HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-05-21, Page 7Hold .district annual at Brucefield Times-Advo ote, May 21, 190.0• Page 7 WI members told to live in living color Many 0frattiva.calacirs DON'T PAY MORE When you can shop right here , and SAVE 'grief KIRSCH DRAPERY RODS 11L v 7 0 : WOVEN 111160D SHADES CLEARING Buy One Picture & Get A Second One At 1/2 Price 25% Off In Stock PAPER (Except Specials) At $3.95 Double Roll 15% Off BOOK ORDERS CARPETING SAVINGS 50% OFF REMNANTS Great savings now on Armstrong Solarium Buy now at Special Prices GRAND BEND DECORATING and FLOORING CENTRE HWY. #21 238-8603 and brightly painted without. A farm without a farmer becomes overgrown with Weeds and is ne longer productive. Here again it takes effort to see results. If you are content to let things go unattended, you can be sure they will remainthat way, because it is up to you to turn them around. Effort is needed in all that we un- dertake to do for ourselves And for others, and it takes effort to "Live and in Living Colour." Today as never before in Our history, we find that most homes are engulfed with the outside world through the medium of radio and TV,. Instantly, we become aware of all the problems in the world as we see flashed before our eyes on the screen, that is also living colour, a great deal of death and violence on the newsreel, to the same thing portrayed on many of the programs. As Woinen's Institute members we have an obligation to our children and grandchildren to show them by example there is a better side to life. Kindness and love must be shown not only to children, but to all with whom we associate on a daily basis. We need to lift up our hearts to God and Serve Him. By serving God we serve each SOUTH HURON INSTITUTE MEETS — The annual• meeting of the South Huron Women's institute was held Thursday at the Brucefield United Church. From the left are second vice-president Dolores Shapton, Crediton; secretary-treasurer Joyce Pepper, Hensall; first vice-president Ruthi Papple, Seaforth; president Hilda Payne, Hensall; London area president and guest speaker Janet Hiepeleh and provincial board member Ruth Matheson. T-A photo ENGAGED Mr. and Mrs. Edsel Oucharme and Mr, and Mrs. Leoland Restemeyer are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children, Monica and Rob, at three o'clock on June 14 at Deshwooa United Church, Recep- , tion to follow. Mark anniversary J. Thomson, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Christie of Ottawa. A family dinner was served at the church, Congratulatory messages were„, received from the City of Wel& by the Mayor viaio presented them with a commemorative plate, the Gov. General of Canada, Prime Minister Trudeau, Lieut. Gov . of Saskat- chewan, Premier of Saskatchewan, t Fresh off the block PINE RIVER CHEDDARS Mild lb. $2.50 Med. lb.' $2.50 Old lb. $2.65 Extra Old• lb 1.80 MEDIUM EDAM lb. $2.00 CHEDDAR 102.40 EVERYDAY SPECIALS!! 10c per lb. discount on all 5 lb. or 10 lb. blocks of any cheese (including specials!) NEW We hove on excellent selection of fruit and nut mikes ... 'TROPICAL, DELUXE, TAHITAN, CALIPORNIA, LAURENTIAN, SIERRA, BANANA CHIPS, PEANUTS, ETC. For the freshest Breads and over 40 kinds of delicious donuts, come Huron. South District Women's Institute district annual was hosted by Kippen Women's Institute in Brucefield United Church, May 15. ' Approximately 85 members here in at- tendance. The theme for the day was "Live and in Living Colour." The piesident of Hum South District Women's. Institute, Mrs. Carl Payne, spoke on this theme "In the early days of television all programs were transmitted this way, but as newer techniques evolved, fewer and fewer programs were transmitted live. Taping became the routine method and later satellite transmission so that to-day about the only thing this is live is hockey and ball games, Whether this is good ad- vancement or not each of us must decide for ourselves but one thing that must be live is our Women's Institute. What's this? No problem! Yes, all our meetings are live and if a TV crew dropped in unexpectedly the meeting would be going on then, but is it a live one and is it in living colour? How often we say of a certain of a bouquet of flowers, "they give a lift to the room...they make it live. Are all our meetings living, are all our. meMbers alert, have all got smiling faces? It's the smile on the face and the sparkle in the eye which gives the life to the colours, What about the business session? Does it drag through, everyone thinking of the lunch to come, or the clock ticking away? Give it living colour. Sit alert, make a motion, discuss the issues and be willing to participate to the best of your ability. The programs too, make them as bright and colourful as you are able and not, always the same old thing. No one is too small in this organization to make an effort. Look at a basket of apples with the big shiny ones on the top, but it is the little ones On the bottom that are holding them up. Each branch of Huron South has something to give and I -hope I have something to give you. We need change, we need flexibility, we need ideas, . to become a live district, a district flowing with living colour. - The secretary Mrs. Joyce Pepper was busy with, the notes. Address of welcome from Kippen Mrs. Grace Drummond, reply from Mrs. Ross Gordon of Seaforth, Zurich Institute women had the memorial, Crediton and Elimville entertained in the morning and afternoon respectively.. Reports were brief and informative. Mrs. Willis Matheson, the Provincial board director spoke briefly, Pennies for Friendship was received by Grand Bend, Guest speaker for the afternoon was Mrs. Janet Hiepleh, London area president of the Womens Institute; Her comments were as follows: To me Your theme suggests a very positive approach to life and all that it holds dear for each of us. There are many individuals who look on the dull side of life and live a life that is full of grumbling and com- plaining. This person has missed much and does not contribute in a constructive Manner to society. However, there is another type of in- dividual who is able to take each event as it comes his way ,cheerfully, not matter how difficult life can be on certain occasions. This individual can make the world a happier place for you and I. What special ingredients does it take to permit us to "Live and in Living Colour"? Possibly, effort on our part. We know that a house without a housekeeper ,becomes a ruin. It takes work to keep it clean within will meet June 5, 9x30 a.m. A social hour concluded the meeting. Mrs. Mary Thomson of Andrew Street attended the graduation exercises at Centralia College of Agriculture on Friday af- ternoon when her grandson, Brian Thomson, graduated. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross of London who recently returned home from Florida were Saturday dinner guests with Mrs. Mary Thomson. Wilson Morley, Sanders Street, Exeter was the recipient of a birthday party to celebrate his 85th birthday which was on May 13. It was held at the home of his daughter, Ola Morley, London. It included family members grand and great grandchildren num- bering over 20 joined in the! celebration. Ober, A little act of kindness can create good-will and adds happiness to the lives of the giver and the recipient. Very little in material goods is needed to make a happy life, and live in living colour. Our attitude plays an important role with the ,contacts we make and with the various, people we meet, For example - two little girls stopped at a store one hot day for a soft drink. After several swallows one complained, "My bottle's half-empty already. "The other youngster complained not but said, "Mine's still half-full." Too many people are like the first youngster because they are negative thinkers, and always looking at life through dark glasses. The world has a much greater need for the beautiful souls who are able to concentrate on the bright and positive side. These people are aware there is also a sombre side to life, but they do not fret .or or pout. There is always something to be thankful for, stress the positive, "Live and in Living Colour." Possibly involvement sums up the meaning of your theme. To involve yourself to the fullest each day has' great merit. I would like you to recall to mind a very happy event? As you think about this event isn't it evident that you were in- volved; were people there? were you busy? To answer the questions - I would imagine that most of you thought about an event where you yourself were definitely involved with people; you were not bored because you were too busy and you just didn't have time to think about yourself. Involvement does mean taking a chance and sometimes we can get hurt by the experience and maybe disappointed. However, if we fail to ever become involved we could find ourselves living as a recluse, shut away from the women to a meeting to hear Mrs. Hoodless speak. Because of involvement of these two people it was possible to lay the foundation for our organization. After hearing Mrs. }foodless spealx the women decided to organize and the first Women's Institute in the world became into existence. From this beginning the W.I. has spread into every province in Canada and, into every continent in the world, linking women of all races, colours and creeds, Through involvement in the W.I. let us truly Live and in "Living Coloor"..We have a very wonderful organization and it certainly merits all the support the members can give to it; Be an involved member, yes it will require effort on your part, but the benefits you will derive from your par- ticipation will help to build and shape your life into a much happier and better informed individual.. Remember you reap as you, sow! OPENING SPECIAL WE USE AND SELL BEAUTY PRODUCTS Open daily 9-6 Open Thursday 9-9 Closed Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. John Aylmer Christie celebrated their golden anniversary on May 4 in Dublin Street United Church, Guelph. -After renewing their wedding vows they greeted some 150 friends and relatives at a reception. Their only daughter, Sister Christina, and all brothers and sisters were present including Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Perfume Scented Ladies short-sleeve T-Shirts 85 grams dny".:$0.004.:::c0.1o40 100% nylon oilitatRilltififfiiminmp fiRpuipliftPRPAR Attractive horizontal stripes Permanent Press were in charge of the program for Unit 1 of the Exeter United Church Women. They opened with an imaginary talk between St. Peter and mother's. When asked what good she had done on earth the mother replied "I taught three EXETER 411 Exeter UCW study Using the theme Family babes". She taught her' and Mother's Day, Hilda children to deal with Taylor assisted by Jean disappointments ; to keep life Pooley and Cicely Wareham in perspective by keeping faith in Christ and. to meet life in serenity and joy. This mother gave her children pleasure, courage and strength and best of all showed them God. Olive Harvey showed slides of tours to Europe, New Zealand and Australia and Prince Edward Island. Marilyn Johnson opened the business part of the meeting by reading Family Beatitudes.Jean Noels of the Christian Development Committee read "Doing God's Thing." The following events alid dates were announced: ,' Campsite Experience at Camp Bimini June 9, 9:30 to • 3 :00 with Miss Marjorie Smith in charge; West- minster College, May 30- ,June 1; Alma College, August 10-August 13; University of Waterloo-June 20 to June 22; the executive I VISA . 0111111111I She taught three babes 100%OitOO*004' THE SHOE WITH THE 8EAU'llFUL FIT Naturalizer's sleek dress sandal leads the list as the fashion value of the season. Tall and stately, designed to fit the foot and flatter the leg. CliAitGEX in your size! Bone Leather and Black Patent '40 NATURALIZERe It fits... It flatters... And it comes myth5 a s OE MAIN Si. PHONE 235-1933 EXETER. society in our self imposed exile or isolation. When one truly becomes involved one abandons all thought of self. Responsibility that comes from involvement gives us strength and courage, Two of the greatest leaders in Women's Institute work were our go-founders, Adelaide Hoodless and Erland Lee; they lived in living colour. Can you not visualize the 39 year old, amiable, bright and beautiful poised Mrs. Adelaide Hunter Hoodless on a stormy night in February, 1897, arriving at Squires Hall, Stoney Creek, Ontario in a buggy that was drawn• by her favourite horse "Scotty" and driven by her son? After alighting from the buggy, she made her way up a rickety flight of outsid6 stairs to the Hall where 101 womefi and one man &land Lee were gathered to hear her speak, It was Erland Lee and his wife Janet who had driven up and down the concessions in a horse drawn buggy inviting Wash, Cut, Blow Dry and Conditioning Women '8 Men$5 No roller sets COUNTRY CLIPPERS Mt. Carmel 237-3778