HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-06-11, Page 20\.( FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE — Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomp- son, Kippen are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their youngest datighter, Beatrice Elaine to Ronald James Fleming, Brucefield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fleming, Woodstock. The ceremony will take place on Sat., July 5 at Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, Ont, at 3 p.m. Open reception. Everyone welcome. Rebekahs visit lodge in London CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY — Two missionary groups from Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall celebrated their anniversaries last week. It was the fiftieth anniversary of the Arnold Circle and the eightieth anniversary of the Women's Missionary Society. Above are Mrs. Bev Moir, president of the Arnold Circle, Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, one of the original members of the Arnold Circle and currently a member of the Women's Missionary Society, and Mrs. Florence Hyde, president of the Women's Missionary Society. Staff photo ...CORRESPONDENTS Mrs:: Bertha' Mcii:Grega4 Plione162,22025 Attend campout Beavers swim to Cubs Spring Tuesday, June 24th t.41`.... • PONY PULL 6; BABY SHOW in the AUDITORIUM at 7:00 p.m. NO ENTRY FEE PRIZES for ALL CONTESTANTS Old McDonalds Form Display PARADE at 6 p.m with Commercial Floats and Band MAPLE CITY SHOWS Parade 6:00 ---- Official Opening 7:30 p.m. APPLIANCE REPAIR Largo or small, we'll fix them , Our repair experts will have your appliance In tip top shape fast. Call us to- day. PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 452-7103 VARNA AL'S MARKET HOURS: Fri. 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. 262-2017 HENSALL Tues., Wed., Thurs., & Sat. BETTER BEEF CUT BETTER Aylmer fancy tomato juice 48 fl. oz. tin "new crop" California potatoes 10 lb. bag '2.29 1/2 whole or 1/4 Maple Leaf football hams lb. $ 1 .49 (Processed) FREEZER SPECIAL 1 69 Hip of Beef • lb. orange pekoe Red Rose tea bags pkg. of 60 Imperial soft margarine 1 lb. tub assorted Bright's puddings 4 x 5 oz tin White Swan assorted deluxe dinner k 199 napkins I r P5,0 _ assorted bath size Gentle Touch C5 bar soap s1,4,°g • RI Bick's WAS 1 39 • 32 ff. oz. iar • frozen assorted , Kellogg's 1pkg°2 Eggo waffles .79 normal or oily Halo shampoo gt m1-1.1 49 CATALOGUE SHOPPING fresh butt or shoulder pork chops lb. 85( centre cut peameal back bacon by the piece our own homemade pure pork sausage 984 Swift's sliced bologna 99( lb. beef liver 794 199 Sears red beauty plums product of U.S.A. 83 4 lb. choice cream style ccrn peas Tradition assorted Nabob oi lancy rosebud beet; ground Aylmer coffee vegetables 1 lb. vac pack bag 19 fl oz. tin 2 99 2 /.85 Highliner Zip assorted Kam troan hatter Boston dog food luncheon bluefish 14 5 Oz tin meat 12 oz tin 14 az pi 59 4/99 129 Maple Leaf picnic canned ham 1 fb tin 239 We service . what we sell eerv.:e 5.oweett MOP. er .11(5,011.1. a liwar Shop by phone C811262-3316 CUSTOM KILLING ABATTOIR HOURS: AND PROCESSING toot Slaughter M°"1" Pork .51 ar .Uth: LT:it Speit Mp o -81. 6 PHONE 262-2041 H WEEKLY DRAW WINNER Marion McNutt, Mensal! Value'; elfe. vp ikon() Shotin . June 14 1980 reserre the rold qusnlities Nabisco shredded wheat 300 g pkg .59 Royale assorted paper T towels 2 roll pkg. msorted 2 pi/ Royale Sunlight bathroom tissue detergent 1:1 9 3211 1.1 9 oZ cont 4 OE GROCERY DRAW ENTER OUR WEEKLY Weekly Grocery Draw for ihe amount purchased an Cash Register Receipt To be drawn every Saturday night until June 14th LA'S MARKET HENSALL Store 262-2017 Abattoir 262-2041 Tinrs-Advocate, June 11,.9E0 Carmel church groups mark joint anniversorycelebrations The Senior W.M.S. and community were en- Arnold Circle of Carmel tertained. The former Presbyterian .Chukch„ celebrating their 90th year lima held a joint an- and the latter 5Q years of niversary service on service. Tuesday evening when .a. The president Mrs. Harvey number of churches in the Hyde welcomed all the •,f. • • 2•1,, 71"6* 4, guests and gave a poem "Time". Mrs. Don Volland presided for the devotional and the singing of "0 God Our Help'in Ages Past" was followed by prayer by Mrs. Al Hoggartb. JUNIOR TALENT PRIZE MONEY FOR ALL 35 Gwen Harburn's team; clothes pin race - Loretta Riley's team; dress the dummy - Loretta Riley's team; panty hose contest - Mike Brickman; paper measure - Wendy Brickman and Sheila Riley tied; waist measure - Loretta Riley; guessing and contest - Ron Pallister. Lucky plate - Judy Jepson; draw prize - David Smale. The 35th Riley picnic is to be held the second Sunday in June 1981 in the Hensall Park. It is hoped that more will be able to come to it. The past president is Jim Smale; president, Murray Harburn; vice president, Don Thompson, London; secretary, Nellie Riley; treasurer, Doreen Harburn; sports committee, Mike and Wendy Brickman and Michelle Riley. Hensall Ladies' Legion Auxiliary meet The final meeting of Hensall Ladies' Legion Auxiliary was held for the summer months was held on Tuesday evening with the president Mrs. Beatrice Uyl presiding. Committees were formed for 1980 and arrangements finalized for the Penny Sale. Lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed by all. Unit IV meets Unit IV of the U.C.W. of the Hensall United Church met on Thursday in -the Fellowship Hall. Mrs. Nan Britton, the leader opened the meeting with a poem entitled The Master Gar- dener" followed by singing a hymn. Mrs. Rena Caldwell had charge of the study period and she gave the highlights of her trip to Japan taken a few years ago. She spoke of the country, their people, and work, the different religions, their food, churches , theatres, etc. also showed folders on some of these and the one of their beautiful Tokyo Tower. Sixteen members an- swered the roll call and Mrs. Dorothy Mickle was secretary and pianist for the meeting. Mrs. Mary Roobal, card convener reported the cards sent for April and May. Mrs. Myrtle Sherritt gave the treasurer's report. Forty-two visits were made by the group in May. The date for Alma College is from August 10th to 13th. Mrs. Shirley read a poem "The Patchwork Quilt" and Mrs. Britton gave a reading on "The Hymns We Sing." After singing a hymn Mrs. Luther closed the meeting with prayer. Persona Is Visitors with Vivian Alderson were Herbert and Bernice Cooper, Roy and Mabel Alderson, Henry and Annie Becker, Bernice, Oren, Grace and Irene Ilaist visited with Mrs. Triebner. Martha Smith and Rev. Brian Elder visited Mrs. Finkbeiner, ton Rozendale Chiselhurst U.C.W. The president Mrs. Jack Brintnell opened the June meeting of the Chiselhurst U.C.W. on Tuesday with a poem "When Things Go Wrong". The theme song was sung followed by the theme prayer. Mrs. Clarence Coleman took the worship entitled "God's Luggage Shop" Mrs. Alvin Cole, Mrs, Fredo Boa, and Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell assisted Mrs. Coleman. A campsite experience is to be held June 9th at Camp Bimini A bake sale will be held at the community centre Hensall on June 21st at 10:00 a.m. Mrs. Harold Parker gave the study on "Resolutions of Iran" and Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell F.1 assisted with Update of Refugees in Cambodia. Mrs. Gerald Glenn had the programme with an arrangement of flags from many nations. The meeting was concluded by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Hostesses were Mrs. Gerald Glenn and Mrs. Dick Taylor. The regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge was held on Wednesday evening when Noble Grand Mrs. Hazel Corbett assisted by Vice Grand Mrs. Elizabeth ejuniumumin The Light !Touch 7. • By E.." JACK E LAVENDERi0.51: • People sometimes stumble = over the truth. However, most r. g. of them get up and hurry'. away as if nothing had E. happened * * * The cry of a baby is the most • touching sound in the world for the first five minutes, 51 * * * =▪ Those opening scents of the E.7.-- ET.',/ series M.A.S.H. weren't E made around here. No safe. Ety helmets, no safety glasses, 7:2 Eno safety gloves ... * * * EMoney isn't everything. It E.: doesn't even cover expenses. Et * * * EYoung people who can earn g Eenough money these days to E Ework their way through E Ecollege don't need any more E Eeducation. * * * EStop by and learn about E :proper machine E E maintenance. Jack 's Small Engine Repair Service ti 107 Queen St„ Hensall 262.2103 E and stretch your repair = dollar without sacrificing workmanship. 11IIIHIOUIHRIIIIIIIHIUIUIIIIIIIIIIII The "Swimming Up" of the Beavers to Cubs was held at the Hensall Public School on Thursday evening when Jason Clarke, Billy Touton, John Bell, Michael Hoffman, Darryl Lawrence and Bevan Moir were welcomed to the Cubs, Leader is Ken Clarke assisted by Butch Hoffman, Tammy Baker, Barry Southcott, and Gary Beaver. Beavers rained out The Hensall Beaver pack joined the Beaver packs of Huron County at Goderich on Saturday June 7 for the Beaveree. A good programme was arranged, unfortunately it was rained out. Leaders are Marg Clarke, Joanne Willert, Bev Moir and Eleanor Shiels. Riley Reunion held at Hensall The 34th Riley picnic was held June 8th at the park in Hensall with 45 present. Sports were enjoyed with the prize winners as follows: races: 6 and under Jason Harburn, Tom Jepson. Boys 10 and under - Bret Stinson; girls 10 and under - Lori Harburn; girls 10 and over - Jannie Johns; boys 10 and over-Bruce Brodhagen, Relay races - run and sit - —FEATURING — Prize Hereford Feeder Calves A male quartette com- prising of Sam Skinner, Bob Heywood, Bob Blair, and Doug Gill, accompanied by Mrs. Gill at the piano sang "Let the Lower Lights be. Burning" and "The Won- derful Story of Love". Mrs. John Baker introduced the speaker Rev. Cheryl Ashick of Exeter whose husband is Dr, Englert, She comes from Sudbury and is a graduate of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary and now is minister at Trinity Lutheran Church, London, Rev, Ashick spoke briefly of her work and sang songs with her ownaccompaniment on the guitar, She showed the movie "He Restoreth My Soul" which was most touching. Rev. Ashick closed by singing "The People we were Meant to Be." The quartette sang "I want My Life to Tell" and "Secret Prayer". Mrs. Esther Wright thanked the speaker for her message also the quartette. Mrs. Bev Moir on behalf of the Arnold Circle and Mrs. Harvey Hyde on behalf of the seniors expressed their sincere thanks to all taking part. The meeting concluded by singing "God of Mercy QUARTET PERFORMS Carmel Presbyterian church observed their 131st anniversary on Sunday when Rev. W. Murray of Knox Presbyterian Church, Mitchell was the guest minister delivering an in- spiring message on "The Church Today: Is a Fresh Concept Needed". A male quartette from the United Church, Exeter comprising Norm Walper, Pat Skinner, Carf Cann and Bob Russell sang. Mrs. Robert Taylor presided at the organ for the service of song. The Sacrament of The Lord's Supper will be celebrated next Sunday, June 15th at 9:00 a.m. God of Grace" after which Mrs. Hyde led in prayer and Rev. Knight pronounced the Benediction . A social hour followed in the school room where greetings were brought from Presbytery by Mrs. McAllister of Auburn. Mrs. Hyde announced a charter member who was at the organizing of the Arnold Circle fifty years ago would speak about the Circle and cut the birthday cake. Mrs. Bertha MacGregor gave a brief outline about the for- mation of the Arnold Circle which was organized in June 1930 by the late Mrs. Dunlop of Goderich and the late Mrs. Harry Arnold of Hensall who was a devoted Missionary member - thus the name "Arnold Circle" was chosen in bonour of Mrs, Arnold. Following the cutting of the cake a social hour was enjoyed by all. Those from a distance were (Rev.) Percy Ferguson, Chesley, Mrs. Al Kerslake, London; Mrs. Riley presided. Mrs. Riley reported cards sent to members and Mrs. Olga Chipchase reported for the Membership committee. The inaugural meeting will be held at Brussels on June 27th at 8:30 p.m. The officers accepted an invitation to Victoria Lodge, London and opened and closed Lodge there on Thursday evening when an enjoyable evening was had. Arrangements to have a booth at the sale of Mrs. Edith Bell was arranged to be August 16th at 10 a.m. Lodge closed in regular form. visited his wife Mrs. Rozendal also Mr. and Mrs. A, McDonald, Heavy Horses, Light Horses & Ponies Horse Judging to Commence Promptly at 5:oo o'clock TO BE JUDGED and AUCTIONED Auction Sale of Calves 9:30 P M Murray Cardiff M P for Huron - Bruce Admission: Adults $2.00 - Students $1.00 - Children under 12 Free CKNX Mobile Unit in Attendance Clarke Kennedr, Grand Bend; (Rev.) Dr. and Mrs. M.B. Parker, London; Mrs. Stanlake, Mrs. H. Laing and Mrs. Blanehe Dougall, Exeter; Rev. K. Knight spoke briefly at the social hour. VIM IlifilillillilffilliM111111111111111111111111W111111111111111111111111101111 11111W 11111111111111111111111i1111111111111j111111111111111111111111111119 Town Fill/ EE Hen.sal.11. 5E F.1 ADVANCE NOTICE EE Registration for Hensall and Area Children (ages 5 to 14) wishing to enrol in Hensall Summer Recreation Program and Swimming Program (includes transportation to Vanastra) will take place at the Hensall & District Community Centre. on June 26, 1980 between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. * TAXES ARE DUE * A reminder that the final installment of Interim Taxes is due to the Village of Hen'sall, before Sunday, June 15. Civic Corner