HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-07-16, Page 26For Your Renovation Needs VAN HAARLEM tONSTRUCTION LTD. Exeter 235-2210 Specializing in Siding 20 years maintenance free for the home owner The Professionals JANITORIAL WORK Free Estimates Phone 237-3380 MAJOR APPLIANCE .REPAIR • Ranges • Washers • Di'yers etc,. 'TRIEBNER ELECTRIC 83 Gidlcy St., Exeter 235-1756 099, 10A Times-Advocate, July 16, 1980 6 Services Water Well Drilling. D. Hopper & Sons 4MODERN ROTARY RIGS Phone Seaforth Neil 527-1737 Durll 527-0828 lint 527-0775 CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING • Beef Mon. • Pigs Wed. Pickup Service Available DARLING'S ABATTOIR 235-0420 Custom Slaughtering and Processing Monday - (lief Tuesday - Pork SCHOLL'S ABATTOIR HENSALL Store 262-2017 `Abattoir 262-2041 FARM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS Simply The Best Investment For Your Farming Future LET US BE PART OF YOUR SUCCESS roth oiroginome LIMITED, Gadshill, Ontario (519) 656-2618 or (519) 595-8405 30t 6 Services CUSTOM. COMBINING with new cleaner, Phone- 262- 2323. 26:29.* SAFE "0" CONCRETE STEPS PORCHES - patio slabs - sidewalk slabs - curbs - flower bed edging Call: G G CONCRETE PRODUCTS 236-4723 Attention Farmers 'Wanted land for purpose of disposition of liquid waste from septic system and animal waste. Phone 565-2795 between 5:30 P.M. - 6:30 P.M. deny, Service To .All Makes Compare Our Prices Before You Buy r GARAGE, -SALE Sat., July 19 10 a.m- 6 p.m 1 mi. out on Huron St. E. misc. household articles, used furniture, clothing. THE BEST FOR LESS! Why Pay More? BY INGLIS ADMIRAL EUREKA ELECTROHOME Custom Slaughtering and Processing Kill Da. Wednesda, DASHWOOD 237-3677 Brand new three bedroom house with attached gar- age. Quality built featuring: country kitchen, 4 pce. bath up, three pee. both down, carpeted, full basement, electrically heated. Complete with sodded lawn and paved drive. Immediate oc- cupancy. This two bedroom brick home is ready to move in- to. Large country kitchen, ' carpeted and full base- ment. For Additional Information Call GREGUS CONSTRUCTION 235-1647 FOR SALE Darling Subdivision New house - 1120 sq. ft, plus garage. 1-7.4 Fully serviced lot. Paved streets. 7.7! .P. 235-1281 511111111111111111111110101111111111111111H101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111filititititlillifig Call Roger Dougall I 153:2:Cik AIME= imn/ Ontario Ontario Municipal Board 'In The Matter of Section 35 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c. 349), - and -7 IN THE MATTER OF an application by '! The Corporation of the Town of Exeter for approval of its Restricted Area By- law 30-1978 Appointment For Hearing THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Monday, 'the 18th day of August, 1980, at the hour of one o'clock (local time) in the afternoon, at the Municipal Building, 406 Main Street, Exeter, for the hearing of all parties interested in supporting or op- posing this application. If you do not attend and are not represented at this hearing the Board may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice'of the proceedings. In the 6/ent the decision is reserved,, persons taking part. in the hearing may request a copy of the deci- sion from the presiding Board Member. Such deci- sion will be mailed to you when available. DATED at Toronto this 25tIr day of June, 1980, Secretary L Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 15 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c. 349), - and - IN THE MATTER OF a reference to this Board by the Honourable Cleude F. Bennett, Minister of Housing, on a request by Hawleaf Developments Limited for consideration of that\part of proposed Amendment No. 4 tb the Official Plan for the Exeter Planning Area with respect to: Section 3.5(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f), on pages 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, ariil the lands outlined in green on Schedule 'B', Land Use Plan Minister's File No. OPL-2013-4 appointment For Hearing THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoint; Monday, the 18th day of August, 1980, at the hour of one o'clock (local time) in the afternoon, al the Municipal Building, 406 Main Streef, Exeter, fot`the part in the hearing may request a copy of the de1- tI hn ethiperoecveeendt i tnhges.decision is reserved, persons takirtg and you will not be entitled to any further noticeof hearing of all parties interested otin, resupprepsoerottisenedgcaoretrt13pryis- ipf oysoi nug thisdo not attend application,an hearing, the Board may proceed in your obseqce sion from the presiding Board Member. Such deri- sion will be mailed to you when available. DATED at Toronto this 25th day of June, 1980. • 1 Explanatory Note ,This Hearing is in respect to Exeter zoning By-Law No. 30, 1978 and those objeclons that were filed in respect to this By-Law, EXPLANATORY NOTE Official Plan referral is in respect to the Hawleaf Commercial Developme policiesntlimitedce(nZtedhirn'es dSihnopthpeing ffMicaialll) and and refer to no other parts of the Plan. • ft V • ill 6 Services Are-Dee • Construction General Construction Farm, Commercial and Residential Buildings Authorized Dealer for Akan Aluminum products, siding, sof- fit and fascia, doors, witido,ws and garden sheds, Phone Roger Dougall 235-1281 311- BUILDS EVERYTHING BETTER FOR BARNS VENTILATING, CLEANOUT and FEEDING SYSTEMS Also COW STALLS FARROWING CRATES FREE ESTIMATES Call Roger Dougall 235-1281 31t SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pumped; new tanks installed; new weeping beds laid; old systems repaired. Immediate ser- vice, Butler Bros., Lucan 227- 4312 or 237-4254. 10t PASSMORE Plumbing and Heating New Installations and General Repairs RURAL, R.ESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL DENNIS PASSMORE Phone 235-1751 14t BILL'S BURNER SERVICE For expert and complete furnace service, including installations, humidifier and air conditioning, Bill Yearley, Crediton 234- 6289. 44t ELECTRIC MOTORS * Rewinding • Repairs * Sales & Service Farm Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR K1RKTON 229.8222 51t • 24 HOUR OIL BURNER SERVICE AND CLEAN-OUTS Arnold Oolong St. Marys 284-2624 • 6 Services . . ENGLISH RIDING InStruction for further information call 294. 0395 (Parkhill) 29-36c CUSTOM COMBINING for wheat, grain, beans, and corn. 262-61302. 29:30c CUSTOM BIC.r round baling. Co Zo,nclag, Bayfie Id. 56 5t 5- 530fir. ' 2 7 Livestock MATURE Purebred Polled Hereford bull, dependable breeder. 237-3377, 29:313e REGISTERED Guernsey Springer due to freshen end of July.225-2658, 29c PUREBRED Yorkshire boars and gilts, ROP tested, Govern- ment Health Approved. Ted Schendera, 225-2734. 29-32c SIX FIRST Litter sows bred to York and Hampshire due in about two weeks. Phone 236- 4625 after 6:30 weeknights. 28:29c SERVICEABLE • AGE Hampshire, Yorkshire, Ramp x York, Ramp x Duroc boars. Bred York Landrace gilts due 2 to 5 weeks. Bob Robinson RR 4 Walton, 345-2317. 28-30c ARABIANS - pure and part- breds - all ages and levels of training - reasonably priced. Horseback riding lessons available also. Brandale Arabians RR 2 Crediton - 234- 6238 - visitors welcome. 27-29* RED ANGUS Bulls farm tested or Guelph tested, large selection, free delivery, sensible prices. Graham's Red Angus, RR 3 St, Marys, NOM 2V0. (519) 284-1233 or 284-1467. 26-30c 8 Farm Machinery GLEANER, Model E combine. Completely over-hauled, fully equipped, new condition. Phone 262-5283 or 262-2323. Best offer. 28::29• 40 FT. LITTLE Giant elevator in good condition. No. 10 Massey Ferguson baler in good condition and Massey Ferguson manure spreader, 2 years old, like new. Phone Ron Parsons, 229-6451. 28:29c WRECKING John Deere swather no "215", implement tire like new 760x l5, two front mounter Mauer Bean pullers with brackets. Phone 262- 6408.' 29:30* TRANSPORT grain auger 8 in. x 70 ft. long new ,in Oct., 1979. Phone Ron Christie, 229- 8767. 29:30c 9 Sports Equipment,Veh: 1979 KAWASAKI 250 motorcy- cle, fully equipped, excellent con- , di don. Phone 237-3465. 28:29c 1977 185CC SUZUKI Enduro. Very good condition, Phone 238- . 8061, 22t 1978 XS 400 Yamaha. Excellent condition, New chain and sprockets. $1200.00. 235- 0698. 29* 11 Cars, Trucks 1978 FORD VAN, 351 automatic, 22,000 miles. $5995.00- or best offer. Safety checked. 229-6738 or 455- 2447. 296 PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT WITH A POLYGLAZE SHINE That lasts and lasts DOBBS MOTORS 235-1800 MATHERS MOTORS 136 Main St. N. DAILY CAR RENTALS low daily & weekly rates PHONE 235-1525 CUSTOM 'KILLING and SLAUGHTERING Kill Egiy- Tuesday Specializing in home cured and smoked meat Veuls ABATTOIR and MEAT MARKET 235-1133 11 Cars, Trucks 1971 TRIUMPH TR-§ EXcellent drur ni riven. oCnolnyd,itiNona.vySuBmlintieel: $2195.00. Contact Mary Alder- son 235.1331 or evenings 243- 2741. 24tfx 1935 CHEV. Mechanically good. Needs interior and body work done. $1700. Call 235-0315 after 5 or on weekends. 281 1974 FORD COMET, 4 door 8d2ien6Iyu2xl,et,op V, 8brwownith wbiuthck beteigseeats, v good shape. Phone 229- in- terior new tires, new battery. .in 1969 CHEVELLE, 2 door, hard- top with 307 V8 motor. P.S. and P,B, Silver grey with black leather interior. Good condition and certified. Call 235- 1977 OLDSMOBILE R208y:a2l9e*: 1635. green with vinyl top, power brakes and steering, air con- ditioning. 21000 km. Excellent condition. Will be safety check- ed. Tenders to be in to Mrs. Levi White, RR 3 Ailsa Craig, NOM 1A0 by 12 o'clock Sat., July 19, 1980. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, For inspec- tion and information phone 455- 3874, 293-3367 or 293-3092. Reason for selling - to settle an estate. , 1969 CHEVY Malibu, 4 door, hardtop, $250 as is. Phone 229- 6792. 29* 1978 FIREBIRD, 54,000 km. 2 winter radials, economical 305 V8 automatic, metallic silver blue, white interior, 8-track, other options. Phone 238- 8798. 29c 1968 • FALCON Futura. Ex- cellent running condition. Body oini2g5ood shape. $600. Phone 235- 29-3lc 1971 MGB collector's item, ex- cellent condition, 4 speed with over drive, reclining bucket seats. 237-3725 anytime. 29.32c 1967 FORD XL 2 door H.T., p.s., and p.b., small V8 engine reasonably good condition, needs little to certify. $300.00 as is. Call 235-1635. 29* 1975 PINTO station wagon, 46,- 000 miles. As is. Phone 229-6770 after 6 and 235-1211 before 6. 1976 DODGE VAN, complete custom, finished interior, bed, bar stereo, CB, captain chairs and) mush more. Mirrors all around. Only 2400 miles, must sell, best offer. 235.2828. 29c 1975 CHEV half ton in excellent condition. 350 standard. Phone 236-4542. 29:30* 12 Pets TWO PERSIAN kittens to give away, one black and one black and white. Phone 228-6823 anytime. 29x POODLE CLIPPING - 20 years professional grooming byap- pointment.,Tom Reid, Kippen. Phone 262-6319. 27-29c 13 Musical Instruments ORCANA ORGANS 2 key boards and base pedals. $350.00. Phone 262-52,55. 28:29c 15 Persdnal IF YOU Want to drink that's your business., If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phonee 235-1952,228-6595. 29t 16 For Sale ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rental, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 92 Main St, 235- 1840. 211' HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich, has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometer, Car- dinal Watches, Family rings and charms, watches and clock repairing guarantee. 51t USED FURNITURE - chester- fields and chairs, diningroom suites, kitchen tables and chairs, dryers, refrigerators, ranges etc. Whiting's Warehouse, Exeter, 235-1964. 28t 1975 1/2 TON Chev pick up. 30" franklin stove. 237-3297. 131' MAKE YOUR own Clock. Use your own design of Quartz movements now in stock. The Country Spire, 229-6346. 14t HARDTOP CAMPER: Sleeps six. Call Harry DeVries at 235- 1331, After five 235-0555. 26tfx 16 For Sale BARN RQQF tarring, Drive- way Sealing ,Basement waterproofing. James Symes,` Lucknow.Phone 528-3233.. 141' NEW & Used eye bents channel, plate and pipes. Hamilton's Machine Shop. Phone 235-1655. 1' _ 20 PING PONG table and accessories, Asking $40,00, Phone 236-4824, 22-29c QUIET well matched black 3065, 22t team would make ex- cellent show team. Priced for quick sale. Phone 519-986- 22t SWIMMING POOLS Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools, These come com- plete with walkaround deck, $1498, Call IMPERIAL POOLS patio, fencing, pump, moto23r- 30" toll free 1-800-268-5970. filter. Regular price $2400, now RENT A POOL Swimming pool manufacturer will lease and install new 1980 family-size pool complete with walkway, sun deck and fencing, on a rental basis with option to buy. Your choice of,style. Try before you buy! Call IMPERIAL POOLS toll free 1- 800-268-5970. • 23-30* ONE NEW Queen Size box spr- ing. Phone 235-0105 after 'five. 24tfx LOW, SLEEK AND FAST - 16 foot Baja waterski boat, with 115 horse power Johnson motor and power trim. Brqnze metalflake. Mint condition. Radio, Ski bar, rope and skis included. Will sell ,with or without •trailer, Complete: $4800. Contact Mary Alderson 235-1331 or 243- 2741. 26tfx CAMPER STYLE pickup truck topper, fully insulated and pan- elled with roof vent and sliding windows and also a pony saddle. Phone 227-4334. 28:29c BEDROOM walnut double bed with new box spring and mat- tress, triple dresser with Mirror, chest of drawers and nightstand $495.00. Dining room French Provincial Fruitwood table with two leaves custom made pads, four chairs and btiffet. $495.00. Black wrought iron coffee table and end tables $75.00 and two speakers $75.00. Prices negotiable. Many miscellaneous items, Bayfield area t 236- 4222. 281' BEAUTIFUL pale almond 30" electric range. Full black glass door with wood grain and chrome trim less than 1 year old. Perfect condition. Also length of rubber backed carpet. Approx. 12 wide by 16 long. Beige background. Marbleized pattern. Call 262-6328. 28:29c 1970 INTERNATIONAL im- plement truck with 18 ft. roll back hoist and winch, $4800.00 or best offer. Honda 1974 350, 4 cy, $850.00 or best offer. 235- 0918 at 8 a.m. 28:29* CHERRIES pick your own. Sweets ready now till July 25th. Montmorency„ starting by the 17th. Bring own containers. Mon. available palled and frozen. Watson's Fruit Farm, I mile north of Forest 21 highway. 873-5439. 28:29c CHERRIES: Pick your own cherries at Murray Bros. orchard on Ridge Road, four miles South West of Thed ford. Sweet cherries ready July 12 Montmorency July 14. 28-30* GOOD USED building material barn board and firewood for sale. 228-6712. 28:29c SELF SHARPENING bean knives limited number available. Old bean knives hammered. Br- ing them in now, Windcrop Iron 527-1970 after six. 28:29c 9 PC. WALNUT dining room suite, priced reasonable. 262- 5510. 28:29e CHERRIES - pick your own, Huron Ridge Acres RR 2 Zurich. Phone 565-2122. 29:30c RASPBERRIES - pick your own. Huron Ridge Acres, RR 2 Zurich. Phone 565-2122. 29:30c AIR CONDITIONER 24000 PTU, excellent condition. 237- 3741 after 9 p.m. 29-32c USED GE electric clothes dryer in good condition. $95. Call 229- 6372. 29c t.0 TA is LADDERS POWER TOOLS LAWN & GARDEN TOOLS STEAM RUG CLEANERS * WALLPAPER REMOVER -0( & MANY MORE ITEMS HENSALL HOME HARDWARE 122 KING ST. HENSALL, ONT. TEL 262-2015 16 For Sale YARD SALE - Saturday July19 10 a.m, Corner of.Albert and James Street. Bicycle, lawn sw- ing, de-humidifier and much more. 29c 30" STOVE, 15 cu. , ft. fridge, harvest gold, excellent condition. $650. Call 235-2609 after 6 p.m, 29" CHERRIES - pick your own cherries starting Jul'' 19 at Berg Orehards, Fprest, 3 miles south of Camp Ipperwash, pitting machine 14 your convenience, 'Easy picking; plentiful supply, Open anytime. Phone 873- 5762. 29:30c REGAL - Anyone wishing to buy Regal produdts call Linda Jones 228-6843. The new Fall and Christmas catalogues are in . now! 29:30c QUANTITY OF wheat straw bales, Phone 229-6252. 29:30c ABOVE GROUND swimming pool and deck, 30x15 with 7 ft, deep end, slide and all accessories. 237-3725 anytime, 29-32c USED POCKETBOOKS, over 2,000 to choose from, Buy, ex- change or sell, Call 236-4194 or cometo Scotty's Variety at Drysdale. 29:30c 1978 KAWASAKI KD 125 like new; white Admiral dishwasher, seldom used. 235-0694, 29c SHETLAND stallion, Gopd markings. Phone 229- 6622. 29;30* RED BEETS perfect now for canning; Leslie Thomson 181 William St. 235-0736, 29t 8 ACRES of alfalfa and timothy hay, Phone 225-2216. 29* STRAW GRAIN and wheat 50 cents a bale, Right from the field, Phone John VanOts 229- 6563. 29;30* OLSEN OIL furnace and tank, 7 yrs. old. Phone 235-0482. 29:30* AIR RIDE truck seat complete $100. Steel double bed and springs $45, childs sidewalk bicy- cle (ages 3-4) $15. Phone 235- 1062. 29* PEPPLER 9 piece walnut dining room suite in. good condition. Priced reasonable. Phone 262- 5510. ' 29* POOL TABLE 5 ft. x 9 ft, has heavy slate top. $500. One set of right hand golf clubs and bag $75. Call after 6 o'clock. 227- 1183. 29c 6377. 29c 40 water heater, 4 ex- cellent condition. Phone 234- 29c SWEET CHERRIES bring con- tainers and pick your own. Montmorency (red) i..5c a pound. Open anytime. A McCahill, Forest. 873- 5344. 29:30c FRESH CAULIFLOWER 3 miles West of Exeter on Hwy. 83 Bert Visscher Open Daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ° Cloted Sundays" PHONE IN LARGE ORDERS 237-3442 29t 17 Wanted To Buy CATTLE - we pay good price for recently injured unthrifty cattle. Easy loading trailer with winch. Call collect 238-2796 John Ansems Grand Bend. 36t 11000000 Itirkbeiin FURNITURE & APPLIANCE ZURICH 2364075 18 Wanted IMMEDIATE payment ror good standing timber. Apply Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig or P 232-4450. 12t MATURE FEMALE, housekeeper, companion for elderly lady in village of Hensel!. Live in, Remuneration be negotiated. Apply Box 89P in writing to Times Advocate. 29c RIDE FROM Exeter to Goderich, 5 days a week, 8;00 to 4:00 o'clock. Call Daytime 235- 1380 after 5;00 call 235-0899. 28t 19 Property For Sale FOR SALE Over 8 1/Pacres of country living near Pinery Park and Grand Bend on Highway 21. - INCLUDES - 8-room HOUSE & 5 bedrooms - 2 baths - Full BASEMENT- Ce- ment, PATIO - FIREPLACE - • Lots of STORAGE- ETC. - also - Large cement block STORAGE BUILDING - 38' x 100 - and a barn - 20' x 40' - . AND.. LICENSED GRAVEL PIT of Good. Cement Gravel Well Wooded Area - Apply to - Lot 14 LRE Phone 238-2787 or 243-3036 W.V. BL:EWETT Grand Bend, RR 2 NOM 1TO 281. LIEURY - 11/2 storey rhome in excellent condition, main floor living room, I bedroom, large kitchen, family room, utility room, 3 bedrooms on second floor. Large treed lot 139-200, small barn and garage. Low tax- es $236.00. All for $35,200, **• LAKE VIEW on 1 acre, like new - 2 storey brick and stucco. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, American kitchen with bow window in din- ing. drea, fireplace in livingroom, main floor laundry, attached • garage. New workshop being built, Just north of Grand Bend. Call Mae Morenz 1-238-2822, Hugh A Evans Realtor Grand Bend 271 • NEAR GRAND BEND - four bedroom bi-level broadloom, two full bathrooms. Finished rec room, garage on 11/2 acres. Phone 1-672-6863 or 238-8907. 23t 20 Property For Rent ONE BEDROOM bachelor apartment. Heated anti air con- ditioned. Two bedroom apart- inent -ln Flensair, Newly decorated. Stove and, fridge. Phone 235'0537 alter 5. 29' ONE BEDROOM townhouse $165 monthly, Phone 262.2014 or 262-3446. 261'• COMMERCIAL - former eated, Shirley'sley's Loft location, Phone 235-1681. 241 1 BEDROOM apartment, stov e, fridge, drapes, heat, het water and garbage collection supplied. Available July 1st, Call 262-2409 or262-2119, 23t LUCAN - 2 bedroom apart- ment, heated, private entrance, yard. Phone 2274187. 23t CENTRALLY Located in Zurich, 1 bedroom apt. Available immediately. For further information phone 236- 4320. 231- SIMCOE STREET Townhduses for lease,. 3 bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, full basement, 11/2 baths, cable TV, electric heat, broadloom throughout, large yard, paved driveway, $295 plus utilities, Call • for appointment, 682-7236, Ingersoll 1-485- 2456. 21t WE NOW ,HAVE warehousing space available for lease at Oud Warehousing. Phone 262-2928 or 262-5768. 151- IN LUCAN - central one bedroom apartment with fridge and stove. All utilities included. 225-2578. 31' Elizabeth Court IN HENSALL One bedrooms available now June, July or Aug. 1st. $225.00.2 bedroom available June dr July 1st. 8250.00. Featuring shag carpeting, Kelvinator appliances; all utilities paid, For Inquiries phone 262-344 Hen- sall, or 453-2280 London. 1 191 EXCEPTIONAL 3 bed worn apartment, including s ove, fridge, dishwasher and ,gar; burator. Art Geiser, 1228- 6503. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Extra Large Luxury Apartments Carling Street - Exeter Within Walking Distance of Shopping Area 2 bedroom apartments Immediate Occupancy Laragh Corporation Ltd. PHONE 235-0141 12.2t