HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-04-30, Page 6Advocatg, April 30 Odds 'n Ends Spring ,has sprung TO MARRY — Mr. and Mrs. R.C. (Bud). Wilson, Welland, On- tario, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of theVdaughter Carol Ann to Mr. James Daryl Keys, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray L. Keys, Exeter, Ontario. The marriage will take place at Coven Presbyterian Church, Exeter, on Saturday May 31, 1980 at 4:00 p.m. LUCKY DRAW Fora $50 Gift Certificate Shop the T-A pages THE SPINNING JENNY 346 Main St., Exeter, Ont, Phone: 235-2601 Save on fabrics during our I st anniversary Be sure you enter our Quality FABRICS „SPECIAL Sale LOW PRICES Lingerie elastic &. fabric TO MARRY — Mrs. John G. Glavin, RR 2 Lucan is pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of. her daughter Maureen Elizabeth to Mr. Morley Lloyd Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson, RR 8 Parkhill. The wedding will take place at 3p.m. on Saturday May 17, 1980 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Mount Carmel, Ontario. Open reception to follow. Pix by Peake 20% OFF Wool Blends. ABATTOIR and MEAT MARKET HWY 83 - 3 1/2 MILES EAST OF EXETER PHONE 235-1123 26"AN N IVERSARY '1 r SALE SALE STARTS THURSDAY APRIL 24 10:00 A.M. 1/2 OFF • DIAMOND RINGS • CHARMS • WATCHES RINGS • 10K.14k GOLD CHAINS * EVERYTHING! rice • ALL SALES FINAL • NO LAYAWAYS • NO CASH REFUNDS • JUST A SUPER SALE I ORMANDY JEWELLERY AT ALL THREE LOCATIONS SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH SUNCOAST MALL, GODERICH ' SUTTON PARK MALL, KINCARDINE • VISA MM. • CASH ENTIRE STOCK! The Greatest Sale Event In Huron-Bruce Counties Selected cotton Plains ,43, Prints 1/2 PRICE 15% OFF Everything in Bridal Section ALLOTHERMERCHANDISE10% OFF Sale prices in effect until May 3 1 This May, help raise your 's standani of loving. Show them how much you care. Hug them. Take them to the park. Enjoy them. Take more time for them. Have a nice talk and listen a lot. Call them up. If you start in May, you can reap the benefit all year long. And so will your family. May is Family Unity Month in Ontario. Margaret birch, Provincial Secretary for Social Development William Davis, Premier Ontario By ELAINE TOWNSHEND Last Saturday was the time to change the old clock on the wall again. 'Fall back, spring ahead' is a little reminder I use twice a year to help me turn the hands in the correct direction. Otherwise I'd probably pop. up an hour early in the fall and an hour late in the spring. I also try to maintain the habit of changing the clock before going to bed. If I wake *Shopper's Square, Goderich •Suncoast Mall, Goderich *Sutton Park Mall, Kincardine , C „),,V11 MARG'S HAIR STYLES 332 Senior St. (Sanders St. Entrance) tj Now open Mon. Wed. & Sat.\ „3 Complete family hair care. Per-1/4 ) manents a speciality. 1/446..... Phone 235-1446 ,..------c ) OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. - 6 P.M. FRIDAYSUNTIL 9 P.M. e Retail Section Closed Tuesdays to Call Us For Prices On Choice Local Beef & Pork up in the middle of the night and attempt to remember which way to adjust the time, even a simple phrase like `fall back, spring ahead' boggles my mind., Longer evenings of daylight are welcome after the long dark nights of winter. Yes folks, no matter what the thermometer may say, spring is here. The week of warm weather in mid-April made a believer out of me, and judging from the bicyclists, gardeners and housecleaners, I wasn't the only one. Did you ever notice what a busy, noisy season spring can be when it finally bur- sts? It isn't just the buds clothing the tree branches, or the'croci blooming in the flowerbeds or the robins playing tug-of-war with the worms. People are affected, too. Homemakers for example, Out come the mats and the drapes and the buckets and mops until the entire holm is sparkling. As yet, I haven't been bitten by the spring cleaning bug. (I don't think blowing the dust off a silk rose and attacking a cobweb can be classified as serious work.) Gardeners armed with their rakes, hoes, shovels and seedlings we're ready for spring planting before the ground was. Meanwhile the dead leaves on lawns were raked, and dried on several evenings, bonfires smoked. Rumor has it that a certain someone, who shall remain nameless to protect me, took his lawn mower apart and is now wondering how to put it back together so he can take it to the repair shop to be fixed. How many garages are now tidy and swept clean not because of the spring cleaning fever but because the kids' bikes were at the back behind the pile of wood for the fireplace or the screens or the boxes of junk? Besides the bikes out came balls and bats, racquets and sundry other spring things. In the sky kites fly on breezy days. Motorbikes and con- vertibles with tops down are back on the scene. Out of closets and drawers come spring clothes in fresh light colours, indicative of the season. We may shiver through a few frosty nights, but when we make the move to spring, wear, we don't ch- ange our minds, With winter boots, I do a famous disappearing act. Now you see them, now you don't, as I throw them in a closet and slam the door before they roll back out. Fall cleaning will be an excellent time to tidy closets. Don't be confused by the hockey games on tv; they could continue until the first of June. I'm told. This is the season for baseball, but watching baseball in the afternoon and hockey at night gives spring a new twist. If you feel a few shivers or see a few snowflakes some of these days, don't worry. Spring has sprung and will unfold in its usual busy way. Kinettes set plans for show The Exeter Kinette club held their April meeting at the home of Kinette Helen Klages April 22. There were eight Kinettes present and one guest, Barbara. McKnight. Most important on the agenda was the upcoming Craft Show and Sale which is being held at the Exeter LegionHallon June 7th, 1980. Tickets were handed out to sell on an Afghan and Pillows, which will be drawn the day of the show. We also had the election of Officers for the 1980-81 Kin year, After much discussion on numerous other topics Helen served a lovely lunch and everyone enjoyed the fellowship that followed. The Hurondale W.I, held their annual meeting and election of officers for the coming year at Kirkton Community Centre on April 23 with a banquet served by the Elimville W.I. June Stewart presided and opened the meeting with the "opening ode" and Mary Stewart Collect. The roll call was answered by paying of fees. There was an exchange of gifts for secret pals and new ones chosen 4-H Achievement day is at Exeter public school May 10 at 9:15 a.m. Marian Dougall gave a report of the district executive held at Hensall. Voting delegates were chosen for the district annual to be held at Brucefield May 15. 1980 is the year of the W.I. the theme being "What , Where and Why," Reports of the different conveners wire read and adopted. Mrs. Lena Kirkland gave the report of the nominating committee. Mrs. Alma Rundle installed the new executive for 1980 and 1981 which consists of the following members: past president - Mrs. Harry Dougall; president - Mrs. Glenn Stewart; first vice- president - Mrs. Wm. Dougall; second vice- president - Mrs. Lee Web- ber; secretary-trreasurer - Mrs. Wm, Dougall, assistant secretary - Mrs. Allen Oke ; district director - Mrs. Harry Dougall; alternate director - Mrs. Carl Mills. Branch directors - Mrs. Jack Thompson, Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mrs. Lloyd Ballen- tyne, Public relations officer - Mrs. Garnet Hicks. Tweedsmuir history curator - Mrs. Harry Strang, Mrs. John Pym, Mrs. Hugh Love, Mrs. Don Harris. Press reporter - Mrs. Laura Sillery; auditors - Mrs. Lorne Porter, Mrs. Wm. Thompson. Emer g ency committee - Mrs. Wm. Lamport, Mrs. Charles Snell, Mrs. Hedley May, Mrs, Frayne Parsons, Mrs. Stan Love, Mrs. Beverly Alexander. Nominating committee - Mrs. Jan. Kirkland, Mrs, Ilene Mothers. Hospital representoive, Mrs. H..E. Pooley. Huronview representative - Mrs. Garnet Hicks. Pianist - Miss Ann Brodie, Mrs. WM. Hernick, Song leader - Mrs. Wm. Dougall. Try Us For CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING • KILL DAY - TUESDAYS • Our Speciality - Home Cured and Smoked Meats Processed exactly the way you like it Hurondale ladies pick new officers Catering committee - Mrs. Archie Etherington, Mrs. Frayne Parsons, Mrs. Milton Keller, Mrs. John Flem- Please turn to page 7