HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-04-30, Page 2= Exeter District Co Op EXETER 235.2081 Best interest 1 51/2 % We represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to arrange for the highest interest be- ing offered on Guaranteed Investment Cer- tificates. * subject to change AD Gaiser-Kneale MI111 EXETER GRAND BEND CLINTON 235-2420 238-8484 482-9747 Insurance Agency Inc. SAVE AND EARN DOLLARS SHARE ACCOUNTS: When you open a savings account at your CREDIT UNION your savings earn dollars in dividends each year plus dollar for dollar life insurance up to a maximum of $2,000.00 at no extra cost. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS With a chequing account at your CREDIT UNION interest is paid twice yearly at a rate of 5% on minimum monthly balances over $300.00 TERM DEPOSITS: For competitive rates on deposits over $1,000.00 for specified periods up to 5 years, inquire at your CREDIT UNION today TERM DEPOSITS Currently paying 15% rates subject to change Inquire at your CREDIT UNION today. CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LTD. EXETER BRANCH Located in the Old Town Hall 322 Main St. 235-0640 Ontario POO* 2 Times-Acivocute, April 30, 1940 Elimville WI caters to banquet in Kirkton FIRE POSTER WINNERS --- Stepen Central School students who were winners in the recent poster contest sponsored by the Crediton fire deportment received their trophies Thursday. Above, Vicky Desjardine, Lea Watt, Lisa Hewitt, Julie Hendrick and Roger Ward receive their awards from fireman Doug Lightfoot. T-A photo ONTARIO'S Girls atAchievement Day FISH TESTING PROGRAM Ladies at garderling course By KATHY COOPER The Elimville Women's Institute catered to the annual meeting of the Hurendale Women's Institute at Kirkton- Woodham Community Centre Wednesday evening. U.C.W. meets The Elimville United Church Women met Wed- nesday evening at the church. The leadership and development committee were in charge. Mrs. Dan Coward opened the meeting with a poem "Because the things yoti are." Mrs. Emerson Penhale read the scripture, Mrs, Coward read an article "The hand full of clay." Mrs. Penhale introduced. Mrs. liaris.Crersteokorn who showed her slides of Ger- many and Australia. Mrs. Coward thanked her. The roll call was answered by "A country I would like to visit." The president Mrs, Philip Hera was in charge of the business. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Penhale. The board of management report by Mrs. Ross Skinner, the manse committee by Mrs. Elson Lynn. A donation was given to the manse board. Mrs. Howard Pym gave a report on the London Con- ference annual meeting held in St. Thomas. The United. Church Women's Church service will be held June 1. The Easter offering will be sent to the nursery school at. ARC Industry. Persona is A large number from the community attended the father and son banquet Thursday evening at Thames Road church. Rev. Robert Rumball, Toronto was the guest speaker .and was enjoyed by all; Bob Heywood entertained all with several musical numbers. The Tyro boys were the organizers of this special evening and everyone reported a good time. Church service The Exeter Independent Order of Oddfellows and Rebekahs held their annual church service at Elimville Sunday. After parading from the Usborne township building, they were welcomed by Noble Grand Floyd Cooper. During the service a quartette from Centralia consisting of Doug Gill,Bob Blair, Bob Heywood and Sam Skinner with Mrs. Gill playing the piano sang two musical numbers . A plumb line in our midst was the sermon. An hour of fellowship followed in the basement. Personals Visitors during the week with Mrs. Elva Routly were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mon- tgomery of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hogg, Thorn- dale, Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke of London, Mrs. Freeman Horne, Winchelsea and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sperling, London. Mrs. Routly visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Griffin at their bird farm near Woodstock. Tom and Jon Passmore spent a couple of days with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John Batten last week. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper were Mr. and Mrs. Don Kyle and boys, London; Mr, and *s. Doug Johnson and family, Lucan; Mr. and Mrs. Don Parsons and family; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Willert and boys; Dave Quick, Hensall; •Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baker; 'Robert Bray of Thames Road; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cooper and family.They were celebrating Mr. Cooper's birthday. Staffa 3, 4-H Homemaking club girls and their leaders, Mrs. Dalton Smale and Mrs, Ken Hunsberger par- ticipated in achievement day for their 4-H Homemaking club "Food for Friends" Saturday at the Kirkton Community Centre. Mary Jane Templeman hosted a miscellaneous shower for Marion Chessel bride-elect on Wednesday evening at her home in Stratford. Several ladies from Staffa attended the Summary day for the short course on Indoor Gardening Monday afternoon in Stratford. W.I. meets Mrs. Bert Daynard hosted the annual meeting of the Staffa Women's Institute at her home on Thursday evening April 24 at 8 p.m. The president, Mrs. John Miller presided opening with Me Institute ode and Mary Stewart Collect. During the business members were reminded of the District annual May 13 in St. Marys Community Centre with Staffa respon- sible for entertainment in the afternoon. Mrs. Charles Douglas, Mrs. John Templeman and Mrs. Bert Daynard were named a committee to serve lunch at a wedding reception in May. Mrs. Ross McPhail, Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. Lloyd Miller were named a committee to plan a Variety Concert in the hall. A donation was made to the Children's Aid and the program planning meeting will be held at the home of the president, Mrs. John Miller on May 6 at 1 p.m. Twelve ladies answered the roll call by naming a rural sound which appealed to them and the payment of fees. Interesting reports were given by all conveners with 100 percent reporting. A content on animals prepared by Mrs. Sam Norris was enjoyed. Mrs. Norman Harburn presented the slate of officers for the year 1980- 81. Mrs. John Templeman presided for the installation of officers which are: Past president - Mrs. Charles Douglas, president - Mrs. John Miller, 1st vice president - Mrs. Lloyd Miller, 2nd vice president - Mrs. Daltin Smile, secretary - Mrs, Wm. Mahon, assistant secretary - Mrs, Charles Douglas, treasurer - Mrs. Charles Douglas, district director - Mrs. Charles Douglas, alternate - Mrs. John Miller, branch directors - Mrs. Alvin Barbour, Mrs, Lloyd Miller, Mrs. Bert Daynard and Mrs. Library in HP school The Huron Park branch library is unique in that it is the only one in the county located in a school. Huron County library and the Huron County Board of Education have a mutual agreement for this arrangement. The library moved from the village of Centralia to J.A.D. McCurdy School, Huron Park about three years ago. Mrs. Marlene Munn, Hensall was the first supervisor. In May 1979 Mrs. Maxine Hyde, Huron Park took over. Books are rotated with other branches every three months ensuring a constant source of new reading material. Special requests are welcomed. Yearly circulation for the Huron Park Branch in 1979 was approximately 67,000 books while the total for the county was 386,253, The library is open every Tuesday 'fa& 1500 hours to 2000 hours. Although most of our readers are children, several are adults and can always accommodate more. The entrance. to the library is located on the east side of the north wing. Cancer can be beaten CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY4 Robert McCaughey. Public relations - Mrs. • Frank Hamilton, pianist - Mrs, Bert Daynard, assistant pianist - Mrs. Robert McCoughey, auditors - Mrs. Frank Hamilton and Mrs. Cameron Vivian, sunshine committee = Mrs. Cdmeron Vivian and Ruby Reed. Press reporter - Mrs. John Templeman, assistant press reporter • - Mrs. Cameron Vivian, Tweedsmuir curator - Mrs. Ross McPhail, Tweedsmuir committee - Cameron Vivian, Tom Scott, Alvin Barbour, Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Mrs. Ed Chappel and Miss Vera Hambley. Standing committee conveners: Agriculture and Canadian industries - Mrs. Carter Kerslake and Mrs. Cameron Vivian, Education and Cultural activities - Mrs. 'Lloyd Miller and Mrs, Frank Hamilton, Family and Consumer affairs - Mrs. Daltin Smale and Mrs. Bert Daynard, Citiienship and world affairs - Mrs. Norman Harburn and Mrs. Charles Douglas, Resolutions - Mrs. John Templeman, nominating committee - Mrs. Sam Norris and Mrs. Alvin Barbour. Persona Is Mr. and Mrs. Russell Worden have moved to their new home in Seaforth. The neighbours held a farewell party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Miller on Friday evening. Euchre was en- joyed followed by a presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Worden with both expressing their appreciation. CONOP Ontario is famous for its fishing. The Ontario government constantly checks this valuable resource through its continuing research and testing program of fish. Testing has now been done in 882 lakes and rivers. "GUIDE TO EATING ONTARIO SPORT FISH" The results are published in the three booklets "Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish" (Northern Ontario, Southern Ontario and Great Lakes editions). NOW AVAILABLE FOR 1980 You can get your free copies from your nearest office of THE ONTARIO MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT THE ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES THE ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NORTHERN AFFAIRS Copies are also available in vacation area Brewers' Retail Stores and LCBO Stores during June. Ministry of the Environment Hon. Harry C. Parrott, DDS, Minister SAVE 2 8 % .11111. COMPLETE 4fir, COVERAGE FOR Wil .441*I k Home " Farm ' Life * Commercial • Automobile 1:14, 1 04 Registered Retirement Plans CONTACT Bev Morgan Insurance Agency Ltd. 238 Main St, Phone 235-2544 Exeter Across from Savewoy Lumber • Financial assistance • Management counselling (CASE) • Management training • Information on -government programs fOr business Can we help you? See our Representatives Bob Pearce and/or Bill Schutz at: The Devon Building, 476 Main Street, Exeter Every Tuesday on: (Next Visit: Tuesday May 6th ) Li FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK (Branch Office Address? For prior information please call 271-5650 (collect) or write 1036 Ontario St. Stratford By MISS JEAN COPELAND Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler and Mrs. John Butters. visited Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. J.P. Cooke of Thamesford. Mr. and Mrs. Don Webb, St. Marys and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques, Suzanne and Barbara were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webb, Nathan, Amy and Gordon. All had attended the church service earlier when the sacrament of baptism was administered to Jeffrey Gordon Webb. Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd, Pamela and Calvin and Mrs. and Mrs. Clarence Thomson were guests at the Innis- Martin wedding in Wood- stock on Saturday and the reception which followed in Delhi, A special FREE GIFT to all high school and college grads CLASS OF '80 CHARM/PENDANT This is your year! And what a wonderful way to remember it. Visit our store soon and receive your free "CLASS OF 1980" medallion. Wear it as a pendant, keychain, or suspended from your charm bracelet. This free gift is our way of saying "Congratulations" to the class of 1980! You deserve it. Yes, FREE, while supplies last, from AN STETT JEWELLERS LIMITED Clinton/Exeter/Seaforth/Walkerton MEMBER AmEkiCAN GEM SOCIETY CD Ministry of Natural Resources Hon.James A.G. Auld, Minister OFF DASHWOODS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE DASHWOOD INDUSTRIES LIMITED Offer ends May 30, 1980. *Minimum Retail Purchase - $1,200 Come in today for complete program uetails. Hours: Mon. to Fri, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sat. 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon to,1404A. d° Da"1-=""t‘011a % VVit ) AV ) _••_..! Use Dashwood Millenium windows and doors in your renovation project and you could qualify for a direct-to- you Factory Rebate of from $50 to $500* NO SATURDAY DELIVERY