Times-Advocate, 1980-05-14, Page 91979 1978 Municipal enterprises, $634,190 $663,549 (b) Capital outlays, including fixed assets and the transfers of capital funds in the amount of $228,555 which have been financed from general municipal revenues of the current year, are reported on the Statement of Revenue and Expenditure. 3, RESERVE FUNDS During the year $45,498 were credited directly to reserve funds without being recorded as revenues and expenditures of the Revenue Fund. The sources were: Contribution from Twp. of Stephen $ 560 Contribution from Twp. of Usborne 1,200 Contributions from subdividers 2,000 Investment income 13,973 Ontario Home Renewal Plan Grants _ 67,765 $85,498 6. CHARGES FOR NET LONG TERM LIABILITIES Total charges for the year for long term liabilities were as follows: 1979 1978 Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) at the beginning of the year ..... ,... CAPITAL EXPENDITURE General government 317 1,536 Protection to persons and property 81,040 5,809 Transportation services 158,657 189,303 Environmental services 350,997 235,426 Health services 1,414 - Recreation and cultural services 7,430 28,203 Other - 54,270 Total expenditure 599,855 514,547 CAPITAL FINANCING Contributions from the revenue fund. ,228,555 382,876 Contributions from reserve funds and reserves • - 9,000 Long term liabilities incurred 242,000 190,000 Ontario grants 69,948 162,869 Other 59,352 89,205 Total capital financing , 599,855 833,950 Unfirianced capital outlay (Unexpended capital finanting) at the end of the year BALANCE SHEET a8 at December 31,1979. ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS 1979 Actual 1978 Actual $ 319,403 TOWN OF EXETER SOUTH HURON RECREATION CENTRE STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURE AND ACCUMULATED NET REVENUE for the year ended December 31, 1979 (with comparative figures for the year ended December 31, 1978) REVENUE: 1979 1978 Contributions Town of Exeter $ 52,000 $ 63,442 Township of Usborne 6,000 4.000 Township of Stephen 1,200 1,200 Township of Hay 800 Province of Ontario 6,000 Rental of facilities 50,128 50,447 Admissions and registrations 26,687 22,163 Food and beverage sales 44,916 46,776 Miscellaneous 940 2.500 188,671 190,528 EXPENDITURES: Administration Salaries and benefits 25,889 21,731 Advertising 1,969 1,628 Insurance 9,996 9,998 Supplies and general 2,936 2,116 Utilities 29,020 27;643 Arena operations Salaries and benefits 38,120 23,859 Repairs and supplies 10,870 6,602 Bar, hall and kitchen Salaries and benefits 7,632 13,593 Supplies and purchases 14,526 13,698 Concession booth Salaries and benefits 2,168 _ Stock purchases 14,808 22,134 Programs Salaries and benefits 1,629 2,286 Special events -676 2,145 Supplies 666 4,259 Utilities 552 865 Community park Utilities and maintenance Swimming pool Wages and benefits 7,552 9,698 Utilities 2,288 2,474 Supplies and repairs 1,839 2,106 Capital expenditures _ 7,430 23,113 185.396 189,944 Excess of revenue over expenditure 3,275 580 Accumulated net revenue, January 1 r 580 Accumulated net revenue, December 31 $ 3,855 580 3,930 582,000 22,000 560 .000 601,000 19,000 582 OOQ, 'Tintes.-A.decieUtet. May 14, 19,f) Pc' go 9- LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Temporary loans ......... Accounts ayable and accrue Other current liabilities 09,342 57,732 82,423 11__-,__653 Net long term liabilities ........ ....... 1,190571,°75941 917416 27 1,7 Reserves and reserve funds -„ 384,376 340,094 Accumulated net revenue and unapplied capital s) receipts 269,212 13 867 2,712;253 2,165,419 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS South Huron Recreation Committee Exeter Public Utilities Commission - Water Department (b) Statement of Capital Operations This statement reflects the capital expenditure of the municipality to be recovered from the general municipal revenue of the municipality and its local boards as described in note 1(a). (c) Balance Sheet This statement reflects the assets and liabilities of the revenue fund, the capital fund, reserve funds and local boards as described in note 1(a), The assets and liabilities of enterprises that have not been consolidated are reflected only to the extent of their related net long term liabilities and capital outlay to be recovered in future years. (d) Fixed Assets The historical cost and accumulated depreciation of fixed assets is not reported for municipal pur- poses, Instead, the "Capital outlay to be recovered in future years" which is the aggregate of the prin- cipal portion of unmatured long term liabilities, capital funds transferred to other organizations, and the cost of capital projects not yet permanent- ly financed is reported on the Balance Sheet. (e) Municipal Enterprises Municipal enterprises are those activities whose costs are substantially recovered from service charges on the users. The enterprises of this municipality whose revenues and expenditures have not been consolidated in these financial statements are: Public Utilities Commission - Hydro Department (f) Charges For Net Long Term Liabilities • Debt retirement costs including principal and in- terest are charged against current revenues in the periods in which they are paid, Interest charges are not accrued for the periods from the dates of the latest interest payments to the end of the financial year. 2. CAPITAL OUTLAY TO BE RECOVERED IN FUTURE YEARS (a) Some capital outlay to be recovered in future years does not represent a burden on general municipal revenues, as it is to be recovered in future years from other sources: 4. NET LONG TERM LIABILITIES (a) The balance for net lon mademade up of the following: Total long term liabilities incurred by the municipality including those incurred on behalf of former school boards, other -municipalities and municipal enterprises and outstanding at the end of the year amount to $2,297,524 Of the long term liabilities shown above, the responsibility for payment of principal and other interest charges has been assumed by others for a principal amount of (324,000) The total value of sinking funds and the balance in the Ministry of the Environment Debt Retirement Fund which have been accumulated to the end of the year to retire the outstanding long term liabilities included above, amount to (71,933) Net long term liabilities at the end of the year $1,901,591 5, ACCUMULATED NET REVENUE (D THE EFICIT Y)EAR AT THE END OF The balance in the revenue fund at the year end is available to reduce (to be added to) the levies of the following classes of ratepayers. General ratepayers School board ratepayers County ratepayers _ 1979 1978 $120,036 $(78,452) 452 5,383 1,693 3,611 $122 181 $(69,458) Principal, payments including contributions to sinking funds and to the Ministry of Environment Debt Retirement Fund Interest Of the total charges shown above $207,945 Were paid from general municipal revenues of the municipality and are included in expenditure on the Statement of Revenue and Expenditure classified under the, ap- propriate fiffictional headings. The remaining $16,602 were recovered from municipal enterprises for which the related het long term liabilities were incurred and are not reflected in the statement. 1, ACCOUNTING POLICIES (a) Statement of Revenue and Expenditure Thisi statement reflects the revenues and expen- ditures of the revenue fund and the following local boards: 31, 1978) Exeter Cemetery Board Y. LIABILITY FOR VESTED SICK LEAVE BENEFITS Under the sick leave benefit plan, unused sick leave can accumulate and employees may become entitled to a cash payment when they leave the municipality's employment, The liability for these accumulated days, to the extent that they have vested and could be taken in cash by an 1,717,382 employee on terminating, amounted to $16,500 at the 96,645 end of the year. No provision has been made for thi$ 2,165 419 liability. TO. The Mentheraof. -inhabitantS and Ratepayers. of the Corporation of the TOWN OF .' EUTER, We have examined :the conspiidated, haiance sheet of the Cerperatien of the Town of Exeter as at December 31; 1979 and the consolidated statements Of revenue and expenditure and capital' operations, for the year then ondod..Qur examination was made. in accordance with generally accepted auditing an- 4ard$, and accordingly included such tests and other procednres as we considered necessary he 'the cir- cumstances. In our opinion, these consolidated financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Corporation of the Town of Exeter as at December 31,1979, and the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with accounting. principles generally accep consistentario municipalities applied on a basis with that of the previous' year. Kime, Ditchfield, Chartered Accountants Mills & Dunlop London, Ontario February 29, 1980 Licence Number - 130 TOWN OF EXETER PUBLIC UTIUTIES COMMISSION ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET December 31,1979. (with comparative figures at December 31, 1978) ASSETS Current: Cash Investments - at cost Accounts receivable Inventory - at cost , Total current assets Fixed - at cost: Land , 1979 '1978 $ 82,537 11,000 2,903 1,207 $ 86,937 11,000 8,052 787 97,647 106,776 4,124 3,664 Building, plant and equipment 1,154 533 1,050 691 1,158,657 1,054,355 Less accumulated depreciation .,,, 395,551 354,796 763,106 699,559 Other: Unamortized discount 1,217 1,217 Equity in H.E,P.C. 601,438 560,308 Deferred past service pension cost . 60,847 64 027 663,502 625,552 Total assets $1,524,255 $1,431,887 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS Current: Accounts payable $ 111,612 $ 107,910 Consumer deposits 2,080 3,734 Current portion of long-term debt 11,404 9,600 Total current liabilities 125,096 121,244 Long-term: Bank loan 34,000 41,500 Debenture debt outstanding 18,190 '21,049 Past service pension cost liability,,.; 60,847 .64,027 113,037 126,576 Less portion dueWithin one year i 11,404 9,600 101,633 116,976 Reserves: Equify in H.E.P.C. ,, ,.,, • .601,438 560,308 Capital surplu f Equity in ass is financed by debent , e ii Contributed apital 46,810 91,872 43,951 84,084 , t Retained earnings 138,682 128,035 557,406 505,324 Total lia6ilities and surplus $1,524,255 $1,431,887 TOWI OF EXETER PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS for the year ended December 31, 1979 (wth comparative figures for the year ended December 31, 1978) Ravenue 1979 1978 Sale of energy Residential $ 539,465 $ 487,572 Commercial 419,182 355,679 Street lighting 16,267 14,770 Rental 11,760 8,372 Interest and late payment charges 10,700 5,146 Miscellaneous 9,116 8,152 1,006 490 879,691 Expenses ' Energy cost 766,383 637,770 Operation maintenance 72,924 64,004 Administration 73,575 69,183 Financial expense 9,120 7,401 Depreciation 32,406 30,370 954,408 808,728 Net Income $ 52,082 $ 70,963 TOWN OF EXETER PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS for the year ended December 31, 1979 (with comparative figures for the year ended December 31, 1978) 19791978 Retained earnings, January 1,.$ 505,324 $ 459,388 Add: net income 52,082 70,963 Less: excess earnings to be refunded - (25,027) Retained earnings, December31 $ 557.406 $ 505,324 TOWN OF. EXETER 'PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION WATER DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET December 31,1979 (with comparative figures at December 31, 1978) ASSETS Current: 1970 1978 Cash $ 124,646 $ 62,711 Accounts receivabl6 2,714 2,386 1,950 1,824 Inventory 11,770 18 958 Prepaid expenses,' Total current asset; 141,080 85879 Fixed - at cost: ' Land 6,000 6,000 Pumphouses aid Welts 431,849 431,808 Transmission'ind distributien system 1,550,515 1,509,755 33,316 28,038 Equipment 4 , 2,021,680 1,975,601 Less accuntlated depreciation 599,680 538,231 Other: Debentut4 discount 3,870, 4,085 Total ass4 $1,566,950 $1,527,334 LIABILI/IES AND SURPLUS current Accoitits payable $ 324 5,402 Due tielectric department 3,773- 4,348 careit portion Of 14-term debt 22,000 19,000 Tote current liabilities .. 26,097 28,750 Long-term: quity in assets financed by debenture .......... . .. 307,400 288,400 Contributed capital 316,357 291,875 623,757 580.275 Retained earnings 357 096 336 309 ' Total liabilities and surplus $1,566,950 $1,527,331 TOWN OF EXETER PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION WATER DEPARTMENT STATMENT OF OPERATIONS AND RETAINED EARNINGS for the year ended December 31, 1979 (with comparative figures for the year ended December Revenuealeo water 1979 1978 Sale Domestic , Commercial Fire protection Investment income Late payment charges Miscellaneous $ 135,558 84,483 25,447 6,057 988 3,200 $ 131,691 89,522 25,126 1,305 902 4 518 255,733 253,064 Expenses General administration 18,384 18,251 Billing and data processing 9,761 8,823 Power and pumping 37,900 40,566 Maintenance Mains 17,582 10,326 Meters 226 3,171 Services 4,415 5,600 Rent '7 3 720 Principal and interest charges.., 79 : 992 80,854 Depreciation 59,498 58,273 234,-946 229,584 Net income . 20,787 23,480 Retained earnings. January 1, 336,309 312,829 Retained earnings. December 31 $ 357,096 $ 336,309 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE for the year ended December 31, 1979 1979 1979 Butt Actual Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the beginning of the year 13,867 13,867 EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS Municipal expenditures General government Protection to persons and property Transportation services Environmental services Health services Social and family services Recreation and cultural services Planning and development Total expenditure TRANSFERS Transfers to region or county 179,862 183,857 Transfers to school boards 466,985 481,764 Total transfers 646,847 665,621 Total expenditures and transfers 2,140 876 2,052 037 REVEWE '" :: Revenue by purpose Municipal purposes Taxation 874,910 901,106 Payments in lieu of taxes 17,388 18,811 Ontario grants ... . ............. , 400,777 366,637 Other grants 86,870 98,278 Fees and service charges 184,845 167,845 Other 68,143 95,934 Revenue to pay for municipal purposes 1,632 933 1,648 611 Region or county requisition Taxation 126,088 126,472 Payments in lieu of taxes 1,532 1,604 Ontario grants 52,236 53,863 Revenue to pay the region or county requisition 179,856 181,939 School board requisition Taxation 463,340 472,953 Payments in lieu of taxes 3,630 3,879 Revenue to pay the school board requisition 468,970 476,832 Total revenue 2,279 759 2,307 382 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the end of the year 152,750 269 212 Analysed as follows: General revenue -120,036 School boards 3,60 5 1,693 Region or county 5,368 452 Local boards 2,924 6,178 Municipal enterprises 140,853 140,853 152,750 269,212 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL OPERATIONS for the year ended December 31, 1979 Ac 9 1978 tual Actual Cash 241,633 141,592 Taxes receivable 58,773 49,953 Accounts receivable 70,269 83,771 Other current assets 316,778 76,076 687,453 351,392 Capital outlay to be recovered in future years 1,901,591 Other long term assets 123,209 2,112253 e Year TOWN OF EXETER CEMETERY BOARD BALANCE SHEET December 31.1979 '(with comparative figures at December 31, 1978) ASSETS 1979 1978 Current: Cash $ 2,255 2,634 Accounts receivable 51 348 Due from perpetual care fund 379 105 2,685 3,087 Fixed at cost: Land 10,225 10,225 Buildings 7,793 7,287 Tools and equipmetit ...„ ..... 5,306 4,398 23,324 21,910 Less accumulated depreciation 3,576 1 753 19,748 20,157 173,309 162,093 1,693 1,463 175_;_,_002 163,556 $197,435 $186,800 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS Current: Accounts payable. $ 363 557 Total current liabilities 363 557 Reserves: Reserve for Perpetual Care Contracts 173,309 162,093 Reserve for Pre-Need Service Contracts 1,693 1,463 175,002 163,556 Surplus 22,070 22,687 Total liabilities and surplus $197435 $186,800 TOWN OF EXETER CEMETERY BOARD STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURE AND SURPLUS for the year ended December 31, 1979 (with comparative figures for the year ended 1979 1978 Revenue Sale of plots $ 5,856 $ 5,679 Burial charges 6,275 6,060 Foundations and markers 2,267 1,164 Interest transferred from Perpetual Care 16,164 15,474 Transfer from Town of Exeter 13,000 13,000 Sundry 1,441 1,025 45,003 42,402 Expenses Administration and general._ ...... 1,664 1,487 Depreciation 1,824 584 Heat and light 1,459 454 Supplies and repairs - 1,927 3,469 Wages and benefits 38,746 36,653 45,620 42,647 Excess of (expenditure over revenue) (617) (245) Surplus, January 1 22,687 22,932 - Surplus, December 31 $22,070 $22,687 TOWN OF EXETER SOUTH HURON RECREATION CENTRE BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1979 (with comparative figures at December 31, 1978) ASSETS 1979 1978 Current: Cash $ 1,228 $ 690 Accounts receivable 5,837 10,750 Inventory at cost 2,924 1,667 Total assets $ 9,989 $13,107 LIABILITIES AND ACCUMULATED NET REVENUE Current: Deferred revenue $ 400 Accounts payable 5,734 $ 12,527 6,134 12,527 Accumulated net revenue 3,855 580 Total liabilities and accumulated net revenue $ 9,989 $13,107 4 eport to the Ratepayers of Exeter For T. $ 57791 $ 39,791 166 , 756 158,516 $224,547 $198,307 1,422,000 1,437 370 Debenture debt outstanding Less: portion due within one year Capital surplus: 107,223 107,068 248,659 272,450 336,455 252,648 525,480 485,604 45,210 45,210 800 349 205,652 206,336 1,494 029 1,386 416 Other - at cost: Perpetual Care assets Pre-Need Fund assets Total assets