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Times-Advocate, 1980-04-16, Page 12
Now That. APRIL'S here. • • WE'RE BRINGING YOU EVERYTHING YOU. NEED FOR. HOME AND GARDEN, featuring r 13i In Years! r es t r Imuviat rot sp sattil TOILET In Our Plumbing Dept. INCLUDES MOULDED PLASTIC SEAT SUPPLY TUBE ANGLE STOP AND WAX SEAL %1111i1M- Pit° SAVE NOW DRYWALL ON 4'x8' 3/8" THICK 9 1/2 / THICK TWIRLERS GET HELP - The Kirkton-Woodham Winter car- nival committee made a recent donation to the Kirkton- Woodham Baton Twirlers. Above, Darlene. Doupe accepts a cheque from Lloyd Fletcher, Staff photo Kippen women entertain guests By MRS. RENA CALDWELL KIPPEN U.C.W. of St. Andrew's Church, Kippen entertained the ladies of Brucefield, Varna, Zurich, Hensall Presbyterian and Hensall Arnold Circle April 8 in the church. The good turnout was most gratifying. Mrs. David Turner con- ducted the Devotional on "I love life!" Assisting and speaking for the different age groups Were Mavis Turner, Shelley Finlayson and Mesdames Wright, Kinsman and Kyle. A poem • has a orer..;._+ ,4,1oec.'L al cav- il-Li ctio.i3L4 M.a_cki•-• ess 'fie -itrikkrtlass IOLA- caul eft O . spd,s spec.o..1 o-F ado( pieces 634 ci 300 --Pi•-‘0.c..4-iok.. secaii , ritaK at kale. price' I'd r- hau . FROM ct ro frtlpialGIAT WO? all thumb an artists' co-operative 397 main st. s., exeter, ont. NOM ISO 235-0779 was read and this portion closed with prayer. Rev. Stan MacDonald, Hensall, the guest speaker gave an inspiring address on "I saw the Risen Christ last week and Easter hadn't arrived!" Mrs. McKinley's ukulele group of about 30 made their first public appearance and were greatly appreciated. President. Mrs. R. Kinsman announced that the refugee family of 8, With 6 children, who are sponsored by the Brucefield and Kippen charges will arrive shortly and will need furniture bedding and clothing. Mrs. Ronald McGregor gave courtesy remarks and hostesses Mrs. Robert Turner and Mrs. Hugh Hendrick served lunch. Mrs. Grace Siemon, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. John Crich, Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Forsythe, Egmondville visited relatives in the area last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siefert, Galt, visited, with Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Mellis Monday. Mr. Art Gibson and Mr. Ray Stewart Gorrie were recent visitors in Kippen. Mrs. Steve Pine and Sheri Lynn, Brampton spent Easter with Mrs. E. McBride. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Anderson have returned from their winter in the south. Mrs. Nelson Hood is a patient in Clinton Hospital., The latest meetings of the- 4-H girls club "Bedrooni Buddies" was held on April 4 at the home of Mrs. Laird Finlayson. Discussion on Achievement day, colours, textures, plant coordination followed. Wall hangings were observed and a quiz was answered. Atiorwouwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwir BARGAINS GALORE THROUGHOUT THE STORE During Moonlight Madness viSti 6:00 p.m. to Midnight Risk ••Tirem. ...1111111111111 l'111164-ttc • R,ZOBF lop MOE' Pnff{11EY774 General purpose. Non-burn. For new and established lawns, shrubs, vege- tables and flower gardens. 20 kg. bag covers approx. 2,200 sq. ft, FRICTION FIT INSULATION Ideal for walls. Comes in standard easy-to-install 15"x48" batts. Dave's Sale Price .maiemmewwwwwww R-20 SQ. FT. Dave's Price LAVYN frAt) 41/144. Plia4,4154 CT YAW* wa41.1141/464111•I1tl.1./1lia lleu Wee .tV S 99 • $ 9 99 AMHERSTBURD EXETER GODERICH GRAND BEND HARROW KINCARDINE KINGSVILLE KITCHENER 736.2151 235.1422 524.8321 238.2374 738.2221 396.3403 733.2341 893.7901 It's 6" thick, enough to cut your fuel and air conditioning bills substantially. 1 5"x48" 6 SQ. L.J FT. STORE HOURS WINDSOR EAST MON..THURS. 8 A.M. to 8 PM. WINDSOR WEST FRIDAY till 9 P.M. MATTHEWS SATURDAY till 5:30 P.M. KITCHENER: DAILY Including SATURDAY 8 A.M. till 6:30 P.M. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M, OWEN SOUND, GODERICH, AMHERSTBURG, HARROW, AND KINGSVILLE MON.•FRI. 8 A.M.-5;30 P.M., SAT. TILL 4 P.M. EXETER, THEDFORD, GRAND BEND, WEST LORNE, SOUTItIAMPTON AND RIDGETOWN MON.•FRI. 8 A.M.-5:30 P.M., SAT. TILL 1:00 P.M. KINCARDINE • DAILY Including SATURDAY 8 A.M.•5 30 P.M. LOTS OF FREE PARKING A DIVISION OF iet6y • LUMBER CO LTD FaorView Pall, Mall 1] [ Fairway Road OWEN SOUND -40 2:71, Mall Sprmgrnounl CO net SUllon ;1212=1, Perk Inn o KITCHENER V 1 Hwy Jr KINCARDINE 586 Fairway Road South near the On Highway 2 at Springrnount Moll, Phone 893-7901 Corner Phone 376.3181 Hwy 21 North opposite the Sutton Park In Phone 396-3403 OWEN SOUND RIDGETOWN SOUTHAMPTON THEDFORD WEST LORNE WINDSOR EAST WINDSOR WEST MATTHEWS 1-800-285.8204 Todd 376.3181 674.5465 797.3245 296.4991 768.152q 727.6001 7344221 25'4 ,1143 Ts 700 Tecumseh W MATTHEWS 700 Tecumseh Rd. W. at Crawford. Phone 2541143 laSalle SOS Front Rd. in LaSalle on Hwy, IS. Phone 734-1221 Pga 12 TimaieAdvocati, April 10, 1.980 SPRUCE DIMENSIONAL LUMBER SIZE 8' 10' 12' 144 16' 2x4 1.73 2.17 2.59 2.83 3.47 2x6 2.63 3.29 3.95 4.59 5.26 2x8 3.66 4.58 5.50 , 6.41 a 7.33 2x10 5.32 6.65 7.98 9.31 10.64 A The above lumber is graded by the National Lumber Graders' Association. Our direct purchases average 75% No. 1 allowing 25% No. 2! That means you receive lumber that is either No. 1 or No. 2! So before you buy, shop and compare our quality. GRADE "A" SAVE 5.00 MOREMORE PER GALLON On Spred Satin, Spred Latex Semi-Gloss, Spred Lustre, Enamel and Spred Lo-Lustre Alkyd EggShell finish. Example: SPEED SAVIE1 I(IDD Our Usual Cash And Smooths out to an elegalait INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE! c).3r17 ar.P1 a/U[1727 • • liOV272 WORTH OF FAMOUS, PRICED AT GRADE SPRUCE 29 ea. Good One Side, 4'x8' SANDED FIR PLYWOOD 1/4 " Thick, 1255 1/2 " Thick, 1865 & 3/4 " 25" Discount Dave Carpet Prices With ti Special Purchase Buy With Rubber Backing, So YOU CAN INSTALL . The Carpet YOURSELF While stocks last, you can buy this exciting new carpet for less than five dollars per square yard! You can use it ill any room in your home and, because it's rubber backed, you can install it yourself. We have a booklet that shows you how. ot, Carry Price 16.89 Tough finish scrubs clean, stays color- ful, Soapy water cleans hands and tools. Discount Dave MANY OTHER TYPES OF LUMBER & BUILDING MATERIALS ALSO ON SALE rin), `d©O% PENEDEMPUILEME in RUST, WALNUT, SILVER/BROWN, CINNAMON All Prices Shown are VISA Cash & Carry JP T,) 50% 0 MANUFACTURER'S LIST PRICE Stock includes : .. d esa __ special orders not pickedup.... discontinued sizes ' and somewindws ,\.._ L Children's Assorted Canvas RUNNING SHOES WOMEN'S SANDALS Women's Assorted SANDALS $ i 499! and CLOGS I PLUS ODDS 'N ENDS AT MADNESS DISCOUNTS From 9:00 p.m. to Midnight Only 2O% OFP LTIGTGLE Excluding Luggage Already Tagged At Special Sale Prices Smyth s STORE MAIN ST. PHONE 235-1933 ExETER DASV4VVOOD INOUSTIAIES 16 BRANCHES: Kitchener Out-of-town call free Tecumseh Bypass on Hwy. 2 Phone 727.6001