HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-04-23, Page 14Ontario Govornmont Tender ‘•PIONTING. CONTRACTORS HIP 80/4. For exterior pointing of approximately 90 residen- tial. units ot Huron In- dustrial Park. HIP 80/7 For exterior painting of two (2) large industrial buildings located at Huron Industrial Park. ALUMINUM STORM WINDOW SUPPLIERS HIP 80/8 To supply 146 self-storing combination storm and screen windows for hangars located at Huron Industrial Park. Individual sealed tenders for the above contracts will be received until 3:30 p.m. o'clock local time on Thursday, May 8th, 1980 Tender documents may be obtained from the On- tario Development Cor- poration at Huron In- dustrial Park, Huron Park, Ontario NOM 1Y0. For further information regarding the above tenders, please contact the O,D.C. Maintenance Superintendent at the above address or telephone (519) 228- 6657. The lowest or any tender no necessarily acceptable. Ministry of Industry and Tourism Ontario Deadline, for Registration for DASHWOQD SLO-PITCH is May 1 Ladies and men sign up at Nutt's Store, Schatz's Store and Merner's Meats FISHERMAN'S COVE OPEN NOW FROM .11:30 - 8:00 p.m. everyday but Monday. FISH & CHIPS CHICKEN & CHIPS SHRIMP & CHIPS LIGHT LUNCHES Eat In or Take Out Grand Bend 63 River Road 238-2025 TOWNSHIP OF BOSANQUET RE-TENDER Sealed Tenders clearly marked as to con- tents will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. Local Time on Friday, May 2, 1980 For the leasing of the Township owned Gravel Pit (20 acres) located on N 1/2 Lot 15, Concession L.R.E. Highway 21 ap- proximately 4 miles South of the Village of Grand Bend. The Pit Licence Number is 2689 which allows an annual withdrawal of up to 130,- 000 tons. The Lease to be for one year (or longer sub- ject to Ontario Municipal Board Approval). Lease is to be for the tendered price per yard or ton with a minimum payment of $20,000.00 per year. Tenders will be opened publicly at 10:00 a.m. Local Time Monday May 5, 1980, at the Council Meeting. The highest or any tender will not necessari- ly be accepted. George Eizenga Deputy-Clerk Treasurer, Box 269, Thedford, Ontario NOM 2N0. Exeter United Church SMORGASBORD Thursday, May 1 11:30, -1:30. Tickets at Fisher's Hardware and Russell Electric Advance Tickets Only BR WNIE DRIVE-IN THEATRE LTD. BEECH ST. CLINTON BOX OFFICE OPENS AT T:30 P.M. FIRST SHOW AT 1:00 P.m FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY APRIL 25-26-27 :STAR TIROL. THE MOTION PICTURE '" AV RYAN O'NEAL CANDICE BERGEN Township of Bickholph TAX ARREARS PENALTY Take notice that the Council of the Township fo. Biddulph, has increased the penalty for taxes due and vnpaid. to 1 1/4 % per month beginning May 1. 1900: Austin Hodgins Clerk, "*1 ... Licence # 287211 Proceeds for Arena Due to !kens. regulations no one under 16 years of age will be admitted. BINGO LUCAN ARENA Wed., Apr. 23 Door's 'open.- 7:15 p.m. e. Early bird - 7:55 p.m. Regular games, Midway special, share the wealth, stand up, etc. Jackpot '500 - calls - Proceeds for Arent, Double Door Card $1.00 Bingos will continue each Wednesday night. ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDERS TENDERS are invited for the provision of the following services and contracts at Ipperwash Provincial Park: 1) Painting of Washrooms and Picnic Shelters, 2) Painting of Picnic Tables 3) Operation of Bulldozer 4) Operation of Grader 5) Operation of Backhoe 6) Truck (s) and Loader 7) Supply Topsoil 8) Supplying Granular "A" Gravel 9) Supplying Granular "B" Gravel 10) Sewage Removal 11) Construction of Four (4) Wooden Gar- bage Bins 12) Installation of Concrete Sidewalks in Maintenance Area 13) Grass Cutting in Day Use Areas 14) Supplying Miscellaneous Carpentry Tasks Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Tender documents, information and site in- spections are available at Ipperwash Provincial Park, R.R. # 1, Forest, Ontario, NON 1J0 - Telephone:519-243-2888 - Mon- day to Friday inclusive, 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. TENDERS WILL CLOSE FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1980 AT 12:00 NOON and will be publical- ly opened Friday May 9, 1980 at 1:30 P.M. at the Ministry of Natural Resources District Office, (Kent County Building) 435 Grand Avenue, West, Chatham, Ontario. MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES beeseemeeeliiiennemrieureimeireeeemeremenneirmemeeinonieneenneemnemernominerrieninivineemeel BINGO Thurs, April 24 ireenwlee HURON PARK REC. CENTRE 21 GAMES 18 REGULAR 1 JACKPOT 1 SPECIAL 1 SHARE THE WEALTH 7:30 p.m. quicky bingos ADMISSION $1.00 EXTRA CARDS 25$ ea. SHARE THE WEALTH 5 for $1.00 Sponsored by the Optimist Club of Stephen. ' No one under 116 years of age will be admitted Ccirds 25c a piece ilicense #275 225' JACKPOT $400 in 58 calls :PINERY FLEA MARKET Open -Every Sunday May 4th - Sept. 28 3 miles south of Grand Bend, Ont. Hwy. 21 238-8382 ' By DAVE SYKES The Huron County board of Education decided to ad- vertise province-wide in seeking a replacement for retiring superintendent, Jinni Coulter. Coulter made a surpsise announcement of his. retirement at the last board imeeting and the board decided to review the ad- ministrative structure before recommending a replacement be hired. The board was split in attempting, to decide whether or not a candidate should be selected from whithin the County or out- side. They agreed on a motion to advertise the position provincially with the executive committee to screen the applications. The committee will then present a short list of candidates to the board for final in- terviews. John Elliott suggested there was no need to go outside the County adding that there are enough good people within the Huron system to fill the vacancy. Trustee Bert Morin disagreed claiming the system needes some new blood. "It's like marrying your cousin because you don't get any new blood," he said. "It is a good idea to get a new blood into the position." Trustee Shirley Hazlitt echoed Morin's position adding that such a move would narrow the field even before they started seeking a replacement. Herb Tuekehim said there likely were good candidates within the Huron system but suggested that for a few hundred dollars of ad- vertising money they should look around. The first time the board had any input in hiring was when Peter Gryseels ap- peared before trustees at ,a meeting, The board agreed they should continue that practice. Coulter, a superintendent with the board for 20 years, VIDEVS PURE (Closed Mondays) (SW4104 9\OP 90411; an vv.IP 235-2311 Subscribe now to • Private Lives by Noel Coward • The Sunshine Boys by Neil Simon • Same Time, Next Year by Bernard Slade • Free At Last by Eric Nicol • Annie Get Your Gun by. Irving Berlin ••An y d•ou get 5 shows for the price of 4 • first choice of reserved seats starting April 28th • a free ticket for 2 to. Monte Carlo Night • first opportunity for Spring Thaw Tickets. until April 28th Send $26.00 for each 5 seat subscription to HURON COUNTRY PLAYHOUSE Grand Bend, Ontario NOM 11"0 This message ti 'kindly sponsored by: the DEPANTMEMt junction 235-0270 neffirrisnur STARLITE Box Office Opens At 8 p.m. p", Untie Weekends Only UntillLun, r?20 $.mr. Adult Entertainment DOM.. _SUZANNE JERRY 011111 DeLUISE PLESHETTE REED HOT Silitt,cemei..4 OSSIE DAVIS noe.e, PATRIDNWiLMAMS Cooleski. Oreg.,. PAUL MASLANSKY FMNi,1rc M1CliAll BANE mil DONALD E,WESTLAXE ie MOM ENGELSERO binned he DOM Nana GEORGE BURNS 46" ra, $ BROOKE P. 0 Advertise for uperintendent System needs new blood will retire June 89. 1Te is 55, In WO he was a government school inspector for Goderich and Colborne, Hullett and McKillop Townships. When County school boards were formed in 1969 .he became the first superintendent of the Huron - board. A summer school program of English instruction may be made available to Indo- Chinese refugees, with the aid of the provincial government. The Huron County Board of Education agreed to proceed with the proposal, accomodating, the classes during the normal summer school schedule at Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton. The program, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Recreation, would offer two hours of classroom time per day for six weeks, The class time would be divided into an hour of English and An hour of recreational activity. The Ministry program would have each refugee student attending be ac- companied by a local volunteer student or buddy. The buddy would work with the refugee on a volunteer. baSis and assist this student in the language-learning process. To make the program viable, superintendent Don. Howell said that 10 students and 10 buddies were needed. The cost for instruction would be at least $900, although that is negotiable. Director of Education, John Coerahane said there were 18 refugee students in the county school system. Fourteen attend elementary school and four are at Goderich and District Collegiate Institute, Trustee Bert Morin said the English instruction should'be offered to an entire refugee family and not be limited to the students, "It's just the tip of the iceberg. The students will speak their native tongue at home," he said. "The program should include their parents as well." Cochrane claimed there were night school courses offered that catered to the refugee's language needs. Shirley Hazlitt reiterated Morin's sentiments claiming that often' the mothers of these families rarely get outside the home and have less of an opportunity to learn the new language. ALL NIGHT ROLLER SKATING Stratford Fair Grounds - Phone 271-5130 SATURDAY, APRIL 26th 8 o'clock P.M. until 8 A.M. grades 7 and up Admission 4.00 — skate rental $1.00 No person 16 years of age or under will be allowed to leave between the hours of- mid. night and 7 a.m. unless Fdcked, up by a parent Strictly enforced adult supervision. For Health Sake — Roller Skate Regular Skating Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday wining* • Saturday and Sunday -afternoons. are4tio • 4t t! HAVE GROUP WILL TRAVEL Call 235-1772 and let us look after the details Doug and Mary Ellison tat Fri* 10800465*4140 Peg* 14 Time;-Advocate, April 23, 19110 :^A a a Fr.. . g i-f-, = E- E, g = g'. ▪ SOUTH HURON RECREATION CENTRE . a = ki B !--; Dinner, Entertainment & Dance with = the Bradley Group from Clinton :4. E. . = Everyone Welcome P.-. --.:= E. . F11111111111111111111111111111111111111111001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IR itp*O*f I KO E mAIIGNIN itAn V r tlitADCW11 r=- Annual Dinner Meeting PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY for the Provincial Riding of HURON MIDDLESEX Friday, May 2, 1980 7 P.M. Annual Dinner Meeting of the HURON-MIDDLESEX PROVINCIAL LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Tuesday, May 6 LUCAN COMMUNITY CENTRE - Hall opens at 6 p.m. Dinner at 7 p.m. Guest Speaker-John Sweeney MPP Kitchener-Wilmot, Liberal Education Critic Tickets $6 each from your municipal chair- man or Bernard Benn, Lucan 227-4840 or Ian McAllister, Zurich 236-4034. Howard Aitken, secretary. Asermommismumm, mamma.) L &W RESTAURANT Elginfield NOW OPEN Adult Entertainment COMA PICTURES presents mciiim HARRIS Sit ERNEST NM • IN TURKEL aM ART CARNET v=bt "...~.00. - FRIDAY & SATURDAY — MAY 2 - 3 GRAND BEND Children Under 12 in Cars Free PROGRAM FROM APRIL 11 — JUNE 29 FRIDAYS liwpww.11".1 ==lrw.n.lrags°111 AL PACING 1991: CIVILIZATION IS DEAD. Violence, hunger end horror are rampant„ There le no lewl All that ire left are bands of 441 14111A 11•11 0, A010