HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-04-23, Page 20By WS. . SUMMERS GRANTON The Granton W.I. met at the home of Mrs. Cliff McRobert on Tuesday evening, Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins presided. The roll can was answered with the paying of feeS. Reports from the different conveners were read, and voting delegates were A CROCHETING PAIR — Karen Blackwell and Janice Mardlin continue cocheting while manning their booth Saturday at the tucan craft show. T-A photo Ithf junction EXETER'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE Should YOU pre-arrange your Funeral? The wise head of every fam- ily takes care to prepare a Will and carry ample Life Insurance with one unselfish motive in .mind to assure his family of security and peace of mind. Doesn't it make sense then that one should pre-arrange his funeral and leave instructions as to his wishes? Generally speaking, should it not be YOUR responsibility to arrange YOUR funeral? ' Any member of the Ontario Funeral Service Association will sit down and discuss pre-arrangement with you without obligation. Why leave this task to someone else? The Funeral Home in Exeter who is a member of the Ontario Funeral Service Association is: • IRV ARMSTRONG FUNERAL HOME PHONE 235-1220 BOB FLETCHER' er's Special t eMonth SAT. & SUN., APRIL 19 & 20 There's nothing like it. 227 MAIN ST. NORTH EXETER intue 9 filed hicka 235-2424 50 (Regular Price $7.60) A bucket of 15 pieces of finger lickin' good Al'"P'"*Nd'N.Y for the special price of just SAVE UP TO 70% RUBBER BOOTS Size 7 -11 Compare at $12.95 NOW Men's Oversized Green WORK PANTS Our reg. price $8.88 NOW (Not as illustrated) GIRLS-LADIES PULLOVERS Our reg. price $1.99 NOW $1.23 Jumbo Size Oval & Rectangle PLACE MATS Our reg. price $1.88 *14 104s.‘i Se **P-4*.* Specials ....--, . N • . Men's Compare NOW - 1 I I iCe S Oa°Ladle ' , Polyester' ,, , .,,,, Pull On"1,'. : '- . S ' . .... L ''-.--.• - ,..,, , K •• ,.4, S , , Elastic waist Compare at $7.95 $42 99 NOW 40 • 4 Ladies $ 1 *00 ' - .1/4.,.. Short T-SIFIIRTS Compare .., • 4N'' i ..tk:„ 100% at Sleeves NOW • s .g. Nylon $4.95 ' 1 1 Our 1-- .A • ‘`i ') Extra reg. 2/$ TrniTOWELS All Cotton . i price 1FTA! l‘ 4 1 ' . 1 i I DENIM JEANS 4, 10 oz. at $666 Blue $10.95 7§314 Large MI 1 eeri srin 16*iiewi ill II lie in inn oil lip lin al lir til si so Me le aro mia *elm NI PERFUMED, SCENTED SOAP .85 Gram 3 BARS FOR .$ 100 I mmasiontatiammimileftWammagtOstimmutimmastsiminaftionamilionamWninmminm chosen for the district annual Meeting, which will be held in. Lticen on May 15. Mrs, Hodgins installed the new executive for 1980 which consisted of the following members; Hon. president, Mrs. C. Lewis; past president, Mrs. G. Dann; president, Mrs. }I. Hodgins; 1st vice president, Mrs. D. Roloson; 2nd vice president, Mrs. N. Riddell; secretary treasurer, Mrs. G. Dann; assistant secretary treasurer, Mrs, J. Scott; district director, Mrs. G. Dann; alternate, 11/4Tre. Roloson; public relations officer, Mrs. Chas. McRobert, Tweedsmuir history curator, Mrs. C. Lewis; branch directors, Mrs, J. Peck% Mrs. C. McRobert, and Mrs. C, Bryan, Sunshine committee, Mrs. P. Hodgins, and. Mrs. H. Wissel; pianist, Mrs, E. Summers; auditors, Mrs. J. Kerr and Mrs. E, French; press reporter, Mrs. C. Lewis. Conveners, Mrs. P. Hodgins and Mrs. C, Bryan assisted the hostess to serve lunch. C.G.I.T. news Bonnie Harloff welcomed the cubs, their leaders, Rev. and Mrs. Morden, and other guests, then opened the Granton C.G.I.T. meeting by leading in The Lord's Prayer. Joanne Goos took the roll call by. asking the girls to complete the sen- tence: "If I could give one gift of myself right now to my group, I would like to give .a little more..." After the business portion of the meeting, Colleen Malcolm assisted by Margaret McGuffin did a presentation on "water" using as her main theme "baptism." The movie "The shopping bag lady" was shown, followed by a game led by leader Mrs. Doreen McRobert. A second film was shown "Right Here, Right Now," followed by refreshments of cookies and. lemonade served by the girls. The meeting closed with prayer by Joanne Goos. Church news At the United Church Aev, Elwood Morden conducted the morning worship, and entitled his sermon "Grasping Life's Serpents." This weird tale of a serpent changing into a stick, will give us a deeper un- derstanding, and a Parable for our time. Young Moses, brought up as a Prince in Pharaoh's household, knew he was of Hebrew blood, and when he slew the Egyptian, and fled from the country, to Milian, where he found love, marriage, and security. God chose him to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt, when Moses said, they will not believe me, and will say that God did not appear unto me, So God changed the rod in Moses hand to a serpent, and told hime to grasp it by the tail, and it immediately became a rod again. This was done by God so that Moses could prove that God had chosen him to lead the Israelites out of ggypt, The first thing we have to do as Christians, said Rev. Morden is to grasp the tail of the serpent of doubt, we inevitably have to ex- perience doubt, even Jesus doubted,, then there is the serpent of fear, fear of loneliness, failure, social conflict, nuclear war, per- fect love casts out fear. At St. Thomas Anglican Church the congregation welcomed their new rector, Rev. Gregg Smith and Mrs. Smith, The sacrament of Holy Communion was celebrated, Rev. Smith being the celebrant, assisted by Miss Marion Herbert, who read the scripture lesson. In his communion message, Rev. Smith spoke on the Journey of the Israelites and how we as Christians can learn from it, how it effects our faith, and how we can apply it to our own lives, At the Granton Com- munity Bible Church, Mrs. Art Postma, a graduate of . Ontario Bible College, and now a family counsellor at Victoria Hospital London, taught on "Our Holy Calling" from Romans 1:1-7. This passage teaches us that we Christians like Paul, are called to be set apart to live The Gospel and to tell others about God's desire to have us turn to Jesus, as One who paid for our sins, and the One who gives us victory over sin in our daily lives. Cancer Education meeting The Lucan-Biddulph Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, in cooperation with the Merton branch, held their annual cancer education meeting in the Lucan Public School on Thursday evening. Guest speakers were Dr. Keith Gay, medical con- sultant, and Sister Judith, nurse co-ordinator, both members of a team with the palliative care service (care of the terminally ill) at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. The first to speak was Dr. Gay, who explained how the team functioned, In his capacity as medical con- sultant he would advise the patients when changing from curative to palliative care to accept the result, but not to give up the treatment, and to be allowed to keep their dignity and privacy. The patients are taught to function independently at Clandeboye ladies tour CLANDEBOYE Mrs. R. Worthington, Mrs, Art Hodgins, Mrs. Jim Cunningham and Mrs. Roy Cunningham enjoyed a bus tour Saturday with a group from Ailsa Craig. They toured the Decker greenhouses at Strathroy where roses and chrysan- themums are grown as cut flowers for supplies to florists also Decker's other greenhouse to see many tropical plants, hanging plants, cactus, etc, At Rosalee Gardens at Mt. Brydges they saw more roses and plants as well as one section that grew beautiful orchids in various colours. After lunch in Glencoe the afternoon was spent at Swain Greenhouses near West Lome. On the way home, several draws for plants were made and as each lady left the bus she received a long stem rose, coMpliments of Rosa- Lee Gardens,Carrie Anne McAlpine, who was leader for the Ministry of Agriculture short course, "Indoor Gardening " Was convener for the bus tour. Personalt Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cun- ningham entertained recently for the group from this area that toured Australia and New Zealand in ?ebruary. They enjoyed seeing everyone's pictures taken during the tour, The group included Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hodgson. Bryden Taylor of Grand Bend entertained the same group Saturday evening. Mrs. Alta Carter and Carol visited Mr. Irvin A. Hughes at. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Toronto Thursday. home, and with the help of Medication, control their condition, They are happier at home with their family said Dr. Gay, and this is where Sister Judith comes in as the liaison between the hospital and the home. Sister Judith said that the goal of the service was the quality of life. Her function was to help both the patient and the family, this service provides for physiotherapy, pastoral care, and a bereaveMent follow up program, with home visits at intervals up to a year. Personals The Granton Cubs and their leaders are very busy preparing for their Variety Show in May. Congratulations are ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jones and Kim on the arrival of Kelly Angela at St, Joseph's Hospital London on Wednesday, April 16, 1980. Get well wishes are ex- tended to Mrs. Lois Herbert who is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs, Cliff McRobert spent the weekend with their daughter and her husband Mr, and Mrs. Allan Ulman of Sarnia. The pledges for the family ride are going well in Granton. This takes place on Sunday May 4. Granton riders will leave the Scout Hall at 1 p.m. Punt 4A Times-Advocalt, April 23, 1900 Many at cancer..meeting Gran ton Women 's Institute choose new officers