HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-06-18, Page 27''' ' • '''' . • : ..• '• • :Si': • FA:LLI-Eak nnaisKun V sts-V Re vi, 4 PACE LIE Rocia ROYALE r_ &et I a IA tissues . tinte nsouthoirs de p.piet •-• 'A ePais5,lis 11.111" t ,arfel" • t ter- if FACIAL TISSUES BOXES OF 60 n 09 kor- Ate 00.1, FAckrli I ROYale GUARDIAN TOOTHBRUSHES •Gentle *Medium 2 for 99 0 SCOTT FAMILY NAPKINS $ nn White or Yellow .1.,1U 180's CREST TOOTHPASTE $1.09100 ml 'OLD FASHIONED' LICORICE ALL-SORTS 1.19400 g TAME CREME LI RINSE $1.19 225 m GUARDIAN COLOR PRINT FILM 4 110 or t 126 12 Exposures Instant Load Type a a C EA Dixie HEAVYWEIGHT PLASTIC TABLEWARE 8 each large Size Knives, Forks and Spoons 9 boa •--e t, ttl't votritl UARDLAN DRUGS Pi .40,, 1°11 1,111/11k1 ONE OF TEN RALEIGH 'RECORD' cAst' 1/11 in 10-SPEED RACING BIKES RD' Complete Details and Entry Forms Available at Your Local Guardian Drug Store 0 'St 4V i r.sS* M Registered Trademark of Nog Trading Co Ltd Exeter Pharmacy Ltd. Main Street DUE TO SPACE (IMITATIONS AND AVAILABILITY A7 NNW OF SALE ITEMS SHOWN MAY NOT All BE AVAILABLE AT Alt LOCATION'S 235-1570 WELCOME SUMMER SALE! Facelle 3-Ply et oft WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES c tor, rt ‘.'5•S$4. 0 GUARDIAN. DRUGS PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL JUNE 28 1980 rtirt,r,,r7FT. 4.4444.4144.4.** Large Consignment -X Auction Centralia UCW Page 7A of antiques, furniture, tractors, etc, 41, Wednesday, Evening June 25 - To 6:00 p.m. -P. .4( New Ilderton Arena .4( _1,, Featuring a collection of 3Q0 small antique pieces .7%. such as: jugs, copper boiler, bells, tools, cylinder' 44 records, license plates, locomotive oilers, irons, grind „or stone, wash boards, pumps, coffee grinders, apple jr peeler, odes‘ broad axe, sheller, wooden vise, r_ wooden flails & rakes, hay knives, whipple trees, llt neck yolks, wagon jacks, school desks, insulators, .ar lanterns, horse collar & shoes, sheep shears, skates, rs y r harness 8, Homes parts, Dr. Scholls pedograph, ice cream maker, match book collection, small clocks, IK organ 8. bench, dining room table, cedar chest, ..,A NA_ harvest table, captains chair, wash stand, drop leaf 74° table, parlour tables, rockers, quilts, hanging lamp, IL, sealers, brass hall tree, Bentwood hall tree, hall seat "M with mirror, brass spittoon, press back chairs, * dresser, blanket box, bow front curio cabinet, old " Ontario chairs, etc. HOUSEHOLD ETC: Chrome set, electrolysis .4._ machines, sofa bed, bedroom suite, washing °T . machines, vacuums,, fans, refrigerators, bikes, rab- bits, coloured T,V.'s 3 h.p. & 2 h.p. electric motors, --1 joiner, etc. * SWIMMING POOL HEATER: Laars propane Mark 4 325000 B.T.U. will heat 20 x 40 pool (like new) i' ANTIQUE TRACTORS: John Deere 1936 D on ,..i_ rubber, good running condition, John Deere 1952 B 49" row crop, on rubber, restored (real good), 1949 * Cockshutt 70 row crop on rubber. * TERMS: Cash Sale Night Lunch Booth AUCTIONEERS * * * Hugh Filson & Tom Robson * * 666-0833 666-1967 * 4 Remember the Horse, Pony and Tack Auction - Satur- * NA. day June 28 - 1:00 p.m. Denfield Livestock Sales 4( Ba rn. ************** Auction Sale of (Like New) household furniture and misc. items. on Thursday evening June 26 7 p.m. Sharp To be held in South Huron Rec. Centre Exeter for Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baker. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: Kenmore, 2 door, frost free refrigerator, Kenmore 30" Self clean range, Kenmore washer and dryer (all harvest gold) 12 cu. ft. Admiral Deep Freeze, Kenmore power head vacuum cleaner, Phillips 26" Modular 4 Solid State colour T.V., Zenith Console stereo, 9 pc. oak dining room suite, with lg. 4 door hutch with lights, crystal chandelier, Sklar 2 pc. living room suite, Sklar recliner and arm chair, rocking chair, matching coffee and end tables with extra drum table, table lamps, 2 lg. wall mirrors, pictures, hall table with in- laid top, 5 pt. kitchen suite, '5 pce. Peppier Oak bedroom suite with triple dresser and mirror, large armoire, 2 night tables, queen bed with box and matt., twin beds, chest of drawers, triple dresser and mirror, chest of drawers, book case bed, 2 dresser lamps, odd lamps, Cold Spot De-humidifier, S.C.M. manual portable typewriter, round padded card table and chair set, 2 chaise lounges, wall clocks, barometers, 2 brass candelabra with crystal prisms, pedestal in pinwheel dish with brass base, several pieces of glass and china (some antique), several pieces of wicker, electrical appliances such as coffee magic, tea kettle, 4 slice toaster, fry pan, can opener, crock pot, knife, mixette, pots and pans some garden tools, 8" Rockwell Industrial table saw with extension. Many other items, Don't miss this Auction Sale of outstanding furniture, all like new. TERMS CASH Norm Whiting AUCTIONEER Phone Exeter 235-1964 Auction Sale of Household furnishings, antiques and misc. items on Sat. June 28 12:30 p.m. Sharp Main St. Crediton, Ont. for the late Mrs. Dorothy Bender. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS — chesterfield and chair, platform rocker, day bed, radio and record player, Hi-fi, T.V., 9 pc, walnut dining room suite, large kitchen table with 4 leaves, wooden arm chair, 6 chrome chairs, odd chair, China cabinet, 2 stools, 4 pc. bedroom suite with box spring and mattress, 2 beds with mattress, small crib, 2 radios, floor and table lamps, mirror, pictures and frames, fireplace and screen, 24" electric range, washing machine, coal and wood cook stove Al, dishes, pots and pans, small electrical appliances, linens, blankets, quilts, pillows, deep well pressure system, stepladder, gar- den tools, several other items, aluminum doors and windows. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES: — Walnut and pine 3 drawer chest with porcelain knobs, dresser with oval mirror, wash stand with towel bar, open wash stand, small oak table, parlor chair, gun stock chair, spindle press back rocker, high chair, wicker arm chair, end table, fancy round wicker fern stand, 2 fern stands, 2 fern tables, wicker tables, gramophone, parlor table, pine blanket box, quilt box, 2 trunks, The sessions clock Co.ginger bread clock, wall clock, mantle clock, several pieces of china and glass such as Germany, Depression, Noritake, 84 piece set of dishes, signed portrait tea pot, signed Constance (with chip) maple syrup pitcher, several platters, china egg, egg cups, maple leaf plate (damaged) spooner souvenir of Zurich, On- tario, bulls eye goblets, several pieces of silver, can- dle holders, 4 copper tea kettles, 2 copper boilers, copper tea pot, old tins, sealers such as Beaver, The Burlington 1876, Heart Crown and others, jugs, crocks, large cabbage slicer, horse collars, many many other items. TERMS CASH Norman Whiting AUCTIONEER Exeter 235-1964 Rev. L.G. Stairs, regional director for the Leprosy Mission, Canada, was the guest speaker at the General meeting of the Lucan Unted Church Women on Tuesday evening. Mr. Stairs showed slides and talked of the work of the Mission, in New Guinea and India, par- ticularly and members were much surprised to learn that there are many cases right in Canada. Ways in which the Mission may be helped is Auction Sale Antiques, furniture, appliances, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn Clinton, Ont. for Mrs, W. V. Roy, Clinton & Inez McEwan of Hensall Sat., June 21 at 12 NOON Westinghouse frost free square model fridge, electric stove, washer and dryer, wicker arm and rocking chairs, two wicker fern stands, library table, chest of drawers, three piece bedroom suite, piano stool, nestina tables, coffee and odd tables, hall tree, two electric sewing machines, floor and table lamps, chrome table and chair set, pressback arm chair, small boys bicycle , treadle sewing machines, up- holstered chairs, magazine racks, 2 chesterfields and chairs, gun rack, wooden kitchen table and 4 chairs, odd chairs, carpet w/underlay, crocks, oil lamps, two single beds, 3 piece toilet set, lawn chairs, used window 5 ft 4" x 5 ft. 8", washstand, electric snowblower, dishes and glassware including an- tiques, pots and pans, hand and garden tools, plus much more. TERMS CASH RICHARD LOBE AUCTIONEER CLINTON, ONT. 482-7898 Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. Store Sold Auction Sale of Equipment, Groceries, Fixtures, Household Items & Car On Wed., June 25, 1980, 6:30 P.M. Sharp For Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Fickling General Store, 2 miles north of Grand Bend, 1/2 mile south of 83 hwy. on 21 hwy. FIXTURES & EQUIPMENT: Sharp ER2510 Cash Register, only 3 years old, meat scales, meat cooler, self serve milk & meat cooler, pop coolers, 2 grocery carts, 3 grocery baskets, island shelves, a few other items. ART SUPPLY & GROCERY: water colour paper, 140 lb. rough and 250 lb. stock, water colour paint, acrylic paints, full line of groceries and frozen food, picnic baskets, every day cards, several other items. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS & ANTIQUES: Westinghouse Monica dishwasher, 2 black stools, digital clock radio, large mirror, antique wash stand, antique hall mirror, snow mobile helment and many other items. CAR: 1971 Plymouth Duster TERMS CASH NORM WHITING AUCTIONEER 235-1964 Exeter, Ont. FARMERS & DEALERS RESERVE THIS DATE SAT., JUNE 21st 1980 10 A.M. SHARP ANTIC FARM GIGANTIC I PMENT AUCTION Of New and Used Equipment Including large selection of tractors, ploughs, discs, cultivators, land tractors, seed drills, weed sprayers, fertilizer spreaders, corn planters, manure spreaders, balers, stookers, hay binds, swathers, mowers, rakes, elevators, wagons. harvesters, forage boxes, blowers, combines, grinder mixer, rotary mowers, stone pickers, snowblowers, grain augers, blades, gravity boxes, lawn & garden equipmenthoat motor and trailer, plus 6 antique cars, Including 3 model T's. All equipment to be sold owned by Wayne Ward Farm Equipment with no consignments. Selling by number only. Lunch booth on grounds. Terms - cash or cheque day of sale. Trucking available anywhere. Owner or auctioneer not respon- sible for accidents on property day of sale. Auctioneer Jim McCartney, Waterdown, Ont. Don't Miss It - See You Therel WAYNE WARD - FARM EQUIP. HWY. NO. 6 WIARTON, ONT. PHONE 534.2980 or 534-1638 for Leaders at Alma College in August. A bus is being arranged for the one day school and if you are in- terested in attending, please call the President, Honor Stanley, 227-4357. During the business session a committee was formed to assist in assem- bling, under subjects, the many Bible story pictures, ready for C.E. work in September, namely, Bernice Lockyer, Muriel Cobleigh, Freeda Melanson, and Iva Hodgins. Members and friends are invited to bring articles for the Teen Girls Home, London, of soap, powder, tooth past and brushes, etc., and clothing for sizes 12-16. A box will be placed in the vestibule. Confirmation of the date and price for the chicken barbecue was given. The date will be Wednesday September 17 and the "Snowflake" Bazaar will be held Friday afternoon and evening, November 28. Plans for the food booth at the Lions Club Fair were discussed and it was decided to give an affirmative reply to the request that breakfast be served on Saturday and Sunday mornings. The U.C.W. has agreed to assume responsibility for the August 3rd Church service at 11:15 am, Marjorie Park, as chairperson of the M. & S. Committee, asked for vilunteers to write to our "Live Love" Missionaries. Please 'phone 227-4674 if you meets Centralia U.C.W. met June 11 at the cottage of Mrs. Marion Penwarden. at Grand Bend. A smorgasbord supper was enjoyed by all. The Alert Paper was read. The Presbyterial meeting is October 15 at Oreenway. Thank you card from Ralph Lightfoot was received. A number of ladies were named to be waitresses at Elaine P owe's wedding. During the program Elizabeth Molnar read a Poem, "Sure Way to a Hap- py Day". Jean Haist read Scripture and a story, "God is always wish us." Verna Hicks read a poem. Jean Haist gave the prayer - A story. "They say I am a Auction Sale of household furnishings, antiques and miscellaneous items for Miss Minnie Hern, at 515 William St., Exeter Sat., June 21 - 1 P.M. sharp ANTIQUES: cherry flat-to wall cupboard; china cabinet; small buffet; oak dining room table with Jacobean legs and seven leaves; oak dining room table with six leaves; set of 6 press back chairs; set of 5 chairs; oak press back rocker; wooden spindle rocker; boston rocker; 2 faint couches; upholstered arm chair; 5 piece settee set; parlor tables; fern table; oak desk with one drawer; three 3 piece bedroom suites; all with wash stands; 4 drawer chest of drawers; open wash stand with towel bars; iron and brass bed; pine blanket box; pine storage cabinet; quilting frames; hand washing machine; wood and coal annex; coal oil stove; sad irons; pic- tures and frames; mirrors; wallpaper rack; Inghram & Co. shelf clock; mantle clock; pine bake board; coal skuttle; crocks; copper boiler; copper tea kettle; viewer and pictures; small photo album; hooked mats; quilts; feather ticks; two 7 piece toilet sets; several pieces of glass and china such as Royal Nip- pon, Bavaria, Germany, Nippon, Noritake; press glass; carnival glass; 6 bullseye goblets; pedestal cake plate; 1 large and 1 small compote with lid; "Give us this day" plate; pickle cruet; 68 piece set of dishes; silverware; Kodak #1A autographic camera; vases; dresser sets; Big Ben clock; small Tiffany shade; oil lamp; several other items. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: Kelvinator refrigerator; electric rangette; electric toaster; kettle; pots and pans; 2 burner hot plate; linens; quilts; step ladder; garden tools; lawn chair; many other items. TERMS CASH Norm Whiting, Auctioneer Exeter 235-1964 June 18, 19.80 1, Cancer can be beaten CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY, *************** I Estate Auction )4:4_ of Home and contents on Saturday, June 21, 1 p.m. 4. For the Estate of the late Miss Laura. Mathers on * King St. South in the Village of Crediton, 3rd house from Main Street. Jr SOME ANTIQUES "II reserve bid - for information phone,234.6422 *on a lot 66' x 180' approximately, storage shed at Id. down, balance in 30 days, subject to moderate frame house with full basement, cistern and dry well rear, house 24 x 42 approximately. Terms 10% REAL ESTATE — consisting of 1 1 2 storey white FURNITURE — 20" 4 burner propane gas stove new; Coronado 24" fridge, Woods deep freeze 2 * yrs. small 30 1/2 ", Propane wall heater 50" high x 24 *" wide with pipes. Simplicity wringer washer, G.E. 21" Black & White T.V„ coal oil lamp, small mantle radio, arborite kitchen table set and 4 chairs new, ** wicker fernery, old White sewing machine, hot plates, dishes, pots and pans, vacuum cleaner, step ladder, misc. tools, antique metal washer, buffalo robe, paint, large quantity of fruit, vegetables and 4,jams, mirrors, pictures, 4 sheets plywood, some lumber, wash stand, wooden bed, spool bed, wooden stool, roll-a-way bed, 6 gal new white house paint, fern stand, some glassware, small drop front * desk, wooden chest, square extension table, chest of *drawers, blanket box, dressers, floor mats, coffee table, small antique table, ash tray stand, end table, antique corner what not, several antique wooden 'T chairs, ironing board. small electric appliances, an- tique old parlour set, settee and 4 chairs upholstered, electric lamps, some bedding, some china, numerous small articles. ARTICLES CONSIGNED BY NEIGHBOUR — round swimming pool, above ground 18 x 24 no filter good shape, serving table, rocking chair 100 yrs. old and recently antiqued, box of old tools, 2 metal wheelbarrows rubber tires, set of steps, 3 wooden doors, old box chest, 3 real old antique radios, child's swing, open bookcase bench, antique wicker doll cradle, underlay for rug 10 x 12, punch bowl, complete captains bed and mattress new, dresser, other articles. 4 4 04-****4-4-4-****** saving used stamps and Dominion Store sales tapes. These may be left in the box in the vestibule, Mr. Stairs was presented with a personal gift as well as a cheque for his work with the Mission. Mrs. Ellison Whiting, the Regional Vice-President, attended the meeting, bringing greetings from Presbyterial, reminding the group of the project "Seeds for Zaire," and of the School Lucan UCW news MOUNT CARMEL TRACK STARS — Individual winners were named in the recent track and field meet at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Separate School, Back, left, John Barkauskas, Peter Janssen, Richard Vandenberk, Barbara Morrissey and Dinette Steffens. Front, Carol Morrissey, Irene Dietrich, Kim Watson, Deidra De Laet and Darryl Glavin. T-A photo would like to share in this interesting project. at 'Bend Miracle" was ready by Florence Hodgins. Contests were conducted by Verna Hicks followed by a talk on the moon and a poem. Jean Haist thanked our hostess for a very en- joyable evening. 4 4 TERMS CASH — not responsible for accidents day of sale. Hugh Filson & Tom Robson 666-0833 666-1967 Auctioneers & Appraisers 4 4 4 4 4 y T