HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-04-09, Page 19Simple Justice
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Ministry of the
Times.Advocate, ,April 9, 1 980 Pawl 19
Busy Buddies watch
rug demonstration
Needlepoint class
at Learning for Lent
. . .
Iva M. Hodaini:
At the fourth session of
Learning for Lent at Lucan
United Church, the en-
thusiastic needlepoint class
continued their efforts under
Anne Si. 7aatrnan and Phyllis
O'Neil, while a second group
-of ladies learned many
helpful and practical hints on
Money Management from
Toronto Dominion Bank
manager Earle Andersen.
In the third group, Beth
Smith demonstrated Fancy
Sandwich Making and gave
practical suggestions as to
how one can produce an
attractive sandwich
assortment. At coffee and
conversation time, ladies of
all three groups enjoyed
delicious samples of the
completed sandwiches.
Continuing •her study on
the Christian family, Anne
Elliott pointed out that wives
The rectors at St. James,
Clandeboye and Holy
Trinity Lucan welcomed,
members, friends and
visitors to the celeberation of
Christ's Resurrection, Sun-
day morning,
The lesson was read by
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have a unique opportunity to
be Christ's instruments for
restoring harmony and
peace to a troubled marriage
and family.
When a wife meets Christ
personally at-,the Cross and
receives His hew life, she
finds also the power to have
a truly loving and sub-
missive attitude. It is
through this sort of attitude
that God promises to work
miracles in the husband's
life as well.
Anne will conclude her
study at the final session
April 9 as she considers the
theme, Children in the
Christian Family. At this
fifth session, the Needlepoint
group concludes their work.
In addition, Sue Haskett will
give some , practical
suggestions on " interior
design, and Sue Barr will
Mr. Russell Rowcliffe
Rector's. Warden. The
Gospel was read by Rev.
Lawrence Pocock Sr. father
of the Rector.
The Rev. Mr, Pocock Sr;
and Mrs. Pocock,- the Rec-
tors parents, were visiting
from Brampton, where they
now live. The Rev. Pocock
Sr. was a long time member
with the Diocese of Huron.
A special welcome was
extended to' both parents as-
well as an apression of
appreciation to Rev.
Pocock Sr. for assisting with
the administration of the
The joy of Easter was
expressed by both Junior
and Senior Choirs under the
leadership of Mrs. Clarence
The parishes of St. James
and Holy Trinity - are
reminded, Sunday April 13 at
2.30 p.m. their new rector
will be inducted into their
respectiveparishes.This will
be an occasion for both
parishes to rejoice,
We hope to have many
guests from both lay and
clergy from other parishes.
Please make this time and
date a special day for us all
to remember. The morning
services at each church are
as usual.
The Lucan Women's
Institute are sponsoring a
blood donor clinic.
It will be held at the Lucan
Community Centre on May
14 from 6 to 9 p.m.
c495 bushel
4' and up
show pictures illustrating
the Families for Children,
programme which assists
Canadian families who wish
to adopt underprivileged
orphan children froin Third
World countries,
United Church
The message of Christ's
Crucifixion was the theme of
Good Friday evening service
at Lucan United Church.
Christ's, Cross reveals how
far man has strayed from
God, for only the death of
God's beloved Son could
bring man back. God invites
us to open our hearts to Him
in love and gratitude, and so
receive the wonderful
benefits of forgiveness and
salvation which Christ made
available to us by His Cross.
Jeannie Jones sang a
beautiful solo, "Were you
there when they crucified
my Lord?"
A full congregation sang
praise to God for the victory
of Christ's Resurrection
Easter Sunday morning at
Lucan United' Church. Two
highlights of the service
were the , choir's beautiful
rendition of Handel's
Hallelujah Chorus, and of a
more modern Eastern
Anthem, under the
leadership of organist Helen
Mr. Brown spoke about the
two disciples whom Jesus
met on the road to Emmaus.,
As He walked with them, He
explained to them from the'
Scriptures that .the One they
mourned was indeed the
promised Messiah.
However, • it was only as
these two people opened the
door of their home and
heartt to Rim that they
recognized Him as the
Living Christ, .so.. that their
sadness was turned to joy. So
too, we today may receive
Him and walk with Him by
faith in the joyful assurance
that He will guide us to our
journey's end, and take us
safely over into our
Promised Land.
The flowers on the Com-
munion table were from the
funerals of the late Mr. Earle
Atkinson and the late Mr.
George Frayne. The sym-
pathy of the congregation is
extended to their loved ones.
Learning for Lent con-
cludes its ,sessions this
Wednesday. A meeting for
all interested in an in-
terdenominational Vacation
Bible School are urged to
attend a planning meeting at
Lucan Revival Centre
Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
The Couple's Club spring
garage sale will be held
Saturday May 3. Useful
items for the sale will be
gladly accepted.
Lucaii council has
received an application for
rezoning of a property in the
village to allow for con-
struction of a senior citizens
apartment building.
Councillor Norm Steeper
submitted the application to
rezone from development to
residential for the property
at the corner of Clarence and.
Wellington streets.
The application was
referred to the planning
board for further study.
Clerk Ed Melanson said
there had been a previous
application for similar
construction at a different
John Moon is constructing
an addition to his house and
for economy and con-
venience asked council for
Good Friday evening a
combined service was
opened by Rev. Keith
Goliyou, Rev' Gonyou is
pastor of Exeter Pentecostal
Tabernacle. Rev. Robert
DeGraw of Centralia Faith
Tabernacle led the singing.
David Prouty played
guitar while he and his wife
Bev sang a duet ac-
companied by Keith
Treebairn on banjo. Harold
Fletcher sang songs.
Rev. Ray Brewster in-
troduced Dr. H. Nunn,
Bishop of the Pentecostal
Holiness Church of Canada.
Mrs. Ruth Nunn 'played the
piano while she and Dr.
Nunn sang The Man on the
Middle Cross, then she sang
Unworthy am I.
Dr. Nunn ministered from
11 Corin 4:1-6. The Bible is a
portrait of characters, the
most important being Jesus
Christ. The face of Jesus
showed sadness, rejection,
stained with sweat, tears,
and blood, spittle smitten,
and also shining. In His face
is love personified.
Mrs. Marlene Thornton led
the choir in singing It Is
permission to use the sewer
connection formerly used by
the trailer now removed
,from the property.
Councillors said since he
was already paying for
frontage and connections he
was entitled to this use.
Works superintendent
Doug Johnson was in-
structed to get a sample copy
of a bylaw covering non-
operative septic tanks. The
suggestion for -such a bylaw
came from the health
Discussion brought up by
councillor Larry Hotson
regarding rebuilding of the
Market Square park was
tabled until budget time in a
few weeks.
Clerk Ed Melanson was
instructed to contact owners
Finished to open the Sunday
morning service,
Rev. • Ray.. Brewster
congratulatedint.rand Mrs.
Ernest Fergiugon who
celebrate their.60th wedding
anniversary April 7 as his
wife ,Becky presented them
with flowers. Then he
congratulated John and
Lorraine Armitage on their
17th anniversary.
Judi Henry led the
Children's Church in a sign
language lesson on the
Easter meaning. Joan
Lockyer, playing her guitar,
sang Let There be Peace.
Rev. Brewster ministered
from John 14: 15-19. As Jesus
called Mary by name that
resurrection morning, He
today calls us by name. That
day He arose and now lives
to give us life.
Rev. Ray Brewster read
Luke 24: 13-32 for his text
Sunday evening. As the men
going to Emmaus could not
see Jesus from looking at
circumstances, we are also
blinded by circumstances. If
we would have communion
daily with the Lord in His
word and prayer, we can see
Jesus in a personal way.
The April 3 meeting of the
Lucan Senior's, Club was
held in their club rooms in
the Masonic Hall with
president, Mildred Hirtsel in
After the welcome to all
members present, "0
Canada" was sung, followed
by a sing-song with Dora
Thompson at the piano which
was enjoyed by all.
The minutes of the last
meeting were read by the
secretary and adopted.
`Thank you' notes were read
from Alexia Atkinson for the
donation to the Ontario
Heart Foundation in
memory of Earl and also
from Maude Hodgins
thanking the seniors club
members for their many
acts of kindness to. Harold
while he was
Rheola Hotson was wished
a happy birthday. Thank you
was extended to the outgoing
social conveners, Rheola
Hotson, Social convener for
April is Edith Murdy,
The lunch committee were
thanked by the president Iola
Goring, Violet Hardy and
Mildred and ip Lawrence
The card winners were —
ladies high Mary Kooy,
ladies lone hands Kathleen
Neil, ladies low Alice
Hodgins, Men's high Ed
Dowdall, men's lone hands
Joe Carter, men's low Dora
Thompson playing a man's
The Busy Buddies had a
demonstration on hooking
rugs and will decide later if
it will be taught.
Anglicans meet
in joint service
Lessons start Monday, April 7 in Leprechaun
Hall 8 - 9 p.m. REGISTRATION 7:30-8:00
p.m. ($10 for 10 wks.)
Starts Thursday, April 17, in Main Hall
8:30-9:30 for 8 weeks. REGISTRATION
April 17 8-8:30,
114 Milos South of Elginflold on Hwy: 4
Sunday, April 20 in Leprechaun Hall 3-5
p.m. FEATURING: W.C. Fields in "Califor-
nia Bound"; Barnyard Actor (cartoons);
Great Moments in Canadians Sports, The
Sat., April April 19 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission ag
50d Children under 12 FREE. Over 70 tables . on display.
For additional inforhiation call 227-4221. .
Revival Centre
SOLO SKATERS — Ann Hodgins and Debbie Seward performed solo numbers in the first
half of Sunday's carnival of the Lucari figure skating club. They are shown above with in-
structress Barb Roth. T-A photo
Why a
George White
- —
SKATING BABY FACES — One of the numbers in Sunday's carnival of the Lucan figure skating club featured Baby Faces. Back, left, Debby Hall and Cathy Mitchell. Front, Audrey
Annis, Bernadette Crunican, Shona Craig, Noelle Degraw and Dana Bannerman. T-A photo
Want property rezoning
of property adjacent to the
park that fronts Maple street
and ascertain if they would
consider selling this to the
village to use as a right-of-
way into the Market Square.
Works superintendent
Doug Johnston was directed
to work with engineer Paul
McIntyre to have estimates
obtained for new sidewalks
on one side and for both sides
of the 1980 Beech street
construction project.
The discussion began when
Johnston said most of the
houses were on the east side
of Beech street but the
existing sidewalks from
Alice to Market and Whifield
Acres, were on the west side.
The annual spring cleanup
has been tentatively set for
the week of May 26.
Council discussed the
disposal of the 18 reserved
sewer connections for
development that were left
by North Middlesex
It was decided ap-
plications would be filled on
a first, come •-first served
basis, but, would be screened
carefully to ensure that
development would serve the
best interests of the com-
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