HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-02-06, Page 12We've Moved Our Office we are now located at our Exeter shop Whatever the project, call on us for Ready-Mix Concrete • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL "FARM (Including Manure Tanks) FREE ESTIMATES C. A. McDOWELL LTD. EXETER, ONTARIO Plant: 235-0833 Office: 235-1969 PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, mixers, power trowel, etc. Form ties stocked. For more informa- tion call NU. Corrtveau, Zurich, 236.4954 after 4 p.m. weekdays, any lime weekends. 17t LOOKING FOR A MEETING PLACE? Townhall auditorium available, Phone 235-2358. 42t FORMAL RENTALS — one of Canada's largest selections. Agent for Freeman's Formal Rentals, Syd Silver's and Jeff's of Sarnia, Bob Swartman Men's Shoppe, Exeter, 235-0991. 48t 22 For Sale or Rent 2 BEDROOM one storey house, full basement, garage, suitable for retired couple. Sewerage paid, Available March 1, Phone 235-0736. 61 23 Wanted To Rent WELL DRAINED cropland in the Exeter, Hensall, Zurich area. Phone 236-4728. Keith Love & Sons,Zurich, t8c 26 Legal -Notices I Ken Smith will, no longer be responsible for any debts other than those contracted by myself. 6:7c THE BEST FOR LESS! Why Pay More? BY INGLIS ADMIRAL EUREKA ELECTROHOME TA t s LADDERS POWER TOOLS. LAWN & GARDEN TOOLS STEAM RUG CLEANERS WALLPAPER REMOVER & MANY MORE ITEMS HENSALL HOME HARDWARE 122 KING ST. HENSALL, ONT. TEL. 262-2015 Youths visit tractor shop Change demands EATING WITH RELISH — Steven Chapdelaine, 6, enjoyed a hotdog at Grand Bend's winter frolic on the old river bed Stinday. T-A photo Winter fun scheduled As part of its annual public recreation campaign, the Ausable-Bayf'ield Conservation Authority is again sponsoring, on Sunday, February 10, the annual Winter Fun Day at the Parkhill Conservation Area, 11/4 miles northeast of Parkhill of Highway 7. This year promises some unusual competitions in- volving snowmobile egg relays, snowball accuracy and innertube downhill rac- ing. There will also be events for the cross-country skier, while at the Activity Centre, winter activity films provided by Labatt's will be showing. Refreshments in- clude hot dogs, coffee and hot chocolate. For an afternoon of enter- tainment and prizes starting at 1:00, and no admission charge, this special event will be a lot of fun for the whole family. Further details can be had by contacting: The Ausable- Bayfield Conservation Authority, 175 Thames Rd. W., Exeter, Ontario. Nioeirleatit°°sole COI ik) Township of Stephen 1980 DOG TAGS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE TOWNSHIP OFFICE, 1st dog CsR8E.D00ITON $6915c.h00 additional dog Kennel License $25.00 AFTER MAY 1ST 1980 1st dog $12.00 $E 2a2c.h00 additional dog BY ORDER OF COUNCIL Township of Hay Tenders for the supply of furnace fuel, diesel fuel and gasoline for a two year period commencing April 1, will be accepted by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon February 11, 1980. No-lead .gas- oline approximately 8,- 000 gallons, one location. Diesel fuel 7,000 gallons, one location. Number two gasoline 5,000 gallons, one location. Furnace fuel 5,000 gallons, three locations. Tender forms are available at the township works shed, R.R. 1, Zurich. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Joan Ducharme Clerk-Treasurer Box 250, Zurich, Ontario MINISTRY OF HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION Tender Reference Number B05 PT 80-9 Move-Out Painting of O.H.C. buildings in Huron County. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, February 8, 1980, by the Ontario HousingCorporation, c/o Court House and Registry Office, 80 Dundas Street, P.O. Box 5600, Terminal "A", Lon- don Ontario N6A 2P3 (519/679-7110) from whom detail and specifications may be ob- tained. Details and specifications may also be obtained from the Huron County Hous- ing Authority 48 The Square, Goderich, On- tario N7A 1M5 (519/524-2637), quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED, for male chaperone Huron County board of education trustees backed down Monday on their earlier demand that both male and female chaperons accompany a mixed group of Grade 12 students on a four- day trip to Quebec City. Trustees refused last month to approve the field trip application, submitted by the French department of South Huron District High School in Exeter, because there would be only two female teachers accom- panying the five male and 17 female students. But French teacher Rae Wild assured the board that supervisors of both sexes have gone on previous trips and there never have been any problems. She knows this year's group and wouldn't take them if she feared trouble, she said. "If I can't handle them on the trip then I shouldn't be in the . classroom." While trustees avoided specifically mentioning a male chaperon. there were Ship your livestock with FRANK V 00GEL DASHWOOD Independent Shipper To United Co-operatives Of Ontario Livestock Department, Toronto Monday is shipping day from Varna Stockyards CALL DASHWOOD 238-2707 OR HAYFIELD 565-2636 By 7:30 A.M. For 1., Prompt Service Also Western Stockers & Feeders Available suggestions a third super- visor go along. Trustee Shirley Hazlitt said she didn't "think anyone said lady teachers shouldn't chaperone. . . I don't think we're being old-fashioned." South Huron principal Joe Wooden. who accompanied Wild to the meeting, said there have never been problems on the previous trips, which have been taken, for about 10 years to let French students apply what they've learned in a Fran- cophone setting. The trip will cost the board $366 with the students paying the rest. Classified Deadline Monday 4:00 p.m. Farmers WE ARE NOW PICKING UP FRESH Olt or DEAD DISABLED COWS, HORSES and Stocker Cattle, etc. $5.00 - $15.00 payment for animals over 500 lbs. 3 Radio Dispatched Trucks for Faster Service 24-Hour Service ,7 Days A Week TOLL FREE 1-800-265-4267 (Area Code 5191 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies COLLECTION NO 531 C 76 Benco Complete Carpet Service We specialize in carpet & upholstery STEAM CLEANING 20% OFF FOR MONTH OF FEB. We do repairs, tufting, binding and installations. We have reasonable rates, personal service. FREE ESTIMATES Call I.E. BENNEWIES 228-6374 Box 159 Huron Park Over 30 years in Flooring Real Estate Auction Sale On Sat., February 16, at 1:30 p.m. Sharp 61 Anne Street, Exeter Ontario Real Estate consists of a split-level frame house; main floor - living room with Franklin fireplace, kitchen and dining area, 3 pc. bath ; 2nd level - 1 large bedroom, 2 small bedrooms, 3 pc. bath; basement - family room, laundry room and mud room with out- side entrance. Electric heat. Detached 1 '/2 cargar- age, a 16 x 32 foot in-ground pool. This house, gar- age and pool are situated on a lot approx. 58.95 wide x 146.5 ft deep. Plan 20 of the Town of Exeter. This property is located only 1 1/2 blocks from down town. Terms of Real Estate - 10% day of sale, Balance in 30 days. For further information, contact: Norm Whiting, Auctioneer Phone 235-1964 Ipperwash Food & Sundries Tender Sealed tenders clearly marked "Tenders for Food and Sundries Services Concession at Ipperwash Provincial Park" will be received by the Diitrict Manager, Ministry of Natural Resources, Box 1168, 435 Grand Avenue West, Chatham, until 12:00 noon on February 15, 1980. Tenders to be opened publicly at 1:30 p.m. on February 15, 1980. A deposit in the amount of twenty-five ($25.00), in the form of a money order or certified cheque, must accompany each tender. Tender forms, tender envelopes and detailed information are available from the 'Park Superintendent, Ipperwash Provincial Park, R.R. #1, Forest, Ontario NON 1J0 (Telephone: 519-243-2888), and the District Manager, Box 1168, Chatham, Ontario, N7M 5L8 (Telephone: 519-354-7340), Monday through Friday. Tenders must be enclosed in the envelope provided for this purpose. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario III IN III MI OUTSTANDING MOTION I I I I I I I III MI OM al III Your Auctioneer - Pat Lyon Phone 243-2713 TERMS: Cash or cheque. No property removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents IIIII Ell all III Household, Antiques, Store Clearance Pin Ball Machine Sat., Feb. 9th, - 1 P.M. Forest Arena, Forest Ont. HOUSEHOLD: Cherry dining room table and chairs, matching cherry buffet and china cabinet, 5 foot walnut coffee table, walnut lamp table, card tables, Cribbage board table, Set of three cherry nesting tables, telephone desk and chair, knick knack stand, wooden foot stool, portable C.B. radio, excerciser, Mr, Coffee machine, vacuum, polisher, lamps, movie camera, electric guitar, kitchen ware, etc, ANTIQUES: Oak dresser, burled oak server, refinished child's rocker, gingerbread clock, 40 piece set of green. depression, amethyst vases, Nippon, Noritake, Limoge, Carnival glass, crocks gold and silver pocket watches, wooden jewellery case, silverware, 1847 Rogers teaspoons, ink crocks, bottles, Currie and Ives plates, pictures, books, post cards, letters, old locks and keys, carriage maker's braces and Augers, spoke shaves, ice tongs, sealers, wooden planes, rolling pin, etc. STORE CLEARANCE: pottery, glass, lanterns, cross country boots, vacuum test gauges, hardware, bone china cups and saucers, tape, safety and sun glasses, electrical and plumbing parts,. swag lamps, light bulbs, wooden ware, bar, mirrors, industrial shop vacuum, hammer handles, etc. On view from 11:00 A.M. day of sale I I I I I I I I 1 MN NI 11111 1111111 Pogo 12 Titne$-Advocate, Fibruary 6, 1900 16 For Sale BARN WRECKING, gooil barn hoard, solid beams and firewood for sale. Free delivery. 2354077. 50t Futew000p For Sale, 237- 3328. 511 HUBBARD golden.comets, top quality brown egg layers, 20 weeks old, Available March 7. Leghorns available immediately. Orders also accepted for heavy 3667, 471 '"Meat King” cockerels, Day old HESS JEWELLERY. Zurich for spring delivery, Co has a fine selection of diamonds, McKinley Hatchery. 1-800-265- wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometer, Car- dinal Watches, Family rings and charms, watches and clock repairing guarantee. Sit Service To All Makes Compare Our Prices Before You Buy Serb °""Eirlebeim FURNITURE & APPLIANCE ZURICH 236-4075 I DEVELOPMENTS INC* J. TAYLOR R.R.3 EXETER, ONTARIO NOM ISO FOR RENT TWO BEDROOM luxury apt. AVAILABLE Laundry facilities NEW HOME FOR SALE 1,600 square feet, 3 bedrooms, bath, din- ing room, living room, kitchen with 25 ft. cupboards. Sunken family room, full basement and 1 car garage. Huron Street East Jack Taylor 229-6472 Royal Trust HOME OF THE WEEK — Attention, Businessmen, Newlyweds or those who want to live close to down- town. This immaculate 1 1/2 storey 3 bedroom, semi- detached is for you. Property zoned commercial - could be used for offices. Drive by 410 William Street, and then call Phyllis Johnson 237-3547 ZURICH — Beautiful custom built 4 bedroom raised ranch on acre lot. Loaded with extras and ready for you to choose it for your dream home. Don't delay. Call Phyllis Johnson 237-3547. 100 ACRE FARM — with completed renovated 4 bedroom home, close to Highway 83. Good cash crop land. 237-3547 For these and other listings call: PHYLLIS JOHNSON 237-3547 Royal Trust.The most helpful people around. ROYAL TRUST CORPORATION OF CANADA, REALTOR 11 Wonted To Buy 20 Pt °pet ty For Rent 21)8DROOM house in Haan, electric heat, carpeted, no pets. 234,6473. 6:7c 2 BEDROOM House for rent in Exeter, Immediate possession. Stove and fridge. $200 a month plus utilities. Phone 235-0244. 51' 3 BEDROOM farm home with attached garage, Phone 262- 5988, 5t6c 2 BEDROOM apartment in Zurich, $80,00 per month, Phone 2364801. St 1 BEDROOM self-contained apartment available Feb. 15. Phone 262-2014 or 262-3446. 5T MODERN unfurnished I bedroom apartment, ground level in Exeter. Available. Feb, I. Phone 235-0135. 5:6c HOUSE. 4 bedrooms, 4 miles east of Hensall. Phone 262- 6809, 5:6c 2 BEDROOM apartment on main floor, heated, private driveway. 235-2575. 5:6c FOUR BEDROOM brick, full basement, large diningroom. Near downtown. 235-2233. 49t 3 BEDROOM town house on Simone St. Available immediate- ly. Phone evenings 235-2393. 431* TWO BEDROOM on main floor. 235-2575, 6c ELIZABETH CATTLE . we pay goad price for recently injured unthrifty cattle. Easy loading trailer with winch. Call collect 238-27 9 6 John Ansems Oland Bend. 36t 18 Wanted WANTED TO Rent or Buy. Cash crop land in the Crediton area. Phone 234-6281 WANTED - Old brick buildings for demolition/wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact Ross. Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia, 1-542-4088. 2t 19 Property For Sale 3 BEDROOM house under con- struction on Andrew St, S. 235- 1647. 4It 2 BEDROOM house on Alex- ander St, N, full basement. Phone 2354647, 4It 72 ACRES cash crop land, Dashwood area. Serious en- quiries only. 519-238-2046, t8* • HOUSE FOR SALE - only $35,500. Full price, makes you the proud owner of this lovely 3 or 4 bedroom brick home. All new interior, fully broadloomed except 4 piece vanity bath. Beautiful new farm-sized modern kitchen, workshop, gar- age, large lot 66-132. Taxes about $150. 5 miles from Grand . Bend highway. Excellent village location. Position now call Strat- ford. 271-7632. 6:7c COURT IN HENSALL 20 Property For Rent PRIME RETAIL space to lease. Hayfield area, located on Hwy. 21, New building, finished to suit. Contact Box 73M Times Advocate, t8c LARGE upstairs one bedroom apartment for rent. Phone 235- 1706 evenings. 6t LARGE STORE on Main Street. Formerly Exeter Frozen Foods, Reasonable rent. Phone 235-2323 anytime. 6c Available Nov. 15-2 bedroom, large kitchen and living room. 4 pc. bath, heated private en- trance, stove and fridge, no pets. Can be seen at 371 William St. Exeter. 44t One and two bedroom apartments available now or Mar. 1, or Apr, 1,Featuring shag carpeting, Kelvinator appliances, all utilities paid. For inquiries phone 262-3448 Hen- sail or 453-2280, London. 5t 1 BEDROOM apartment, stove and fridge available immediate- ly. Phone 235-0141. 24t 1 BEDROOM apartment, heated, centrally located. Available Jan. 1st. 235-2087 after 6:30 p.m. 50t HOUSE FOR RENT In Hensall on quiet street 3 bedroom, nicely decorated with carpet and cur- tains, garage and workshop in- cluded. No pets please. Phone 2622103. 2t HOUSE FOR RENT - 80 Ox- ford St. Hensall, Ont. Furnished or unfurnished. 3 bedrooms, library upstairs, living room, diningroom, kitchen, den downstairs. 11/2 bathrooms, full basement. Reasonable rental offers considered. For appoint- ment apply Box 321 Hensall, Ontario. 4 BEDROOM farm house, large livingroom and kitchen, on 21 Highway, Phone 236.4561. 2t HENSALL - Completely renovated 1 and 2 bedroom apartments from $175.00 monthly. Available immediately 438-4174 days. 262-2501 evenings. 3t IN LUCAN - central one bedroom apartment with fridge and stove. All utilities included, Available Feb. 15.225-2578. 3t MAPLE ARMS Newest low-rise luxury apartments, offer colored appliances, carpeting, convenient location, sauna, laundry facilities and controlled entry. Quality, spacious one and two bedroom suites for select tenants. THE APARTMENT ALTERNATIVE 309 Senior St, Exeter 235-2420 APDING MACHINES, typewriters, Sales, Service, rental, supplies. Jerry Withers Typewriters 840 , 92 Main. St. 235- t 21 SURVEY and „ Marker stakes, Various soil, or hardwood, stock. size or made to order. Now fluorescent colours available. For full details contact ARC In- dtistries, Dashwood. Phone 237- 8536. 19; USED FURNITURE chester- fields and chairs, diningroom suites, kitchen tables and chairs, dryers, refrigerators, ranges, etc, Whiting's Warehouse, Exeter, 235-1964, 281- Two Bedroom Apartment For Rent $225.00 Per Month One Year Lease Include frige & ,stove, cable T.V. charge, heating, hot water and apartment is fully broadloomed. Phone 5D Realty 235-2208 VaMoturtzbipjfarnter5e Autuat fire 3nourance Companp Notice of Annual Meeting The 105th Annual Meeting of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Company Of- fice, Zurich, on Saturday the 23rd day of February, 1980 at 2 p.m., for the presenta- tion of the Annual Report, to elect three directors to replace those whose terms ex- pire, and to transact all business as may be done at a general meeting of the policyholders. The Directors whose term of office expire are Robert Glen, Clinton; Elmer Hayter, Varna; and Elmore McBride, Exeter. Mr. Glen and Mr. Hayter are eligi- ble for re-election; Mr. McBride is not eligi- ble for re-election due to By-Law #21 Qualifications of Directors (b). Please Note: By-Law #21 - Qualifications of Directors (d) "Any person wishing to seek election or re-election as a Director must file his intention to stand for election in writing with the Secretary of the Corporation at least ten days in advance of an Annual Meeting or Special General Meeting called for the purpose of electing Directors." President, Herb Beierling Secretary-Manager, John R. Consitt APARTMENTS FOR RENT Extra Large Luxury Apartments Carling Street - Exeter Within Walking Distance of Shopping Area 2 bedroom apartments Immediate Occupancy Laragh Corporation Ltd. PHONE 235-0141 Huron Tractor Exeter Limited is sponsoring a Youth Night for 4-H and Junior Farmer members on Monday, February 11 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. It will be held at their Highway 4 north in Exeter premises. Youth will be able to see Ontario's largest display of John Deere farm equipment and talk with the experts from many agricultural suppliers at their booths. In addition they may view John Deere's Farming Fron- tiers '80 film on new products, combine safety, antique tractors and many other subjects. MOO EXCELLENT BRICK HOME — only $39,900.00. Here's what it offers YOU • 3 bedrooms, 4 piece bath • family style kitchen • spacious living room • den PLUS sunporch • large garage and workshop Excellent condition located in Ailsa Craig. Don't wait to see this ideal family home. 11% MORTGAGE NEW BACK SPLIT — In the hamlet of Nairn just 18 miles from city. This brick and aluminum home is situated on a large 100 x 152 ft. lot, it features patio doors from breakfast area, large living room and dining room combined, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece bath, plus family room with roughed-in fireplace, ready for you to finish to your liking. 1 WOODED ACRE — with seven year old ranch and 1' car garage. Large eat-in kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, full basement with cold room. Situated on a paved road less than 18 miles northwest of London. Asking $52,500. 3/4 ACRE TREED LOT — 1 1/2 storey "NO MAINTENANCE" home with attached garage OR WORKSHOP (wired for welder), 3 bedrooms, bright eat-in kitchen, separate dining room, den and 3 piece bath, storage cupboards GALORE, finished play room in basement. Owner relocating, Asking only $47,900. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE ABOVE LISTINGS CALL SHARON DEVREE 455.1121 if busy 666-1010 Residence 232-4387 GLENN POWELL REALTY LIMITED REALTOR