HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-04-30, Page 19TAKE A CHAMPIONSHIP — The Star-lites took the A championship of the Zurich ladies' bowling league this past season.
Presented with their awards Saturday were (bock row) Sharon Brokenshire, Pauline Miller, Diane Becker and Sheilla Miller.
In the front row are Donna Hoffman, Elaine Datars, Shirley Kipfer and Pat Schroeder. T-A photo
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Times-Advocate, April 30, 1980 Second production planned Pao. SA
Spring Thaw sold out.
Huron Country Playhouse ont"! Tickets for this pre-
has announced that their season opener have been
June 7 perfnrmance of available to subscription
'Spring Thaw '89 is, a "sell- holders only, and were to
Wintario promotes
new fund raising
Huron Country Playhouse
has expanded their regular
fund raising activities for
1980 with additional in-
centive provided by the
"Wintario Arts Challenge
The fund, was established
to encourage major non-
profit arts organization'S,
such as Huron Country
Playhouse, to achieve
greater long term financial
To be eligible you must be
an Ontario-based arts
organization with an annual,
operating budget in excess of
$250,000. Wintario will match
$2,00 for every $1.00 from the
corporate private sector
raised over and above the
yearly fund raising target
established by the
organization. The Playhouse
is hopeful that this fund will
increase the current level
and broaden the base of
private corporate support of
the theatre.
The incentive produced by
the challenge is an exciting
and welcomed opportunity
for Huron Country
Playhouse. The additional
monies created by this
program will allow the
Theatre to surpass their
current high standard of
family entertainment.
A neat trick for motorists:
When you stop for
refreshments, save the last
of your soda to clean the
bugs off the windshield. Car-
bonated beverages cut
through grime and film
better than conventional
cleaners. Of course, you
need to wipe the glass clean
with a rag.
have gone on sale to the
general public, Monday.
Ticket orders to date far
exceed the capacity of the
Because of this demand,
the Playhouse is extremely
pleased to offer a second
Performance on. Sunday,
June 8, at 2:30 p.m, Tickets
for this matinee per-
formance are available now
for subscription holders, and
to the general public Mon-
The touring revue Spring
Thaw '80 stars Rosemary
Radcliffe, Mary Ann
McDonald, Brenda Bradley,
Paul Brown, Marvin Karon
and Patrick Young. The
production is a modern
revival of the famous Spring
Thaw shows of the 50's and
60's, the secret of which,
according to cast alumnus,
Don Herron was
"Canadians" tremendous
capacity for laughing at
themselves." Harron's
popular character Charlie
Farquharson was developed
in Spring Thaw.
Produced, by Alan Gordon
by special arrangement with
Mayor Moore, Spring Thaw
'80 promises to build on the
reputation of previous
Provincial Police at
Pinery Park are in-
vestigating the disap-
pearance of a banner
belonging to the Cancer
Society. The' large, cloth
banner, which proclaimed
"Believe it. Cancer can be
beaten" was hanging on the
Colonial Hotel at the main
An attempt to clean up the
old river bed in Grand Bend
has been undertaken by
Southcott Pines Limited.
Don Southcott say that two
aerolaters are being used to
pump oxygen into the old
Southcott says that by
pumping oxygen into the
river, they hope to cut down
intersection in Grand 'Bend,
Cancer society chairman
Cornelius Stokkerman said
that the banner has been
missing since last week.
Hotel owner Harold Klopp
does not know its where
abouts. Anyone knowing
where the banner might be is
asked to contact Mr.
ecology group. Eventually
he would like to stock the
river with fish, after the
quality of the water is im-
The old Ausable Rh)er ha's
been stagnant since it was
cut off by canals at Grand
Bend and Port Franks in the
late 1800's.
Southcott says that he will
Southcott plans to
clean old river bed
on the growth of algae. He be able to see how successful
says that he is working with his plan is in mid-May when
Save-Our Streams, and representatives from Save-
environmentalist and Our-Streams test the water.
Yacht club launches,
lists new executive
-Sails will be hoisted in Commodore Bob Campbell,
Grand Bend this weekend, London, Treasurer Al Jef-
The Grand Bend Yacht Club feries, London, Whaffinger
plans to launch their boats Keith Thar, Grand Bend, and
this Friday. SecretaryLen Hume, Port
On the executive for the Franks.
Yacht Club this season are: A full season of races has
Past Commodore Ben been planned for this spring
Cramer, Commodore John and summer. The YachtClub
Warren, both of London, members gathered last
Vice Commodore Russ Friday at Green Hills in
Lingard, Grand Bend, Rear London for a dinner meeting,
Stokkerman, The Cancer
Society would appreciate its
return, Stokkerrnan added.
During the week of April 20
to 26, the Pinery OPP in-
vestigated 39 charges under
the highway traffic act, and
20 charges under the liquor
licence act. One criminal
code charge was laid, and
nine miscellaneous oc-
currences were investigated.
GETTING READY FOR SUMMER — The dispute over beach ownership between the
village of Grand Bend and Archie Gibbs may be before the courts, but the village is still
looking after it . Paul. Bossenberry of the village works department spreads gravel on the
beach preparing the area for many parked cars, T-A photo
ancer canner gone
dice investigate loss
RED'FINGER PAINT — Teacher Cathy Smith keeps a close watch on Teresa Petch at Grand
Bend nursery school. Teresa was working diligently with finger, or actually hand, paints.
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Beginning May :14 the Times-Advocate returns with "Bluewater Country" to our
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