HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-07-09, Page 14prrrra. Atxmax Ontario Ontario Municipal Board In The Matter of Section 35. of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c. 349), and..-- IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Exeter for approval of its Restricted Ared By- law 30-1978 Appointment For Hearing THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Monday, the 18th day of August, 1980, at the hour of one o'clock (local time) in the afternoon, at the. Municipal Building, 406 Main-Street, Exeter, for the hearing of all parties interested in supporting or op- poking this application. If you do not attend and are not represented at this hearing the Board may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice of the proceedings. In the event the decision is reserved, persons taking part in the hearing may request a copy of the deci- sion from the presiding Board Member. Such deci- sion will be mailed to you when available. DATED at Toronto this 25th day of June, 1980. Secretary Explanatory Note This Hearing is in respect to Exeter zoning By-Low No. 30, 1978 and those objections that were filed in respect to this By-Low. AV E WAY LUIVIBE KAISER ALUMINUM SIDING Siding in 12'6" lengths with 8" exposed width.. White only. Full 'carton only 2 sq. per carton. Backerboard not in- cluded. SQUARE 10 95 10 SQ. OR MORE :linalcm; NO-NAME PRODUCTS MI6 IMO' FOR NW! 17.5 mm IN STOCK APPROX. '/,DOMINION WINDOWS The vinyl slider is a, double glazed weather-tight window-. Features in- clude; removeable panels for easy cleaning, weatherstripping and. fiberglass screen. Sizes are for rough stud opening. BATHROOM BEDROOM 31%" x 241/2 " 351/4" x 361/2 " VS-2620 VS-330 • 5539 7595 VS-430 47'/" x 36'h KITCHEN 9449 14f1. *APPROX. 1/2 " 4x 8' SHEET BUDGET PLYWOOD Economy plywood for the budget minded. Sanded one side. 95 MANAGER'S SPECIAL OF THE WEEK In Stock PANELLING 115% OFF OUR REG LOW PRICES WHITE VENTED SOFFIT "6f 12' x 16" SAKRETE CONCRETE MIX Sakrete mixes are blended to assure the highest quality. Just add water and mix, 30Kg. bag. PORTLAND CEMENT 89 40 KG. WHITE FASCIA 595 6"x10' 2'9 CHAIN LINK FENCING Vinyl coated galvanized steel. 11 gauge. GAL. LOOK FOR THE BRIGHT ORA NGE'LA BEL PAINT THIN 1)11.1tIeg!1 7-7-7 FERTILIZER LATEXWT" PAINT Num on Ennn OP PAINT' Interior/exterior latex paint for budget projects. White only. 2" 4 LITRE INDOOR/OUTDOOR Coal tar based driveway sealer to protect any asphalt surface. PAINT THINNER Value priced, paint thinner doubles as a good household cleaner. 4 litre con-tainer. FERTILIZER • .General purpose for a healthy, attractive lawn. Package covers 2'9 approx. 1500 sq, ft. DRIVEWA Y SEALER it 4 GAL. SS 87 STEEL ROOFING AND SIDING Made of durable 30 gauge galvanized sheeting. In-stock size only. Not available in all stores. 284SQUARE 25 SQ. OR MORE 48" x 50' 3 1 95 w11"11,11PP" 2x4 SPRUCE BUDGETar STUDS 000.1%04„,, .• Colonel Sanders and his boys t inflation TUESDAY DINNE SPECIAL $200 (Regular 6,2.0 Value) 3 Pieces delicious Kentucky Fried Chicken Golden Brown French Fries Creamy Cole Slaw Grecian Bread 227 MAIN ST. NORTH EXETER hicken 235-2424 •, cnIco4 :;.r,-.ntaki“ .11,1 !r h-kin good'. 1' ttitticky Fried -74e I" WINS Page 14 Times-Aaeacate, July 9, 1980 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 15 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c. 349), - and - IN THE MATTER OF a reference to this Board by the Honourable Claude F. Bennett, Minister of Housing, on a request by Hawleaf Developments Limited for consideration of that part of proposed Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan for the Exeter Planning Area with respect to: Section 3.5(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f), on pages 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, and the lands outlined in green on Schedule `B', Land Use Plan Minister's File No. OPL-2013-4 Appointment For Hearing THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Monday, the 18th day of August, 1980, at the hour of one o'clock (local time) in the afternoon, at the Municipal Building, 406 Main Street, Exeter, for the hearing of all parties interested in supporting or op- posing this application. If you do not attend and are not represented at this hearing, the Board may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice of the proceedings. In the event the decision is reserved, persons taking part in the hearing may request a copy of the deci- sion from the presiding Board Member. Such deci- sion will be mailed to you when available. DATED at Toronto this 25th day of June, 1980. Secretary EXPLANATORY NOTE Official Plan referral is in respect to the Hawleaf Development Limited (Zehr's Shopping Mall) and Commercial policies contained in the Official Plan, and refer to no other parts of the Plan. The Huron County police communications System will be upgraded later this month when a computer system linking it to central police files in Ottawa is installed. The terminal, to be located at the communica- tion network's nerve centre in Goderich, will let municipal potie.e in Goderich, Exeter, Clinton, Seaforth and Wingham get information 'from the Cen- tral. Police Information Cen- tre (CPIC) instantly. The Huron system, in operation nearly 14 months, is the first of its" kind that links small municipal forces together on a country-wide radio network. A constable on a beat in Exeter, for in- stance. is able to com- municate directly with his counterpart on the streets of Wingham. The $6,000 installation cost is being shared by the On- tario police commission and the federal government. In its first months of operation, the Huron system has tapped into CPIC through the lGoderich provin- cial police detachment, an arrangement that according to Goderich Police Chief Pat King has worked smoothly but with occasional delays. King points out that the provincial police computer is sometimes tied up with requests for information and local forces have occasional- ly had to wait .,everal minutes before getting infor- ' "Co-operation has been, excellent." he said of the arrangement with the provincial police. "but we can now be even more ef- ficient because it will cut down our waiting time." Calling the (TIC terminal a tremendous tool to fight crime, King said informa- tion about individuals or vehicles can be obtained in seconds. The communications system, working on a 1980 budget of $8 6,8 00, has produced "excellent results from the police point of view," King said. It has helped pollee deal with out- of-tOwners who commit crimes in the county. Liaison among the five chiefs is maintained through meetings every six weeks, he said, and municipal of- ficials from Huron's five town also get together fre- quently to iron out minor operational difficulties. King said the new equip- ment is due in Goderich July 31 with an in-service date ex- pected two weeks later. The Goderich chief's praise for the Huron system was echoed by Exeter Police. Chief Ted. Day. Day said he has seen an improvement in his 'force's fight against crime with the 24-hour communication network. He said there was some in- itial contusion among town residents about how the system worked (they simply dial the local police number, which gives them the dis- patcher in Goderich) but "they're getting used, to it." At the Ontario police corn- miss:on, Neil MacKinnon, director of technical ser- vices, said Friday the com- puter, is being supplied because the. Huron system is government is contributing RCMP in Ottawa owns and a proven. 24-hour network, part of the cost of linking maintains the system's corn. He noted that the federal into CPIC because the pater hardware. LINEUP OF ANTIQUES -- Tractors doting back to the turn of the century were on display at the weekend. show at Ilderton. Also featured were numerous steam and gas operated engines. Staff photo 7n-r-w•-nr '77,77'77 , ."1 • Huron iy'stern will join central police computer' Give quilt at Brinsiey By GORDON MORLEY. BRINSLEY The United Church Sunday School, Brinsley, presented Mr. Peter Snell with an autograph quilt, and Linda with a smaller quilt on Sunday, June 29th before leaving to make their home in London, Miss Ruth Trevithick of Etobicoke is home holidaying with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trevithick. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Atkinson of Lucan were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Prest. Mr. and Mrs. George Prest spent Sunday in London with Mrs. Prest's father Cecil Ellwood who was celebrating his birthday. Rev. Charles Scott of London took the service in the United Chuirch on Sunday. There will be no service Sunday, July 13th in Brinsley United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gackstetter of EXeter and Mrs. Gladys Lochner of Inwood visited a short while Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Violet Allison 'and Kathleen Morley. A family gathering of about 40 people gathered together at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Lewis on Sunday to celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lagerwerf's 25th, wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Durand and family were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morley. STORE HOURS Mon. - Thurs. 8:00 - 5:30 Fri. 8:00 - 9:00 Sat. 8:30 - 4:00 227 MAIN STREET EXETER PHONE 235-1582 Et BUILDING SUPPLIES 111 • SATISFACTION GUARANTEED • REPLACEMENT OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED ' • FREE PARKING • BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE • MASTER CHARGE It CHARGEX • FREE ESTIMATING • DELIVERY AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE RATES QUALITY • SELECTION -LOW PRICES