HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-07-23, Page 12the area Cattlemen's Association sold excellent beef-on-a-bun at the weekend of the delicious food are Shelagh Gledhill, Gary McFalls, Marg Hotson, Tom T-A photo Cancer society needs secretary BEEF AT RODEO — A booth sponsored by rodeo at Huron Park. Shown preparing some England and Larry Hotson of Lucan. Gerald A. Webb D.C. Doctor Of Chiropractic 438 MAIN ST., EXETER By Appointment Phone 235-1680 COMPLETE AUCTIONEERING SERVICE FARM - ANTIQUE • HOUSEHOLD REAL. ESTATE PAT LYON "YOUR AUCTIONEER" R.R. 2 GRAND BEND, ONTARIO PHONE 519-243.27 13 OFFICE SUPPLIES SEE US FOR A FULL LINE OF Office Supplies Furniture & Equipment •LIVINGSTOINE'S Downtown Exeter or In The North End Plaza Frareirall Realty EXETER 235-2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 482-9747 Appraisals Mortgages Life Insurance Trust Certificates (MOUNT CARMEC\ Income Tax Centre Income Tax Accounting For Farmers & Businessmen Monthly Bookkeeping Service Phone 237-3469 Vince Ryan B.A. R.R. 3 Dashwood,) NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt Courteous. Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete sale service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JOSEPH F. DARLING CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT TEL: 510.-288-2208 THE OLD TOWN HALL 822 MAIN STREET EXETER, ONTARIO NOM 100 Bev. Morgan Insurance Agency Ltd. 138 Main Street, Exeter NOM ISO Ontario 235-2544 Complete Insurance Coverage CHIROPRACTORS DAVID C. HANN, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 105 Main Street, Exeter 235-1535 By Appointment Doily %ening CHIROPRACTORS C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN L. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panel Lone, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please I Don Van Patter Licensed Auctioneer Antique, household, farm and estate sales Consignments welcome Call collect Zurich 236-4547 Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale service Provinciolly licensed Conduct sales of any kind any place We guarantee you more. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666.1967 ACCOUNTANT-PUBLIC. G. H. WARD PARTNERS Chartered Accountants 476 Main St., South Exeter, Ontario 235.0120 Resident Partner A.W. Read, C.A. Home Telephone 238-8075 Manager J.S. McNeilly, C.A. Home Telephone 235-1734 ..1 The Times-Advocate has over 18,000 readers. Tell them about the services offered by your business. For information call 235-1331 J ACCOUNTANT-PUBLIC GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 257 Churchill Dr. EXETER 235-0281 ACCOUNTING & BOOKKEEPING AUCTIONEERS AUCTIONEERS 1 W.A. At the W.A. Fellowship meeting, Thursday evening, held at the Bruce Henry farm, people sat around a bonfire while they sang choruses. Mrs. Joan Cochrane and Bruce Thomson provided music playing their guitars. Joan Cochrane sang a medley of choruses. David Ross spoke about the importance of Christian education God wants us to have. Deut. 6:4 says first . parents teach their children, as in Proverbs 22.6 and Ephesian 6:4. 11 Tim: 15-17 tells us to learn from the word of God from our childhood. Because it is not the responsibility of schools to teach children spiritual ways, the parents, and the church have this respon- sibility. As the group sat around the bonfire a diScussion was had about the merits of Christian education to offset the bad influence of some of the secular school teaching. A smorgasbord'and fondue lunch was served in the home of Bruce and June Henry. LUCAN COMMUNITY CENTRE Sat., July 26 7 P.M. to 1 A.M. ADMISSION: 7 to 10:15 $2.00 9:45 to 1 a.m. $2.00 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. $3.00 Rentals 501 SPECIAL s Nite-Owl Special rhythm contest for men's, ladies, couples and trios. Trophy for 1st prize Medals for 2nd and 3rd RICHARD WELSH INVESTMENTS ACCOUNTANT-PUBLIC INVESTMENTS OPTOMETRIST Chartered Accountant 120 Alice St. Lucan, Ont. Ph. 227-4224 O„ Venda MIlLIONAIRE TERRY HAUGHTON 0.2;001/1P7ef SYNDICATE LIMITED 601 - 380 Wellington Street / London, Ontario N6A 5B5 Telephone: Bus,: 679-8993 Res.! 473-0095 Guaranteed Investment Certificates representing several trust companies Norma J. Hooper 15 Gidley St., E. Exeter 235-1010 OPTOMETRIST Dr. James S. Smibert 11 Wellington St. N. St. Marys Telephone 284-3115 Monday to Friday 9:00 - 5:00 and Saturday A.M. for appointments INSURANCE 147 MAIN STREET, S. EXETER, ONTARIO, Aox e f core Ymt.Arz" TELEPHONE (519) 235-2211 P.O. BOX 1600 NOM 190 * 12 Ilmits,Adv00010,4uly 23 1900 Five victories m minor soccer United Church Baptism The Lucan- Biddulph Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society slate of of- ficers for the 1980-81 year has nearly been completed, but they are in need of a branch secretary to replace Sandra McDonald, who has given up the job. Anyone interested in filling WI enjoy pot luck The annual pot-luck picnic luncheon of the Lucan Women's Institute was held in the Masonic Hall, Wed- nesday. Owing to the op- pressive weather the at- tendance was small, but the food, fun and fellowship were great, and the downstair hall was nice and cool, Games and contests were enjoyed with small prizes being given. During the brief business period, the 4-H leaders' workshops were announced on the next club "Your own corner of the world", featuring, among other things, macrame accessories. Any girl or boy, as recently there has been some interest in certain clubs by boys, who is 12 before September 1 is welcome. Please call 227- 4508, 4260 or 4409, the numbers for three of the leaders, for further in- formation. Plans were also made to attend the County Rally, held in Poplar Hill, Tuesday, July 20. New courses at Biddulph Two new courses will be offered by Fanshawe College continuing education area, at the Biddulph School, of special interest to all Sun- day School teachers and those studying their Bible and for the many people, young and old, who enjoy singing. The courses will be led by Emma Crouch of the Christian View Bible College and choir leader Stephen Wolsley of Catholic Centre High School, London, and will commence in Sep- tember, exact date to be given later, along with other courses. For further in- formation call the College 452-4441. Lucan United. Church was full Sunday morning for the Sacrament of Infant Bap- tism when six little ones were dedicated; Kendra Christine, daughter of Ronald and Karen Peters; Marty James, son of Allan and Eleanor Mitchell; Jason Dennis, son of Dennis and. Vicki Daubs; Jennifer Lee, daughter of Kenneth and Brenda 'league; Tyler John, son of Robert and Lynn Graham and Robert Thomas, son of Robert Black and Deborah Emery. Books were presented by Marjorie Park, on behalf of the U.C.W. Very appropriately it was the 5th Commandment in his series on the 10 Com- mandments, on which Rev. Keith Brown based his sermon telling his congregation why the commandments were given and why particularly the 5th. "It is a bridge between the first 4 and the last 5 and instructs us to honour our parents" said Mr. Brown, He said that parents represent God, so we, as parents, have to know God in a personal relationship to be Rookies win another tilt The Lucan Rookies made it 13 wins with just one loss as they soundly defeated the Denfield girls by a score of 28-9. Darlene Smith pitched the entire game and picked up the win, Darlene also had four hits, one a home run and also scored five runs. Donna Wraith and Heather Hodgson also homered for the Rookies. The win over Denfield enabled the Rookies to stay in first placeone half game ahead of Parkhill. Next game for the Rookies is Thursday night against Crediton. Game time is 8 p.m. able to carry out our duties. Our earliest knowledge of right and wrong comes irom our parents, Marion Barr sang the solo "Reach Out to Jesus" ac- companied by her son, Douglas Barr, at the piano, Doug is the organist while Members of the Lucan Revival Centre enjoyed the ministry of the Johannson sisters for both services Sunday. Sunday morning Anne and Karina opened with singing "Holy Spirit Thou ' art Welcome in this Place." Their singing em- phasized the love of God. Ed Butler read a poem about moulding a child until it is grown. Speaking to the children's group, he told them this is why we spend time with children. Using a bulb, he showed how it will not light until •hooked to power, and then told how even children can show light of God when they hooked into God's power. Anne and Karina, from Sweden, told how their father, a Pentecostal minister, brought his family to Canada 8 years ago. Then they continued their ministry in singing about God's love and loving Jesus. They closed with singing "I Shall Know Him" a song about arriving in Heaven. Rev. Ray Brewster told that life is an enjoyment following Jesus. Jer. 29:11 tells how God thinks good toward us when we surrender to Him August 3, Sunday, Gordon Jenson will minister in music at Lucan Revival Centre. Sunday evening, the Johannson Sisters continued their singing ministry at Market Square Park. Their songs stressed that starting back at Calvary, Jesus made it possible for us to come to Helen Brown Stanley is on her honeymoon. Tomorrow morning, Thursday, the Prayer and Share Fellowship meets in the C.E. rooms at 9;45 Its lovely and cool so bring your Bibleand join the group. Him, to have eternal life, Next Sunday evening local talent from Lucan Revival Centre will minister at Market Square Park at 7:00 p.m. Upcoming events Saturday, July 26, at Wildwood Park, 12:30 p.m. there is to be a potluck picnic supper for the Young People. In regular soccer league $anies this week, Lucan Minor teams came away with five victories in seven. starts.. Mike Minis and David Whelthan were the goal scorers and Chris. Bell recorded the shutout as the Lucan atoms • blanked Ilderton 2-0, Monday, In a second Monday contest, the Ltican pee weep swamped Nairn. 134. Paul. Crunican scored five goals with Jesse Crawford close behind with four, Jerry Emery counted twice and Lester Arts and Ted Hall scored in single fashion. Jerry Emery and Dave DeBoer were double goal Jackson reunion Mrs. Frank Hardy, Sr. attended the Jackson family reunion on Sunday, in Lobo Memorial Park. Approximately 60 attended from as far away as British Columbia, Detroit and Toronto with the eldest person present, 90 in October, from London. John Brock, London, who will be 100 in September was unable to be present, but had attended 30 consecutive reunions, never missing one until last year. scorers. and Jamie Pitt and Dan My notched singles as the Lucan bantams shut out Nairn 070.. Terry Pike got the shutout,. The Lucan mosquitoes defeated Exeter 7-0, but, the. Spurs squirts lost 4-0 to Exeter. Scoring for the mosquitoes in. single fashion were Jeff Replier, Ian. Craig, Erin McComb, David Hinge, Mike (+Ulan,. Mike Arts and Johnnie Miller. Eddie Van Xerltoerle and Paul Minders each scored two goals as the Blizzard squirts won over Nairn 4-0. Graham Rollings recorded the shutout. - In senior. girls action, .0a.kridge. edged Lucan 3-0. AILSA CRAIG REPAIR Farm & Industrial Equipment Repair Welding hydraulic hose general farm supply Ph 293-3602 or come in to see us at 109 Main St. AILSA CRAIG this gap on the executive would be more than welcomed by the rest of the team and may contact Len Maslen, Branch president; at 227-4855, or any member of the executive. A sincere thank you is extended to the Branch campaign chairperson, Elsie Gibson, who retired this year, after many years as a volunteer„ for the spendid job she did to bring the campaign fund total to its present height. Her untiring efforts, ac- cording to president Len, has made his job much easier and made the new Campaign Chairman's job, which was filled by Bruce Maslen, quite a challenge to him, The executive wishes to thank the chief Executive of the Village of Lucan, Reeve Ivan Hearn , for his assistance during the proposed visit to Lucan of Terry Fox, who, due to exhaustion, etc., had to cancel his visit. Much effort was put forth by him and by the Branch executive for the welcoming of Terry Fox, but all plans had to be cancelled. Thanks also to the Lucan Inn (formerly the Shillelagh) for the offer of free overnight ac- commodations for the three people who comprise the Two mishaps in district Only two accidents were investigated this week by officers of the Lucan detach- ment of the Ontario Provincial Police. Tuesday at 9:20 p.m. Edwin Lawson, Exeter was injured when the motorcycle he was operating was in- volved in a single vehicle mishap on Clarke sideroad in London township. Con- stable C.S. Fleming set damages at $400. At 4 p.m. Wednesday vehicles driven by Carol Moir, RR 3, Ilderton and William Anderson, London collided on County road 23 in London township, Constable Fleming in- vestigated and listed damages at $2,500. During the week, detach- ment officers investigated five thefts with property stolen valued at $450. Seven persons were charged with liquor offences and one charged with impaired driving. Terry Fox "Marathon of Hope" run. We are also grateful to the arena board for the offered free use of the Leprechaim Room for a dinner planned by the executive to welcome Terry Fox. Once again it shows that, although Lucan is small in size and numbers it has a heart as big as any other city,Some donations are already in to the treasurer, M.H. Hodgins, 230 Butler St., or Box 212, Lucan and anyone who cares to make a pledge or a contribution to the "Marathon of Hope" may get in touch with the treasurer who has special income tax receipts for this project. Speaking of the "run" - "early birds" were on hand to meet Terry as he ap- proached Edgewood on Friday morning around 6 a.m. to present their donations to him personally and to wish him continued success in his "Marathon of Hope". These early risers were Marg and Al Cocquyt, Elsie and Dean Gibson, Mary, Angeline and Richard DeBrouwer and Elizabeth and Jeff Roestenberg and their 3 children. Hardy clan reunites Approximately eighty-five members of the Hardy family gathered recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy, Butler Street to celebrate the bir- thday of Mrs. Frank Hardy, Sr. and to hold the, annual reunion. Following a super noon meal a miscellaneous games and sports program was enjoyed by all ages, con- vened by the members of the host family. Guests were present from Toronto, Kintore, London, Ilderton, Ailsa Craig, Clandeboye and Lucan, The 1981 reunion will be convened by the members of the Harold Hardy family, Clandeboye. FIRE CALL The Lucan volunteer fire department answered a call Friday afternoon to put out a grease fire in a home on Alice street. No damage resulted. Revival Centre