HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-01-03, Page 9• THIS IS A 5 TOREWIDE SALE. EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE HAS BEEN DISCOUNTED MENS DEPT. OUTERWEAR SKI SUITS Two-Piece Warm Sensible Out- fits Sizes 8 to 18 THIS IS A FINAL CLEARANCE Values to $4998 NOW ONLY •0: $29" BOYS DEPT. Sizes 34 to 54 Reg 139.98 - 5 31.99 $44.98 - 135,99 $49.98 - 5 39.99 • Coats • Windbreakers • Jackets • Duffles • etc. s4a Regular and short lengths, We have the one for You) mo*, Adv sate, .alwaryll..1.900 .P0 9 nnual Winter Clearance STARTS THURS. MORNING, JAC 3. e I OPEN FRIDAY UNTIk 9 P.M. 1U111.1111111118111111181•111111111111111181111111111111111.111111110111011111111111101111 Use Our Convenient LAYAWAY PLAN AHoSldniaYlot uDrDeposit aWseill' `"10111111111111 THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF OUR MANY, MANY CLEARANCE VALUES. SHOP NOW & SAVE eke .• r FINAL CLEAKANct , All Elan Sportswear, For this annual sale. S\Ac‘6"V)95 SNO C YHOOUI CHOICE 1 /3 Off LADIES FALL AND WINTER DRESSES Still a good selection. We must make room For New Spring Stocks YOUR i . Out they go. CHOICE 1J 2 Prate Crew necks NOW LADIES Vee Necks 1 pp off SWEATERS Turtle Necks Pi 4, Novelty stripes - Fancies. All Current Styles LADIES "ROAD RUNNER" JEANS This sale only. Reg. 25.98 '15•99 LADIES PANT SUITS Balance of Fall and • Winter Stocks. Out they go. 1/2 Price LADIES BLOUSES Choose from Fancy Arnels, Polyesters and Flannels. Fancies Plains - All styles - the tot NOW 1/3 Off FINAL CLEARANCE Save'On These LADIES SKIRTS 1/3 Off HousEcoms . DUSTERS Gay colorful fabrics. guilts - Estron Piles etc. 1/3 Off LADIES SLIMS Odds and Ends of regular JEANS lines.' CORDS Reg. to 25.98 s l 0.99 LADIES SKI JACKETS Durable nylon °viers, Worm insulated linings, We have 1/3 off one toryou. COATS - COATS , COATS Regular and short length. Select from I our full stock and save 1/3 OFF r GIRLS DEPT. GIRLS JEANS Our regular branded lines. By Rainbow and Roadrunner. THIS SALE Sizes 7 to 14. Reg. to 19.99 $13.99 GIRLS DRESSES Hi-Fashion for the young Miss. Sizes 7 to 14. Save during Gerrard's Annual Sale Event. NOW 1/3 Off GIRLS - Styles bound to please. VELOURS Still a good selection. • BLOUSES NOW SWEATERS TEE SHIRTS 1/3 Off GIRLS DEPT. HERE'S A BUY Girls Panties, Assorted and discontinued ranges of regular stock items. Reg. to 1.29. 53 Ea. All at one low price. 2 Fors 1" GIRLS SKI-SUITS AND SNOW BOOTS Stylish - Serviceable All reduced for this sale SAVE ON THESE . Reg. to 44.98 - 4 29.99 Reg. to 64.98 - $39.99 BE EARLY FOR THESE GIRLS SUITS. JUST A FEW LEFT. 1/2 Price ......- GIRLS CORDS By famous Canadian makers. No imports. Sizes 7 it, 14. Reg. to 19.98 THIS SALE $12.99 PR. J.P. RIDER WORK JEANS Beat the inflation. All first quality - all Canadian made. Heavy quality work wear. Sizes 30 to 44. $ 1 1 00 THIS SALE • 4.• 7 MENS LEVI'S SHIRTS All Current styles. Prints - Chambrays - Plaids, Regular and taper models. Reg. to 2L98 $15 .99 YOUR CHOICE END OF SEASON FINAL Mens Dress Shirts. Priced to clear. Values to 14.98 THIS SALE 5 7.99 Each 2 F, 15,00 MENS SKI JACKETS Nylon auteft - warm inner linings. Still a good selection. Values to 49.98 THIS SALE $24,99 MENS SKI-DOO SUITS 1 piece style - Canadian made. Heavy Neoprene weatherized nylon outers. Quilted linings - Some tails and oversize included, Lots of cold weather ahead Reg. 59.98 .$47.99 Rey. 64.98 .$51.99 MENS DEPT. MENS LEVI'S CORDS Standard flares in navy - brown - beige, Reg. 23.98 t HIS SALE 1 1 -5.99 MENS SWEATERS Pullover and cardigan styles. A good selection, brand makes Famous included, 1/3 Off SAVE s.30 Loo ON ANY MENS 3 PC. SUIT. OUR ENTIRE STOCK - WORSTEDS FLANNELS ,- POLY WOOLS - TAKE YOUR PICK - SAVE $310" BOYS DEPT BOYS JEANS - Pre-washed Standard flares - by GWG and Levis. Regular sizes - Huskies - Slims. Sizes 8 to 12 - 15.99 Sizes 14 to 18 - 17.99 '20.00 Off ALL BOYS 3 PC. SUITS. Save on these, Take your pick of our complete stock. BOYS CORDS - By Levis and GWG Standard flare style - Regulars - Huskies - Slims Navy - Brown and beige. Sizes 8.12 - 13.99 sizes 14-18 - 14.99 BOYS OUTERWEAR Jackets - Bombers - Snorkels. Lots of cold weather ahead. Take your pick. THIS SALE 20% OFF BOYS SWEATERS BOYS VELOURS - Final Clearance Balance of Stocks, Broken sites and ranges. All Canadian made. 1/3 OFF gettaldi SHOPPING CENTRE 3"E:11:ST. LADIES DEPT. VELOURS • SLIMS • TOPS • SKIRTS Branded Cana- dian styles by Regency, &Ireton,. Reg, $29.98 • '34,98 '49.98 . 119.98 113.98 • '33'49 '40 ALL OTHERS 1 /30FF *.11.1110•11.M0.11•11...ma*Me0•01........1•10,11.M.e.....11.0110.....••••••..) GIRLS DEPT. ALL OTHERS /3OFF O WINTER. COATS Regular & Full Length Styles Select from our entire stock. NONE HELD BACK 58,98-39.99 69.98-46.89 NOT THIS TIME Exeter netmincler Harlon Tinney *wartat:1 this scoring attempt by Listowel, getting some help from defencemon Larry Lewis in the local novice tournament. Institute at Kippen honour 4-H leaders By MRS. RENA CALDWELL Kippen East Women's Institute held their Christ- mas meeting with a gift exchange at the home of the President Mrs. Dave Triebner December 19, Rev. R. McMullen and Mrs. McMullen with Mrs. Triebner presented a thought provoking skit on "The meaning of Christ- mas". Mrs. McMullen led in the carol singing and in the music of the skit, Rev, McMullen concluded the skit with a poem on the meaning of Christmas followed by prayer. Mrs. Campbell Eyre contributed a Christmas . poem as in- troduction to the Skit. Presentations to the 4-11 club leaders, Mrs. Stuart Wilson, Mrs. Ann Gibson, Mrs. Laird Finlayson and Mrs. Lloyd Cooper were made. Mrs. Jim Cooper was honoured for achieving 18 clubs and Karen Finlayson and Sue Anne Finlayson for achieving Provincial Honours 12 clubs. Plans were finalized for the dinner to which the Senior Citizens are invited to. It was decided to quilt January 7. Lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs. Triebner and Mrs. McConnolly and the com- mittee, Mrs. Grant MacLean, Mrs. H. Caldwell and Mrs. E. Whitehouse. Personals Mr. and Mrs. John' D. Moore, Mrs. Lloyd Moore and Mr. David Moore, Mitchell spent Christmas with relatives in the area. Mrs. Tom Burke, Wroxeter and Mrs. M. Bernard, Hensall, Arthur Gibson, Essex spent Chris tmas with Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Mellis. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wright and Julie were Christmas guests in Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Cooper and children, Lon- don, were holiday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Vivan Cooper. Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Moffatt and family spent Christmas in Phoenix, Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones, Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Keys and Brenda, Marlene, Donna, Linda and Gary Zwaan, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jones and Mrs. Pearl Love all of Hensall were Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jones, Michael and chrystal visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Colclough, Clinton during the Christmas season. Clarence VanWieren, London was home with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Wieren for Christmas. ADAMS Heating & Cooling • Heating Systems of All Types INSTALLED, MODERNIZED and MAINTAINED • General Sheet Metal Work • Air Conditioning IE • =.. Humidifiers Ee Ventilation 235.2187 133 Huron St., East, Exeter 0: 7inminnininnunonnitnnuu iiiiii a MENAI' DINNER SPECIAL 3 Pieces delicious Kentucky Fried Chicken Golden Brown French Fries Creamy Cole Slaw Grecian Bread 95 Reg. $2.56 TUESDAY ONLY, 141e T WINS Col. Sanders Recipe tntuck9 ned Chteket A CANADIAN COMPANY Colonel Sanders' boys and girls make it "finger lickin' good" 227 MAIN ST. NORTH EXETER 235-2424