HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-07-30, Page 5ELIMVILLE AREA 4-H DISPLAY - Catherine Johns and Barb Skinner, along with the rest of the Elimville area 4-H club members, did a great job of getting an attractive display set up at the Exeter Area Achievement Program held Thursday evening at Morrison Dam.Staff photo , The readers write Continued from page 4 sion permits. will hit the non-profit organizations hard. Even more unjust is your proposed pre-collection of this levy (sales tax) at the time of getting the permit even though the beverages may not be bought until weeks later, Don't you realize that many of these groups don't have those extra funds to be tied up for some period of time - perhaps for quantities .of beverages far in excess of what they will ultimately purchase and use? Many volunteer organizations. especially ethnic groups. currently eSophia oren's election 14, From the international world of Sophia Loren...a prestige line of eye fashion for the lady who puts appearance above other considerations. Carefully fitted by our professionals who put you above all else. VANASTRA FACTORY OUTLET "The Store that Saves You More" MEN'S • BOY'S - LADIES' - GIRL'S AND BABIES WEAR - YARN GOODS FABRICS - SEWING MACHINE-GROCERIES Open MONDAY TO FRIDAY 10 A.M. - 9 P.M, SATURDAY 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. SUNDAY 12 NOON 6 P.M. Master charge HIGHWAY NO. 4 - SOUTH OF CLINTON AT VANASTRA IT'S THWAIE SALENG FOR! YOU'VE BEEN TI Our August Holiday Weekend ANNEX SALE DATES Thurs., July 31 Fri., August 1 Sat., August 2 Sun., August 3 Mon., August 4 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 12 noon-6 p.m. 12 noon-6 p.m. Many In-Store Specials on existing stock plus special purchases at low, low money-saving prices. SPECIALS IN EFFECT WHILE QUAN- TITIES LAST. LIMITED QUANTITIES ON SOME ITEMS. AND MORE INSIDE OUR ANNEX! Allimmonimall•moommmomminge FEATURE IN-STORE SPECIALS...FEATURE IN-STORE SPECIALS...FEATURE IN-STORE SPECIALS... Glassware BONANZA! Special purchase of bowls, glasses, and BROTHER 1681 Zig Zag Sewing Machine Comes complete with portable o NcaLryrying case. 1 only. N4' $ 169?5. veof Men's HOODED PARKAS These parkas come in red only and in sizes M, L & XL. REG. '11.67 $10. r First Quality CHILDREN'S PANTS Choose from plain JUST cords, drills and q14 A 97 polyester knits in size 2 to 6x. nr • Girl's BATHING SUITS Choose from these 1 pc. suits in assorted patterns. Size 2 to 3x. REG. '8.70 SALE PRICE $620 • more 62' to $1 !8 Ladies' xr SQUALL JACKETS Assorted colours in size 7 to 15. JANOME 646 Sewing Machine Promotional free arm sewing machine. Corn• plete with vinyl carrying case. 2 only. oNLy$249 $11 •.% PER POUND • Boy's Cotton PYJAMAS REG. '4.65 $‘149 HWY. NO 8 TO SEA FORTH HWY. NO. 8 GODERICH CLINTON Girl's NIGHT GOWNS Choose from these cot- ton night gowns in sizes 2 to 6x. REG, $ C 2 5 6,97 Boy's RUNNING SHOES Choose from sizes 3.4 7-8.12 only, REG. $67.5 '9.00 SALE Boy's DENIM JEANS First quality jeans for boys in slims husky and reg. legs $97 1 • Sizes 2.6x in assorted colours. MSR. '19.95 VANASTRA FACTORY OUTLET ANNEX EREICOMA BOATS VANASTRA RD • DEBBIE SCUSTARD CUP HWY. NO 41 TO t %FIER Boy's CORDS Choose from first quality cords in size 8 to18. $ 0 9 7 g • PR . Boy's MESH T-SHIRTS Choose from an assortment bered mesh T-shirts. Sizes 4-6x REG. '3.98 SALE PRICE $ 2 9 8 • of these num- Sizes 7-14 REG. '7.50 SALE PRICE $5 50 Ladies' T-SHIRTS Assorted colours and styles to choose from in sizes S.M.L. '8.25 REG. $6” Ladies' O.S. SHORTS Choose from colours of black, dark green or brown in sizes 42 8. 44 only, REG. '3.25 $ 1950 NOW Ago • Polyester Knits We have purchased 1,000 lbs. of these knits especially for this sales event. Men's JOGGING SHORTS Size range from 28 to 38 in assorted colours, REG. '4.98 Ladies' COUGAR SHOES Existing stock of ladies Cougar lace-up shoes. Brown and blue. REG. '19.99 $4. $10 • PR. Girl's NIGHT GOWNS Choose from girls cotton night gowns and PJ's in pastel colours. Sizes 7- 14. REG. '6.75 $498 REG. '4.27 $2 98 • Girl's SQUALL JACKETS Assorted colours to choose from in size 7-14. REG. '6.00 SALE PRICE $450 Men's SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Choose from a broken size range. $5, REG. '6.95 Bath Sheets • First quality in ecru only. Size 72" x 36". Our Reg. '11.99 ea. SUPER SAVER PRICE Girl's CORDS These first quality girls cords come in size 7 to 14. MSR '13.98 $5?8 Picnic with the Colonel. Whether it's a Holiday Weekend - or anytime you plan a picnic - it's a lot more fun - and easier on you - to take along Kentucky Fried Chicken. Be sure to include ct choice of your favourite salads and a loaf of our Grecian Style Bread. A Picnic from the Colonel is always ready for you. Good thicken! -2%T WINS 10iitiicky fried kick. Colonel Sanders' boys and girls make It "finger Itcktd goodie 227 Main St., N. Exeter 235-2424 finance a large part of their functions and hall operations through weekly or other periodic licenced dinners and socials. Under your new regulations, they will now be able to acquire automatical- ly only ten fund-raising per- mits a year. If they have received more in the past, that limitation won't apply, but any number over the ten will have to be approved by the Director in Toronto - creating more red tape and the possibility of refusal. I object, too, to the change whereby wedding anniver- saries will be subject to the levies and the pre-payment. Surely, our society is suf- ficiently warm-hearted to want to continue this exemp- tion for 50th, 25th and other wedding anniversary celebrations. There is no doubt that the new regulations will wipe out many fund-raising benefit stags for grooms, fire-ravished home owners, accident victims, etc. It is recognized that, technically, these stags were often il- legal. However, rather than eliminate them, I believe they should be legalized with strict control to prevent abuses. The non-public memoran- dum from Mr. R. Cooper, Executive Director of the Liquor Licence Board, states that "the purpose of these changes is not to im- pede or impact upon legitimate organizations or individuals, but rather to develop an effective system of eliminating those in- dividuals who want to illega- ly profit from the current system". Whatever the intended purpose, the great bulk of the victims of your new regulations will be the responsible and worthy corn- ,munity organizations and in- dividuals.I urge you to place a hold on the regulations, consult with the ethnic and community groups, and then revise them in light of the advice you receive. Yours truly,' Mel Swart, MPP Welland - Thorold .Rescul your lawn from chinch bugs and sod webworms Yeliew, irregtilar patches crown of the grass plants," reddish-black insects with a may be the first indictation Ministry . of deed grass on your lawn says Don4F1ATrIncligitwOn arntde Swohoit.ewsetrbiwpeoromn$thagriro bpa.gcnic: of chinch bug or sod web- Food horticulturist. "But cealed in little tunnels in. the worm infestation, "These insects will cause a 'because . you reretlbysyevveotlIrkesune i ozetchtse grroawssn, oartb. ethetuYof.Ped on the ragged appearance to your grass../7 "Sod webworm infestation lawn es they feed on. the ' Chinch bugs are small, can be recognized by small gray moths zigzagging grass where the insect is and sod webworms lasts across your lawn," says Mr. feeding, from late June right through Fleming. "Do not water the in- the summer months. To control chinch bugs and secticide into the soil," says sod webwormS, spray ?'11'. Fleming, "because the "'There are no preven- carbaryl or diazinon for- insect is notin the soil, it is in tative measures against cefully on your lawn to get the grass." chinch bugs and sod web- the insecticide down into the The threat of chinch bugs worms," says Mr, Fleming. Times-Advocate, July I% 1980 Page