HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-03-26, Page 24SKATING INDIANS— Indians were in one of the numbers of the Lucan figure skating club
carnival held Sunday afternoon, Back, left, Christine Giesen,' Mary Clarke, Kelly Van
Kerkoerle and Krista Riddell. Front, Tina Van Geel, Sherrie Smith, Corey Wilson and Brett
T-A photo
Salon ahead in 'I'
Blues lead in rec final
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114 Miles South of lOgInflold on Hwy. 4
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The first games of the
championship series got
under way this past week
with the Blues taking a 3-2
lead over the Greens in the
"A" final and Salon 174
edging the Hackers 5-4 in the
"B". Like the semi-final
games, the finals are also
decided on a two game total
goal basis.
The Blues, last place
finishers in the regular
season, have taken a 3-2 lead
over the Greens as they
scored a goal in each period.
Jim Thomas scored a
shorthanded goal resulting
from a goal mouth scramble
to give the Blues a 1-0 lead.
John Prefontaine in-
creased the lead to 210 early
into the second period as he
slid a rebound under Green's
goalie, Keith Ewer. Brad
England then made it 3-0 as
he beat Ewer with a quick
shot from the slot. Brian
Noyes scored two goals to
.bring the Greens within one.
Both goals came from the
slot area and were within a
minute span.
Salon 174 got a third period
goal just before the final
buzzer sounded to get a 5-4
victory over the Hackers.
Scoring champion, Chris
Mouritzen, scored Salon's
first two goals. The first
' came early in the game on a
pass from Don Murray who
was behind the net and on the
second, he beat Chuck
Fredin with a shotp from the
Don Coughlin upped the
Salon lead to 3-0 as he scored
on a breakaway. In the
. second per'od Brad Taylor
scored tw~p goals for the
Hackers to harrow the Salon
lead to 3-2.
The second goal by Taylor
came on a deflection of Gary
Revington's shot. Brett
Fairweather tied it for the
Hackers momentarily as he
beat Keith Ewer from the
slot. Don Murray gave Salon
their lead, back as he beat
Fredin on'a breakaway.
Dennis Hackney tied the
game at four as he knocked
in a rebound after a pileup in
front of the net. Brian Dick
then scored just as the
buzzer went to give Salon a 5-
4 edge going into the final
game which will be played
A T RS — Ring masters are an important part of a circus and these fellows par-
ticipated in Sunday's Lucan figure skating dub carnival with a circus theme, Back, left,
David Annis, Michael Annis, Brent Bannerman, and Michael Gillan. Front, Michael Mitchell,
Christopher Welsh and Matthew Welsh, T-A photo
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Attention - Veterans
Ex-Service Men and Women
and Dependents
Mr. Harvey S. Percy
Suite 222,
635 Ouellette Avenue,
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 4J4.
Will be visiting in the area.
April 1, 1980
Branch, 540, Lucan. 12 Noon to 12:30 P.M.
Anyone wishing information, advice or
assistance, regarding:
(a) War Disability Pensions;
(b) Treatment for entitled veterans.
(c) Application for Benevolent Funds;
(d) Appeals against adverse original
applications for War Veterans and
WidoWs Allowance,
is requested to contact the Service Officer of
the local Branch, whose name appears
below, to arrange an interview.
Mr. Sid Daley,
Service Officer
139 Kent Street,
Lucan, Ontario NOM 2J0
Phone 227-4216
Have you considered a
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RR 1, Lucan, Ontario
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Perfect attendance-
for lions members
A report was made by
Florence Hodgins in con-
nection with the Easter
luncheon at the meeting of
the Sunshine and Busy
Buddies groups Thursday
afternoon. The members
voted that we should accept
the catering service of Holy
Trinity Anglican Guild, at
the Church, returning to the
Club Rooms for cards and
crafts, following the lun-
- President Mildred Hirtzel,
welcomed the members,
gave the very good
treasurer's report for Agnes
Hotson, announced the
Consumer's Night to be held
in St. Patrick's School,
Wednesday, April 30 at 8
p.m. with tickets available
from Mrs. Beth Radcliffe at
the Lucan School and read
an invitation from the
Montrose, Michigan seniors'
Seniors finish quilt
for the craft group was won
by Iva M. Hodgins.
The finished quilt was on
display and members who
had assisted were thanked,
especially Merna O'Neil who
bound the quilt. Tickets will
be on sale after April 10. Also
on display was a rug done in
the "primitive rug hooking"
style by Ruby Windsor which
will be one of the crafts of-
fered shortly.
Tomorrow, Thursday,
there will be a demon-
stration of Japanese em-
broidery and the members
will then decide whether this
shall be one of the later
Spring crafts. All club
members are urged to be
present so they may share in
this decision.
Lunch was provided by
Lily Dobbs, td and Verna
Dowdall and Irene Egan.
Commencing April 1,1980
Monday 2 - 5 7 - 9
Tuesday 2 - 5 7 - 9
Thursday 2 - 5 7 - 9
Friday 2 - 5 7 - 9
Saturday 2 - 5
Please note change in Saturday hours
Why a
George White
...helping you get the most from your land since 1857.
Your local Dealer is:
Fifteen 199 percent at-
tendance pins for 1978-79 of
the Lucan 110118 Club were
presented to Paul Dykeman,
Bill and Ted Giesen, Fred
Grant, Clarence Haskett,
Larry Hotson, Peter Mar-
tens, Gary McFalls, Jack
Ryan, Don Smith, Clare
Stanley, Tony Theunissen,
Frank Van Praet, Jim and
Alex Young —
Members agreed to sup-
port the zone project of
purchasing a trailer for the
St. John Ambulance Corp
and donations included a
grant of $636, to. Senior
Citizens projects and to the
District A-1 Effective
Speaking Contest.
House league hockey has
proven to be most successful
with a large number of boys
registered for the season.
The club was very sorry to
lose Gary Manders who has
been the Boys' Work
chairman for many years
and his efforts were much
Girls' figure skating, also
sponsored by the Lions, is
very successful with 93
taking part.
The monthly dances 'have
proven most successful,
particularly , those when
Roger Quick provided the
The local club received a
visit from the Mount
Brydges Club, February 18,
when the meeting was held
in the Leprechaun Room at
the arena and a film on,
"Crime Prevention" was
shown by two members of
the Lucan Detachment of the
February 25 the Lucan
ub visited, the Wyoming
club. The club will sponsor
the Martin & Downs circus
on Wednesday, June 4, with
p.m. shows.
Lion Ron King as the 1980
fair convener reports. that
plans are progressing very
well. The parade wilibe held.
on Saturday with good cash
prizes for the best Lions club.
float from the area,
Two members of the Zone
running for office were guest
speakers during the first
three months of the year,
Lion Allister Cameron who is
running for District
Governor and Lion Alvin
Betterley is trying for the job
of Deputy District Governor.
Legion ladies
to provincial
A team from the Lucan
Legion branch 540 Auxiliary
placed second in the Legion
regional bowling tournament
held Sunday in London.
The Lucan team will now
move into provincial com-
petition to be held in North
Bay in June.
Members of the Lucan
team are Lorna Ellyatt,
Nancy Densmore, Pat
McDonald, Mae Murphy,
Edie Burt and Joyce Van
Fridaynight followed by the
Rec League banquet on
Saturday night..
Bible Society
plans walk
Thursday evening a
meeting of the executive of
the Canadian Bible Society
was held at the home of the
president, Jim Robertson.
After Rev. Keith Brown
opened in prayer, Mr.
Robertson read 1 Corin-
thians 13, stressing the work
of the Bible Society in
spreading the word of God in
Plans were made on
holding the Walkathon for 24
May; to be held going over
the same route as last year.
The check points will be the
same places, with the dif-
ferent churehes taking care
of the different points.
Mr. Robertson will have
sponsor sheets ready next
month for the church
representatives to give out to
the walkers. Collections are
to be made by each church
Sunday School Superin-
tendent by the end of June.
club to visit them for dinner
at noon on Wednesday, May
28. The invitation was ac-
Helen McDonald reported
on plans for the dessert
euchre to be held Thursday,
April 17 at 1 p.m.
A few moments silence
were observed in memory of
a late member, Harold
Belated birthday wishes
were extended to Florence
Hodgins and Reta Robb for
last week when there was no
regular meeting and to
Luther Morley this week.
Euchre was enjoyed with
prizes being won as follows:
Lady's High, Jessie Lewis;
Lone Hands, Marjorie
Steeper; Low Score, Harriet
Holmes; Man's High,
Lawrence Ilirtzel; Lone,
Lloyd Elliott, Low Score,
Herbert Broom. The prize
Poo.- .A
Tim.;-Advacata, March 26, 1960
u a
and district news
Iva M. Hiidgliit,
UCW set
.for crafts
Crafts were the "order of
the day" at the March
meeting of the Friendship
Unit of the Lucan U.C.W.
Convened by Barb Wallace
the crafts will be for sale at
the arts and crafts show and
sale at the arena in April.
During the very brief
business meeting plans were
made for the annual Spring
Fellowship luncheon, to be
held on Palm Sunday,
March 30, following the
morning service. All U.C.
members, please mark this
date on your calendar now
and plan to attend.
Farm show contestant
speaks to area Institute
The Lucan W.I. contestant she did find it a most
in the Farm Show Princess valuable experience and was
competition, Annette pleased with the sterling
Straatman, of 4H Club No, 2, silver bracelet which all
gave her essay on the history candidates received, Mrs.
of Women's Institute and Cecil Robb and Mrs, Frank
the activities of the spon- Jolliffe presented Annette
soring Branch, at the with a token gift from the
meeting on Thursday Branch.
evening, Jane Straatman joined her
As well, Annette told of the sister and they demon-
activities in which the strated the cooking of pork
candidates took part the day and vegetables, Chinese
before and during the Farm style, in a "wok" and served
Show. While she did not win, it for the members on a bed
of rice, which everyone
The roll call "A job I have
put off" proved to be, in
many cases, very humorous,
and the Motto "How to Avoid
Work" or "Organize Your
Time", was well written by
the convener First Vice
President Isobel Haskett and
read for her by Iva M.
The "Streets of Lucan"
game was completed from
the February meeting and
was won by Bernice
Lockyer. Also an Irish Game
"Paddy's Pig" tearing a
picture of a pig, out of brown
paper, freehand, caused a
great deal of hilarity and
was won by Ann Straatman,
4H leader and Reta Robb accidents
One vehicle
with three honourable
The Blood Donors' clinic
will be held Wednesday, May
14, and everyone is asked to
mark this date on their
Following the presentation
of a 50th anniversary gift,
Leda Revington invited all
the members to their
reception at the Community
Centre on Sunday, April 27
from 1 to 5 p.m.
A letter was read from Mr.
Wallace McLay, principal at
the Biddulph-Lucan School
thanking the Branch for the
cheque toward prizes for
competitors in the
"Education Fair" on May 8,
to which the public is invited.
Alice Hodgson received a
vote of thanks for the St.
Patrick's decorations which
added considerably to the
atmosphere of the meeting.
Only three members had
to pay a forfeit when they
forgot to wear something
green in honour of the Saint!
Lunch was served by Leda
Revington and Gladys
The three accidents in-
vestigated this week by
officers of the Lucan detach-
ment of the Ontario
Provincial Police occurred
Saturday and were all of the
one vehicle variety.
At 1.15 a.m. a vehicle
driven by Dennis Courtis,
RR 1 Ilderton hit the ditch on
County Road 13, east of
County road 22 after sliding
on the icy road. Constable
Jim Craig set damages at
At 6 p.m. Saturday, David
C. Fisher, RR 3 Ilderton
suffered severe injuries
after his vehicle went into
the ditch on Highbury, north
of Concession 8-9 in London
Fisher was pulled from his
vehicle by passing motorists.
Constable W.R. Disher set
damages at $4,000.
At 8.45 p.m. a vehicle
driven by Harold Moore,
Delaware was damaged to
the extent of $500 when it
caught fire on County road
16, 20 metres east of County
road 22. Constable Jim Craig