HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-02-06, Page 106 Services VEAL'S MEAT MARKET AND ABBATOIR Now taking orders for custom killing of beef and hogs. Ph. 235-1123. 6c CUSTOM GRAIN CLEANING AND TREATING Seed Grain and Beans Grass and Lawn Seeds Roe Brand Feeds Medicated and Plain Chick Starter Chick Grower Hog & Cattle Supplements Hog Grower - $160.00 ton Recleaned Horse Oats HAROLD SCHROEDER MILLING CO. Dashwood, Ont. 237-3651 HOUSE PLANS AND MECHANICAL DRAFTING 482-3586 20t CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING • Beef Mon.* Pigs Wed. Pickup Service Available DARLING'S ABATTOIR 235-0420 6 Services REVINGTON FEED SERVICE R 3, LUCAN Ph. 227-4454 or 227-4584 Complete Line of Purina Chows and Animal Health Products Including Ralgro, Synovex, Wormers, Etc. Agent for XTRAVIM Liquid Supplement - As a Top Dress or Free Choice LICK TANKS available 6c HOOVER'S PLUMBING and Heating, 24 hour services. Very reasonable rates, no jobs too small. Phone 234.6752. 6:7:8:9c EXPERIENCED carpenter for all small carpentry jobs, done to your specification. Reasonable rates. Call Jim, 235-0349. 6c T.V. Towers Sales & Services Repairs to all makes of sewing machines. Scissors sharpened. Harold Elliott 262-2829 Hensall 45t CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF EXETER requires 3 Ratepayers of Exeter To act on a volunteer basis as members of a Property Standards Committee and to work with the Property Standards Officer to deal with written complaints of infractions under the Property Standards, Maintenance and Occupancy By-Law. Written applications may be submitted to the undersigned until 5:00 p.m., Friday, February 15th, 1980. Elizabeth Bell Clerk-Treasurer 406 Main Street Box 759 EXETER, Ontario Office Secretary Competent person required for a wide range of responsibilities and to act as secretary to senior management. First class typing skills essential and duties include switchboard and Telex operations. Please reply in writing giving details of employment history with related salaries to: The Manager - Finance Cook's Division of Gerbro Inc P.O. Box 160 Hensall, NOM 1X0 All applications treated in confidence CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF EXETER requires a person to act as full-time ASSISTANT BUILDING INSPECTOR and ASSI STANT ZONING ADMINISTRATOR Duties would include working with the incumbent Building Inspector and Zoning Administrator to co- ordinate activities in the Building Department, issu- ing Building Permits, carrying out inspections, enfor- cing the Ontario Building Code and the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law and various other duties assign- ed to the Department. Candidates should have a working knowledge of the Ontario Building Code, 1974 and be willing to up- grade qualifications under the Code as the need arises. This position may eventually lead to appointment of Chief Building Official and Zoning Administrator, after a qualifying period. Applications will be received by the undersigned un- til 12:00 noon Friday, February 29th, 1980. Salary will commensurate with qualifications and ex- perience. Elizabeth Bell Clerk-Treasurer Town of Exeter Box 759 406 Main Street EXETER, Ontario NOM 1S0 I Purchasing Clerk Expanding Automotive Parts Manufacturer in the Ex- eter area requires a purchasing clerk, Duties to in- clude typing and filing of purchase orders, assisting purchasing manager. Experience in receptional duties an asset. Please forward complete resume to Fleck Manufac- turing Co., Canada Ave, Huron Park Ont, NOM 1Y0 Part time telephone sales The Times-Advocate, Huron County's largest paid circulation weekly newspaper, re- quires a telephone canvasser to work evenings, Monday to Thursday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Duties involve the promotion of our newspaper by selling subscriptions to new customers. If you have a pleasing telephone manner and are interested in working on a commission basis apply to: Jim Beckett, Times-Advocate Telephone 235-1331 pene's siGns Gene Crenes — SIGNS OF ALL TYPES — RR t Dashwood, Ont. NOM INO PHONE 238-8242 4t TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964. 13t Febroc(ry Special CORK i6s or less (dreaeti weight) • 0 DA5HIAf0011.3 23;7-3677 XRRRY E. WRGHORII REAL ESTATE BROKER MERT. CULBERT 2211110 LUCAN carne Itry,ct ZURICH — metal clad building with office space and large storage area, two furnaces and heavy- duty wiring. Suitable for body shop, boat-building or many other uses. GRAND COVE ESTATES —Maintenance free 2 bedroom retirement home with over 1,000 sq. ft. of living space. Asking $33,900. Many extras included. A pleasure to show. . LUCAN — New 3 bedror 11[11\igalow within walk- ing distance of shoprAoillitrge lot with sewers and water. 11 1/2 `.Co gage. $39,500 (below replacement cost). 41 SPECULATORS DELIGHT — older 3 bedroom 2 storey brick home, town water and sewers past door. Large park-like lot bordering on 3 streets. Future development property. Priced for quick sale. McGILLIVRAY TWSP. — 79 acres of good produc- tive land, drained through low areas, on hard top road with water pipeline by door. Priced for quick sale. HAY TOWNSHIP — 50 acres vacant land, sandy loam, ideal bean and corn land, some tile. 22 HIGHWAY — 95 acres of productive level land, 8 miles west of city limits, small house and b9rn. One of the best investments along 22 Highway in years. BARGAIN BASEMENT SPECIAL 3 SINGLE FAMILY HOMES — all on town water and sewers. Asking $29,500.00 each, Try your offer. Vendors willing to hold open first mortgages. 60' NORTHLANDER on good sized lot on edge of village. Town water installed, 20' x 26' garage in good, repair. Appliances included. LOTS OF LOTS — various sizes, locations and prices available. Call Mert Culbert 227-1710 or 227-4766 EXETER NEW MOBILE AND MODULAR HOMES 1000 to 1400 sq, ft. Erected on your lot. Further information Call 235-0890. LOTS AVAILABLE Will build to your plans or ours. 21 lots to choose from. All completely serviced. C.M.H.C. approved subdivision. RIVERVIEW ESTATES EXETER — PHONE 235-0890 EXETER REAL SHARP - 5 year old three bedroom raised ranch, livingroom, diningroom, American styled kitchen, completely finished recreation room with Franklin fireplace. BEAUTIFUL THROUGHOUT. Must be seen to be appreciated. PARK SETTING — with lovely view, 1 1/2 storey, four bedroom brick home, livingroom, spacious kitchen, 3 piece bath, some carpeting, outdoor pool, large lot. PRICE REDUCED — owner anxious to sell - 8 room solid brick house, large lot, good location, town water and sewer, needs some renovations. NEAR DOWNTOWN 2 bedroom bungalow, large dining room, livingroom, kitchen, veranda, sun porch, 3 piece bath, full basement, single car gar- age, paved drive. PRIVATE RETREAT — backing onto river, 2 bedroom bungalow, livingroom, kitchen, 3 piece bath, ONE HALF ACRE LOT, BRICK COTTAGE — two bedrooms, electric heat, some carpeting, Main Street location, near park, GOOD RENTAL PROPERTY. 50 FOOT TRAILER — on rented lot on # 4 highway, 1 mile from town. PRICED TO SELL. 14.5 ACRES - INDUSTRIAL ZONED — property on #83 highway. Call today for further details. EXETER — ideally located on #83 highway, 12 ACRES INDUSTRIAL ZONING, hydro & water. FARMS 300 acres, complete dairy set-up, land, building, cows, machinery, & contract available. CALL TODAY FOR MORE DETAILS. BEEF FEED LOT — 500 head capacity, 300 acres productive land, 285 workable, 150 systematically tiled /650 heat units, good silos, automatic feed, large 3 year old home. 195 ACRE DAIRY FARM — slatted floor barn, li- quid manure, excellent quotas, 180 cows, newer equipment. Excellent home. ELGINFIELD —'75 acres - set up for hog operation, 700 capacity, older 4 bedroom brick house, two frontages, excellent location. USBORNE TOWNSHIP — cash crop, 150 acres, 142 workable, some systematically tiled, rest good natural drainage, grain dryer, elevators & storage bins, drive shed, steel, cement floor, 3 bedroom brick home. LUCAN NEWER BUNGALOW-A-1 — condition, 3 bedrooms, livingroom, modern kitchen, 4 piece bath, rec room, broadloom. GOOD ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE. ONE AND HALF ACRE LOT — plus two bedroom cottage, livingroom, dining room, 3 piece bath, fireplace, gas heat. Page- 10 Advocate, Fobrvary 0,190) classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations ‘Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh. 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instrurnents 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted To Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 3 Situations Wanted WILL BABYSIT in my home. 235-1766. 6:7c WILL BABYSIT in my own home. 235-1077. 3t 4 Help Wanted BABYSITTER wanted from 5- 12 p.m. Phone 235-2949. 6c PROPERTY MANAGER for Old Town Hall. Part-time job for responsible person to oversee maintenance, arrange hall for rentals etc. Duties and salary to be negotiated. Please write Box 74P Exeter Times Advocate by February 15. 6:7c $370.00 PER THOUSAND for envelopes you mail. Postage paid. Free. Homeworkers, P.O. Box 172, Acton, Ontario. L7J 1E0. 6c TRAVEL AGENT counselors must have 2 years I.A.T.A. ex- perience for our Clinton office. Please call 1-800-265-3181. OM L World Wide Travel. 6c 4 Help Wanted LARGE CASH crop farm re- quires farm hand, Must be fully experienced, House with all facilities. Bonus an incentive. References required. Send resume to New Venice Corpora- Lion Ltd. RR 2 Grand Bend. NOM ITO. t8C INSTRUCTOR to teach me music: theory and voice. Basic theory grade 1 & 2, Phone anytime 228-6220. 5:6* MICHELE LYNN Canada Ltd, needs people who like people. No investment necessary. Earn top income, win prizes and trips. For further information call Gloria Hippern 228-6434 or Rose Cunningham 227-4656. t7c LADIES NEED EXTRA In- come? The Helping Hands are gettting a few reqpests for housekeeping, live-in or hourly. Phone 227-1222. 5:6c ASSISTANT MANAGER for hog barn. Must have experience, be responsible and have references. Call or write Woods and Woods Ltd. RR 2, Dashwood. Phone 294-6576, 6:7c HERDSMAN - must have ex- perience and references. Salary depends on ability. Call or write Woods and Woods Ltd. RR 2, Dashwood. Phone 294-6576. 6:7c 6 Services THE TYPIST- Will do typing of any kind for you at her home. Call Delores at 228-6729. t7* CAKE DECORATING All Occasion Cakes Includes Wedding Specialty in Birthdays Call Anytime 524-2084 Goderich 3:4:5:6c 6 Services MOBILE FEED SERVICE WE BRING THE MILL TO THE FARMER" Complete line of Shur Gain Feeds and Animal Health Products. Competitive prices. HARDEMAN BROS. Kirkton 229-6525 8t J.E. WELDING Portable Welding Fabricating JOHN ELLIOTT RR 2 Kippen NOM 2E0 PHONE 519-262-6268 46t CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONERS The Answer To Hard Water Problems For a free analysis and a presen- tation on the benefits of softened water, call us at 235-2230 and say HEY CULLIGAN MAN REMEMBER "We treat water seriously" C. MORLEY HALL 37t D. W. KYLE'S DECORATING PAINTING AND PAPERING SERVICES CONTACT DOUG KYLE Hensall, Ont. Phone 262-2249 I 8t 6 Services Huron Park -Dry Wall Boarding, taping textural, ceilings Gerald Morgan Huron Park 228-6724 t8c W. D. CONSTRUCTION Houses, Additions, Sheds Siding, Roofing, Renovations FREE Estimates Phone Bob Willis, 235-0107 Keith Davey, 235-0947 after 6:00 p.m. I 7t PROFESSIONAL Business Ser- vices: Addressing, labelino and envelopes, printing tickets, flyers, bulletins, booklets, photocopying. ARC Industries, 237-3667, 47t GLAVIN SANDBLASTING AND PAINTING Houses, Machinery, etc. • Free Estimates CALL JACK GLAVIN 234-6701 19t JACK'S DECORATING — painting and papering, vinyl siding, sales and installation, ceramic tile installation. Phone Jack Cleave, 235-2031. 8t Don Penninga General Construction RENOVATIONS, ADDITIONS REMODELLING FRAMING & TRIMMING 235-0218 4t For All Your Electrical Needs and Problems Call TRIEBNER ELECTRIC 83 Gidley St., Exeter 235-1756 Residential, Commercial Industrial and Farming Generator Installations 46t CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and processing. Phone 262-2017 Scholl's Food Market, Hensall. 36t RUSSELL REALTY LIMITED STEPHEN TOWNS HIP - 100 acre farm, good house and barn. Presently set up for beef operation. MOUNT CARMEL - large building lot, beside school, municipal water available, or. paved road. CREDITON - priced right at s18,000. Ideal retirement home or starter home for young couple. OUG RUSSELL 238-8283 6 Services Don's Electric FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL REPAIRS & INSTALLATIONS Industrial, Commercial, Residential and Farm wino Standby Generators Sales & Installations PHONE DON BENDER Dashwood I2t ORNAMENTAL IRON — porch railings, columns; posts, inside vinyl covered stair rails, room dividers, etc., Elroy Des- jardine 236-4622 or 236-4242, It SLEEPING BAGS Don't put your sleeping bags away dirty. Send them to us this fall to have them "wide awake" for spring. GRAND BEND° CLEANERS • Grand Bend • Exeter • 42t SHIPPING CATTLE every Monday. Toronto Union Stock Yards. Ship your cattle to the yard of your choice with Campbell McKinley 262-5430, 6t CLASSIFIED. RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numtteri, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION — 20 words $2.90, 10e per word thereafter, SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — No copy changes, 9c per word, minimum $1.130, SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION — $2.75 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — $2.25 per column inch. • (Minimum size in this category 11/2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office — $1.00 per insertion. BIRTHS — 20 words $3.00, 10e per word thereafter, MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices — 20 words $3.00, each additional word 10e IN MEMORIAMS — $3.00 plus 13's per line of verse. COMING EVENTS — 20 words $3.00, each additional word 10e Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS — 30 Words $3.00 additional words 5e each. 50e DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE SATURDAY IN WEEK OF FINAL INSERTION Deadline for classified ads 'is 4:00 p.m., Mondays. Phone 235-1331 INIMFAR LAN E REAL ESTATE UMI TED REALTOR EXETER LUCAN LONDON 235-0541 227-4071 434-8824 SALES Tim MacFarlane 434-8824 Si Sitinnons 235-0526 Gerry Prout 235-1866 Jake Hovius 229-8802 Bob Thomas 482:3096 hnt 2233 5514022566g3 ! EP da tLaWwr i s Marg Sceli 225.2301 LUCAN SIDE SPLIT — newer three bedroom home, im- maculate condition, lovely large, livingtoom, separate dining room, kitchen, 4 piece bath, GOOD ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE. TWO STOREY HOME — three bedrooms, large livingroom, separate dining room, kitchen, two baths, broadloom throughout, double detached gar- age,, large lot. NEW HOMES — bungalows, splits, ranches, in new area, come & select your style now, possession 1 month, good existing mortgages. BUSINESSES FOR SALE HENSALL — two storey brick building, main street location, business commercial zoning, apartment on second floor over 16x38 showroom. CREDITON — 2 storey brick building, main street location, zoned commercial, + 3 apartment units. CALL TODAY FOR MORE DETAILS ZURICH — commercial building, 2048 s.f. one storey building, two offices, GREAT POTENTIAL, PROPERTY IN AREA PARKHILL -- new 3 bedroom red brick home, Gebel cupboards in kitchen, dining area, patio doors to sundeck, large livingroom, 4 piece bath, electric heat, full basement. PURCHASER STILL HAS COLOUR CHOICE. GRAND BEND - A QUIET HAVEN — can be yours in this beautiful raised ranch sitting peacefully among the trees, 4 bedrooms, livingroom, two baths, excellent condition, only 1 YEAR OLD, CENTRALIA — 1 1/2 storey brick home on over ONE HALF ACRE #4 highway, gas heat, good sized livingroom, dining room, kitchen, 4 piece bath, at- tached 1 car garage. DASHWOOD — two storey 5 bedroom home, large livingroom, carpeted, L-shaped dining room, kitchen, 4 piece bath, laundry room, dug well, ZURICH — 1 Y2 storey 3 bedroom home, large fron- tage on lot, 200 amp wiring. AN AFFORDABLE PRICE. ZURICH - 16 acre HOBBY FARM - set up to raise game birds, small barn suitable for livestock, older one and half storey four bedroom house. CALL TODAY AND HAVE A LOOK, BLYTH — brick beauty, 3 bedroom home in ex- cellent condition, large livingroom, dining room, sharp kitchen, plus summer kitchen, two baths, carpeting throughout. Large well-landscaped lot. BAYFIELD — ideally located, 3 bedroom cottage on good sized lot, large livingroom, cosy kitchen, bath with shower stall, walking distance to lake Huron. CREDITON - ANXIOUS TO SELL — owner relocated, 4 bedroom home, livingroom, dining room, 3 piece bath, WILL LOOK AT ANY SERIOUS OFFER. CLINTON — older two storey three bedroom brick home in lovely shape, large livingroom, spacious din- ing room, kitchen, pantry, two baths, 1 car garage on large lot. LONDON IL ST THOMAS EXPERT AA,C.I. REAL ESTATESOARD MEMBER. APPRAISAL' SERVICE