Times-Advocate, 1980-04-16, Page 6Get early start on spring,
plant vegetables now
To germinate' the seeds, By mid: May you can begin
cover them lightly with soil hardening the seedlings,
and moisten, Set the seed This acclimatization process
flats in a warm location 21 to enables the plant to
23 degrees celcius (70 to 75 withstand the transition,
degrees fahrenheit) and from the indoor environment
keep them moist, to the garden,
"When the seeds ger- Set the seedlings outdoors
minate move them to a for one-half hour in a shady
location with good bright 'location when weather
light," advises Mr. Fleming. permits. Over a period of one
"East or south-facing or' two weeks, gradually
windows are ideal, but west' increase the outdoor periods.
windows may be a bit too When the fear of frost is, past,
warm, Once they have transplant the seedlings into
"The most important germinated, the seedlings the garden.
requirement of seedlings is a prefer moderate tem- "Tomatoes, lettuce and
good, soil or an artificial peratures (1$ degrees cabbage can be set out in the
growing soil medium," says celcius or 65 degrees garden in late May, but wait
Mr. Fleming. "To prevent fahrenheit). Water seedlings until the first week of June
fungus diseases, use a in the Morning to prevent before transplanting egg
sterilized material." fungus diseases." plants and peppers," advises
Most artificial soils are The first sign of life is the Mr. Fleming.
already sterile, but if you are development . of tiny
using potting soil , it's a good cotyledon leaves. When the Pick _winners
idea to pasteurize it. Spread first "true" leaves appear,
the soil over a cookie sheet the seedlings should be
and bake it in an oven at 82 thinned so they are 5 to 7 cm The Calorie Counters of
degrees celcius (180 (2 to 21/2 in.) apart or tran- Huron Park have announced
degrees fahrenheit). Allow splanted into separate pots. the winners of two draws
10 minutes for the soil to "If you have used an ar- held in conjunction with their
reach this temperature and tificial seeding medium, recent bake sale.
then bake for 20 minutes. transplant seedlings into a Marie Jaques won the cake
Wait two or three days good potting soil," says Mr. and winner of the 50-50 draw
before using the soil. Fleming, was Ann Lawrence
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Get an early taste of
homegrown vegetables this
summer by starting your
vegetable seedlings now,
says. Bob Fleming, Ontario.
Ministry of Agriculture and
Food horticulturist.
Vegetables such as
tomatoes, peppers,
eggplants, cabbage and
lettuce can be started from
seed in early April to give
you a head start" on the
growing season.
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Women at Exeter
study Passion Play
CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY — Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff of
Crediton celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Friday
night at the South Huron. Rec Centre with a family dinner
followed by a dance and reception. The couple was married
April 19, 1.93Q at the Woodham Church parsonage. Mrs.
Pfaff was the former Hazel Brethour. They have resided in
Crediton for the past 42 years, They have two children Mrs,
Willard (Dolores) Berge, Regina and James, Exeter and six
grandchildren. T-A photo
Paso 6
What is a migraine? It
isn't just a. bad headache, It
has been defined as
Periodic. vascular headache
that is. usually, but not
always, accompanied by
nausea and vomiting. The
blood vessels dilate causing
the blood 'to 'bound' through
the head creating a terrific
'pounding pain.
TO. the slifferer, it's an
excruciating attack 'that
sends he or she to bed in a
quiet darkened room for
twigs or days at a time.
Sensitivity to. light and noise
causes he or she to draw
heavy drapes. across the
windows, stuff a mat along
the crack of the bedroom
door and remove an alarm
clock that might hum or.
have an illuminated face,
The migraineur needs the
understanding and support
of his or her whole family-
Same migraine suffers are
forced to give up. their jobs
because of the attacks.
20 percent of the world
population is subject to
migraine, which practices no
discrimination. Migraine
strikes regardless, of age,
sex, IQ, profession, wealth,
responsibilities, social
status, etc.
Although the hardest years
seem to be between the ages
of '20 and 40 , children and
even babies may experience
migraine. Some research
has shown that 'head
banging' - babies banging
their heads on their cribs or
children banging their heads
on the floor - may be due not
to so-called temper tan-
trums, but to migraine,
especially if it exists in the
family's history.
Migraine means literally
'half head'; therefore the
attacks usually involve one
half of the head, but the pain
can shift to the other side
during an attack in another
attack. Occasionally
migraines occur on both
Although different types of
migraine have been iden-
tified, most are classified as
'classical' or 'common'. The
classical migraine is
distinguished by sharply
defined symptoms that
appear during the pre-
headache stage - distur-
bances of speech, vision,
balance, etc. In the common
migraine, the pre-headache
sensations are usually more
vague - irritability or a
general feeling of fogginess.
Cluster headaches are
brief but severe attacks of
head pain that last from
approximately 20 to 60
minutes. They may occur in
groups lasting days, weeks
or months separated by
weeks, months or even years
of freedom from them.
Migraine sufferers can
help themselves and their
physicians by charting their
attacks: that is, recalling the
warning signs and symp-
toms that occurred in a
period 24 to 36 hours prior to
the attack and any trigger
mechanisms that could have
set off the attack.
Migraines, especially
classical migraines, have
many warning signs; they
are as varied as the people
who suffer from the attacks.
Among the warning signs
most often noted by
migraine sufferers and their
physicians are double vision,
difficulty in focusing,
temporary or partial blind-
ness; dizziness,
hallucinations; nausea
and or vomiting; numbness
and or tingling, especially in
arms, legs, hands, feet, and
face; sensitivity to light,
sound, odour and taste;
depression, irritability,
tension and or other mood
change; unusual pallor
(especially true with
children); inability to
concentrate or to co-ordinate
movement and many more,
Children have been asked
to draw pictures of what they
saw or how they felt before
an attack. They might draw
scenes in which they ap-
peared to be much smaller
or larger than other people
around them; or they might
draw a sun with a large
black hole in the centre.
Migrainers have 'trigger'
mechanisms; that is, certain
things that bring on an at-
tack. Some people may have
more than one trigger. The
five most common 'triggers',
as reported by sufferers and
their physicians, are dietary,
hormonal, stress, weather
and low blood sugar.
Foods most commonly
cited as precipitants are
chocolate, some dairy
products, some citrus fruits,
fatty fried foods, tea and
coffee, any alcohol that is
'coloured' seafood, etc.
Most people with migraine
can go no longer than five
hours without food in the
daytime and thirteen hours
overnight. A bedtime snack
sometimes prevents a
morning migrain attack.
Stress is another migraine
trigger, and many people
forget that stress includes
joy and excitement as well
as worry, tension, anger, and
depression. many migraines
begin at the age of puberty.
Some women are completely
free of migraines during
pregnancy; others are free
after the first three months.
Attacks may begin after
birth control pills are taken
or attacks may increase in
frequency, intensity and
duration. Research has
proved the Victorian belief
that migraine was ex-
clusively a 'woman's
complaint' is a myth.
Weather is a trigger that
migrainers have no control
over. Change in climate,
drop in barometric pressure,
cold and or driving wind, or
sun glaring on water or snow
The Exeter United Church
U.C.W. Afternoon Unit met
Thursday afternoon with
Mrs. Marilyn Johnson in
charge. Final plans were
made for U.C.W. Sunday,
April 20 and the
smorgasbord on May 1.
Guest speaker on the Sunday
will be Rev. Camillia
Mrs. Hazel Smith led the
worship service with the
theme "Resurrection". She
dealt with the questions
can trigger a migraine at-
tack. Although migrainers
can't remove the trigger,
knowing the consequences
allows them to take steps to
decrease attacks.
Although chronic migraine
suffers may gain little
comfort from the knowledge,
they have been in good
company for centuries. Next
week I'll name some of the
famous people who have
suffered with gruelling
migraines, and I'll mention
some of the researach and
attention that is now being
focused on migraine.
"Where do I seek Christ?
When do I seek Christ? How
do I seek Christ and Why do I
seek Christ?" Assisting with
the worship were Mrs. Jean
Munds, Mrs. Isabel Cann
and Mrs. Anna Coates.
Mrs. Alma Langford and
Mrs. Ellen Forsyth sang a
duet and Mrs. Mary Francis
played a piano solo.
Mrs. Gertrude Hamilton
gave a very interesting
history of the Passion Play
which is held every ten years
in the Baverian Village of
After the severe plague of
1633 which ravaged all of
Europe, the people of the
village met and promised'
God they would perform a
play of Christ's death. The
players are all people from
the village and no make up is
The scenery is the natural
setting of the village and
there is no applause after a
performance. They play has
survived war, financial
crisis but the people of the
little village have fulfilled
their promise to God.
Times-Advocate, April 16, 1980
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