HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-04-23, Page 30APPLIANCE REPAIR
Largo. or smolt. w.'ll. fix
Our repair ettaerti will.
hove your !palliate. I. tip.
top "hope foot. •Colli us -to,
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* Clay or plastic systems
* Most modern equipment available
* Layout maps provided
IfCa Farm Drainage Systems
R.R. 1 Gadshill
656-2618 595-8405
White Bean. Seed
White Foundation Seed
The new Fleetwood variety
which has outyielded other varieties
in All Government Performance Trial
Phone 236-4749
acorn •
manure pump, stable cleaner, alley scraper,
silo unloader, bunk feeder, feed conveyor,
ventilation, cow stalls, cattle penning.
(519) 284-2306
The latest position report
' Saskatchewan have returned
home after visiting with
their parents, Mr. & Mrs.
Oscar Pfaff and helping
them celebrate their 50th
wedding anniversary. '
Mrs. Allan Finkbeiner
returned home recently from
Kelwood, Manitoba after
attending the funeral of her
brother Gordon Gower.
Miss Sharon Morenz, Boca
Roton, Florida visited
Monday with her cousin Mrs.
Peter Martin
Mr. Emmery Fahrner has
been transferred from South
Huron Hospital, Exeter, to
St. Joseph's Hospital,
Mrs. Annie Davis, a for-
mer Crediton resident, is in
University Hospital having
undergone surgery.
May 1st is
the deadline
for applications
calk Donald Weigand
RR 1 Dashwood
PH: 237-3418
SENSOR is a Reg TM of Beyer AG
*64104 ip
Exeter and
Buy what you
want by the
lb. no
package si7es
to purchase.
I lb.
Clean up quick with
this compact new
washer. It's right for
dozens of tough jobs
around the home
500-550 psi of nozzle
pressure make short
work• of normally
tedious jobs.
We have John Deere
Hose in 50 foot lengths.
Ideal for hooking up
your pressure washer.
Made of good quality
rubber. 5/s inch
o .
Whatever your
woodcutting needs,
we have a John
Deere Chain Saw
right for you. John
Deere Chain Saws
are highly rated by
a leading comsumer
magazine. Drop into
our store and
choose, the model
that's just right for
Check out our spring
clean-up special on
door type, 16" and
18" sizes.
Paps 14A, Tiftlei,A4vocats, April, 23, 1000
Be a tractor weight-watcher
Are yqu. wasting fuel by
carrying more weight with
your tractor than you need?
Many farmers do this for
Most of the growing season.
At the same time, many
others aren't carrying
enough weight to give them
proper front end stability
when doing heavy field
operations like plowing or
You, the farmer of today,
are very conscious of fuel
consumption of tractors, soil
compaction, horsepewer
requirements for different
jobs. How many farmers
stop to consider what
weights to buy for the new
tractor? How much is
needed? Where is it needed?
Why is it needed?
There are three types of
weights that affect tractor
performance. The weight of
the tractor itself is
something we have no
control over, but you can
increase the weight at the
front end by adding cast iron
weights in sections. Cast iron
weights can fit onto the drive
wheels to increase their
weight also. The most
common way to weight' the
drive wheels is by partly
filling the tires with a
calcium chloride solution.
Farmers find this to be still
the most cost effective
It's a permanent solution
to the problem though. It
means that you will waste
fuel by carrying around all
that extra ballast during all
but the heaviest operation.
It's hard for us to find
clear cut rules for tractor
weighting. Most engineers
agree with the following
The Stratford and District
Right to Life April meeting
opened with prayer by
president Mrs. Frances
Greene, 126 Centre Street,
There still is time to enter
the annual art contest. The
theme this year is "Every
Stage of Life is Beautiful and
Precious"; the deadline is
April 30; mail or deliver
entrees to Mrs. Veronica
Price, 101 Easson Street,
Plans are being made for
members to attend the
'Festival for Life' Con-
ference in Ottawa, May 8th.
9th and 10th.
Crediton ladies choose
slate for coming term
A PRACTICE SALE — While the Exeter Brownies and Girl Guide's cookie day may be a few
weeks away, a few of the guides were getting in some practice recently. Showing Roy
Swartz of James Street their soles technique were Briget Newton and Janet Wright.
Kent ran beads
wheat producers
A Kent County wheat
producer has. been. elected
Chairman of the Ontario
Wheat Producers'
Marketing, Hoard for the
coming year.
Mr. Robert Butler.
Croton, Was. elected at .the
board's inaugural meeting
held in Toronto, In moving
upfront first vice-chairman,
a position held during the
past year, he replaces
Russell W. Rogers, RR 1
Kingsville, who has served
AS Chairman for the, past two.
years and remains on the
bo,ird's executive committee
as pasta chairman,
Other members of the
executive. committee are
Jim McWilliam, Pickering,
first vice-chairman, who
served as second vice-
chairman during the past
year, and Robert Holmes,
RR 2 St.Pa.u1s,who advanced
to the position of second Vice-
Lloyd Eves, R.R. 4
Alvinston was duly elected to
the executive committee as
its fifth member, the poSition
held by Robert Holmes.
The Ontario Wheat Board
is composed of ten directors
representing ten districts
across the province. In
addition to the executive
committee, other members
are: Jack Campbell, RR 2
Renfrew; Robert Clark, RR
3 Caledonia; Donald
MacKay, RR 3 Ripley;
James O'Shea, RR 3
Granton; and Fergus Young,
RR 1 Ennismore.
Latest Position Report
standards thought total
weight of your tractor shOUld
be around 130 pounds per
p.t.o. horsepower for 2 wheel
drive tractors and 120 lb per
p.t,a, h.p. for 4 wheel drive
tractors, A tractor like the
J.D. 4440 then with 130, p.t.o.
h,p, shquld have 130 times
130.or 16,900 lb. total weight.
The actual weight with
ballast in the wheels is about
14,500 lb, Add more weight
with cast iron,
Where should you add
these weights? This is where
we get into the problem of
stability and safe steering
control, Aim. for 25 percent,
30 percent, 35 percent of the
total weight on the front
wheels for pull type, semi-
mounted, and fully mounted
implements respectively.
Your farm -,achinery
dealer should be able to tell
you the weights of most
tractors. This information is
found in the Nebraska Tests
results, Contact the
0.M.A.F. office for more
Ron Fleming
Agricultural Engineer.
At last, spring!
Recent Warm weather has
awakened thoughts of
spring. Farmers are busy
with their cropping plans for
this year.
If you missed doing it last
fall, it is not too late to get
your soil tested, especially
for corn and bean crops. This
service, which is provided by
the Ontari6 Ministry of
Agriculture and Food, is free
and will set you straight as to
your fertilizer requirements,
That's very important with
fertilizer prices rising this
Forms and sample boxes
are available at your local
O.M.A.F. office..
Many gems of information
concerning recommended
crop production practices
are contained in the "1980
Field Crop Recom-
mendations" (Publication
296) and for chemicals, the
"Guide to Chemical Weed
Control" (Publication 75).
These publications, as well
as many other factsheets
and handouts can be a major
help in your farming
business. This information is
available by writing or
visitit g' your' nearest Office
of the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food.
Don Pullen,
Agricultural Representative,
The Canadian Cancer
Campaign has been com-
pleted for Crediton area,
Canvassers' were Mrs. Ray
Morlock, Mrs. Dave Cottel,
Brenda and Lorna Glanville,
Mrs. Peter Martin, Ruth
Martin, Karen Hodge.
Captain was Mrs. Walter
WI meets
The. Crediton Women's
Institute met Wednesday
evening for a lovely buffet
supper at Elmville Hall
served by the Elmville. W.I.
A plant exchange was
conducted by Mrs. Dave
Cottel and Mrs. Wilmar
Wein. The business was
opened with the Ode and
Collect. Roll Call and
minutes from last years
annual meeting. Business
was conducted by President
Mrs. Gerald Dearing. Mrs.
Cliff Kenney gave a report
on the Board meeting. Fair
Board Report was given by
Mrs. Bruce Shapton.
. Reports were given by
each group conveners Public
Relations, Mrs. Earl Neil;
Agiculture and Canadian
Industries, Mrs. Ross
Krueger; Citizenship and
World Affairs, Mrs.. Glenn
Hodgins; Educational and
Cultural Affairs, Mrs. Ross
Haugh; Family and Con-
sumer Affairs, Mrs. Bruce
Shapton; Resolutions, Mrs,
Cliff Kenney; Tweedsmuir
History, Mrs. Earl Haist;
Auditors Report, Mrs.
Russell King; President 3
year report by Mrs. Gerald
The meeting was turned
over to Mrs. Dave Cottel who
presented Mrs. Dearing with
an Institute cup and saucer.
Karen Caldwell of Blyth,
sister of 'Mrs. Cottel, sang
and accompanied herself on
the guitar The Old Rugged
Cross and a short chorus.
Happy Birthday was sung to
Mrs. Harvey Andrews.
Motto; Be true to yourself
was read by Mrs. Wilmar
Wein. Karen Caldwell sang
two more solos Wings of a
Snow white Dove and This
Land Is your Labd. She was
presented with a small gift
by Mrs. Art Ford.
Installation of officers
followed: Past President,
Mrs. Gerald Dearing;
President, Mrs. Norm
Eveland; Secretary, Mrs.
Ken Glavin; Assistant
secretary, Mrs. Wilmar
Wein; Treasurer, Mrs, Don
Davey; Assistant treasurer,
11.ri.;; Glenn Hodgins;
District Director, Mrs.
Gerald Dearing; Alternate
District Director, Mrs. Cliff
Kenney; Public Relations
Officer, Mrs. Earl Neil;
Branch Directors, .Mrs.
Wilmar Wein, Mrs. Peter
Martin. •
Nominating Committee,
Branch Directors; Ways and
.Means, Group Conveners;
Good Cheer, Mrs. Norman
Eveland, Mrs. RossKrueger;
Curator Tweedsmuir
History, Mrs. Earl Haist;
History Committee, Mrs.
Arthur Ford, Mrs. Cliff
Kenney, Mrs. Bruce
Shapton, Mrs. Earl Neil,
Mrs. Russell King; Auditors,
Mrs. Bruce Shapton, Mrs.
Russell King.
Pianists, Mrs. Bruce
Shapton, Mrs. Bob
Crawford; Agriculture and
Canadian Industries, Mrs.
Harvey Hodgins; Citizenship
and World Affairs, Mrs. Ross
Haugh; Education and
Cultural Affairs, Mrs. Glenn
Hodgins; Family and
Consumer Affairs, Mrs.
Peter Martin; Resolutions,
Mrs. Ross Krueger; 4-H
Convener, Mrs. Cliff Ken-
Persona Is
Mrs. Willard Berge and
children ,;of, Moose Jaw,
of the Ontario Vtrlieat
Producers' Marketing Board
was issued April 3, 1980 showing total producer sales
of 1979 crop Ontario winter
wheat at 653 (H)2 tonne, board
sales 644 507 tonne, board
stocks. unsold 8 495 tonne.
Ministry qt m home news and Food
huron farm
Top Ontario soybean growers
are staying on top
of weed problems with ENCOR.
Joe Hickson
Charles Langstaff
Wheatley, Ontario
Wallaceburg, Ontario
job of getting all my problem
weeds, even on the sandier soil."
"SENCOR is the only herbicide I've
four years. It really does a good
used on my soybeans for the past "We feel that SENCOR is the only
consistent weed control, year after
year. There's no doubt about it,
herbicide we need on our soy-
beans. It has really given us
SENCOR is tough to beat when
it comes to good weed control in
Cooks Division of Gerbo—
Centraiia, Hensall, Kirkton
Exeter Co-op—Exeter
Hensall District Co-op—
Scotts Elevator—Lucan
W.G. Thompson and Sons
Ltd.—Granton, Hensall
Chemagro Limited
1355 Aerowood Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 102
Carl Russell
Charing Cross, Ontario
"Until we started using SENCOR,
we had a bad problem with velvet-
' leaf. It had reached the point
where I know our yields were
suffering. SENCOR has really
taken care of our velvetleaf
problem. And it's done a great job
on other weeds, as well."
More and more Ontario soybean
growers are proving it: SENCOR is the
only herbicide you need for broadleaf
and grassy weed control.
Smooth-pouring liquid SENCOR 5
won't settle-out in the jug. Original 50%
wettable powder mixes fast.
See your chemical supplier today.
SENCOR. In most cases, it's the only
one you'll need.
to you and nature
Now you can
switch to whitebeans
or kidney beans
without switching
Stay with Lasso®. Now registered for grass control in
whitebeans and kidney beans.
Lasso® herbicide by Monsanto, the herbicide you can
count on in Corn, is now registered for,whitebeans and
kidney beans. So you can switch crops — and stay with the
unbeatable grass control of Lasso.
Lasso delivers consistent control of many tough annual
grasses. To apply Lasso in whitebeans or kidney beans, '
just broadcast it before planting, then shallowly incorporate
into the top.two inches of soil. For extra clout against
broadleaves, follow Lasso with Patoran' 50W.
You can count on Lasso to get the
job done right. With excellent crop
safety. And no carryover. So
when you switch to white-
beans or kidney beans,
stay with Lasso. The
proven winner in the
fight against yield-
robbing grasses.
Monsanto Canada Inc.
Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Vancouver
Always read and follow the label directions for Lasso.
Lasso' is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company.
"Patoranis a registered trademark of Ciba Geigy Corporation
(c,Monsarlto Company, 1980. LI\T-WX-4/80