrey regular meeting of council Cann and Harvey Pollen Monday evening. Rev. Gan- don's appointment solves the attended the eighth annual dilemma of council in that conference of the United Church of Canada at Alma no member would willingly volunteer for this position. College last weekend. forty cents. In science, I have just lately figured out that acid rain is from kidney trouble with Santa Claus's reindeer. - In geography, I am quite confident that Texas is south of some oil-producing places, and north of others. In history, I am content with a student's assessment that Church of England was established because Henry VIII was fed up with the Pope. ' In English, I'm pretty secure. I know the first line of several of Shakespeare's great soliloquies: "To be or not bo be." "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow..." But I can't remember the second line or any of the others. And I do know what a participle is, .which is more than I can say for the two Grade Ten's I taught this year. So school is out, as a subject. Now about sex. There, I might be able to come up with several chapters. Despite my earlier disclaimer about science, I do know a pistil from a stamen. I think. And I got some pretty hot stuff from an electrician one day, when he said, "This is the female plug." And of course anyone who reads modern novels can't help but be pretty well versed. (Is 'versed' 'a bad word? I'm never sure.) It comes from the same root, if you'll pardon the expression, as "perverse." Otherwise, I know most of the stuff. Kinky sex is two peo- ple with Afro hair-do's getting all tangled up. Aural sex is kissing with your ears instead of your lips, rather like the old myth about Eskimaux rubbing noses. Rather odd, but whatever turns you on, as we sex writers say. No problem with the sex chapters. As to his final suggestion, politics, I could write a book. But nobody would read it, because it would be banned as the most obscene literary effort since Lady Chatterly's Lover, Jack Rabbit starts are OK for Jack Rabbits ... but for drivers, it's a waste of E$E and fuel. 0 IrIlmstry Oreana Tninsacnifinn anc etaannu*Cal,ans OrnanC tT Enaray cause ofdeath. 'So we have such vivid details as the following: "The deceased had been ailing for a number of years and three years ago received treatment for 10 weeks in a hospital in London for diabetic gangerine." "The young man was 17 years, five months and 10 days." "It was indeed a rare occasion that he was absent from his post of duty. On Thursday of each week no matter how busy they might be at the shop he alwa0 closed up in order to attend,, the prayer service. During the active years of his life he had a record for punctuali- ty that few can equal. Summer or winter he was always at his place of business at seven o'clock in the mor- ning." "An Exeter old boy, who has made good in his chosen profession has been called to lay down his work while prac- tically young in years." "In religion he was a 13ible -Christian but later identified himself and his family with the Church of England and was a faithful adherent to that faith. In politics he was a Conserative." "...who has so faithfully cared for' her especially during her last year when her mind and body were unable to care for her own needs." "...was of a very quiet, retiring nature and always fond of the best of literature, music and all the best things of life and it was always a treat to her many friends to chat with her, as her well stored mind, coupled with droll, witty humour are rare qualities seldom found in these days of hurry and bustle, and her opinion on must subjects were always clear and invariably the one to follow but it was rarely expressed un- less asked for." "The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon and the cortege was one of the largest which has been seen in the district for some time." • "Many beautiful floral tributes sur- rounded the casket and in addition to Best seller writing Roger Worth is Director, Public Affairs, Canadian Federation of Independent Business. allows the country's smaller expanding firms to borrow money at interest rates of five percentage points or more be- low current market rates. Ottawa announced the scheme this spring, fully ex- pecting quick and enthusiastic support from the nation's banks. Instead, the bankers have balked. Amid justifiable complaints about foot-dragging by the federal bureaucracy in provid- ing a complete set of rules and regulations for the program, they have simply placed the scheme in a holding pattern.