Times-Advocate, 1980-02-13, Page 26SHOULDER TO SHOULDER CONFRONTATION — Scott Boyd and Danny Oliver both of Grand Bend try to push each other over, playing the chicken game at their cub meeting. About 30 boys from Grand Bend and Dashwood show up • each Tuesday night for cubs. T-A photo Regular Fresh GROUND BEEF BaNandaTatiini. 1/2 Price 99 lb. SAVE 99 lb. Limit 2 family packs per coupon Lakeland Sanitation Services Grand Bend, Ontario RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL - WASTE REMOVAL - 24 HOUR SERVICE Tim Boyd Res. 238-8541 ( Formerly Huron Sanitation) Bus. 238-8492 Tepd-R-Spot extra lean part skinned SMOKED COOKED HAM whole o ha f lb 9 lk SAVE 50G lb. * * * Frozen Grade A Butterball TURKEYS 8 to 22 lbs. lb 1•28 SAVE 20c lb. TWO MORE REASONS TO SHOP AT ,.,TENDER SPOT We reserve the right to limit quantities. No 6% ,6ftrld en advertised spocials BABY BONUS CATN 000* Faulty .10.0..C.1 CMINOUp At n,T 7,000.0.ot AND, SAYE 6% ON TOW IVIKNAL. ONIT 0.1-0000 ArIPTUAS Exclnding Cigarettes attire of Net \ Old South Florida Orange Juice Dietrich's 100% Whole Wheat Stone Milled Bread Aunt Jemima - Regular, Buttermilk Pancake Mix Aunt Jemima. Pancake Syriip Ocean, Spray Cranberry Cocktail 'a "IPITIpip•OinprIPP.1 ,Mrt 10A Timoo.Advocoilt, Fobryortt 13, 19110 Local 4-M hamemcikers Mart this spring's project -r planning to sponsor. the Easter sunrise service and. breakfast, and a lawn and bake sale next aniarner. Couples in .charge were PaulAand.Larry Taylor, Don and. Jean Weigand, Golden: Agars.moit Thirty five Golden Agers. of Grand Bend and area; met last Wednesday .afternoon in St. John's Parish hall, President, Alec Hamilton presided, Matt Relotiw entertained with accordion selectiops. Clara"•and Alex Hamilton showed pictures of their trip to California. In the social time games of .car4s, . crokinole and dominoes were enjoyed. A Fun day is being -planned for February 20, at 1.30 p.m, at St. John's Parish hall. Members are asked to bring a friend. HOP ALONG CUBS 7- There is always time for games at a cub meeting. Trying to bounce each other off are Vern Iskauskas'and Donald Campbell, both of Grand Bend. The cubs meet Tuesday nights at the Legion Hall. • T-A ' photo thought that those signs of .old age didn't hit ,until at least 30. And I'm stilrbat- tling with so-called teen-age acne, which should have left five years ago, according to my high school health teacher. Now that's discouraging-- zits and wrinkles on the same face. Have you thought of a way to blend Clearasil and Second Debut? Perhaps other changes won't be as gradual as my complexion. ,.Maybe they'll occur suddenly overnight. Perhaps I'll wake up Saturday morning and all the blue jeans in my closet will have turned into neat perma-press dress pants. Or maybe my taste in music will change suddenly. On Saturday morning I'll ignore my' Supertramp and Bob Seeger albums and have the urge to go out and buy Roger Whittaker albums. It could be that I'll wake up Saturday morning with an aversion to milk, and I'll have to learn to like coffee. It's a scary thing, this going over the hill business. All joking aside, I hope this final jump into adulthood doesn't mean I have to automatically become mature. I hokiel can still act silly and foolish if I'm in the mood. I hope I can still pull stunts that are a little bit mischievious. And I hope I can keep on doing childish things like crying during a sad episode of Little House on the Prairie. Westons WHITE BREAD 240z: 2/97 Can. No. 1 Creamery BUTTER 1 lb. .63 fP1514POC° Produce of USA SUNKIST. NAVEL ORANGES 113's doz1.1 Produce of USA LARGE CUCUMBERS 4/$1 • Ont. No. 1 COOKING ONIONS w lbs. 98( Prod. of Mexico FIRM TOMATOES lb. 49 Compare our regular prices on produce counter GRAND BEND STORE HOURS Mon. to Thurs. 8 to 6 Friday 8 to 9 Sat. 8 to 6 Closed Sundays 'TELEPHONE 238-2512 Fresh PORK LIVER lb 38( SAVE 30e lb. FOR HOME FREEZERS Palmolive 24 az Ajax Cleanser Coffee Rich 16az, 38( Shop no-name products and save. Sardines 3'4 oz Soop for Dishes SENIOR CITIZENS Rich's Canned Pop Brunswick-in oil or tomato sauce SAVE 6% ON tUrFlOATA to 01, MIX* 0. VICO O. AO. OA dm. UPON PitSfurAttott Or twil. aOU MAIM? usAtor A unnfout. 0,10trtrICAIA CM. Of itOuN1 Portlotto ON 238-2512 6 oz. •Naggemor .mpaes Maryls musings BY MARY ALDERSON The grand: Bend Ne. 1 441 • club met Wednesday. evening At the hgme of Rita Smits for. an organizational meeting with. 10. members present,. Officers. for the project "Your corner 9f the world"' are president Joanne Snits; vice-president Helen Vletnmix; press reporters Liz Martens, Shelley Laporte; secretary-rotating. Club leaders Marg Smits and Rita Smits gave an, outline of the project.. Couples Club meets Grand Bend Couples club met Saturday evening at the United Church and went on a tobogganing and skating party in the Pinery. Fifteen were in at- tendance. Back at the church they had lunch and Elsie Keyes conducted a business meeting. The Couples are Lunch refreshments closed the, happy afternoon gathering. Bbaconaires Met ! The lBeaconaires (60 years and over) Club, met last Monday evening at the Church of God for a carry-in supper with 19 in attendance. Preceding supper they held a hymn sing and Rev, R. Simpson conducted devotions. President, Mrs, R. Simp- son, presided for the ' business, Feature of the evening were slides of Newfound- land, shown by Ross Desjardine, who recently travelled out there. Pictures showed views of the country and towns and he spoke on customs. Anglican church news The Anglican church ladies held their regular monthly meeting last Thursday afternoon at St. John's Parish hall, with ten in attendance. Convener, Thelma Brosseau presided. During the business, plans were discussed for the World Day of Prayer being held March 7th at the Anglican church. The A.C.W. next meeting. will be updated one week and held on February 28th. Church of God news Twenty° youths with their leaders from the Church of God, enjoyed a fun time meeting, Friday evening, when they went skating and tobogganing in 'the Pinery Park. Later, back at the church they had hot chili for lunch. United Church news Rev. H. Moore's sermon topic today was "I believe," The choir anthems were "We praise Thee, 0 God," and "Joyful, Joyful we adore Thee." There are five, upcoming events and workshops at Five Oaks: "New music for worship" with Ron and Kris Klusmeier, , April 25-27. $60.00. "Women Movement from a Christian Per- spective", with Ann Estill and Mary Beth' Scott, May 23-25, $50.00. "Pre- Retirement Conference," with Gaylord P. Albaugh, April 7-10, $75.00. "Congregational Renewal Clinic," with Dr. Gordon Turner, April 18-20, $45.00. The minister , has registration forms. Persona Is A group of Women's Institute members met at the home of Nola Taylor last week and quilted a quilt to donate to the John Twynstra family, who, loSt their home recently by fire. Beavers-Registration will be held for Grand Bend area Beavers, (age 5, 6, and 7') at the Dashwood Community Hall, February 13th from 6.30 to 7.30 p.m. Many of the town and country ladies in this area have been busy at quilting bees. Lorne and Loreen Devine, visited Wednesday evening in Zurich with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Widrick. Word has been received here of the death of Miss Edith Peddle, of Edmonton, Alberta. A lot of folks here would have known Miss, Peddle, as she was a former school teacher in the Junior Room at Grand Bend Public School. Winners of the duplicate bridge game held last Wednesday night at St. John's Parish hall were- north-south, Betty Hoyles and Sue Baumgartner, east, west, Irene Ward and Helen Jamieson. London Commuters From Grand Bend Area If interested in van pool, leaving at 7:00 returning 4:00 to 4:30, call 238- 2515 and leave name, telephone for further details. Let's get together to save driving costs. Plans for this summer's burgerfest in Grand Bend are moving full steam New members for recreation Two new members were appointed to the Grand Bend Recreation Committee at last week's meeting. Pat Kading will represent the Lioness and Mae Morenz will represent the Chamber of Commerce on the rec committee. Paul Houston was ap- pointed acting chairman of the rec committee. Pauline Lingard has just retired from that position. The , main topic of discussion was the suc- cessful winter frolic held the week before. Present at the meeting were Judy •Uniac, Keith Crawford, Harold Green, Dave Turner, and Joe Arnold. GRAND BEND Everyday low prices • Silverwoods 2% BAG MILK 3 qt. $ 1 .75 Now Available LAKE Perch - Fresh Daily AMIE 0 WAVING'S' I had a lot of fun last week working on a story for Valentines Day. It was really pleasing to know that so many people do celebrate this romantic holiday. I guess I had forgotten what an important day it is to children in elementary school. I remember, now, how important it was to have a nice "mail box" to put on your desk. You had to make sure that it would hold all the Valentines you hoped to get. But I think even then the giving was more important-- because my memories of that are a lot more clear. Sometimes you'd buy the kind that had to be cut and glued. I remember one year when my mother bought the cards for me to give, and they each had silver or gold sparkles on them. Heaven forbid if mother bought the same kind of cards as you had given the year before. You had to sort out the cards carefully before you started writing names on them. You had to make sure that you saved the mushy ones for the right guys. And your best girl friend had to get a very pretty one. Getting just the right card for teacher was sometimes a concern. As I remember, in the early years, teachers usually got very pretty cards, with a pleasant message and good wishes. However, in my later years at public school, teacher was more apt to get one of the sarcastic, joke cards. Of course you had to be careful net to upset the teachers too much--after all they had the power to cancel the af- ternoon's party or dance. And you'd hate to see all those cup cakes With the pink icing go to waste. 1.0111P A tragedy will occur this weekend. At least that's the way I view it. After Saturday I won't be a "kid" anymore. As my younger friends like to say, I will have reached the "quarter of a century " mark". It sure sounds old-25 years! It's a tough time of tran- sition. Just the other night I started noticing little Wrinkles around my eyes. .I Fresh Ont. Pork SHOULDER BUTT CHOPS lb: 98( SAVE <Oc lb. Aged Al Steer Beef McCormicks Coconut Ruffles99t 300 gr. Miss Mew . Cat Food C-Plus Orange 24 _,00z tin $5.98 140, 2/884 $1•18 3/984 3/88t Plans move ahead Burgerfest committees form ahead. Committees have been formed by the Chamber of Commerce to insure the smooth operation of the big Weekend. Co-chairmen this summer will be Gene Greiner and Nick Carter. Advertising will be han- dled by Bill Harwood and Jud )3umstead. Looking after food preparation will be Gord Glazier. Brad Page has taken on the job of CONSUMERS For a ride to the polls and baby sitter Telpphone: Grand Bend Parkhill Thedford 238-2901 294-0083 296-4689 Local 8 to 10 lb. Capori . Who's getting your food d011ar? To have all the data published regularly, vote Ralph Ferguson,, Liberal, Feb. 18, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. ictuP4 Detergent rib E • 6 litres Co co akiguik e' ALE 260z. bottle 29 # Plus deposit sponsored by the Lambton -MnIdleseeliberal Association Prices Effective Feb. 13 to Feb. 19 Store Sliced COOKED HAM lb. $ 1 . 98 SAVE 60c lb. getting all the necessary equipment- fences, tent, tables and so on. Lorne Campbell will handle finances, and special events are under the control of Ruth Dunlop, Irwin Schottroff and Gord Glazier. Children's events will be handled by Joe Arnold, the recreation committee's representative on the chamber of commerce for Burgerfyst. 750 ml. 40 oz. SAYFIELD STORE HOURS Mon tcI Thurs. 9 to 6 Friday 9 to 9 Sat. 8 to 6 Closed Sundays TELEPHONE 565-2791 12.5 oz, 794, 58t 994' 1.58 1.28 everybody saves on food here- Maple Leaf POLISH SAUSAGE $1.98 SAVE 50e lb.• Fresh 'local Pork