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Middlesex Wis
gather in Lucan
Approximately 95 mem-
bers of the Middlesex North
District of the Women's
Institute met on Tuesday in
Holy Trinity Anglican
Church for their 77th annual
meeting. This represents
delegates from 13 branches
within a radius of 30 miles of
The theme for the meeting
"It's the Year of the W.I."
was used by Mrs. Jim
Cunningham of Clandeboye
W.I. in her Meditation and
also by the president, Mrs.
D. J. Fletcher, RR 1 Mer-
ton, in her weleome..
Mrs. Verne Towers of RR 4
Glencoe, the Provincial
board member for the
subdivision, ratified the
district directors, conducted
the election of fficers and
the installation, as well as
informing members of many
upcoming events, disposition
of last year's resolutions,
Community singing was in
charge of the Ilderton W.I.
and the "In Memoriam" was
taken by members from
South Lobo Branch.
Interesting five minute
reports were given by the six
conveners of the standing
committees and the
Tweedsmuir History Curator
brought members up-to-date
on what had been done in the
Mrs. D. Roloson, first vice-
president, acted as chair-
man for the lunchebn, put on
by the hostess Branch, at
which Mrs. T. Emery, Sr,,
Lucan's President, gave the
address of welcome with the
reply being given by a
member from Komoka.
The Home Economist for
Middlesex, Mrs. Bea
Gosselin, spoke of the 4-H
Club Girls' achievements
past, present and those to
come in the fall project.
Humorous entertainment
was provided by the
Cloverdale W.I. members
and the report of
representatives to various
organizations proved very
interesting. Included in the
latter were Mrs, Cecil Robb,
Federation of Agriculture
representative and Mrs. R.
R. Crozier, liaison officer
with the Family and
Children's Services both of
Lucan branch.
Courtesies for the day
were given by a member
from North Lobo Branch
Who also invited branches to
their meet as guests in 1981.
Mrs , Clarence Hardy,
organist of the Church
provided the music for the
WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ELCOMES GUESTS — The Lucan branch of the Middlesex North District Women's Institute hosted
their annual meeting on May 13 at Holy Trinity Anglican Church. From the left are: Mrs. Don Roloson, first vice president;
Mrs. Verne Towers, provincial board member; Mrs. Bea Gosselin, Middlesex C6unty Home Economist; Mrs. Janet Hieplah,
London area chairman;,, and Mrs. Charles Gowan, second vice president.
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Service held for national unity Iimes,Advoctite, May 21, 1980 Peigto
Students at Biddulph-Luton schools are kept busy
Chaplain, reading the
Rt. Wen. Bro. Rev, 'Keith
F. Tudor, Grand Chaplain of
Guelph, as speaker, took as
his theme "Builders with
Ciod,", saying "Man has
always been a builder, be it a
mud but, a cave, a
townhouse or a mansion and
all have incorporated
dreams into their building."
Nehemiah, in rebuilding
the temple in Jerusalem said
"Lord, strenghen my hands"
and these are good words for
every Mason. We have only
one life to live and we must
build, with God's help for
future generations,
Catholic Women's League
Members of the St,
have taken place Since the Moore, Christine Jones; 3-1)
last report from the Bid- 'Whiles: Doug Haskett,
dulph-Lucan Public Scheols. Ritchie Moore,
0.P,P..„.viSited the Biddulph Experiments, Oracle 8 -
building and spoke to all Light: Margaret McGuffin;
classes,on "The Origin of
Our Laws" and parents and
children were invited to
attend a general meeting in
speak and show a film on
learn of the "Block Parent
Prince Andrew Public
School to hear Cpl. Bob Boyd
Plan" from a presentation
Vy Joan McNutt,
"Child Molestation" and to
activities, in the Lucan
the pupils, through various
Building for Bunny Bundle.
visited the Biddulph
Building, lately, there is a
which gives more space and
"new look" in the library
Many interesting events Peggy McFalls, Ritchie
Constable Taylor of the Mr. Bryan: Science
Some $230.00was raised by
For those who have not Colour:
Lori Shumka; Light
Kim Harrison; Solutions:.
Rob Norton, Mark Scott;
Light Metre: Terri
Magnetism; Jennifer
MacDonald; Electricity -
fuse: David Radcliffe;
Grade 7 Electricity &
Electricity Lezlie Hinge;
Electricity Donna McFalls;
Electricity: Krista 1Viair,
Group Project on Quebec
Donna McFalls; Krista
Main, Jeff McFalls; "Non"
side: Margaret McGuffin,
Lori Shumka;
Literature - Character.
Referendum "Oui" side -
Mrs, Bansley: History -
table use is more convenient. Sketches of Novel Studies:
The importance of eye Kim Blay, Glyn Knapman.
care was stressed by Claudia
Continuing a project
Davis, a member of C.N.I.B. started last year the Lucan
when she spoke at the Bid- Women's Institute presented dulph School about blind a Canadian Flag, room size, children and children with i to Mrs McRoberts'grade 1, problems, as well and starting the same eyes sight problems,
as showing, a Walt Disney project, the Granton Branch film about the eye, followed presented one to Mrs.
. by a question and answer Radcliffe's grade 1.
period. On Wednesday of last week
The Student Council has Mr. McLean's grade 6 class made a choice of school sport sang in the county music
uniforms for teams corn- concert at Alumni Hall when
peting outside the School. choirs from all schools in the They have been ordered but county participated.
have not yet arrived. Pre-school registration is Education Week Open taking place this week May Hduse was held at both 20-23, and track and field schools on Thursday,,May 8 'days will be held at the with an excellent attendance school on May 30, for the
at both. The halls were alive area on June 6 and for the
with colour in both schools county on June 17,. Best of with samples of printing, luck to all participating.colouring, vehicles going •
past the school, a spring
walk, finger painting, birds Service of witness for
at feeders, essays, "Top, national unity
Bananas" in math, and
A most meaningful
many, many others too Ecumenical Service for
numerous to mention in the National Unity was held in ,
Lucan Building. the Lucan community
Center on Sunday May ,18 at In the Biddulph building
astronomy, the Pied Piper of 2:30 p.m. As members from
Hamelin and FaMily Trees all churches gathered, the
specifically, caught the choir Of St. Patrick's Church,
writer's eye. sang several numbers led by
The Science Fair was the Francis and Ann Heenan
main event in the Biddulph with Connie Vandeloo and
School with winners as Francis playing guitars.
follows: The choir also sang two
Miss Olson: Group project opening selections with
on Whales and Dolphins - Teresa Shumka and Joanne
One prize for entire class. Heaman singing the obligato
Miss Plummer: Planets of in one of them. Scripture
the Solar System', Simple readings were given by
Machines - Lisa Carter, 'Betty Ankers of Holy Trinity
Laurie St. Pierre; Mars: Anglican; Marjorie Park,
Tim Bates, Wendy Butler, United; Rev. Roger Mason,
Ann Hodgins; Venus: Laurie Pentecostal and Bert Damen,
St. Pierre, Amy Pollard; St. Patrick's Prayers and
Saturn: Sarah Wells, Chloe Meditations were offered for
Guthrie. the individual, for the
Mrs. Ingleby: Cells and family, for the community
Circuits - Kory Lyons, and for the nation, by Rev.
Stephen Yule, Mike Gillen, Bruce Pocock, Holy Trinity,
Andrew Malcolm, Robbie Rev. Ray Brewster, Pen-
Gee. tecostal Holiness, Rev. Keith
Mrs. Hearn: Science, Brown, United and Rev.
Solar System - Neil Waugh, Father Finn, St. Patrick's.
David Murray; Volcanoes: All prayers were in unison
Jason Haskett; My Family and a Litany of
Tree: Dorothy Ovens; My Thanksgiving was given by
Family Tree: Michael Mr. Pocock.
Dillabough ; Ants : Scott A joint Junior Choir, led by
Finlayson. Beulah , Hardy sang two
Mr. McLean: Social 'numbers with a Homily by
Studies, Toronto, Canada Father Finn. The service
and the North - Robin closed with 0 Canada sung in
Quinton, April Emery, both English and French.
Jennie Anderson, Jacqueline It was a beautiful service,
Kodde, Amy Waugh; Music: the writer hopes it is the first
Shannon Feke, Karen of many such co-operative
Dykeman; Crystals: Jeff efforts. Unity begins at home
Turnbull, Peter Bates; and this was truly a service
Math: SteveVicldiam, Steve of unity.
Thomas, The P.A. system was on
Mr. Eaton: Tooth Pick loan from the Pentecostal
Sculptures, Tooth Pick Art - Church (Revival Centre)
and John Armitage operated
it most capably,
Anniversary Services
Lucan Revival Center held
three services last week to
celebrate the opening of the
new sanctuary a year ago.
Monday evening May , 12, ,
Janalyn , Stewart ac-
companied herself on piano
as she sang several songs,
Tuesday evening the
church choir, led by Mrs.
Marlene. Thornton, sang
several numbers, Rev. Bill
Donovan, from N, Carolina
ministered in both services.
Wednesday evening was
the first anniversary service
of dedication of the new
sanctuary. Featured were
"The Living Waters"
quartette, with Allan
Melanson, Norman Salter,
Bob McLachlin on piano, and
John O'Brien on base guitar.
Rev. Ray Brewster led thg
service. Rev. Bill 'Donovan
spoke from 1 Kings 18: 1748.
People today need to have
the power of God demon-
strated to them, Even though
people want to do their own
thing regardless of con-
sequences, they will find that
their living does hurt others,
as sin is a reproach to any
people. When the church
finds it easier to be socially
minded the people need to
change from just religion to
having the power of God in
their lives. We need to make
up our minds to live for God
in holy lives.
At the beginning of the
Sunday morning service
Robert Holland, home from
Winnipeg, sapg "This is the
time I must sing." Rev.Ray
Brewster announced" that
next Sunday evening the film
"Deceived" will be shown.
This film tells how people
are pulled into , false cults
which is a warning to all to
avoid them.
Rev. Brewster ministered
from John 10: 10-14 about
Jesus being a good shepherd.
As a good shepherd knows
when to supply the needs of
the sheep, so Jesus knows
how and where to lead us,
even though the way seems
hard at times. When we
follow God's leading We
become better people. A
shepherd provides both food
and shelter for his flock. God
has provided the Bible for
our spiritual food, to read
daily to feed our spirits. God
gives us a hedge of protec-
'tion by His angels..
Rick Thornton led the
singing for the evening
service, and Rev. Ray
Brewster spoke from
Romans 15:13. We have the
privilege and ability from
God to live in His presence
with joy and peace. When we
live in a victorious way we
are witnesses to others orf
God. When we are defeated
we are without hope, joy,
peace. As the joy of the
Lord is our strength we can
go through trials with hope in
Lucan United Church
Continuing the series on
the Commandments of God,
Rev. Keith Brown spoke
using "The First Corn-
mandnient" of the Ten. In
the statement found in vs. 1
God declares his
sovereignty, His holiness,
His power of salvation and
His ownership, which have
been revealed since the
beginning of time.
Are we in danger today of
doing just what the Israelites
did, putting "things" before
God, thus making them our
gods? If so, "we must con-
fess our sins and He will hear
and cleanse us, giving us a F
second chance," said Mr.
Brown. May He give us the
Grace to live henceforth for
The choir, under the
direction of Helen Brown,
sang the Gospel hymn "If
My People..."
Don't forget the Bible
Society "Welke thon" on
Saturday, leaving the U.C. at
9 a.m. Walk or sponsor a
walker to help raise our
objective of $1500.00,
Sunday, May 25 meet your
missionaries from Zambia,
India, Downtown Mission,
Windsor, PINO in Manitou
Conference in the• guise of
members of the M. and S.
Committee and hear of our
involvement in World
Development, service and
Holy Trinity Anglican
The Service of Morning
Prayer with the Rector, Rev.
Bruce Pocock reading the
Lessons - from the Old and
New Testament,
The celebration of the
Eucharist (Holy Com-
munion) for Pentecost has
been requested by the Bishop
for all Parishes in the
Diocese to celebrate this
Holy Sacrament on Sunday,
May 250 The Birthday of the,,
Church. Many special events
are planned, including the
birthday cake, Sunday
*WA. awards, awards .for
name tags, and much more.
Every member of the.
congregation will be
rewarded by a most in-
teresting Service, •
South Huron. District Devine service, '
Masons with wives -and
friends' from South Htiron
District gathered at Holy
Trinity Anglican, :Church
Wean, on Sunday, May 18
for their annual District
Divine Service,
Bro, The Rev, Bruce
Pocock, Rector, was the
officiating clergy with Rt.
Wor. Bro. Charles P. Ur-
bett, D.p.u.ivi. and Wor,
B o. Bryan Smith, District
Patrick's Catholic Women's
League opened their meeting
on. Wednesday evening, May
• 14th, with. Mass celebrated
by Fr. J.P, Finn, in the
library of the school.
During the business
meeting $100.00 was voted
toward a general fund to
send three people to a
University Natural. Family
Planning Course in Min-
nesota, and Teresa Van-
denBoomen agreed to be in
charge of the C,W.L, booth at
the Lions Club Fair, in
Mrs. VandenBoornen and
Corinne Bosch attended the
Diocesan Convention on May
6 and 7th in Sarnia and Mrs.
Bosch gave an interesting
report at this meeting.
The national League
theme for 1990 X81 is "Faith
and Family", The annual
"pot luck" supper will be
held on June 12th at 9:30
the school gym with en-
tertainment and with Father
Denys of West Lorne
speaking on "The Family".
Medallions were presented
to the First Communicants
following the 1,1 o'clock Mass
May 20th. Fire call
The Lucan Volunteer Fire
Department was called to
the home of Don Allen, Main
St, S. Last Monday, May 12,
to extinguish a fire in his
"dipping vat". Some .smoke
damage occurred in the rest
of' the home,