HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-07-23, Page 18SAME TIME, NEXT YEAR— Acress Joyce Gordon ohd actor Ken Camroux are enjoying the court yard at Huron Country Playhouse and perhaps they'll be back same time, next year. But for now they're busy rehearsing Same Time, Next Year which opens tomorrow. Staff photo Dave Nolan scores three Colonials trounce . Exeter McCANN CONST. LTD. REDI-MIX CONCRETE. Ali Types of Concrete Work PRECAST CONCRETE ST1- PS & PO6 ORES ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILINGS UNIT-H-FEE BUNKS UNIT FENCE LINE BUNKS RR 3 DASHINOOD PHONE 2374647 ART AUCTION — Angela Armitt will be the auctioneer and Gwen Burchill is heading up the committee for the art auction at Huron Country Playhouse. Works such as this scene of Lake Huron by Jack Chambers will be up for sale Sunday. 4 1FICWIPSON-WARNER PACKAGE #1. PACKAGE #11 PACKAGE # VOLARtE PREMIER 2 DOOR CARAVELLE SALON WAGON GRAN FURY 4 DOORS DODGE PICKUPS DODCE VANS HORIZONS SPORT LUXURY '6230 763 '8530 HORIZONS and VOLARES CARAVELLE's LEBA RON's CORDOBA's PACKAGE #1g LEBARON's ,CORDOBA's CHRYSLER's RAMCNARGERS '9530 OR PAY '204' PER ONLY MONTH 112321 I=111 IROOPSON-WARNER "Nita P6613lo fo Don/ Whh" Open 7 deo GRAND BEND 1384391 1 Thee Tree Trunk 5 We St.; Seaford' A complete line of New and Used Antiques and' Cellectables 'Buy •Sell *Trade •Swap TOM and Dawn Papple 527.0514, Store 527-0940, Hor9e A FINE SELECTION ) OF GIFTS, including handcrafted articles from Quebec. 238-8540 Beside Post Office 22, 81 CRESCENT GRAND BEND, ONT. POtte 2A e.akelvecate my 33, 1iitEt H .Clubs go, camping Playhouse The two local 4-H clubs,. number one, "The Out- siders", and number two, the "Quivering' campers" held, meeting five last week. Rolf call was answered by "One thing I learned at Q. club outing." Club one did fitness test exercises and learned the "Rock, the cradle", and ,"Tom's knuckle fingers." t4hcDiscussioni display yae Reported t centred o n for by Helen Vlemmix, Club two did. fitness ekerciaes. and practised their skit, titled "Get, lost? us?", for achievement day. , Reported by Marilyn Walper. conducted by Mrs. Marlene Brenner, with Miss Melia Gabel playing the organ accompaniment. Mrs. Roberta Walker will be the soloist at next sun, day's service. Do yeti play bridge? If se. please get in touch with Joyce Gorden and Ken Camroux at Rum Country Playhouse, The pair, who are starring in Sarre Time Next Year which opens tomorrow at the Playholase, are dying for a game, of bridge. In fact, when I Went to interview them, they wanted,to know if I could play bridge, even before I was able to ask them one question. Fortunately aor the sake of this story, I don't play bridge, and we were able to go ahead with the interview instead of taking time out for a card game. If Joyce and Ken are ,half as enthusiastic and in- teresting on stage as they were when I talked to them, then Same Time Next Year should be the hit of the season. They think that it will be a good play. because it has everything in it, Joyce describes it as both funny and tender, She says there are huge laughs in some places, and then moist eyes in other scenes, Ken describes the play as very human, Joyce as Doris and Ken as George will be seen as a casually-met couple who have a weekend fling at a north California inn. The attraction between them is so strong that they arrange to meet again the following year at the same motel. The ensuing scenes show the lovers at five year intervals as they come together for their annual rendez-vous. The visits take place between 1951 and 1975 and will contain some nostalia. We see the various stages in Doris' and George's lives as their attitudes change with the times, They come to know each others spouses and families through each other, They results of this strange affair can't help but be funny, and author Ber- nard Slade has written with wit and humour. Joyce played Doris last year at Theatre Aquarius in Hamilton and is looking forward to another chance at the crowd-pleasing role. At that time the movie version starring Allan Aida was making the rounds. Hamilton area ndwspapers advised then, "Forget movie, see play." Those were my thoughts, too, when I saw the movie and compared it to a Theatre London produc,tion. The warmness of the play comes across better on stage than on screen, Lets hope the same holds true for the Huron Country Playhouse production, But Ken and Joyce say that even though 'there is a lot of fun to be had doing Same Time, Next Year, it is hard work too, Because they play the only two roles, there are 'no breaks from rehearsal. Another problem they've encountered is the necessity to make quick costume and make-up changes. They have to age 25 years during the play. Joyce is wearing some of the clothes that were made for her when she played the role' in Hamilton. In one scene she is nine months pregnant. But she says that it doesn't present a problem, because the padding is sewn into her Skirt. Nor is walking like a pregnant lady any problem: "the skirt is bulky, I can't walk any other way," she says, Ken says he has a tricky scene change where he has to cry over his son's death, then come back on stage and be all smiles. Ken says that the play is very sad at that WJtb maryAlderson. point and it is not difficult for him to. cry. Both Ken and Joyce are enjoying working with playhouse aritistic director Aileen. Taylor-Smith who is directing this play herself, Both stars are well- educated, Joyce is working on a PhD and has a private practise as a therapist. Ken went part way through law school before he decided to became a professional actor. Joyce has lived in Toronto since 1957. She was originally from Montreal, and says that her parents "took me to England for the war." Ken was born in Edmonton, and, then his family moved to Whitehorse. He grew, up in Whitehorse and got his start in acting as a highschool student. Ken took the past six months off from acting and went home to the Yukon to look up old friends. He worked as a road surveyor; the same thing he'd done during the- summers to put himself through university. Prior to that, Ken had a part last fall in a Japanese movie entitled "Virus". He describes it as a disaster film, Cec Linder who starred in The Sunshine Boys at the playhouse last week is in the same movie. Also in the film were such stars as Olivia Hussey, Chuck Connors and Glenn Ford. Ken says the Japanese are trying to break into the in- ternational film market, now that they have a successful film industry in Japan. The film was shot on a submarine in Halifax and in Kleinburg, Ontario last winter. The Kleinburg scenes are sup- posed to be in Antarctica. A Japanese star played the leading role in the film. Ken says that he didn't speak any English at all, and learned to read his part in English phonetically. Ken thinks that the film will be out this fall. Prior to the Japanese movie, Ken has played in several Canadian theatres and television productions. Joyce recently starred with Paul Soles in a production entitled Shalom at Toronto's St. Lawrence Centre, The show was a compilation of readings from Jewish writers and poets, She played Dr, Peacock in the movie Proper Channels with Marie tte Hartley (of Polariod camera fame) and Alan Arkin. She was nominated for the 1969 Actra film award for her role as best supporting actress when she played the Fairy God- mother in the film Hey Cinderella which was a CBC- Robert Lawrence-Muppets co-production. As well, she has played in many Canadian theatres. Both Joyce and Ken had many interesting ob- servations about acting as a career. Joyce says that many times when she is acting a role, she will stop and wonder why she is- pretending to be someone else. Ken says that he still suffers butterflies before each performance. Yet they agree that they love to hear the applause at the end of a performance. And they say that there is no such thing as a bad audience--if the audience doesn't respond, then it is the' faultt of the person on stage, They say they prefer stage to film because of the instant response, Aileen Taylor-Smith has had them rehearsing in the upstairs of the old barn, and as long as the flies and the humidity don't do them in, they should give us a fine showing of Same Time Next Year. The Lambton Heritage 'Museum is hosting a Heritage Craft Show and Sale on Sunday, August 10, This is the second major fundraising and visitor at- traction event planned for the 1980 season. In May this year, a Gas Engine Day attracted a crowd of about 900 visitors. Craftsmen from throughout southwestern Ontario will participate in the event, offering quality crafts such as spinning, weaving and pottery, Many The fourth annual art auction will take place at Huron Country Playhouse this Sunday. The works of several leading Canadian artists, including Jack Chambers, will be featured. Studios participating in the selection of works include Editions Canada, Harris Galleries, Nancy Poole Studio, Nash Gallery, Studio 487 and Thielson Galleries. Auctioneer will be Miss Angela Armitt, Mrs. Gwen Burchill will be chairing the Auction. Mrs. Burchill said that she hopes visitors will come and spend the day at the playhouse. A bar will be open and a cold plate dinner will be available. Ticket holders will be able to come and go during the day as they please. Tickets .Ire now being sold at a cost of $5 per person, The ticket price includes a catalogue outlining each of the works to be auctioned, They may be purchased in advance at Harwood Drugs or the Havasu Trading Post OPP report Liquor charges again top the lists in occurrences for the week of July 13 to 19 at both the Grand Bend and Pinery detachments of the Ontario Provincial Police. Pinery OPP laid 62 liquor charges and Grand Bend laid 53. There were nine people charged under the provincial parks act at Pinery, Seven minor motor vehicle ac- cidents were investigated in Grand Bend. Pinery laid 17 charges un- der the highway traffic act, while 11 people were giVen traffic charges in Grand Bend and one impaired driver was charged, Eight thefts were in- vestigated in the village, while Pinery OPP looked into two thefts. Grand Bend OPP looked after two break and enters and twelve com- plaints of disturbances. 7a7Zerivaed N Tb A ttend GRAND BEND UNITED CHURCH OUTDOOR WORSHIP SERVICES SUNDAY 11 a.m, During July and August Special Music Speaker; Rev, Harley Moore J cessful week with a win over Kincardine. Grand Bend goals were scored by Nick Vandenberk who counted- four times, Rob Mennen with one goal and Dave Catton who scored twice, The Atoms lost to Goderich 4-3 in a tournament in Kincardine. Last Monday night the girls beat Seaforth 3-1. Rose Vandenberk scored two goals and Tracy Dietrich got artisans will demonstrate' one. On Thursday they met their craft to give visitors an the Seaforth team again, but idea of the time, patience the game ended in a 1-1 tie, and skills required. Rose Vandenberk scored the Members of the Sarnia only Grand Bend goal, On Artists' Guild will show July 28 the girls will play weaving, stoneware, Oakridge and after that the leathercraft, quilts, playoffs start. watercolours, stained glass, The Grand Bend tyke woodenware and jewelry. soccer team scored a 2-0 win Members of the London over Seaforth Monday night. Craft Guild, and the Victoria Scoring one goal each for Arts Council, Petrolia, will the winners were Matthew also be participating. It is Anderson and David hoped the show will become established as an annual O'Connor. event. in Grand Bend, The Little Inn . takes place at 8 p.m. in Bayfield or the Feather Tick in Exeter, Tickets can last year's auction. Sales Over 400 people attended amounted to $18,000. With also be purchased at the Playhouse the day of the proceeds going towards the operations of Huron Country auction. Viewing begins at Playhouse 11:00 a.m. and the auction Personals Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Colin Love have been their son, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Love, and Dick, of Bright's Grove, their grandson Brian Love, of Ottawa and friends Mrs. Lillian 'Brown, of town and her sister-in-law Mrs. Gordon Wilson of Thedford. The bridge players at St. Johns Parish hall played the Howell movement system this week with winners being - first, Sue Baungartner and Betty Hoyle, with a tie for second between Harley Crawford and Paul Buck- wold and Betty and Herb McGee. Games are held each Wednesday evening. Summer visitors welcome. Diane and Lori-Anne Latta of Waterloo, visited Sunday with" their aunt and uncle Lorne, and Loreen Devine. Visitors at Huron Vista have been Sharon Wilson, Para Barton,, and Donna Fisher, all of Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Burns, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevenson, London and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Craw, of Saugerties, New York. Marie and George Chowen, of Southcotk, Pines were camping last week at Craigleth, near Collingwood. Sunday evening visitors with the Chowen's were Gerald and Audrey Nieberlien, of Stratford. # Brad and Reta Hamilton, of Windsor visited on the week end with his parents, Alex and Clara Hamilton, after holidaying last week on Manitoulin Island. Rev, and Mrs. Paul Webb, visited last week with his Parents, Mr. and Mrs., Art Webb, Church of God news Rev. E, Wattam, of St. Catharines was gueet minister Sunday, at both morning and evening ser- vices, at.Church of God.' His morning topic was , "Holy Spirit" with scripture from first chapter of Acts, verses one to Me. His evening service was Psalm 142, verse four. Morning soloist was Mrs. E. Wattarn, singing "He giveth more grace," Marian Snider was the evening soloist singing, "No one ever cared for me like Jesus." 4 Anglican'chyrch news .Archdeacon J.D. Morden Was celebrant at the 8.30 ajn • Holy Communion service at St. Johns by the lake Anglican church, At 9.30 a.m. Rev.. G. Anderson took for the theme' of his sermon the phrase, so often used in the Anglican prayer book - "Thanks he to God." The Honourable. Pauline M. McGibbon, Lieutenant- Governor of Ontario will attend the August 22nd performance of Annie Get Your Gun, at Huron Country Playhouse. A dinner party has been planned for Mrs. McGibbon prior to the performance. He stressed' the im portance.of being thankful, no matter what our cir,, nwstances in life, People miss something, by not being thankful. A' person Who gives thanks is a joyful person •• happiness and bitterness do not mix, • Mrs. Jean Cole was the. coffee hour hostess which • follows the 9.30 a.m. service. each Sunday morning. United church news Special music at 'the United Church outdoor service, Sunday. Morning was supplied by Mrs. Judy Mills, of Centralia, . Miss Faye flair, of town and Bob Heywood of Exeter, The 'former two sang a'duet, "My yielded heart" accompanied by Bob on the accordion, Bob joined the girls for a trio singing "Supper time." Rev. H. Moore's sermon topic was "My cup runneth over." Scripture was Psalm 23, and was sung by the congregation. An opening hymn sing was The Grand Bend Colonials soccer team trounced their Exeter rivals 5-0 Sunday. The heat didn't bother the Grand Bend boys as Dave Nolan scored on three shots, and John Mennen and Tony Mennen each put in one, The B's failed to live up to their previous week's win, and lost to West Williams 2-0. The Bantmas had a sue- Museum plans a Heritage Day Annual art auction to be held this Sunda LIMITED TIME OFFER McGibbon to visit OR . 33 „, OR ... ,.,.. MY 1 i i PER PAY1634 / PER 4ti,34 ONLY MONTH ONLY $18264 PER MONTH ONLY * _ MONTH OUR COMPETITORS ARE GOING TO HATE USII . . NOTE! SOME UNITS ARE NORMALLY PRICED AT ALMOST ' $3800.00 MORE - BUT THE SPECIAL STICKER MEANS YOU ONLY PAY THE PRICE SHOWN. BUT PRICES RETURN TO NORMAL. AUG., 1ST. * Prices include freight and preparation charges. Payments are for 60 months at 15% A.P.R. with 10% dawn cash or trade. GOOD, CLEAN FUN — Tricia Adams gets a splay in the back from. the garden hose, as some of her pupils in the children's workshop get even for all those rehearsals she put them through. The kids at Huron Country Playhouse wrapped up the week with a water fight Friday. Staff photo WE MEAN BUSINESS - WE ARE DOING BUSINESS - SO ACT FAST FOR BEST SELECTION Low rates by the dabs week, moirdh "We've got your wheels" Located at .. Thompson-Werner Plymouth-Chrysler Open 7 Days CORDOBA's Luxury-Loaded ROYAL SPORTSMAN 8 Pass. Wagon -A/C RAMCHARCERS PACKAGE #3r Skydiving Demonstration • Jumps • Grand Bend Beach Every.Wed., Sat. & Sun. evenings. Weather Permitting Watch for parachutist jump from 3,000 feet and try to land on a 4 inch target, Courtesy of Grand Bend & Area "THE DEALER THAT DARES DUE TO FANTASTIC RESPONSE a EXTENDED TO JULY 31st, 1980 TO BE DIFFERENT" NE 'PRICE EVENT 11530 OR PAY Y 4 °° PER ONLY MONTH HOURS MON-FRI 9 9 SATURDAY 9 - 6 SUNDAY 12 - 5 86 VEHICLES TO CHOOSE FROM iv •