HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-04-02, Page 13.v .Cati0,494prIl1, 1 9. 80. Pape 13. 1011140400 .4011 401011.1410404141 0444 0011001.1041• 011011110 PO .4014 10 1P0, i • 0.r• 00'00 414 .140 COMING EVENTS Non commercial farm-related events will be advertised at no charge in this space.if you're interested in having an advertisement appear here just write it plainly and mail to: Farm Update Editor, c/o Times-Advocate, Box 850, Exeter. All advertisements must be received no later than the Friday prior to publication at they will be held over until the following week. Flock Health Workshop Sheep Ploducers Thuriday,.. April 3 1:30 P.M. Min. of Agr. .84 Food Board Room, Clinton CoWcf 0 41 4 .cipe , 0410 ;pc., ofr ct 1,4 0,0 0k. 45e fro4/4 °Or c>I 6e 46C.14* 444'7 081' (9 -4414P 140 00 o 1.4 4 v''',,170 ,0 „ 4 4.0, $0* Oa, `;'iso 1% 0, or s, c4_ 40 h .601 Apr • w**61 °P14. 1,411,p, • I its, 144 . 44 e -ttive,,, 0 14 0 e. ie. Or,0./ 0,s. Oro THURSDAY, MARCH 27 -- Indoor Gardening Summary Days, 1:30 p.m. et St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Winghcim, I. Spring Discounts On FARMER OF THE WEEK Chick Starter,krumbs 18% Complete Layer Ration Scratch Feed Oyster Shell 'Brooder lamps Wood' shavings Various, Sizes ,Of Chick Feeders 8, Chick Waterers. ALSO AVAILABLE Duck & Goose Grower Ration Turkey Stcirter Krumbs KIRKTON FARM SUPPLY CENTRE PH: 5 1 9-229-8986 Grain. Bi s Buy North America's Largest Selling Bins At Special Spring Discounts. WHY BUTLER? 44" High wall sheets for faster erection. No internal stiffeners. Elevated door for easier winter entry. 4" Corrugation is.flatter so walls stay clean. MF AGRI-BUILDERS WILL DESIGN, SUPPLY, AND INSTALL A COMPLETE SYSTEM FOR 'YOU INCLUDING CARDINAL AUGERS, CALDWELL AERATION SYSTEMS, AND SHIVERS IN-BIN DRYERS. ORDER NOW AT SUBSTANCIAL SAVINGS AND YOU PICK DELIVERY and/or INSTALLATION TIME. ICLUI TI AGRI•BUILDER Ours Theirs 4" 2 1/2 " MF AGRI-BUILDERS Box 550, Main St. •South Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 Phone: After Hours: DON'T FORGET TO ENTER OUR CONTEST-SEE TOP CORNER OF THIS PAGE We'd like to demonstrate what a big MF 2705 can do on your farm! Favours egg marketing MARCEL VERLINDE WITH HIS FLOCK OF LAYERS 519-235-2120 345-2284 FREE COMMG EVENTS FOR FARM TOPICS-MAIL TO T-A, BOX 850, EXETER You really have to climb into the command . module of a Massey-Ferguson 100-190 PTO horsepower tractor and put it through its paces to see what you've been missing. And now you can! We'd like to bring one out to your place to show you exactly how they're designed for comfort, convenience and ease of handling. • SHERWOOD (Exeter) Ltd 1 8 Wellington St. 235-0743 Exeter Buy Now and Rave! Right now is the time to consider MF because we have some special factory allowances on our full line of MF 2000 Series tractors. Stop in or give us a call to get all the details on our special demonstration and factory allowance offer. Offer expires May 2, 1980. One of the top egg producers in Huron county is an avid supporter of the Ontario Egg Producers Marketing Board. Marcel Verlinde, who operates a 100 acre farm along with 9,000 laying hens in Hay township, just north of Hensall says, "At one time I was in favour of free en- terprise, but, I was wrong. You can't do anything without controls. "I have faith in the egg marketing board, "Until the marketing board was formed in 1970 or 19'71, things were bad in the layer business," Verlinde continued. Verlinde who came to Canada in 1949 from his native land in Belgium started his layer barn and business in two stages. He started in 1967 and completed it two years later. The barn which now houses 9,000 layers is 286 feet long and 32 feet wide. It has a capacity of 12,000 birds, but, Verlinde is limited to his present 9,000 layers by the marketing board quota. The layers are housed two birds to a cage with four rows going the entire 286 foot length of the barn. His present hens pur- chased at the age of 20 weeks from McKinley Hatcheries in Zurich are the H and N breed and are in their second term of laying. Verlinde schedules two nine month terms of laying for his hens with about 10 week period of moulting in between. At the moment they are producing about 7,000 eggs per day. The Hensel] area farther says, "I can expect the egg production during the second term of laying to be about 10 percent lower than the first period." The present Verlinde flock of layers will be sold and the • barn cleared out in early December of this year, It will be left empty for six to seven weeks as Marcel Verlinde and his wife Christiane take a well deserved holiday, 4 new flock will be pur- chased from McKinley's in late February or early March. Ail eggs from the Verlinde farm are purchased by L.H. Gray of Ridgetown and go the the Seaf or th Co- Operative. They are picked up each Tuesday and Friday, The current price for grade "A" large eggs at the . farm is 82 cents per dozen. The deduction for the Ontario Egg Producers marketing Board is fivecents a dozen. AU the feed for the Verlinde layers is grown on his own farm with about 50 acres each in corn and mixed grain. • He has his own corn dryer, grinder and mixer, so the feed does not leave the farm. In turn the manure is returned to the fields. Verlinde' added, "I use very little fertilizer. I buy a little nitrate, that's all." , Verlinde says the cage type of layer housing is much better for disease control, He, said, "The cost of medicine for my type of housing is abouthalf of what it would be for floor housing. There is no need for worm control. He Said he is happy with the size of his present operation. "It's just what my wife and I can handle quite nicely." The Verlinde's have two daughters, Dianne and Joanne. Both are ac- complished musicians. Dianne, a grade 12 student at South Huron District High School teaches accordion and will be taking her students to Sarnia in the near future to compete in the Lambton Music Festival. Joanne also plays the accordion. She is in grade 7 at St. Boniface Separate School in Zurich) USED EQUIPMENT USED PLANTERS 8 row 600 series plate planter, fent, attach seed monitor; 4 row 770 air planter, fert. attach, gauge wheels, insect boxes, seed monitor, mech. markers; 4 row 770 air planter, fert. attach, seed monitor, mech row markers; 4 raw 770 plate planter, fert. attach, insect boxes, mech. markers; 4 row 1.H. Cyclo planter, fert. attach, hyd, markers, insect box- es, knife covers, seed monitor, ex- cellent condition; 1-new 330 air planter, 'felt attach, hyd. markers, seed monitor. USED CULTIVATORS 18 1/2 ft. Krause Vibra Shank cult; A.C. 20 ft. 1100 series cult.; A.C. 10 1/2 ft. 1200 series, 3 pt hitch cult.; A.C. 28 1/2 ft. 1300 series w. 2 bar harrows; A.C. 23 1/2 ft. 1300 series cult.; 18 ft. Ford cult. w. 2 bar harrows; 11'2" Kongskilde cult. w. harrows; 20 ft. John Deere cult, w, hyd, fold wings. USED DISCS A.C. 2319 19 ft. disc harrow ; 20" plain blades, dual wheels; Demo - 12' Miller H.D. offset, disc harrow, 24" blades. DON'T FORGET TO-BITER OUR CONTEST-SEE TOP CORNER OF THIS PAGE MF Massey Ferguson SPring Alto the 80's USED TRACTORS A.C. 1975- 7050 DSL. cab, heater & air, radio, 24,5 x 32 rear tires w. 24.5 x 32 duals; A.C. 1974 - 7030 DR., cab, heater & air, radio, 24.5 x 32 rear tires; A.C. D21 Series II, New 20.8 x 38 rear tires; A.C. 017 w. snap coupler hitch; M.P. 30 Tractor w. Ind. loader. 270 Leyland w. M,E.O.H. 18.4 x 30 rear tires HYDE BROS. VERSNTRE HENSALL, ONT. IV: 262-2605 AtltS •CW•LPAERS FREE COMING EVENTS FOR FARM TOPICS-MAIL TO T-A, BOX 850, EXETER 41111111111e1MISP" 'THE In 1980 be sure of top yields \ U±e Hyland Brand Seeds. "Hyland" "Hyland" "Hyland" "Hyland" "Hyland" Certified Mixed Grains White Beans Seed Oats and 'Barley Seed Seed Corn Soy Bean Seed Ample supplies of Clover & Grass Seeds FERTILIZER MATERIALS BULK 8. BAGGED We Want To Serve You AT Mitchell 348.843 Nelson 262.2527 Granton 225.236Q Centralia College of Agricultural Technology Your Career In FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT • hospitals and • hotel and • catering health care restaurant companies CONSIDER CENTRAUA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY • two year diploma courses • co-educational atmosphere • excellent agricultural • residence living • good recreation facilities location Phone or write for more information TWO YEAR DIPLOMA PROGRAMS In Agricultural Business El food Service Management 0 Community Home Economics 0 Animal Health technology - Management Huron bark, Ontario NOM 1Y0 SEPTEMBER 1980 TO Agricultural Technology APPLY NOW FOR Centralia College of (519) 228.6691 TILING COMPLETED! FINANCING TOO FARMPLAN tILE DRAINAGE LOANS MARE FARM PRODUCTION SENSE • 100% financing. 40 Prepayment, in part or in full, without penalty. I Deferred principal payments. • Repayment terms up to 11 years. C'mon in, or give us e shout and we'll came out to your plate where we can, together, stort digging into the tile drainage plans that can increase your crop production capability. ROYAL SANK serving Agriculture Exeter Agri-Branch Exeter, Ontarib Place your order at Thompson's now for top dressing that Wheat field /HA\ Hyland i.11.0ent) Seller Manager 235-2111