HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-07-30, Page 27v fhe welt %test MOTOR HOTEL DINNER HOURS Dining Room Opens every Friday & Sat. night Daily for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Aug.1 & 2 Smorgasbord every Sat. and Sun.5 p.m. Paul & Judy Schnitzel Night Every Wednesday - 5 p.m. We offer a Schnitzel dinner 5495 including salad bar for only The Green Forest Motor Hotel GRAND BEND H'way 21 1 Mile S. Traffic Light For Reservations Phone 238-2365 0 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT„,, A a.. cea-AA.A. =try Aar WED. —THURS. — FRI. — SAT. July 30 - 31 - August 1-2 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY August 3 4 - 5 Ttrt OLACIAC 5.TAtt 191;Ama A HUYT Z41,1;,,Tr. lit GAO PA. kiv Pow. r ...MCA/AI:Apt c VA LIM ADULT. „att'aMrtirE'':ITN D! f A tl S NTERTAINMENT ,1 A0 '.IV00M5 'tryomA;t t M!!M MUDggttaj rOR S Z""„r"nTC6.r0.;" • V ,,STARLITE At 8 p.m Box Office O . pens GRAND BEND tractor cannot plough a field on its own.. Without a plough it is useless, Likewise, the cells in our bodies1can't provide us with energy unless they have the necessary vitamins and minerals.” The problem is that there are a lot of highly processed and "junk" foods sold on the market today. The amount of vitamins, minerals and protein contained in them is often minimal, if any at all. Therefore, a lot of the food people consume is stored in the body as useless fat. The brain cells need twenty times the amount of nutrients that other body cells require, therefore, the functioning of the brain is impaired if people don't get enough nutrients. Mrs. Gottschall believes that in treating vandalism, society should first look at the diet of the individuals involved.. Mrs. Gottschall is a firm supporter of natural diets. Natural diets consist of meat, eggs, seeds, nuts, vegetables--everything which is in the form of whole foods, and need whole grains fresh fruits and vegetables to offset our intake of fats," Mrs. Gott- schall said. "It's only in the last 200 years that technology has begun to separate things out of food. We're not eating what God provided for us." For example, we eat granulated sugar. When you take the fibre out of the sugar beet, the sugar goes directly to the liver. The liver can't handle this flood of molecules. Fibre is needed to increase the time it takes for the sugar to reach the liver. The Canada Food Guide is el good basic source of in- formation on what we should be eating, but Mrs. Gott- schall says that it's too general. "It doesn't convey the importance of nutrition and doesn't discriminate enough about things like food additives." She recommends, that people don't buy highly processed foods. She, her- self, uses whole wheat flour and substitutes honey, a natural food, for sugar whenever possible. Mrs, Gottschall also makes her own cheese and yogurt. She encourages mothers to get their children drinking natural fruit juices rather than artificially sweetened' fruit drinks and pop. And instead of chocolate, she Makes fruit and seed bars made from peanut butter, carob, and sesame and sunflower seeds. Cooking methods are also important, You can eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals, but if you've boiled them out'these food aren't as beneficial, Mrs. Gottschall says that pressure cooking is the best method of cooking vegetables. It takes less time and there is less destruction of the vitamins, She also recommends that people drink the juices in which the vegetables were cooked. Another important factor in nutrition is how well you chew your food. "You can eat well but if you eat too fast it's no good," Mrs. Gott- schall said, The food must be broken down well in your mouth in order for the body to he able to absorb the greatest possible amount of nutrients. Mrs, .Gottschall believes that many genetic diseases can be regulated by diets. "Disease is really a lack of harmony between our en- vironment and our genetic makeup. The food we eat is part of our environment. The height of disease prevention is to be able to manipulate our environment in order to live with our disorders," she said. She believes that many diseases can be prevented and possibly cured through special diets, "But I think that ridiculous claims have BINGO Thurs., July 31 HURON PARK REC. CENTRE 21 GAMES 18 REGULAR 1 JACKPOT 1 SPECIAL 1 SHARE THE WEALTH 7:30 p.m. quirky bingos ADMISSION $1.00 EXTRA CARDS 254 ea. SHARE THE WEALTH 5 for $1.00 Sponsored by the Optimist Club of Stephen. No one under 16 years of age will be admitted Cords 25t a piece License #275 225 Golden $100 Ball TA APOLOGY The Times-Advocate apologizes for the Mission of the Optimist Club Bingo ad from the July 16 issue cind regrets any in- convenience it may have caused. !somas.' "SATURDAY BUS SERVICE TO GRAND BEND" departs Exeter 2:00 p.m. via Centralia and Crediton, Departs Grand Bend 3:00 p.m. for return trip. Call 227-4427 or 229-8956. MURPHY BUS LINES \e. scared Many people off natural diets." Mrs. Gottschall' interest in biology and nutrition was sparked years age. when her daughter was very sick, She, tried a renowned "cure-all" diet which prescribed lots, of fluid milk, This only made her daughter worse and in very critieal 'eendition, A specialist told her that her daughter's body wasn't able to break down the manufactured poison. Dut by processing milk into cheese and yogurt the car- boyhydrates are eliminated, Mrs. Gottschall stresses that everyone is made differently and requires a different type of diet. There is no such thing As a "cure-all" diet. • "I've struggled as a mother to learn about nutrition, as I'm sure many mothers are today," said Mrs. Gottschall. It was this carbohydrates contained in concern which has kept her milk. They were ac- eager to learn more cumulating in the large throughout the years. It has intestine, producing an been a lot of hard work for abundance of bacteria which her as she had to begin with MAKES CREAM CHEESE — Mrs. Eileen Gottschall, R,R. 1 Kirkton, strains homemade yogurt in the preparation of c. • m cheese. For people who can't break down the corbohydrat'es in milk, cream cheese is an excellent form of nutrition which contains all the nutrients in milk but lacks carbohydrates. Expenditures FRtDSA t41Gt A UG. NLY • FREE p0PC°R" AHO 41(1450,4 y :44.7. RDA r NIGHT FoR 25 SOF1 DRIt4K5 $25. SPECIAL O C'R°C" ti s3 Ut'ER FOR DISNEY PROGRAM ADMISSION DR4 W EAch NH S Children 5.11 50` Preschoolers FREE 3 BIG FEATURES! SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 ONLY 1 "Thc Van" 2. "Pick-lip" 3. "The Pam-Parts Girls" APPLE DUFLI GANG It N G IDES AGAIN THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY, JULY 31, AUG. 1 8 2 AND TUESDAY, AUGUST 5 r‘. fe:VP,PSent, Disney 1:4a Watt arid the rantla 4:r) WALT` DISNEY PRODUCTIONS' STARTS WEDNESDAY, AUOUST b TWO BIG WEEKS! tHE .stAltviAgs SAGA CONTINUES - .040.004 BREAKING erinA"cat AWAY otp. ADULT -ENTERTAINMENT ADULT ENTERTAINMENt BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE LTD BEECH ST. CLINTON BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:30 P.M. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Pdradeu'p Main Street 11 a.m: Prizes Giant Horse Show 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Dance at Liman Arena at Nite Advance Tickets On Sale From Lion Gary Jones 225-2824 Music By The Desjardines Elimination Draw for Mustang or $5,000 Cash - At Dante Iirne*.-Advocate, July. 3Q, 1980, pal of nutrients could end woes high school courses after it m to nutritionore inorder to make until they do." Mrs. God- fa mily for several years. Gott- being out of school raising a students. "The one thing I the course. The last verse interesting for schall has written a poem for wantto takesem the has course, izeis it Tiny that reads: whoever living cells will be discussed in simple Working side by side language so that everyone When they're getting what can understand. If people they should don't understand, I'll stay Man then you're alive. By MARY WARBURTON. There's a lot of talk these days About the energy crisis, but ovally we think of heating oil and gasoline. Many people today are experiencing an energy shortage-even though they may be eating lots of food, Mrs, Eileen Gottschall, a cell biologist from, RR 1 Kirkton, says many of sbciety's problems, such as, vandalism, could be abated if people got a sufficient amount of the nutrients their bodies require. Mrs. Gottschall has been studying the interaction of food and the body £4:/r 20 years and is currently working on her PhD at the University of Western Ontario. She compares the situation where a person is getting lots of food but few nutrients to a tractor which lacks a plough, NUTRITIOUS FRUIT DRINK — Mrs. Eileen Gottschall, R,R. 1 Kirkton, prepares Pina Colada - natural pineapple juice and ice cubes mixed in the blender. It's a drink designed to get children out of the habit of drinking pop. By JACK RIDDELL MPP Huron-Middlesex No doubt you will have heard of the C.D. Howe Research Institute. This is a private, non-political, non- profit organization founded in January 1973 to undertake research into Canadian economic policy issues, with emphasis on fiscal, monetary, and international trade policy. You may find interesting some excerpts from one of the Institute'sqrablications, "Accountability" and Con- trol: The Government Ex- penditure Process", "The expenditure process of any government is both the backbone around which much of government operates and its nervous system - sending out messages about what is im- portant to government and what actions are to be taken . . . Parliamentary govern- ment is, in essence, a "per- .gli sonal" system of govern- HOMEMADE BREAD AND CHEESE — Mrs. Eileen ment - responsibility is Gottschall, R.R. 1 Kirkton, samples some cheese she has made. vested in, and exercised by, Bread made with whole wheat flour and homemade cheese an individual, are full of nutritious vitamins and protein, "This is necessary if there is to be an accounting for the New wheat licensed countabiplity ower. is However, not always use of ac- A new winter wheat Gordon is suited to pastry clearly defined, because a adapted for the southern production because of its low minister's individual and part of Ontario has been protein content. It is lower collective roles have licensed by Agriculture in protein than Fredrick, the resulted in a system of Canada. winter wheat variety widely deliberately overlapping The new variety, Gordon, grown in Ontario now, responsibilities," fills a demand from the mill- Gordon was developed at "Public dissatisfaction ing and baking industry for a Agriculture Canada's 0 t- with how and where winter wheat which tawa Research Station by governments spend money produces flour of excellent the late Frederick Gfeller probably began with the first pastry quality. and by Dr. D.R. Sampson. tax ever levied. The atuumuleununiniumnisiniiiiitiuliiininintintilitetiiimintiilliltiiiiitillintilineuntag' timelessness of this problem 4140 South Hu= T.-. has not, however, dimmed public debate or concern, This is especially true of the Recreation Centre ..7-1 Canada, along with most 1 llAt5 past decade or so, when SUMMER ACTIVITIES a other countries in the world, a experienced rapid growth in 74 ... tttttt m niu,. ttttttttt Y ttttttttttttt Mauna t 0 tttttttt /I = E government operations." E--3 :5 "This growth in govern- E BASEBALL TEAMS E.- ment spending has been at" • Teams are asked to notify the Rec Office tributed to a number of fac- E.-- when rescheduling rained-out or cancelled tors, One of these was a P., number of decisions made in = E-... games. :"= the 1960s that sought to E. g enlarge the scope and = E P. significance of government SPECIAL EVENTS a involvement in LA Wednesday August 6 "The Incredible a redistributive social Journey" LE policies. These decisions :.--.• = 2:00 - 4:00 E.= resulted in increases in the = T-4.* level of spending of such Adults $1,00 't.:-- programs as family Children $.50 1...t allowances and old age pen- F▪ .. = .2. sions and the initiation of ,---9 Friday August 8 Bob-Lo Island Bus Trip 7...- new programs. such as the = $15.00 per person -'=_: Canada Pension Plan and E- guaranteed-income supple- :-.--.. i'-_: Thursday August 14 Pineridge Zoo and = ment and universal medical a Pinery Trip -2 a n d hospitalization Children - $2.00 E schemes." = r.T. Adults - $2.50 N "During the 1960s and the early 1970s. attention was :.=. Sign up now for the Bus trips - registration is I focused upon the programs r, that governments elected to gi strictly on a first come, first served basis. F.-2- fund, but in recent years this umi,,,, ima,........mi tttttttt .,..,„, .-g. focus has shifted towards = the level and growth of BASEBALL SCHEDULE E. government expenditures as = Wednesday 7:00 & 9:00 Men's Rec League 74. a Whole and towards the ...s: = economic implications of Thursday 7:00 Clinton vs PeeWees .-• this growth. = 9:00 Sylvan vs Saveway ..=. "For example. recent E..= Saturday 2:00 Clinton vs Bantams -..-.74 debate has emphasized the Monday 7:00 & 9:00 Men's Rec League P. impact of government spen- - F_-= 7 .• .7.; ding on the rate of inflation, = E.' SPONSORED BY TUCKEY BEVERAG the effectiveness of govern- ES =a tient spending in meeting filitinuniiininimmutinuinnummusuninionntommumniniumtimmontinnig the objectives that people Area lady decries junk foods Sufficient. suppi believe characterize a cer- tain policy, and the possibilities for more ef- ficient means of meeting these objectives, Perhaps the most consistent concern has been the feeling that government spending is simply "out of control"." "In democratic govern- ment, ultimate authority and responsibility for the acceptance or rejection of a spending proposal rest with the elected members of the legislature. How real is this power in —modern government?" "The principle objectives of a government expenditure process might be seen as - providing Cabinet with the means of directing the total pattern of government expenditures towards the overall goalsor priorities of ministers; - ensuring that the alloca- tion of resources to specific programs reflects these priorities; - enabling a review of the performance and future prospects of the economy, to ascertain whether emerging expenditure policies will be consistent with the economic aims of the government; - ensuring that specific ex- penditure proposals will meet the government's priorities in the most ef- ficient and effective manner available; and - providing for the evalua- tion of existing policies and programs to determine which are ineffective or of low priority and should be deleted," The Institute's report makes some suggestions for improvements which would clarify what governments view as priorities and how to deal with these priorities. "These improvements are based on the following prin- ciples: - A key to improved ac- countability is a better- informed and more aware public which has the oppor- tunity to participate in the formation of fairly broad national Land provincial) priorities, She graduated in 1972 with her Bachelor of Arts in Biology from Montclair State College in New Jersey and later took post graduate courses.. Six years ago she moved to Canada where she has studied on her own at the University of Western Ontario for five years to obtain her Master of Science. Although currently working on her PhD, Mrs. Gottschall doesn't find it satisfying to confine her knowledge to herself, She is astounded by the fact that so much research has been done on nutrition but much of it has been ignored. She read from an article written 25 years ago that stated that polyunsaturated fats weren't good for the body. And yet margarine, which contains' these fats, has been promoted for years, Mrs. Gottschall has ,been teaching a course entitled Food and the Body for three terms at the University of Western Ontario. It has been very successful and enrollment has doubled since it began. Starting in September she will be teaching the same course--a series of eight lectures--in Exeter for a fee of $25. She recommends the course fof parents and teachers or anyone who is curious about the effect of food on the body. She believes that biology should be taught in relation MIUMMTMOSEW As_ - Government itself, in a democratic society, must take responsibility for the priorities it decides to pur- sue and how it will pursue them. - While any selection of priorities by the Cabinet must, of necessity, be sub- ject to change, the set of priorities that obtain at any one time should be coherent. However, the application of those priorities may present numerous unresolved con- flicts calling for continuous, but what may be at times only partly successful, ef- forts at co-ordination, - If a system of control is to be effective, activities must be planned as thoroughly as possible." "Ultimate control of, and accountability for, the ex- penditures of government must be exercised by the legislature." (77,, grs.,v,Let Us zV Hear or From You If you know of a young couple recently rriarried or about to be just fill in this coupon and mail to, our office. We will start a 6' in on th subscription for the newlyweds as our wedding gift. NAME 0 NewLvvvecir•-• — ADDRESS DATE MARRIED i N exacrqiino-Aiwocitle 8.650 FIRRIN mint FISHERMAN'S COVE RESTAURANT Specializing in fresh fish dinners from our boat to your table. NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 63 River Road, Grand Bend Eat in or take out 238-2025