HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-01-23, Page 15.iirnespAdvocate, .Joeuary 23, 1980
Weil Do
the Job
We've Moved Our Office
we are now located at ourixeter shop
Whatever the project, call on vs for
Ready-Mix Concrete-
• FARM (Including Manure Tanks)
Save Tax Dollars
with a
1 O Per
Check these features
6, NO opening charge
NO administration fees
NO withdrawal charge
Open a plan with us today and ask how
your present plan can 1:)e transferred to
your Credit Union!
Old Town Hell building 70 Ontario St.,
235.0640 4182.3447 Assmilsommassmsomss.
• Di* e
Exeter 235-2665
Until Jan. 26
Bell/awards contract
to expand centre
A contract to expand the
Bell Canada switching
centre in Centralia has been
awarded to Bratt Con-
struction Co. Ltd. of Hyde
Park, near London, Peter
Croome, local Bell manager,
said Monday.
The contract, plus other
Bell expenses in connection
with the building extension,
will cost Bell about $50,000,
he said.
The extension, to the rear
of the building, will be one
storey without basement,
measuring about 15 feet by
30 feet. It is to be completed
by May, 1980.
The extension will be used
initially for additional
trunking facilities, with
equipment to handle more
main telephones scheduled
for next year.
Head & Shoulders
Bromo Seltzer
Wondra Lotion
250 ml lotion
or 140 ml tube
225 g.
Daytime 30's and Daytime Extra Absorbent
Pampers Disposable
Diapers x2.83
rg.erfest '80 given go ahead,
rking lot feel are debated
• ter. some deliberation
an a few -suggestions,.
d Bend Connell decided
to,( let the Chamber of
p king. lot to hold. a
Cri.rimerce. have the beach
.13 gerfeSt. this summer.
retary manager of the
C ber, Robert Simpson,.
c ne-to council on behalf of
group to ask for the
'ch parking lot to hold the
er tent,
.Councillor. Harold Green
reed to let- the. chamber
ye the parking lot as long
they didn't .charge visitors
park. there, Councillor
ith. Crawford backed
een up. "I'd like to See
mething for (reel he said. •
;Simpson told council that
'though the main purpose of
Rirgerfest is. to draw people
ti Grand Bend, they have to
y expenses, "We have to
1 ok at every way to make a
)11ar," Simpson said.
Arguments in paSt years
band and had previously
belonged to a smoker. Many
of my ;friends at Western
were smokers, who also
liked to bum rides. A no-
smokitg rule just wasn't
worth the hassle.
ButI wanted to hang on to
the new car smell as long as
osiplein My Mustang The
o-smoking policy worked
weltuntil last week when I
sent her in for an oil change.
She tame back with ashes in
her'f previously clean ash
w that I have the nerve
to ell someone I'd rather
the didn't smoke in my car
or' ouse, the next step is
speaking upin other places.
That's going to be more
difficidt, This is, however, no
smoking week, and today is
"Weedless Wednesday", so
maybe now I can do it.
Smoking - I hope - is going
the way of spitting and
belching. Had you been
sitting at the dinner table of
King Henry VIII it would
have been quite polite to 'let
go with a deep rumbling
burp at the end of the meal.
Gelled you lived lit the last
century, and gone into your
favourite saloon for a brew,
it would have been quite
acceptable to spit in the
brass spittoon. But times
change, thank heavens, and'
we don't welcome belchers
and spitters with open arms
anymore. I think the day will
come when smoking will be
totally socially unac-
ceptable. It's certainly not
considered as, glamourous as
it was a few decades ago,
Unfortunately we can't
really draw comparisons
between belching and
spitting and smoking. For
some people spitting is
as to Whether or not the
chamber has. the right to.
charge for parking after
council givers thenl, the,
parking let, prompted
Green's reluctance to agree
to the offer.
Reeve Robert Sharen
suggested that if .the.
Chamber was going to
charge for parking, they.
erect A sign saying that
proceeds from the parking
lot are going to the Chamber
of CoMmerce.
Simpson agreed-to tell the
.Chamber ex eutive council's
opinions, a 'said he would
give them the reeve's
Council decided to, up all
their 1980 docking fees by $1.
The seasonal rate went from
$15 to $16 per foot depending
°tithe sip of the boat, Daily
rates for boats under.2.2 feet-
rose to $4 boats up to 30 feet
rose to $5 and boats over 30
feet went to $6..
After the decision was
Made Crawford asked
jokingly if those
ineastirementS. .should be.
changed to metric. Council
Couneil authorized the
Ausable Bayfield Con-
servation Authority to
proceed with 'repair work 04
tiles and gabtan baskets in
the Walker drain at Green,
Haven. Councillor Bill Baird
declared a' conflict of in-
terest. When the motion was
made. Baird owns Green
A sign permit was granted
to. Sunshine. Village IGA,
Reeve Sharen reported that
Michael Owen` of the Village
Inn had been found guilty of
violating the village's sign
by-law in provincial court in
Forest last week. Sharen
said that Owen had argued
that the sign law was vague
in some areas, and council
agreed that the by-lawShould
be more specific.
A request from Huron-
Country Playhouse for
permission to use the
village's sewage lagoon was
discussed. The septic tank
system at the 'playhouse is
no longer adequate, and. they
wanted to purchase a holding
tank and then.truck sewage
to the lagoon.
Baird said that he would be
reluctant to 'give theta:
permission because then'
septic tank cleaners would
A combination of mild
weather and recalls from
area firms have resulted in a
comparatively good em-
ployment picture for Exeter
and area, according to the
Canada Employment
John Gillespie of the
centre said the winter em-
ployment picture is better, at
this time than it has been in
the previous• three of four
As of January 1,706 people
had registered with the of-
fice, down from about 850 a
.year ago, he said.
• While there are more
people working at this time
compared , to a year. age,
Gillespie'`said 'it is, more
difficult to become a
member of the labour-force.
Among the areas which
have shown strength has
been the construction in-
dustry with the un-winter
like conditions allowing for
work which might not nor-
mally be attempted until
Asked about the attitudes
of the unemployed at this
time of year Gillespie said
there were two types' of in-
dividuals; those who were on
a temporary 'layoff and those
people who did not have a job
to return to. .
While there are few
want to use the lagoon as
well. Sharen argued that the
playhouse is a non-profit
organization while others
are in business, Green felt
that the holding tanks would
be inadequate for all the
Playhouse visitors, as well as
the 23 people, who live there,
and washing, facilities.
It was depidett to take the
problem up with the -sewer
liason committee, "We'll
have a lot more hassels as
soon as the system is in
oPeration,". Baird said.
Council members voted to
raise their own salaries by $5
per meeting. The Reeve will
now be getting $55, the
deputy reeve will receive
$52.50 and councillors . will
get $50,
If the councils of Stephen
and Bosanquet agree
volunteer firemen will get an .
increase of 25 cents an hour.
Council would like to give
officers $6.25 and hour, and
firemen $5.25. Council
members also agreed to
endorse a request to raise a
firemen's income tax
exemption from $300 to
$1000, •
At the conclusion of the
meeting council passed a
number of by-laws ,con-
cerning easements' of
properties needed in sewer
construction. After that, they
went in camera to discuss
personnel matters.
federally funded job creation
programs operating
Gillespie said the employer
tax credit program will be
stressed the next two
Under the program em-
ployers are eligible- to
receive a tax credit up to
$3,000 if they hire personel in
addition to their normal
staff. Employers can take
advantage of the program a
until the end of March.
Local resident Wayne
Mayer has been, hired to
'assist in the promotion.of the
tax credit plan.
To date, about 10 firms
have hired between 45 and 50
The Pinery Park detach-
ment of the Ontario
Provincial Police had a busy
week watching area drivers.
Between January 13 and 19,
they laid 23 charges under
the highway traffic act.
Seven people were charged
under the liquor licence act.
Two criminal code charges
were laid, and two thefts
were investigated.
The Pinery detachment
announces that Bill Elliott,
who has been stationed with
them since 1974, has recently
been promoted to the rank of
finally did it'- I got up my
nirve,, and answered "yes"necessary as ockey
to'thattoo-comthon question, players) and belching can
you mind lif I smoke?" bring relief (let's hope it's in
eighbours /had come to private). On the other hand,
o door With! a petition to when has smoking ever been
sin, both.f them smoking. I absolutely necessary?
t .d them myhusband and I Just consider it '- had you
dn't smoke, and yes, we
1:11 mind. ,At first I felt
t rribly guilty as I watched
ttem grind out their
cigarettes on the sidewalk.
en I felt good - afterall it
our home, and why
s ould I give them my butter
dish to use as an ashtray?
. I had decided I would have and I'm just starting to
q no smoking policy in my become militant. But
new car, too. I hadn't been as reformed non-smokers are
fussy about my dear old ' much worse. Well, why
Pinto, bat she was second shouldn't they be?? They
have a right to be militant
about not smoking - after all,
they've kicked the habit, so
why can't everybody?
Last week's Maclean's
Magazine says that peer
pressure is having a greater
effect on smokers than all
the 1 health warnings. The
article says that a Van-
couver man enrolled in a
clinic to quit smoking
because his seven year old
daughter was crying herself
to sleep every night in the
conviction that her smoking
daddy was "killing himself".
Since 1965 the proportion of
nonsmokers has increased
by nine per cent; now non-
smokers are 58.1 percent
majority of Canada's over-
age-15 population. (They
should check on those 15 and
under, too.)
Smoke filled political back
rooms are changing with the
times. Joe Clark is an ab-
stainer and Pierre Trudeau
had the strictest separatism
in his cabinet: smokers to
the back, like bad boys,
purer-- souls nearer to the
centre of power, says
One of the newest slogans
of a non-smoking
organization is "Kissing a
Smoker is Like Licking an
On top of all the lung and
heart problems that go with
smoking, a recent article in
the London Free Press said
that heavy smokers have
greater difficulty remem-
bering things, than non-
Even Rene Levesque
Canada's most famous
smoker - switched to lights,
and said he would try not to
smoke in front of the
television cameras. Thanks,
never heard of smoking,
what you would think if you
saw' someone roll up some
weeds in a piece of paper,
ignite it, and inhale the
fumes? And even worse,
exhale the smoke in front of
other people!
I've never been, a smoker
PLAYING ANY LONE HANDS? — Euchre was the name of the game at the Lioness dub
card party held in Grdnd Bend Public School gymnasium last Wednesday evening.
Watching for trump and enjoying the fun are Hazel Broad of Grand Cove Estates, Sharon
Soldan, Shelley Meechain and Irene McCann, all of Grand Bend. T-A photo
employees under the
In a brief review of the
employment picture last
summer, he said he's
learned from officials in
Ottawa that the unem-
ployment rate in the office's
area Was two percent. An
unemployment rate of three
percent or less is considered
to be full employment ac-
cording to Gillespie,
"People who were out of
work were out of work by
choice," he said,
The long awaited in-
tegration of the man power
and the unemployment in-
surance divisions is starting
to take form in a small way
with the Exeter office ex-
perimenting with the on-site
handling of unemployment
insurance problems.
Gillespie said the service
which became operational in
December, will be evaluated
for its efectiveness at the end
of February.
"From our point of view,
it's been excellent,"
Gillespie stated.
Looking after the
operation is Laura Overholt
of Exeter.
Others Available As Low As '5.95
Employment situation seems good ,
thanks to mild winter weather
Exeter Pharmacy Ltd.
Main Street 235-1570
BRIDGING THE GAPS — Flo Murray, Irene Kennedy, Clarke Kennedy and David Murray
played bridge at the Lioness card party in the Grand Bend Public School gymnasium,
inery OPP chargeidrivers
Plant: 235-0833 Office: 235.1969
Corporal. This week , Elliott
is being transfered to the
Killaloe detachment, south-
west of Pembroke. His
replacement is Constable
Martin Brown, formerly of
Forest detachment.
Constable R.J. Kotwa asks
that the public be reminded
that due to the mild winter,
ice on rivers and lakes might
not be of sufficient thickness
in certain areas to be safe.
Before you walk or skate on
ice, make sure it is at least
six inches thick.