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Grand Bend
5 p.m. - Midnight
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The Grand Bend Optimists present:
Sat., June 21, 1980
2 - 4 p,m.
Each participant must
complete an obstacle
course in the least amount
of time.
3 age categories:
6- 9
1p -11
12 - 14
All participants will
receive an Optimists' cer-
tificate of achievement.
The top 3 participants in
each category will receive
We would like to pre-register as many
children as possible, but registration will
also take place at 1 p.m. Saturday, June
21, 1980.
Please fill in the following registration form
and return it to Box 507, Grand Bend, On-
Lioness Club wraps up season.
LIONESS EXECUTIVE — On the executive of the Grand Bend lioness Club this year are lion tamer Karen Waller, vice-
president Janice Sawyers, director Judy Jennison, treasurer Linda Arnold, director Sandy Norris, and secretary Sharon Dob-
bie, Front row: bulletin editor Hazel Willert, tail twister Karen Humer, president Diane Bexton and director Brenda
Relouw. Staff photo
NEW LIONS CLUB EXECUTIVE — Taking the reins at the Lions club in Grand Bend this year are: back row - secretary Rick
Sawyers, lion tamer Tom Ditchburn, tail twister Ted Baker, lion tamer Don Fraser, lion tamer Jim Hoffman, bulletin editor
Fred Willert, director Erwin Heissenberger and director Lorne Campbell. Front row - third vice Frank Humer, second vice Joe
Arnold, president Steve Kadlecik, past president Peter Haist, first vice Bill Thomas and past deputy district governor Orval
Wassmann. Absent for the photo were treasurer Mac Maclaren, tail twister Neil Dobbie and directors Peter Tracz, Peter Cor-
by, Doug Riddell and Len Hume. Staff photo
Open - June to September every day includinb Sunday
- By appointment anytime all year
Phone: 238-8300
The Bluewater Highway 21 South.
Grand Bend, Ontario
Church news
Rev. Richard Simpson was
the guest speaker, Sunday
morning, at the Church of
God, speaking on World
Love Loaf banks, which
were distributed some time
ago among the congregation,
were received today, and
this money will go to World
Vision for hunger relief.
Soloist, Doug Steckle, sang
"I will praise Him."
Fathers were honored at
this morning's service, when
each man received a token
gift, from the ladies group of
the church.
At the playhouse ...
Huron Country Playhouse
is proud to announce that
Bernard Hopkins will direct
their opening production of
Private Lives, starring
Irena Mayeska and Ian
This year marks the fif-
tieth anniversary production
of Noel Coward's delightful
comedy and we are
honoured to have Mr.
Hopkins in the director's
chair. A graduate of
R.A.D,A., Theatre London's
new Artistic Director. Ber-
nard Hopkins has excelled as
an actor, an educator, and a
As an actor on stage,
television and film, he has
performed in numerous
West End productions,
toured through South
America, Europe. and
appeared on many of
Around 30 men and boys
attended a banquet, Friday
night, at the Church of God.
This was served by the ladies
group of the church.
Following the meal in the
Sunday School rooms they
held a time of devotion up-
stairs led by George
Winegarden. Taking part in
singing were Alex and Bob
Desjardine, and Paul Tuck,
accompanied by Doug
Steckle on the piano.
Guest speaker of the
evening was Corporal Dave
Woodward, of Exeter
O.P.P., and his topic was
Canada's major stages, in-
cluding the Manitoba
Theatre Centre, the National
Arts Centre. and the Strat-
ford Festival. As an
educator Mr. Hopkins has
• taught at the University of
North Carolina, Ryerson,
George Brown College, and,
last year at Bishop's Univer-
sity in Lennox ;Me, Quebec.
In addition to directing
several shows in England,
Mr. Hopkins has directed
Arturo Ui and Mother Dear
for the N.A.C.. Harvey at the
Vancouver Playhouse, A
Doll's House for the Neptune
Theatre, and most recently
at Theatre London, the
highly successful Equus.
And now, Mr. Hopkins
directs at the Playhouse.
Private Lives will preview
on June 24, 25, and opens
June 26 through to July 5.
"Biblical Christians."
Church of God ladies met
last Thursday evening for
their June meeting.
Ten answered the roll call
by flanking, "A place they
would like to visit or a place
they had visited,"
President Katie Vincent
looked after the business
when plans were discussed
for the upcoming lawn sale
to be held on July 12th,
Each member contributed
to the worship service by
scripture, song or prayer.
Janet Desjardine gave a
stewardship mission study
on, "Windows for the mind."
She talked of spring
housecleaning and growth in
Christian life.
Phyllis Desjardine was
lunch hostess.
U. C.W. meets
Grand Bend United
Church women met last
Thursday afternoon in the
Sunday school rooms.
President, Eleanor Drurie,
presided and opened with a
poem. Roll call was an-
swered by a "Thought" from
the Upper Room booklet.
During the business we
were reminded of the bake-
craft-plant sale to be held
Wednesday afternoon
August 6th. The communion
cup holders which the group
ordered in March, have been
finished and volunteers have
them installed in the side
pews of the church.
Mrs. Drurie conducted the
worship service and spoke of
the art treasures at John F.
Kennedy centre in the
performing arts.
Psalm 46 of scripture was
read by Elaine Moore. A
hymn sing was enjoyed from
the red hymn books.
At 2:00 p.m., nine young
mothers and sixteen pre-
school children arrived for
the Baby Band picnic. The
children were entertained
with fun games and then
they in turn entertained the
ladies by singing some of
their action Sunday school
Lunch hostesses were Elda
Adams and Iva Latta. The
children were served orange
drink, ice cream and
cookies, and the ladies had
tea and cookies.
United Church news
A service of Confirmation
was held Sunday morning at
the United Church in Grand
Bend. Joining the church
were the following, Linda
Allister, Heather Love, Paul
Love, Glenda Morenz,
Tammy Morenz, Sandra
Riddell and Allyson
Rev. H. Moore's sermon
topic was, "You are the
Choir anthems were,
"Blest be the pure in heart,"
and "Renew Thy church."
Assisting Rev. Moore in
the Confirmation service
were Session members,
Mrs. Joan Eagleson, Mrs,
Elizabeth Adams, Ed Gill
and Jim Love.
Next Sunday, June 22nd,
the Sacrament of Holy
Communion will be
celebrated at Grand Bend
United Church.
The annual Grand Bend
Cemetery Decoration Ser-
vice was held Sunday af-
ternoon at 2:30 p.m.
Chuck Howard, secretary
of the Royal Canadian
Legion gave a short eulogy.
Rev. Harley Moore read a
scripture followed by prayer
and a meditation,
The final meeting of the.
Grand Bend Lioness Club
saw a turnout of 40 mem-
bers, President, Helen
Elliott, presided over the
meeting which was held
Thursday June 12 at. Oak-
wood Inn. Eleven members
of the newly formed Exeter.
Lioness Club were also
Plans were finalized for
the Great Fish Fry to take
place on Sunday, June 22. A
large crowd is expected to
enjoy the fresh perch din-
ners, served between 11 a.m.
and 6 p.m.
The high light of the
meeting was the installation
of the new officers for the
upcoming 1980-81 year, The
club was fortunate to have
Lion, Gerry Arnold, past
Deputy Governor of the
District, on hand to perform
this importrant task.
Past President, Helen
If we can wait a few
thousand years there will be
plenty of precious gems
hidden under Mount St.
Helen's. According to
Michael Anstett of Anstett
Jewellers in Exeter,
volcanic eruptions, such as
the one in Washington State
recently, create many of the
gems we use in our.
jewellery. But it takes
thousands of years for the
gems to form, Anstett said.
Anstett spoke to the ladies
of the Huron Country
Playhouse guild after a
luncheon meeting at Oak-
wood Inn„.
A land mark is missing
from the end of Grand
Bend's main street. The
Dodge'Ems, a bumper car
ride, has been torn down at
E.J. Knapps Amusement
Knapps spokesman, Toby
Tyler says that the dodge
cars had been at that
location for over 30 years.
Prior to that they had been
down on the beach for about
three years.
He estimated that 'the ride
was about 50 years old. It
had originally come from the
United States.
Tyler said that the ears
were removed because the
amusement park is being
remodelled, and it would
cost too much to repair and
fix up the ride.
The Ontario Municipal
Board upheld a decision
made by Grand Bend council
after a three day hearing last
week. The hearing, which
started last Monday and
lasted until Wednesday was
called for a William
Clerk Louise Clipperton
explained that some
property owned by Adelman
is designated under the of-
ficial plan as urban
development. Adelman
sought to have the land
designated commercial.
A commercial designation
would allow Adelman to
develop the property any
way he wanted. Under an
urban development
designation Adelamn will
have to prepare a site plan
and show village council his
proposals before he can
develop his property.
Adelman wanted' the
designation changed, but the
village preferred to leave it
atone, and the OMB sup-
ported the village.
Elliott, handed the bell end
gavel over to newly ap-
pointed president, Diane
Bexton. In return Diane
expressed the club's 11P-
preclation to Helen for her
year of hard work, It was
agreed that the club had
experienced most successful
Other officers to be in-
stalled that night were 1st
vice president, Janice
Sawyers, Znd vice president,
Lee Thomas, secretary,
Sharon Dobbie, treasurer,
Linda Arnold, Lioness
tamer, Karen Wallen, tail
twister, Karen limner,
bulletin editor, Hazel
Willert, and directors,
Brenda Relouw, Sandra
Norris and Judi Jennison.
Lioness Helen Elliott and
Bonnie Kotwa were
presented with Lioness
charms in remembrance of
their work with the club.
He gave a talk and slide
show on how gems and other
items for jewellery are
formed and collected. His
sister Cathy, showed a
selection of the gems in
original settings made by
Anstett said that coral,
which is often used in
jewellery, is becoming
scarce. Coral, he explained,
is formed by millions of tiny
marine animals. But
because of water pollution
there doesn't seem to be as
much coral as there was a
few years ago.
Anstett also explained the
A scrambler that was
located at the rear of the
park has been moved to the
front to replace the dodge
'ems, and an octopus is being
purchased to go in where the
scrambler was. The octopus
will be set up before July 1.
Tyler said that they hope
to get a dodge car ride next
year. He said the cost of new
dodge'ems is about $80,000.
Both .Benitte and Helen will
no longer be with the Lioness
as their husbands have been
transferred, Helen will be
living in Killaloe and Bonnie
in Thunder Bay, The club
wished both these Lioness
the best of luck in their
future ventures.
Visiting Lioness, Doreen
Tielnan, won the raffle gift
for this. month.
Couples club
Eleven members of the
Grand Bend couples club
met at the United church,
Saturday evening.
During the social time they
played gaMes of miniature
Back at the church plans
were discussed for their
lawn and bake sale coming
up on July 5. This will be held
on the church lawn. Any
donations would be ap-
preciated. For pick up phone
difference between natural,
cultured and simulated
pearls. Pearls are formed
when a grain of sand or other
foreign matter gets inside
the shell of a mollusc. To
fight the foreign matter the
sea animal creates a pearl
around it. Natural pearls are
formed when this happens on
its own. Cultured pearls,
Anstett explained, are still
real pearls which have been
kept on a pearl farm. Owners
keep the molluscs in cages
under water, pry them open
and put a foreign body inside
the shell so that it will create
Anstett spoke to the group
on how. to tell real stones
from synthetics. He said
that only an expert can tell
a ruby from a spinel. Even
Queen Victoria was fooled
when she had a spinel put
into the crown jewels, he
The playhouse guild held a
business meeting following
Anstett's talk. Serving
snacks and drinks after the
opening night performances
at Huron Country Playhouse
was the main topic of
Couples in charge of this
meeting were Don and.
Jan Kobe, Dave and Debbie
Desjardine, Larry and.
Donna Lovie,
Lunch refreshments were
The Grand Bend Lions and
Lionesses are presenting,
"The Great Fish Fry," on
Sunday, June 22. It will take
place under the big tent on
the main beach at Grand
Fresh perch dinners along
With salads will be available,
commencing at 11 a,rn.
Eight tables were in play
last Wednesday evening at
the duplicate bridge games,
held weekly at St. John's
Parish hall. Winners were
north-south, a tie between
Sue Baumgartner and Betty
Hoyle, and Elsie and John
Inglis,east-west, Irene Ward
and Betty Sanders. Summer
residents and visitors
Grand Bend senior citizens
enjoyed a one day bus trip
last Monday, when 44
departed Grand Bend for the
St. Jacobs and Elmira area,
with stops for shopping and
the noon meal at the "Stone
Crock", restaurant in
Elmira. Then they went on to
the Elora Gorge, stopping at
the covered bridge and
touring through the Men-
nonite countryside.
The supper stop was at the
Conestoga Mall in Waterloo.
Travelling home, they
came by way of Heidelberg,
St, Clemen's, Gadshill and
Stratford where all viewed
the beautiful swans.
Helen Sturdevant, Norma
Baird, Hazel Blewett,
Mildred MacLaren and Irene
Kennedy attended a coffee
hour last Monday evening
for cancer canvassers at
Grace church, Sarnia,
This week, June 15 to 21,
has been designated as
"Senior Citzens" week, a
time to honour our senior
Irene Kennedy attended
the 50th anniversary party
for the Arnold Circle, of
Carmel Presbyterian
church, Hensall last week.
Irene was one of the charter
members of the Arnold
`Private Lives'
NEW WORKERS AT MUSEUM — larribton heritage Museum has hired summer help with
cataloguing. Sally Braun, Forest, Cathy Fleming, Mt. Carmel and Donna Mennen of Grand
Bend are busy sorting photographs and prints. Staff photo
Fathers honoured on Sunday
Landmark gone
There's gems in that hill,
playhouse guild learns
Grand Bend 2384061
will be open 6 days a week
Monday thru Saturday
starting June 16 until further notice
Proprietors - Dave and Sandra Green
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