HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-04-09, Page 241973 FORD LTD power steering and brakes, V13 automatic, ex- cellent stereo, certified. $700.00. 237-3250. 14:15c BRAND NEW 1980 Chevy Chevette deluxe only driven 3 mons. Must sell, Excellent on SO. Phone 238-8116 anytime. 116c 1975 Monza 262 VS pose-track, 4 speed AM/FM radio. 1979 Honda XL, S miles, brand new. 235.0679. t16* 1975 MONTE CARI,O, 65,000 miles, P,B„ fair condition. 235-1466 after 6 p.m. 111' 1976 FORD Chateau 12- passenger window van with automatic, power steering and brakes, AM/FM 8track player. Only 50,000 miles, of careful driv- ing. Contact Bill Batten at 235- 2184or 235.1331. ' 49tx 12 Pets TO GIVE AWAY to a good home. Blue Heeler X Black Lab pups. 234-6241. 15c 15 Personal IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's our business. Phone AA 235-1454 or 235-0454, 50t 16 For Sale BOILER 115,000 BTU, complete with all controls, Expansion tank and 200 gal. tank $150.00. Manual Victor cash register tape, 6 columns. $85.00, Phone 235- 1203. 14:15c:16x BASE 23 Cobra CB with desk power mike, antennae, 140 channel mobile CB and antennae $300.00 firm. 228-6596. 14:15c:I6x MAKE YOUR OwnClock. Use your own design of Quartz movements now in stock, The Country Spire: 229-6341. 14t CULLIGAN water softener cost new $600,00 , will sell for $300.00. Commercial Berkel meat slicer; piano in good condition. Can be seen at 50 Huron St. W. Exeter. 235- 0253. , 14:15c MOBILE HOME 60x12 Northlander, 24x12 family room. Over 1000 sq, ft. of' living space. Fridge, 30" electric range, washer and dryer, franklin stove in family room. Must be moved from present location, Price $13,500.00. 262-2532 after 4 p.m. 262-2021. tl 7c THE BEST FOR LESS' Why Pay More? BY INGLIS ADMIRAL EUREKA ELECTROHOME Service To All Makes Compare Our Prices Before You Buy „etb_, °""Turlzbei FURNITURE & APPLIANCES ZURICH 2364075 Farmers WE ARE NOW PICKING UP oft FRESH DEAD or DISABLED COWS. HORSES and Stocker Cattle, etc. $5.00 - $15.00 payment for animals over 500 lbs. 3 Radio Dispatched Trucks tar Faster Service 24-Hour Service 7 Days A Week TOLL FREE 1-800-265-4267 (Area Code 5191 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies COLLECTION NO 7 1,, 76 Ship your livestock with FRANK VOOGEL • DASHWOOD Independent Shipper To United Co-operatives Of Ontario Livestock Department, Toronto Monday is shipping day from Varna Stockyards CALL DASHWOOD 238-2707 OR BAYFIELD 565-2636 By 7:30 A.M, For Prompt Service Also Western Stockers & Feeders Available MINISTRY OF HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION PRESS RELEASE Mr. Gary Bean, 34 St. An- drew Street S., Exeter has been appointed to the Huron County Housing Authority by Order-in-" Council dated March 5, 1980 to hold office until March 31, 1983. Mr. Bean replaces Mr. Jack Delbridge of Exeter who has been a member of the Authority since October 26, 1976. MINISTRY OF HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION PRESS RELEASE Mr. Ben Sheardown, 160 Brock St., Goderich has been appointed to the Huron County Housing Authority by Order-in- Council dated March 5, 1980 to hold office until March 31, 1982. Mr. Sheardown replaced Mrs. Jean Adams of Goderich who has been a member of the Authority since November 3, 1976. Take advantage of our 1 399 % INTEREST RATES* * Offer good only until April 19 THESE ARE JUST TWO EXAMPLES OF HOW YOU SAVE AT HURON MOTOR 1980 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4 DR. gold with 267 V-8, PAY LESS automatic, radial IN ZURICH whitewalls, body side moulding, AM radio, f&r 24796 floor mats, light pkg., remote mirror, full wheel covers, dual horns, p.s., p.b., Ser #1307166, Per Month Based on 36 months. Total price $7244. Total interest $1671,46 at 13.99%• 1980 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4 DR. Dark brown with tinted glass, body side mouldings, 267 V-8, light pkg., AM radio, p.s., p.b., f&r floor mats, radial whitewalls and auto. tran. Ser. #1301076. Based on 36 months. Total price $7888. Total interest $1810.63 at 13.99%, ' Decrease Your Payments By Subtracting Your Trade Or Cash Down Payment. ' HURON MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. ZURICH 236-4361 26862 Per Month PAY LESS IN ZURICH - PAY LESS IN ZURICH 1 7 :1 1 41 11 41 1 E1 14 TC 11 1 1 4 11 1 11 11 . 1 1 L ' A Y L E SS I N Z U RI CH W il t '. fa 4: 1 14 4 M A T 11 3 1 11 1 1 Z NI _ SS 3 1 1 A V AUTOMOTIVE RADIATOR REPAIRS & RE-CORES SMALL ENGINE: Sales & Service ty, MILT ROBBINS & SON LTD. ,st, 263 N:)%111ESRT , N., 235-2940 ONEYE IDLE I DEVELOPMENTS INC* • J. TAYLOR i R.R.3 EXETER, ONTARIO NOM ISO I I FOR RENT TWO BEDROOM luxury apt. AVAILABLE Laundry facilities Jack Taylor 229-6472 Two Bedroom Apartment For Rent 5225.00 Per Month One Year Lease Include frige & stove, cable T.V. charge, heating, hot water and apartment is fully broadloomed. Phone 5D Realty 235-2208 aIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111MU11111111111111111111111111111i11111111111111LL2 NOTICE Effective• April 1, 1980 Larmer Electric, Plumbing and Heating Ltd. will be known as LARMER PLUMBING AND HEATING LTD. = RR #3 Parkhill 74 Phone 294-6190 or 238-2645 = = = = = Our electrical business will be known as = za McCarter Electrical ...- Notice PUBLIC MEETING RE: Application to amend Exeter Official Plan from Future Developmental to Industrial, Property west of CNR tracks on Wellington Street West, North Side. (Jon-Amy Enterprises Inc.) Wednesday, April 9th 8:00 p.m. at Council Chambers Municipal Building 406 Main Street Exeter, Ontario (Draft Amendment Available at Clerk's Office.) • ••:"" .33•• 30 -13 113 3 le 3^ lirrirro-Acivocoto, April 9, 1910 No 24, 6 Ser vices &S PAINTING & 0E0ORATIN.0 Pain tinv Interior -4 Exterior- Wallpapering - We have a good selection of walicoveringS available, Look at samples in your borne. Phone 235-2087' Ron Heywood. 29t D. W. KYLES DECORATING PAINTING AND PAPERING SERVICES CONTACT DOUG KYLE Hensel!, Ont. Phone 262-2249 I 8t BILL'S BURNER SERVICE - For expert and complete furnace service, including installations, humidifiers and air conditioning, Bill Yearley, Crediton 234- 6289. " 44t ELECTRIC MOTORS * Rewinding • Repairs * Sales & Service * Farm Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONRACTOR KIRKTON 229-8222 5 It REPAIR SERVICE. Hypro high pressure; washer pumps. We stock repair parts and kits, unloaders relief valves nozzles and guns. Reasonable rates for overhaul. Cecil R. Squire. 47 John St. E. Exeter Ont, Phone 235-0465. 7t SHIPPING CATTLE every Monday. Toronto Union Stock Yards. Ship your cattle to the yard of your choice with Campbell McKinley 262-5430. 6t PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT \ 1 / WJTH A POLYGLAZE SHINE That lasts and lasts PHONE GEORGE AT DOBBS ,,,MOTORS, 235- 1 800 HOLSTEIN8. heifers - open. Phone 237.3367. I5c 8 Farm Machinery INTERNATIONAL 574 trite- tor, excellent condition. Phone 238-8265. 914., FT. KongSkikle triple K with 2 It. extensions, levelling harrows anti shields for beans; 11 ft. Krause disc, All in good condi- 0011.234-6253. 15:16c GOOD. SET of 40 plate 12 foot International wheel discs. 229- 6550. 15c 1,-213. 3 point hitch Kongskilde cultivator with levelling bar and rolling harrows. Call 235-2650 or 229-8851. 9t 9 Sports Equipment,Veh EVINRUDEr 25 h.p., tuned up, extra prop, boat control, tank $300. 4.4 Champion $50. Phone 238-2418, 15c 11 Cars, Trucks 1978 GMC JIMMY 4x4, p.b., p.s., High Sierra package, tinted glass, tilt steering wheel, pulsater wipers, AM/FM stereo, under coated, never ploughed. ,$ p 7 .m 500.00. 238-2597 after 7 15t ONE 1975 2070 International Diesel tractor equipped for mobile home haulage. Contract available, Phone 235-1736. 15c DODGE VAN 1977, /3200 Tradesman, Phone 235-1795 after 5 p.m. Can be seen at Ex- eter Sun Service. 15:16c 1970 VOLKSWAGEN. Asking 3$54080..00 or best offer. Phone 262- 2 15:16* 1975 DODGE CORONET, 318 V8 engine, good gas mileage, new radial tired last fall, 2 door, power steering and brakes, radio, vinyl roof, excellent condi- tion, no rust. Certified. $2600. 1- 235-0555, 15tx 1972 METEOR Rideau 23 miles to a gallon, p.s., p.b., mechanically good. As is $250.00, Phone 228-6823 anytime. 15x 1972 FORD TRUCK 12 ft. stake rack good condition. Phone 2373368. 15c 1979 FORD EXPLORER Super Cab F 150 truck, 16,000 miles, burgundy color, certified. Ask- ing $7,000,00 or best offer. 262- 51148. 15:16c 1974 CHRYSLER, air con- ditioned. 235-2578. 15:16c 1969 PONTIAC Firebird , V8, power steering, automatic, ex- cellent gas mileage. $900.00. 237- 3250 , 14:15c NEED CASH Top dollar paid for small import or domestic cars, Phone Ted at Baker Motor Products ''' Ibiarialferid 238-8613 16 For Sale /ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rentpl, supplies. Jerry Mather& Typewriters, 92 Main St, 235- 1840. 21t SURVEY, and Marker .stakes, Various soft or hardwood, stock size or made to order. Now fluorescent colours available. For full details contact ARC In- dustries, Dashwood, Phone 237- 3667. 47t HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, baromter, Car- dinal Watches. Family rings and charms, watches and clock repairing guarantee. 51t USED FURNITURE chester- fields and chairs, diningroom suites, kitchen tables and chairs, dryers, refrigerators, ranges, etc. Whiting's Warehouse, Exeter, 2351964. 28t SCHATZ STORE APPLES & POTATOES Apples in bushels, Kings, Spys, Macs & Delicious, Potatoes - Sebago. 75 lb. bags. Vernon. Schatz. Dashwood Ont. Where Quality Counts 2373531 4t CRISP JUICY apples. $3:50 bu. qip. Fresh cider. Red-white potatoes. Honey. Closed Mon. and Thursday. Phone 524-8037. Art Bell Fruit Farm. 2t POTATOES For Sale between Hensall and Zurich off Highway 84. Turn south at Varna Road. First farm on right. Phone 236- 4038. Arnold Vandenboomen.7t PRIDE SEED- CORN. Perth Barley & Grain Mixtures. King Forages & Soy Beans, Doug Lightfoot. Crediton, 234- 6287. t22c 1ST CUT hay and straw for sale. Phone 293-3659. lot Order Your GOSLINGS DUCKLINGS HEAVY BREED CHICKENS for Egg and Meat Purpose ALSO PHEASANTS from EDELWEISS ACRES FARMS Erich Freiter RR 1 Dashwood Ph. 237-3382 Ask for price list 111- FRESH EGGS from hen to you. V4 mile north of Hensall on No. 4 Hwy. Marcel Verlinde. Phone 262-5608, tl 6c BUYERS GUIDE to Factory Outlets. Famous brands Dacks, Arrow, Bauer, Kitten, etc. Over 140 Ontario locations to Save. Send $4.00 to BOOKLET E3, Box 2173, Cambridge. N3C 2V8. tl 5c APPLES, Excellent Ida Reds, Spys, bring containers. Ross Middleton's Storage. I mile North East of Hayfield. tl7c 1975 V2 TON Chev pick up. 30" Franklin stove, 237-3297. 13t Overstock in Gilson 19" and 21" mowers 1 used 10 h.p. Ford Garden Tractor complete 1 new Toro 5 h.p. rider withgrass catcher SUPER SAVINGS A&P Small Engines Clandeboy 9 e 227-488 13t TRAILER SALES: 1980-35' Park Model; 1973-25' Golden Falcon; 1970-17' Rocket; 2-1978- 34' Park Models Canadian Trailers. Open 7 days a week, Green Haven Trailer Park, Grand Bend. 238-2039. 141- 12 FT. x 48 FT. Northlander Mobile Home, 2 yrs. old, ex- cellent condition, suitable for year round living. Phone 238- 2759 or 238-8218. tl 6c BARN ROOF Tarring, Drive- way Sealing & Basement wall waterproofing, James Symes, Lucknow. Phone 528-3233. 14t ONE 1975 2070 International diesel tractor equipped for mobile home haulage. Contract available. Phone 235-1736. 15c TWIN BED, like new, size 80"x- 39", steel frame, 3" roller castors, Serta box springs and mattress, Phone 238-2634. WOOD FOR SALE, last year's price. Archie Etherington. Phone 235-1017. 15* 22 FT. Glendette tandem, fully equipped, rear Bath, towed 6500 miles, sleeps 6, excellent condi- tion, Asking $4800.00. Phone 235-0683. tl7c SAVE ON Fertilizer Costs plant our Clover Mixtures for plough down Forage mixtures. 80 day seed corn also available. Apply Bishop Seeds Ltd. 229-6488. 15c FLOODING Boat Dock with wheels, for transporting. 235- 1655 or 243-2431. I5c USED STEEL beams, angles, channels, plates, pipes, etc. New drill presses, wires, sockets and high pressure washers, hand tools etc. Hamilton's Machine Shop. 235-1655. 15:16c TENT TRAILER $400.00. Phone 237-3221 and 1-686- 5851. I5c 16 For Sale MOBI HOME 60'x IV. 2 bedroo m, 4 pc. bath, coloured appliances. Best offer. Phone 5244438 Goderich, weekends. 14:15c April Discounts on Spraymotor Sprayers 6% 8praymotor April. Cash Discount plus 10% Dealer diSCount, Ex: 400 imp. or 500 U.S. - walk- ing Beam axle with 8 in. rims (tires extra). Dual jet agitation - 42' 5 section Boom with SS tips.. N 1502-30 gal. per min. pump manual selector. List $3060,00 Less 6% 183.00 2867.00 Less 10% 286.70 =2580.30 Similar savings on all other sizes at Ahtin M. Becker RR 1 Dashwood Phone 237-3239 1 1/4 west and 2 miles north 14 :15nc:16 :17:18c MOTOR HOME, 327 4 barrel, 3 way fridge, stove, double sink, furnace, toilet. Phone 262-5092 after 5 p.m. 14t 1965 Golden Falcon, excellent condition, 15 ft., sleeps 4, trailer hitch torsion bar included. Reasonable, 243-2779, 14nc:15c I SET OF Beginners Spalding Pin Hi GOlf Clubs, bag and cart included, 235-1976 after 4 p.m. 15* OFF ROAD dune buggy. 235. 1976 a fter 4 p.m. 15* NEW VACUUM Action Sunbeam electric lawn mower with deluxe features. $100.00. Call after 5 p.m. 227-4244. 15t 35' JAYCO 5th wheel camper trailer, fully equipped. Phone 235-1736. 15c JUNIOR Boy's and Junior Girl's - 2 wheel bicycles in good condition, Phone 235-1883. 15* DOUBLE CUT red clover seed - graded Canada no. I. 236- 4787. 15:16x WHEAT, STRAW and poorer quality hay bales. Woodham. Phone 229-6252. 15:16c CLEAN TIMOTHY seed. Pric- ed reasonable. Phone 262- 5435. 15c 800 BALES mixed hay. 7.5d a bale. Phone 236-4646. 15* FARM FRESH young roosters, geese and ducks. FOR SALE 5-8 lb. roosters $1.00 per lb. Muscovy ducks $1.50 ,per lb, Geese $1.60 per lb. Phone Zurich 236-4502 or 236-4723, 15t 17 FT 1972 Shamrock Travel Trailer, complete with Adda room. Excellent condition. Phone 236-4481. 15* GET CRACKING. Fresh farm • eggs. Huron Park, Crediton area. Phone 234-6454. FRENCH Provincial stereo with record player in excellent condi- tion. Phone 262-2829, I5c CHESTERFIELD and chair, brown and,bcige floral, less than I year old. Phone 235-2728, 15c CUCUMBER PICKER 3 or 5 row, with or without 4 h.p. Briggs and Stratton engine, 3 speeds ahead plus reverse, sturdi- ly built, reasonably priced. Call after six 227-4122 or 235- 2122. 15x 1200 BALES OF choice second cut alfalfa hay. Phone 262-6203. RR 1 Zurich. 15nc:16c 19 FT. TRAVEL TRAILER 1973, twin axles, fully loaded, roll up awning,..excellent condi- tion. Ca II 236-4183. 15:16* RESTAURANT Equipment in- cluding Ice Cream machine, dou- ble propane deep fryer, electric grill etc. Phone after 4 p.m. 237- 3591. tl7c ROTO-TILLER, 5 h.p. chain drive, new condition. $250.00. Phone 235-1533, I5c 2 OR 3 hundred Ihrgc bales of choice timothy and alfalfa hay. No rain. $1.00 a bale. William Rohde 235-0327. I5c GE AIR Conditioner, 8000 BTU. Phone after 6 p.m. 235- 1034. 15* POOL 16 ft x 28 ft. with 8 ft. deck on one end and 2 ft. deck on 3 sides, Kayak Manufacturer, all aluminum, new filter, solar heat, new cover. $3000.00. Phone 229-8771, 15c YENTA 4,6, I LADDERS POWER TOOLS LAWN & GARDEN TOOLS STEAM RUG CLEAN ERS WALLPAPER REMOVER & MANY MORE ITEMS HENSALL HOME HARDWARE 122 KING ST. HENSALL, ONT. TEL. 262-2015 411 I 1 I I I R I I I M I I IR R I IR IR I I I I I I I I I I I II 111.11 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I k. 17 Wanted To Buy PAY CASH for old furniture, clocks, gramophones, coal oil lamps, crocks, pictures, pocket watches, glass, china, silverware, wins, jewellery. Call evenings Is. 2M-3875. 9t CATTLE - we pay good price for recently injured unthrilly cattle. Easy loading trailer with winch. Call collect 238.2796 John Ansems Grand Bend, 36? $$PAY1N OR GCASH$$ F JUNK CARS &TRUCKS $50110 to $75.00 Free Towing McStephen Auto Wreckers Huron County 3 milesRwgaedsilio5f No.. 4 Phone 228-6214 ti 8c WOOD Turning lathe with tools or without. Phone 238-8865. I5c 18 Wanted WANTED - Old brick buildings for demolition/wrecking and salvage purposes, Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542-4088. 2t IMMEDIATE payment for good standing timber. Apply Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig or phone 232-4450. 121- 18 Wanted CHICKEN Brooder, approx. 5 ft. in., diameter. Phone 227- p39. 15c RIDE FROM Zurich to Paikhill weekdays. Leave 8 a.m. morning and return 4 p.m. Phone 236- 7726. 15:16c RELIABLE Person fora compa- Mon for middleaged lady. Com- fortable living accommodations. Phone 229-6353. 15:16c SINGLE GIRL to share rent and expenses in 3 bedroom house.Call 228-6352, 14:15c 19 Property For Sale 5 LOTS Huron St. West. Phone 235 -1207 Exeter. 14:15* OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun. 2-4 pp m. April 12 and 13 3 1/4 ACRES Come and see this, nearly new brick 4 level sidesplit home, 3 bedrooms, TWO BATHS, R EC ROOM with NATURAL FIREPLACE, for $68,900. First road north of railway tracks in Lucan - west about 5 miles. Follow signs or for details call your hostess Ann Heard at 673- 6091 or res: 293-3147. CANADA TRUST REALTOR 15c 2 BEDROOM house on Carling Street. Close to downtown. Phone 235-2183, 15? '60,0101.0001,01.00 ,- APARTMENTS FOR RENT Extra. Large Luxury Apartments Carling Street Exeter Within Walking Distance of Shopping Area 2 bedrOom a portmen,ts Immediate Occupancy Laragh Corporation Ltd. PHONE, 235-0141 TENDERS FOR ROOF REPAIR `` Kippen United Church Tenders will be received by the-undersigned until Fri- day, April 25, 1980 for repair tp main section of church roof and front entrance, Approximately 1616 square feet. Materials to include hardwood strap- ping, 28 gauge coloured steel, metal screws, ap- proximately 70 ft. ridge cap, approximately 144 ft. of facing and coloured eavestroughing. Laird Finlayson Committee of Stewards Chairman R #3 Kippen, Ont, NOM 2E0 ° Reminder Clearing AUCTION SALE of combine, swather, tractors, machinery, etc. to be held for Roy Elliott, V2 miles east of Varna, Ont. Monday, April 14th at 1:30 P.M. See last week's paper for full list, Plus Canadiana 8 h.p. riding lawn mower. For further information phone: 482-7452 TERMS: Cash day of Sale RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER CLINTON, ONT. 482.7898 Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. Reminder See last week's paper for full listing. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Silage, feed cart, tractors, farm machinery etc., to be held for Bill Townshend at Lot 267" Concession 6, Goderich Township. Go four miles west of Clinton on #8 Highway to Holmesville, turn left and' follow Cut Line to third corner. Turn left first farm on the left. Tuesday, April 15th at 1:30 P.M. TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER CLINTON, ONT. 482-7898 Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale Reminder See full listing in last week's paper. Clearing AUCTION SALE of modern four wheel drive loader tractor and farm machinery to be held at Lot 17 & 18 Tuckersmith township 1 1/4 miles west of Seaforth, Ontario, on Highway #8 for Art Bakker. Friday; April 1 lth at 1:30 P.M. NOTE: No 'Small Items Farm Is Sold TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb Clinton, Ontario 482-7898 Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. • Reminder See full listing in last week's paper. AUCTION SALE of 50 acre farm with buildings, truck, tractors, machinery etc. for Alex Gulutzen at Part Lots 3 & 4 Hullett Township, eight miles north of Seaforth on County Rd. 12 and then 3 miles west or 1 3/4 north of Londesboro on Highway #4 and 5 miles east. Wednesday, April 9 at 1:00 P.M. TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb Clinton, Ontario 482-7898 Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for ac-cidents day of sale. For JOHN BYLSMA AT THE SAME LOCATION. Land is Rented FOR INFORMATION PHONE 523-4564 r.