Times-Advocate, 1980-07-16, Page 3eus~~F Gunn
Sponsored by the Sugar & Spice of Exeter.
Three categories: 6 — under, 7 - 10 and 11 - 16
candy for each entrant and grand prize in each
category far the largest bubble.
Frida at 2 p.m. in front of sugar & Spice
Friday at 10 01.111.
In front of Pat's pets
Any Mutt is eligible to enter.
Sponsored by Pat's Pets
limos-Aditocato, My 16, l900 Page 3
They travel coast to coast to show dogs for full'and ego trips
or trailer just for the dogs, Heal said that to keep .4 top. Then the beat dogs of each. the dog, his movements,
But not many people can 4og-ilixtentor it 04o as lrlaPY breed compete- to determine -Which sho.434 be with
malte..4 living off their dogs, shOws as possible could coot the hest in the group, The minimum of effort, and his
Sometimes the Professional between $19,909to.S.PP00per hest in each group coelPeig temperament. He should he.
handlers, who do nothing but year. finally to determine the heat. neither too shy nor too
show dogs for other people, itu.d you, don't get any, dog in the show. vicious. He can snarl at other.
can make .a geed, Wing. But money „for dog ;maids...AA Points are awarded to the dogs but not.at•linnlariS. Beal
one breeder said, "We have you get is ribbons, PreStige winning.dogs, the number said that in the three years
to work hard to support our and the'odd potted plant,' if depending On the award won he's been. judging he has
dogs." you're lucky. At this show and the her of dogs in never seen a perfect dog and
It takes a lot of money tnthe Rluewater Kennel Club tho competition. It takes 14 believes he never will,
get into and stay in this made its own potted plants.. points to get a Canadian- in order to become a judge
hobby. Purebred puPPicA of with beautifully carved championship and 15 for an you have to apprentice for 1.0
any breed usually sell for wooden pots. Reid 50.4 that American, It may take tip to years by - Showing or
less. than $250 to $300, And if it's the .only show to have a year to get one point or breeding dogs or running a
Whether it's for fun, an ego
trip, or a way to make a
living, many people are
addieted to dogs and their
"beauty" shows. The
Rluewater Kennel Club'S
second annual All Breed
Championship Show held
Tuesday and Wednesday at
the .South 'Huron Recreation
Centre in • Exeter drew
crowds of participants.
WM Chairman Doug Reid
said that altogether there.
were 819 entries and about 60
to 65 breeds .representodt
The .club was very happy
with. the turnout, "It was. just
about what we expected,"
Reid said,
People came from as far
as Texas in. the. United
States, and in Canada there
were entries from as far as
New Brunswick, Manitoba
and Saskatchewan. The two
days in Exeter were part of a
„six day circuit Which was
continued in Tavistock and
Woodstock. would go crazy under the
It was sure a dog's world same circumstances."
at the rec centre as pretty These dogs have to put up-
well .everything catered to with people poking around In
the dogs frOM bags and bags their mouths, holding up
of -foOd to. booths of all you their tails, positioning their
eould possibly *ant in feet, and pointing their heads
grooming supplies, forward. They are 4144
Verythingo1hal is, except constantly on the road,
for the weather. The first travelling to perhaps 100 dog.
day of the show was so hot shows per year, and con-
that the dogs were panting stantly in the, presence of
even more than their' han- other strange dogs and
filers as they ran around the people. Therefore, they have
ring.-The second day, which become very much people
brought overcast sideS, was oriented, Heal said, You
more to their liking; could drop a gun beside them
But it wasn't as if the rec and it wouldn't bother them
centre grounds were filled a bit."
with a bunch of normal dogs. it's hard to say who likes
Except for the odd fight and the shows better the dogs or
gnashing of teeth as some the owners and handlers, Ole
dogs spotted a possible Nielson, an Afghan breeder
enemy, all you could hear and exhibitor from Prin-
was the buzz of • human ceton; Ontario, said his dogs'
voices. These dogs are well are so used to shows that as
trained and used to the act soon as they • see the
they must perform, grooming table being put
Show judge Fred Heal, into the truck they howl to
Ottawa, said, "House pets get going. •
But then these shows are
Just as addigliVe tomanY dog
Owners, Once they Start
winning they. can'tgive
And if they don't win they
buy another dog that will Win
until they have whole
kennel full of .them,
Often the whole thing is
just for prestige, People with
money to spend will buy a
dog and get prolgssiOnal
handler to train and show it.
Sometimes they rarely see
their dog.
And then there are people
who justlove dogs and make
the shows a family vacation
affair; Usually the grounds_
around the shows are set up
for camping and it's a great
way to meet people with a
common interest and travel
around the continent. One
couple who breed dogs said,
"Dog people are usually
pretty nice." •
Quite often those who
exhibit dogs also breed
them. Usually they stick to
one breed. 'Their goal is. to
breed winning dogs and they
like to pr0174 it by winning.
with them.
But one ;Polo from New.
Jersey who breed Basset
' hounds said that sometimes
breeders go too far in
creating their man-made
"good-looking" dogs and
sacrifice the health of the
- For example,
bulldogs, boxers and ptigs
have such an exaggerated
short .ncoe now that they
have problems breathing in
hot weather.. RR gets too hot,
they opal survive.
You really have to love
dogs M. get into this hobby,
unless you can make aliving
from them. Sometimes these
people really have to rough it
while on the road, putting up
with all kinds of weather,
Some have a bunch of dogs
living in the same close
quarters with them for days
on end, while others more
fortunate have aseparatevan
it's a promising puppy from
champion parents yon can be
sure it will cost more, Some
pups have been :sold for as
much as $1,000 to $1,500, one
breeder said.
Then once you get your
dog, you have, to feed him,
pay entrance fees to shows,
pay handlers if necessary
and pay travelling expenses.
One breeder with 20 Basset
hounds said he went through
at least 100 pounds of food
each week. Show judge Fred
homemade trophies. only a few months to get a kennel. Then you must be
The dogs in the show are championship, depending on approved by the Canadian
divided into six groups, - how good the dog is. Kennel Club, At first you can
sporting, bound, working, This show was for con- only start Judging a few
terriers, toys and non- firmation or appearance breeds. It takes 10 years
sportingBach breed in each only, not for obedience, Heal before you're qualified to be
growls judged separately at said that the dogs •aren't an all-breed judge.
first to determine the best of competing against each A couple from the United
the breed. Males, females, other but against a written States said that they prefer
puppies and former standard set for each breed. Canadian shows to those in
champions are shown But he said that each judge the United States because
separately before competing may interpret the standards "the competition' isn't as cut
together for the best of somewhat differently. throat." They said the at-
breed. Puppies under six Basicially, the judge looks mosphere is better and
months old can't be shown. at the standing position of Canadians are better sports.
Shown above is a list of places offering better values his week than our Exeter Mainway
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9 P.M.
Family Fun
For Everyone
In operation both days
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See the Special bargain Section in this week's :newspaper