Times-Advocate, 1980-06-11, Page 31STEPHEN BIKE RODEO WINNERS Students from Stephen Central School held a bike
rodeo recently. Age group winners were (back row) Jim. Beaver 12 and over boys, Susanne
Finkbeiner, girls 9-11, and Patti Love, girls 12 and over. In the front row are Shannon Bird,
girls under 8; Jeff Ratz, boys under 8 and Gary Auston, boys 9-11. The winners compete in
the Stephen Township Optimist Club bike rodeo later in the month. T-A photo
NEW AT RESTAURANT — Ownership of the Forrester's.
Restaurant in Granton switched recently to Ward and Lorna
Ellyatt. Above, Kelly Pennington and Ward Ellyatt are shown
at the grill. T-A photo
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Grain Bins
10,000 Bushel Bin Only
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Westeel-Rosco $5,520.00
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Don't forget about the Provincial Tax Rebates on Grain
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Offer expires June 30 or when existing supply runs out
Assisting the Rev. Harley Eloise Eagleson and Manuel.
Moore were the superin-
tendents Mrs. Ken Larmer
and Mrs. Ken Isaac and
many members of the
Sunday School. Graben)
Eagleson, Lillian Ulens,
By mokfoo, CURTS.
Art interesting and in-
formative worship service-
was. held in the United
church on Sunday com-
memorating the 200th an-
niversary of Sunday School.
new owners
Residents of Granton for
the past 14 years Lorna and
Ward Ellyatt are the new
owners of Forrester's
Restaurant in the village.
The Ellyatt's took over on
April 27 from Charlie and
Jean Skully who operated
the business for the past two
A new feature of
Forrester's will be a salad
bar each Friday and
Saturday from 4 to 8 p.m.
and Sundays from 12 noon to
8 p.m. Family specials will
also be available on Sun-
days. •
The restaurant includes a
licenced dining lounge and a
small private dining room
for banquets.
- Lorna Ellyatt who is
president of the Lucan
Legion Branch 540 Auxiliary
was employed in the
restaurant by the previous
Ward Ellyatt is chief of the
Granton volunteer fire
department and for a
number of years was coach
of the Lucan Irish fastball
The Granton Lions meet at
the Forrester's Restaurant
on the second and fourth
Wednesday of each month.
Celebrate 200 years
Hear history of Greenway Sunday School
JUne l l r 1980 Pap. ISA.
Blames pedal
for speeding
Michael P. Westelaken,
R.R. 1 Bensall. was fined
$183 by Justice of the Peace
D.W. Wedlake Tuesday for
driving 140 km. in an 80 km.
zone. The accused pleaded
not guilty, claiming that the
carburetor on his car was
James Ronald Baird,
Creditor), pleaded not guilty
to driving 120 km. in an 80
km, zone. The accused was
fined $93 for speeding.
Ronald J. 'Clark. Con-
tralia, was fined $128 for
careless driving. He was ac-
cused of driving without due
considerationvicle of another eh
David A. MacKenzie.
Goderich. pleaded not guilty
to a charge of improper
means of attachment. The
accused claimed that his
trailer had been hooked up
properly the night before.
He thought that someone
had unhooked the chain.
He too$28. was convicted and
Curls gave some interesting
recollections of earlier
Years, Also taking part in the
service were Linda.
Eagleson, Janet Eagleson,
Brenda Bullock, Earl
Bullock, Martin. Eagleson,
Lori Hutchinson, Karen
Guenther, Karen Lagerwerf,
Tara Larmer, Mark Steeper,
Mark Isaac, Marion Steeper,
Ken. Eagleson and Lawrence
Following the service, the
annual picnic was held in the
' church shed, due to the in-
-clement weather. Then all
gathered in the Sunday
School rooms for a delicious
picnic dinner culminating
with ice cream and the
Birthday cake.
On June 9th, sixteen
members of the U.C.W.
gathered at the home of
Doris Eagleson, Gertie Rock
opened the meeting by
reading the poem "a Little
Thought," followed by the
hymn, "Jesus is calling."
Mrs. Rock quoted verses
from the Bible containing the
word "faithfulness". This
word was the theme for a
reading in which practiced
faithfuleness shows maturity
and unselfishness. We should
forget grudges, apologize, be
understanding and be faith-
ful to God and friends. Ode of
our needs is to have faithful
friends. A poem "In. His
Footsteps."was read,
Elsie Brophey led in a
spirited sing song, following
which she spoke on "Church
in society," She said that a
little parental restraint may
make a great difference in a
child's life. "Show children
you love them, and give
some of your time to people
in need," she advocated, and
she stressed the importance
of God and prayer in one's
life, The hymn "Whisper a
Prayer" was sung, followed
by the Lord's Prayer in
Iva Lagerwerf read an
article entitled "Alert" from
the Huron-Perth
Presbyterial. Reports were
given and plans were made
for the strawberry supper,
The roll call was answered
by stating an activity that
you enjoy doing outside.
Lunch was provided by Edna
Woodburn and Shirley
Adair, assisted by the
hostess. A social time was
On Friday evening, ten
friends of Marion and Earl
Steeper surprised them with
a visit in their lovely new
home and presented them
with a plant.
Best wishes to Mrs.
Evaline Steeper who ob-
served her 93rd birthday
anniversary on Monday.
Congratulations to John
Smithers, son of Cecil and
Ellen Smithers who received
his Bachelor of Arts degree
from the University of
Western Ontario on Tuesday.
John earned the degree with
honors and is employed with
the Ausable-Bayfield Con-
servation Authority.
Marlene, Ann, and Janet
Bullock were co-hostesses at
their parents' home on
Sunday for a miscellaneous
shower for their cousin,
Brenda Romphf, London,
bride-elect of next month.
Congratulations to Brenda
Bullock, Mark Steeper and
Mark Isaac who earned their
Sunday School class merits
and were each presented
with a Bible on Sunday.
Two great offers on new Case agricultural tractors
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Cash price of tractor $47,500
Down payment - cash and/or trade-in 9,500
Amount to be financed $38,000
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Special waiver of finance
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If you buy a used agricultural tractor of
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charges for six (6) months from date of
purchase. Offer valid on tractors pur-
chased during the period of April 1,
1980 through June 30, 1980.
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ME 11
Models 885, 990, 995, 1210 and 1410: 14% A.P.R. up to 36 months
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both new tractor offers valid