HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-01-23, Page 12Store 262-2017 Burns Boneless APPLIANCE REPAIR Large or small, we'll fix them all... Our repair idzjlidirtt will have your appliance In tip top shape fast. Call us to- day. PECK APPLIANCES . "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482.1103 • "1". \rttoiro VARNA HENS ALL NOME. HARDWARE 122 KING ST. HENSALL, 'ONT. WALLPAPER SPECIAL • All wallpaper in stock. Buy 1 roll at our reg. price get second roll for 1c Sale only lasts to Jan. 31/80 SHOPPING, ire HENSALL, • Make Friday night Store Packed WIENERS lb' 79t Beef HAMBURG PATTIES ^ ( No Filler) lb. $i .75 Pure Kettled Rendered LARD lb. 59t Sliced COOKED HAM lb. $1 .98 Sliced Swifts BOLOGNA ° lb. 89t (Processed) HIND OF BEEF lb. 9 .89 (Processed) LOIN OF BEEF lb. $1 .89 CATALOGUE SHOPPING ears S Come in and look through our lastest catalogue- PHONE 262-3316 Prices in effect January 24, 25, 26/80 FOASt NOTE: We reserve the right to limit all quantitie on all • advertised items. Because of increased toffs we find it necessary to make a 50s charge for grocery delivery. otfloice local Beef & f4rk Abottoir Phone: 262-2041 GROCERIES & FRESH PRODUCE Phone: 262401/Hefted! • Trmm R •,r •-•,. 'or Church congregptions. stage annual meetings The family and consumers affairs meeting of Hensall Women's Institute was held MUTUAL CO-OPERATION - The place to be Sunday afternoon. Going and his daughter Anne. WI hear home economist in the Hensall United Church onTuesday. evening with the President Mrs. Cecil Pepper presiding and opened with a poem "Days End" and the Roll Call answered by 12 members "What are you doing to conserve energy?" There were three visitors. -Mrs. Pearl Koehler and Mrs. Alice Ferg were hostesses. Mrs. W. Rogerson and Mrs. G. Coleman were in charge of the program. A sing-song' "Juanita and Flow Gently Sweet Afton" was sung. Mrs. Elizabeth Riley gave a reading "When Our Neigh- bours Moved In" Mrs. Pepper introduced Hensall and for a skate district communitycentre was opopular was Hensall councillor Richard.Packham T-A photo the guest speaker Miss Grace, Birdpune economist for Huron County. She spoke on clothing and showed pictures, also illustrated styles and colours on some of the members. It was most' interesting. Mrs. Pepper presented Miss Bird with a gift. The Institute are, sponsoring 411 clubs "Your Corner of the World". The President closed with "Thoughts For the New Year". Queensway welcomes new resident Queensway Nursing Home welcomes a new resident ,Mrs. Lavina Finkbeiner to the Home. Visitors with Russell Erratt were Frank & Mabel McClinchey, Bill and Helen Taylor, Cathy Pat- terson, Donna Whittaker. Joan Betteridge and Violet Bishop visited with Mrs. Irene Kalbfleisch. Mrs, Ea Dunn and Mrs. Iva Ridley visited with Vera Lammie. Les Mitchell and Mrs, and Mrs. Dunn visited Louise Mitchell, ' Men's high score bowling was Neil Regan 252; Ladies' Mary Parlmer 77. A large attendance of families sat down to a deliciouS Pot. Luck Supper in the Fellowship Hall of the United Church on Wed- nesday evening when the congregation held their Annual congregational meeting and family night. Following the supper, Mrs. Bill Fuss, led a sing song with Mrs.. Cecil Pepper on the piano. Unit two of the U.C.W. presented a very humorous and entertaining fashion show "Dare To Be Different", During the business • period of the evening the children were entertained in the church hall with films. Rev, McDonald, as chairman, opened the business meeting with a Memorial Service as the congregation paused to remember those of the church and community who have died during the year., Mrs. Sharon Beaver was elected congregational) Secretary for the evening. A panel consisting of the chairmen of the different divisions, discussed the years work with Rev. McDonald as moderator. Each chairman gave some • the highlights of the church year and questions and suggestions were received from the congregation. Ken Elder, chairman of the division of finance presented the 1980 budget which was passed by the congregation. The nominating committee's report was received and Bill Scotchmer, Lorne Thrower, Pat Venner, Kay Mock, Elaine Stebbins, and Rick McGee, Pat Cook, Kathy Mann, Eric Mansfield and Ron Mock Were elected to the Ministry were Sharin Beaver; Trea.tturer,. Cecil Pepper; envgiVe secretary, Mrs. John„Heal; head usher, Ross' Veal; 'atuditors, Doug Mann -` and Miss Mary Goodwin; and represen- tative to presbytery Mrs. Grace Drummond. A discussion took place on the United Church Observer and the Communications.. Division was instructed to poll the congregation to. determine theirinterestin the Every 'Person Plan. • • At the close of the meeting Eric Mansfield spoke words of appreciation and gratitude to Rev. Mr, McDonald for his en, thusiastic leadership with the congregation. Mrs. Ian McAllister presented him with a gift on behalf of the congregation. Church holds congregational Chiselhurst United Church congregation enjoyed a Pot Luck Supper of "good home cookin" on Monday evening when they held their annual congregational meeting. Following the meal Rev, McDonald edasing song with Mrs, Don Kerslake at the piano, Following a Memorial Service, Miss Mary Kinsman was elected congregational Secretary for .the meeting. ▪ During the business period of the meeting it was decided to hold the Sunday Service in the church hall during the winter months, to try to conserve on energy costs. It was also decided to continue the every person subscription plan for the United Church Observer, During the election Mr. Gerry Glenn, Mrs. Jack Britnell and Mrs. Tom Brintnell were elected to the Committee of Stewards for a four year term. At the close of the meeting Ross Kercher expressed, on behalf of the congregation, appreciation to Rev. Mr. McDonald for his fine leadership and ministry to the whole congregation. Annual congregational meeting Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday speaking on the subject "Thanksgiving in Corinth" Mr. Ron Fleming sang two numbers "Keep On The Sunny Side" and "I Smoked in the piece Sears catalogues ... a marketplace for 'home fashion finds. • • • Jinuary 23 Mrs-Sim :Roohol who has. been * patient in South Oxon, Hospital Exeter.. fOr the past we*._ returnedto her- home on. Saturday. Mr.. and Mrs, Morris Taylor. Of ,KilworthY were recent visitors with the former's sister and brother- Mr. and, Mrs. Corbett, the latter having returned from surgery in Victoria Hospital, London, Mr, and Mrs. .George Parker were .recent visitors with Sgt, Douglas, Wein , Mrs, -Wein and: David. in Ottawa and flew to ...sum,. merside „ Prince Edward Island where they spent two weeks visiting with Mr, and. Mrs. -Oren Williams and- family, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Corbett in company 'with. Mr. and Mrs, Les *dams, Exeter and Mrs, Blanche Chapman, London visited on the week, end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodman in Detroit, The !Light ITouCh By F.- JACK :LAVENDER :-1 _ „ = F.-. A budget is an attempt to ,E live kJelow your yearnings. .-4 = * * * . a. :.2. One of the best reducing E. = exercises is. walking. Par- E = Ocularly right on past the E. = refrigerator, - . * * * F. = = Inflation: a stout:, in the .= buck, v.. The cost of living has gone 54, up' so much, no one com- E. i plains about,indigestionanyE more. 5.1 E * * * If we could see ourselves as E. = = others see us - we'd probably never speak to ,--: = them again. * * rz We'd like to see you at Jack's ...3. Small Engine Repair Service r. 1 _ 262-2103 = = = 107 Queen St., Hensel' I = = ,•:- Speak to us about keeping T.- your equipment in tap run- S. titng order. , = istuni lllll mmuunintinentimininv. (only available with adult special) Served From 5 P.M. - 7 P.M, Fridays Only Hensall Civic Corner Hensall Park's Board two appointed members vacanies. Persons interested in serving as com- mittee memberd, on the Hensall Park's Board are invited to submit their names to Mrs. Elizabeth Oke CLERK TREASURER 108 King St. Hensall Ont. Abattoir 262-2041 Sockeye Salmon oz. Macaroni or Spaghetti 2 lb. pkg. 89 t Bravo Plain Spaghetti Sauce 2 2. 894 S kippy-Creamy Peanut Butter 500 8. 994 Be tterbuy Liquid Detergent 2VL 79 t Spra Ws-Total Diet Dog Food 2kg. $ 1, .99 Kleenex Toviek 2/pkg 9 O9 Nescafe , at: Instant Coffee l0 ok. $539 --FROZEN FOODS- Clover Cream he Cream 2 It. assorted flavours $1 .09 No. 1 PRODUCE ---- liked Lettuce (Prod. of U.S.A.) 2/85 Fresh Broccoli (prod../ U.S,A.) bunch 69 January clearance sale 20% off ail Basicet Wicker Ware, Macrame Kits, Beads, Rings, Books. Seef Slaughter *, Monday, Pork Slaughter - TuesdayHours for Picking Up Freezer or Custom Orders, tuet. to Fri. - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sat, a a.m. to 1 p.m. REVISED RATES FOR ELECTRICAL SERVICE HENSALL HYDRO CUSTOMERS Please take notice that the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario approved on January 16, 1980, the following rates for customers served by the Hensall Public Utilities Commission, effective with all bills issued on and after March 1, 1980. RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS Cott pit KWH Minimum Bills $3.50 First block - 50 KWH 6.34 Second block - 200 KWH 3.154 Balance block 2.74 SMALL COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS , Minimum Bills $3.50 First block - 50 KWH 6.34 Second block - 200 KWH 3.454 Balance block 3.24 CHURCHES Minimum Bills $3.50 Billing bernond per KWH - .504 Energy charges First block - 100 KWH 4.94 Second bicok - 100 KWH 2,34 Church discount 25% INDUSTRIAL CLASS Billing Demand per KW - .504 KW - 1st Tb regular .154 KW - 2nd 1D reguair .254 Energy charges First block - 100 KWH 4.94 Second block - 100 KWH 2.34 Balance block. 1.94 Delayed Payment A late payment charge of 5% shall apply to all bills not paid an or before the due date, on all services. !"1112 Personals AL'S i1filifEalliffiAnZillifil95 Have Seen The Gospel Light" accompanying himself on the guitar, The Induction of four Elders will take place on Sunday February 3 at 11:30 a The annual congregational meeting will be held in the church on. Thursday evening at 8:00 p.m. A Pot Luck supper will be held prior to the meeting at 6:30 p.m. The flowers in the Church were placed in loving memory of the late Bruce Walker and Ivan Kipfer, For Mom at Dad • •BONE STEAK 'Vs each includes tea or coffee, choice of potatoes, vegetables and salad, , For The Kiddies HAMBURG AND FRIES with beverage "FAMILY SPECIAL" "STEAK NIGHT" at Reide Rosy Corner Restaurant Main St, , $169 Choice local Beef and Pork 1/4 DINNER Ib $1 09 HAMS 1!?!, BACON lb 89( SIDE PORK ib $ 1 609 Dietrich 100Yo BAKERY Whole Wheat Bread soak 24 oz. 3110 Red Rose Economy Pack . Teats 100's Si .59 Black Diamond Canadian Process Single Thin Cheese Slices 1.69 • Robin Heed 3.5 kg. AlPurpose Flour $1.99 Lancia Elbow CotiOnelle 4's asierieci Bathroom Tissue s 1.15 Maple Leaf 6.75 .89 AllAtTOIR HOURS