HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-02-06, Page 7Fresh Grade A (Backs Attached) CHICKEN LEGS 15( Fresh Boned & Rolled With bread stuffing PORK s 4% ft BUTTS 5 lb av:rlb I .417 A H SUPERIOR OOD MARKET F-7 11 P1 T1 11 1. 3 9 11 • 1 1 1. 1 . 7. YY T : T i i • &H S UP ER IO R F O • D MA R K E SWEETHEART OFFER 10% Off All our new SPRING MERCHANDISE Please your Valentine with a quality gift from our excellent selection. Merchandise for the entire family at prices you can afford. ettatdi shopping centre 370 Main St. Exeter 235-2162 No Name Fabric Softener $1.49 ,280, ,,g Monarch Banana Nut, Choc. Chip, Applesauce Raisin Snackin Ccakes ,,oz. eenex w ate or coloure. 200 s Facial Tissue 69t Cherrios 425 G Box $ 1 • 1 8 Bathroom Tissue 4 roll pkg 9.13 Sunlight 1.5 litre plastic Liquid Detergent S 1.89 Electrasal Bonus pack 60 oz. for the price of 50 Dishwashers$2.59 fj • Bath and Kitchen Boutique • Crystal and Dinnerware •pnique Line of Gifts dod Accessories for Your Home 1.4 - pW INVITE BRIDES-TO-BE TO REGISTER WITH US - Wood, Goderich; Doris, Zurbrigg, Listowel and Donna Tuffnail, Stratford.' The regional presidents are: Marjorie Mallery,. Listowel; - Fran Lanin, Mitchell; Muriel. Hoggarth, Stratford; Phyllis Rodd, Woodham; Dorothy Logan, Belgrave; Evelyn. Smith, Blyth; Carole Willard, Exeter and Anna Keys, Varna. The new president, Ann Walters gave a few remarks thanking the past president for her efforts and on behalf of the presbyterial presented her with and engraved desk set. The past president, Doris Zurbrigg then presented the Presbyterial with an engraved gavel set, The meeting closed with best wishes from president, Ann. Paramount Flaked Light T una 6 oz. tin Schneiders 100% Veg oil 1 lb. tub Margarine • Aylmer Mushroom Soup Detergent 'TIDE 6 litre box $2 .9 8 98. 69 or Chicken Noodle 10 oz. tin 3/994 Mazola SS Corn Oil 1 litre jar • fresh produce !"0 Sunkist Navel ORANGES Ont. No. 1 CARROTS Ontario No, 1 TURNIPS Ontario No. 1 CABBAGE 1 1 3 doz $1.19 2 lb. bag 294 good size each 39' Large size head each 37' frozen foods Pepperidge Farm German Chocolate, or Devils, Banana, LAYER CAKE Chocolate 13 oz. $ II • 119 Swanson MEAT PIES 80z, 63( COFFEE RICH 160z. 39t bakery buys Superior BREAD 24 oz. enriched Hostess SPICE BAR CAKE Deitrichs t ry Style DINNER ROL 3/$1.49 $1.13 doz, 594 3) 1 H VW co w s o n s F r TI TI T "g Er k l ",Ek kg a kI L L EM EI L 111 4c- ler2 SSSHH The boss is away. The, staff have decided to have a SALE on selectild items. For the next three weeks. 1' Feb. 11 to 29 Winter hours Mon.fr Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat, 10-5 Friday 10-9' 20'% to 50% off BRIDAL REGISTRY Register with us... 4 '; eliminate the guesswork 405 Main St., Exeter 235-2957 3 2I VW 0 00 3 14 0 11 1 3 d DS H Times-Advocate, •Fobruary 1980 Popo 7 if 31 it Aria, ladies involved in Presbyterial: Loam o a an, and new role as persons regarded as persons until on women to. respond to the October 10,1929. the Lord opportunities and respon- Chancellor declared them to sibilities now available to , be so. Many of our key ex- them as persOns, periences- today stern from Mary Broughton Atwood that declaration, Until, then and Leila Finkbeiner, women could not vote; could .Crediton presented book not sit on Juries: and, their 'previews which boosted the citizenship depended on their literature sales. Muriel father or their husband, Rev. Koggar th, Stratford ex- Brown challenged the tended, the courtesies and Fran Lanin, Mitchell assisted by Winnifred Dow of Thamesesview and verle Mahon,. Ribbed led in the closing meditation. Margartet Walsh con- ducted the election of of- ficers and. Rev. Maurice Francis led in the in- stallation service. The new officers for 1980 are: president. Ann Walters, Brucefield; 1st vice- president - Grace Pym, Elimville; 2nd vice- president - Muriel Coultes of Belgrave; corresponding secretary - Edith, Wey of Walton; recording secretary - Evalena Webster of Blyth; treasurer -Marjorie Kernick of Goderich. The committee chair- persons are: Mame Wilkins, Trinity-Ashfield; Noreen Hayter, Varna; Ruth Axt- mann, Walton; Grace Drummond, Hennall; Iva History and read the History of the "May" farm, Lizzie Lamport gave current events. Margaret Strang in- troduced Marie Paul Green, national Director of con- sumer affairs of I.G.A. who along with Fred Darling of our local I.G.A.gave an in- formative talk on food values. weights and measures in metric and answered many questions. Lucky draws were held. Kay Snelgrove gave the Motto "current events of to- day, is history of to- morrow," Huron. Music Studio Ltd. now taklov Spring Enrollments CY for Piano Accordion Organ Guitar Instruments Loaned Phone 235-0940 Tues, Thurs., Fri., 4 - 8 p.m. MARY JANE TAYLOR (519) 235-1252 lb. lb. 2 lb. fully cooked lb. lb. something United Church Women - would begin. to aspire to and. attain in 1950. Some suggestions were: 1. Closer communication and co-operation with presbytery and - with the men of the congregations. 2. Wor- shipful, inspirational and educational campsite ex- perience for younger women. 3. More com- munication between local, presbyterial, and conference United Church Women. In the morning a very interesting and informative 'Dialogue on Japan' was staged by Robert Witmer, a native of Goderich who ha .spent,.8 years in Japan, his Japanese 'wife Keiko and' Maureen Mayne, mission officer for London con- ference. Robert and Keiko Witmer and their two charming daughters expect to return to Japan following Robert's ordination in May 1980, where they will work as part of a team in rural Japan,. Christians in Japan are fewer than 1 percent of the population but their in- fluence is far reaching educationally and socially. Mr. and Mrs. Witmer sang 'This Little Light of Mine' in Hurondale group hear grocery talk COURSE ON OWNERSHIP CHANGE — A Thursday short course at Centralia College of Agricultural Technology featured farm ownership changes. From the left are Jack Haggarty o the.Stratford office of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food area farm women lie Thompson and Dorothy Jeffrey and Don Cameron of Centralia College, co-ordinator of the short course, program. T-A photo A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Schneiders SIDE BACON MINI SIZZLERS Schneiders Blue Ribbon BOLOGNAine BUCKET OF cl!ICKI!N. neiders 4 BEEF x ifiA K ET TES Store eCiiiKED HAM Schneiders HEAD CHEESE BOWLS WIENERS 1 48 Red Hots, Dutch Treat or All Beef lb. Schneiders Vac ls 500 g. pkg. Schneiders 12 oz, bowl $118 $1.58 $1.58 $1.39 $3.28 $1.68 $1.79 500g, 884 My 500 women met at. NorkSt. United Church in Ootleleh January 28 for the 13th;niumal meeting of . fltiroi4'erth Presbyterial of Unit Church Women. DoriPArbrigg of Listowel cha4d the Meeting. The the for the day was 'We aro*. in Spirit, Whole and AliV persons through JeSU,S it. Chr 4,1 11 'I Worsen of .Goderich dirOted the day's music and wagassisted by members of the Craigellen singers of GoOrich, who thrilled the auclOnce with their ren- . ditiOs in song. 9eettngs were extended to the women .by Olive 1Cr3ley„ Goderich; president of he United Church Women of North - St,; • Rev. Robert Bali, minister of North St.; MOgaret Walsh, Windsor, pr•ident of London Con- feience of United Church Wimen; and Rev. Maurice F4ncis, 4Fullarton, chair- min of Huron-Perth PieSbytery, i(ietta Karges, Gowan- strn, presented the 3 "Fording secretary's 3 ' ort, Edith Wey, Walton, corresponding s retary's report and rjorie Kernick of G derich, the treasurer's 3 ' rt. " • he following committee 3 its were then given: C istian Development by ' Ruth Axtraann of. Walton; 14adershiff Development by Gace Pmi, of Elimvillt,,, Wrld Outreach by Iva Wood of Goderich; 'Church in Society ty Muriel Coultes of Belgravia; Stewardship by Grace ummond of Hen- Myrtle' Johnstone of qr sall;. . mmunications by Goderifh and Archives by Ann Velters of Brucefield. The report of each corn- mitterrichairperson included her !ream or vision of e. ,BiMRS. PETER MARTIN G n and Joan Hodgins, and; nn and June Camp- bet attended the Canadian Fa Slow in Toronto on Flay. t . e tractor Tull in the evening proved noisy but etyable. One of the cO pet:tors, was Norman B ' gins;; of Parkhill,;ci'",..: I LI„ 42') Main Street Ph. Box 696 eter, Ontario NOM ISO English and part in Japanese and closed with a beautiful Japanese lullaby. The afternoon speaker, Rev. Wilena Brown, first ordained woman in Nova Scotia and now minister at Varna and Goshen, dealt with the subject - Women, 50 Years as Persons! Under the B.N.A. Act women were not The January meeting of Hurondale W,I. was held at Caven Presbyterian church January 30 with desert at noon,June Stewart presided and opened the meeting with • Mary Stewart collect and the opening ode. The roll call was answered by "The Most unusual food I have eaten." Plans were made to host the Birthday Party at Huronview April 16th. It was voted to donate $50 to save the sight, project of A.C.W.W, also a donation to Exeter Fall Fair. Ann Brodie convened the program for Tweedsmuir ! Van Camps Mellow Roast INSTANT COFFEE 4 or, jar 199 A&H SUPEMOA FOOD MARKET A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET FOOD MARKET 4 S- H UP E RI • R FO O D MA R K E O ag ARM /7/ A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET How's this for a A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET' that A&H SUPERIOR FOO. we 0 70 3 to PHONE 235-0212 A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MAR T COKE 26 oz, bottle 29t plus deposit A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET A&H SUPER!Oit FO MARHET WE DELIVER OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P.M. PHONE 235-0212 Beans & rk 2/734 Maxwell House Instant Po 14 oz. Coffee Large 10 oz. jar $5 Swansdown