HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-04-09, Page 6Page 6 Tirm,A4vocate, Aprlt 9, 1949- Sorority elect slate Alpha Pi chapter of Reta Sigma Phi held their first Meeting of March at the, home of .Janice Broek. Plans were made to. host our mothers at a luncheon May Lois: Godbolt gave a very interesting program entitled "People of Purpose." Lunch was "served by Co-hostess Lee Rowe. The wend meeting of .Mareh. was at the home of Susan Moore. President Suzanne Strang outlined the. May Spring, dance. Election of officers for the coming year were held with. the results as follews. President datce Brock, Vice President Susan Moore, Secretary Anmarie Hoff- man, Treasurer Ann Baynhato, Mrs. Campbell's program for the evening was entitled "Introduction to Beauty," She introduced her husband Mr. Earl Campbell who gave a very interesting presen- tation on the history of jeWelery, GRAND BEND CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS EXETER GRAND BEND 235-0360 238-8481 We Do STORE FURS Call us today Questions about SMOKING AND HEALTH Exeter Pharmacy Ltd. Main Street 235-1570 Ask your pharmacist Smoking when taking certain medications can possibly cause some serious problems. Our pharmacists will be pleased to advise you on any concerns you may have in this regard. Ask us too for free copies of Health and Welfare Canada folders on the subject of smoking and health. 7F. MR. AND MRS. GERALD WILLERT Joanne Blaine Feehan and 6-en:Aid Wayne Willert were united in marriage at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, by Pastor Jack Dressler on March 8, Joanne is the daughter of Joe and Eileen Feehan, Sarnia, and Gerald is the son of Harold and Joyce Willert, R.R. 2 Hensall. Kim Feehan was maid of honour while Bernice Willert and Peggy Willert were bridesmaids. Best man was Ken Clarke, and Ervin. Willertand Kevin Feehan were ushers. Following a trip to the North the couple is now residing at R.R. 1 Hensall. Photo by Jack Doerr Seniors at Exeter are entertained by :ELAINE TQWNSHEND. "Nice day, eh?" "You're working hard, eh?" "See you at the meeting . Iva week, .Tacking 'eh' on the .end of sentences, has always been one of my speech habits. I often asked myself why. 'Eh' doesn't add to the sentence; it doesn't mean anything; and it doesn't sound very intelligent. I looked in the dictionary and was surprised to find it does have a meaning, 'Eh' is an expression of inquiry or surprise or an expression inviting assent. Recently I heard that 'eh' is a Canadian colloquism. Our southern neighbours and even our English cousins claim they can always tell a SEE Husqvarna N°w THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE YOU'LL EVER HAVE TO BUY JOIN US FOR A DEMONSTRATION Husqvarna Educational Consultant wants to show you the features that make the Husqvar- na Sewing Machine the most versatile, longest lasting, most dependable you can buy. Thurs. April 17 1 -5 to 7 - 9 She will be pleased to help you with any of your sewing problems. LORRIE CLARK During the period of these demonstrations AD Husqvarna SEWING MACHINES Will Be Sold At Substantial Discounts CHARGEX MOM VISA 110111111. "Plenty of free parking behind store" FURNITURE LIMITED 353 MAIN STREET EXETER PHONE 235-1990 Open Thurs. And Fri. Nights Till 9:00 P.M. CHECK US OUT FOR PRICES WE'LL CHECK YOU OUT WITH SAVING0 PHONE 2354212 WE DELIVER PAPER TOWELS 2 Roll Pack white or colourec1.09 fresh produce Chiquita BANANAS Ontario Grade # 1 CARROTS 2 lb. bag Canada Grade # 1 SEEDLESS CUCUMBERS Ontario Grade # 1 COOKING ONIONS 21b.bag frozen foods McCains Fancy PEAS . MIXED VEGETABLES PEAS/CARROTS J Dietrich's .• SCONE FISH STICKS 14's $1.7 9 ROLLS 31b.$ e00 29( 63t 294 each 2 lb. bag your choice 7 7t Highliner Turbot 12's 69( Pepperidge Farm ENGLISH MUFFINS Superior Enriched BREAD 24's 6's 67( 3/$1.49 41 Maxwell House . , all Purpose Grind 1 lb. bag '2.69 lb. 1.1 From Schneiders 5 -6 lb. ova. Fresh BOneiess PORK BUTTS Joy DETERGENT 32 oz. Plastic ,,eg A n Ni .47 -Thr Imperial Van Camps ,P; SOFT MARGARINE BEANS &.pORK , $1 .99 2/b 894 Kellogs Special K CEREAL 475 g. 1.44 Clover Leaf Solid White TUNA 7 oz. 1.49 Clover Mandarin ORANGES 10 oz. tin Broken 59 Carnation MILK 385 ml tin' 2/8 7( J Stolelys KIDNEY BEANS 14 oz. Reg or New Orleans style 2/894 LAUNDRYl DETERGENT e litre botfle Th(-- Fab LAUNDRY DETERGENT 6litre box $2.68 No Name Rasp. or Strawberry JAM 24 oz. jar 1.09 Hunts TOMATO SAUCE 21i9t 200's It, Christies SODAS 450 g. salted or plain 994 CATELLI DINNER 7 1/4 oz. 3/894 SPAGHETTIlen 28 oz, tin 73c inexACE TISSUE Canadian tourist by his `eh' as well as his pronunciation of 'oot' and %boot' in stead of 'put' and 'about,' They ac- tually think we talk funny. Some nerve, eh? I feel better knowing my 'eh,' is not peculiar to me, but is a sign of my Canadianism, although there are many other traits of' this nation I hope the world recognizes. Canada has always had an identity crisis, it seems some of it is due to our own apathy. When I was in school, for example Canadian history seemed boring and I could recite as much American' history as our own, We look to the south for entertainment, often ignoring home grown talent lb. $1.49 by a young American team. For the most part, Canada seems to be a quiet unassuming country that tends to her own affairs and is made up of people who don't recognize, the nation's potential. Patriotism is often met with apathy. We'll stand at attention for the national anthem at a hockey game, ball game or some other function, as long as our hot• dog isn't getting cold. If we show little pride in our own nation, how can we expect to gain respect from other nations? A few things happened in the past year to put Canada in the limelight and to shake Canadians out of our apathy, The most startling, of then joined in a sing song of Easter songs. Several Easter readings were given by Mrs. Victor Jeffrey and Mrs. Chas Snell. Our meeting was saddened on the announcement of the sudden death of a very faith- ful and 'will well liked, member, Mr. George Frayne our sympathy goes out to the family. Our next meeting will be on the evening of May 6 at the Legion Hall. We have an invitation from Seaforth but due to con- flicting dates please get in touch with Mrs. Bullock president or Mrs. Leslie Thompson. Trend is not good One trend that seems to have caught on is breakfast skipping. It involves, getting out of bed at the last possible moment, dashing around to get ready for work and rushing out the door without eating. Going without breakfast is' not a good idea. You are likely to feel tired by mid- morning because your energy level continues to drop without, food, It is also much more difficult to concentrate and your work output suffers. In an effort to reverse this trend, foods and nutrition specialists with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food suggest that you get out of bed a mere half hour earlier, Prepare breakfast. Enjoy it in the company of your family or if you live alone, listen to the radio. You'll get to work relaxed and satisfied. A good breakfast can be simple. You might like to try a half cup of vitaminized apple juice, a slice of cheese on whole grain or enriched bread (toasted if desired), and a cup of milk. Another suggestion is apple slices poached the night before, a dish of whole grain cereal with a cup of milk, and a eat- cooked egg. Nutrition plays an im- portant part in good health, affecting skin, teeth, eyes, hair and overall appearance and personality. It also in- fluences behavior, working potential and general outlook on life. Since more than 50 nutrients are needed by the body every day, it's a good idea to provide a fair share of them before setting off to work in the morning. Gulping a couple of donuts and coffee at morning break starts the body off on its share of calories for the day, but contributes little to its nutrient requirements. Don't be a breakfast skipper. Instead, have breakfast and skip to Work! List winners in local euchre Winners in the recent Eastern Star euchre party were; Ladies high, Labelle Harness; ladies low, Marion Frayne Men's high, Nellie Trott; men's low, Mable Kyle; Most lone hands, Labelle Harness. The next euchre party will be April 28 at 8 p.m. until ,o 'star' emerges in the States; then we exclaim "Hey, he's from Canada!" Prespects for Canadian entertainers are slowly improving at• home, but we're still highly influenced by American tv, music and song. I often find myself watching a U.S. television show on a U.S. station; I could turn to a Canadian station but I'd likely find the same program. Hockey, Canada's game at one time, became North America's game when big bucks took it to southern cities that didn't even know what a puck was, The point was made clear in the 80 Olympics when the Russian team was upset not by an upstart Canadian team but from Schneiders 88t course, was. the 'Canadian Caper' in which Canadian Ambassador to Iran, Ken- neth. Taylor, and his staff helped six American diplomats to .escape from Iran in January, Although 'only a few Canadians can take credit for the plan, all of us have enjoyed the warmth of the gratitude that has flowed from the United States. Americans have said 'Thank You, Canada' in a hundred different ways, Please turn to page 7 The Exeter senior citizens changed back to evening meetings with April 1 being the first meeting of spring. It was attended by 50 'to 60 members with the usual time spent in playing cards- until the meeting was called to order for the program by president Mrs. Dorothy Bullock and singing 0 Canada followed by report of secretary-treasurer Mrs. Leslie Thompson. The finances were found to be in good order and roll call was taken and a number of sick cards were sent out this month by secretary Mrs. Merkley. Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted. The secretary treasurer announced several meetings of interest coming up. Zone meeting will be held in Hensall United Church, April 30 registering at 9:30 a.m., meeting to begin at 10 a.m. The fee is one dollar which includes lunch. On May 1 a workshop will be conducted at Huronview Clinton 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m, Please let the secretary know if you would like to go, would like to see several car loads attending. With Mrs. Ina Skinner as chairlady we enjoyed several numbers by Henry Green on violin and Mrs. Leland Jory on piano followed by well known solos by Mrs. Martin, Crediton accompanied by Mrs. Leila Finkbeiner on piano. Crowd Schneiders Red Hot Bulk WIENERS Schneiders Beef STEAKETTES Schneiders Blue Ribbon BOLOGNA Schneiders BUCKET 0 CHICKEN fully cooked $ 4,2 n 0 2 lb, each 70 ITT • A patriotic boost? Store Sliced COOKED HAM PLENTY OF PARKING AT REAR OF STORE Featuring Schneiders Week Fresh No. 1 Devon Brand lb. $1.38 CHICKEN BACONE 500g. „. $1.19 ZiZs lb. $ 1 •78 17. LEGS, Swifts Dutch SALAMI sliced or piece lb. $ 1• 5 9 lb. 1.79 /4.11 s Le i re iris