HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-01-03, Page 3Times- Advocate, January 3, 1980 Pagg 3
HONOURED AT BLUE WATER — FOur employees who have
honoured recently, Presented with plaques were Verlie Lavery,
worked at the Blue Wateer Rest Home for ten years were
Barbara Shepard, Elsi Gingerich, ila O'Rourke and Marg
Staff photo
Review of 1979 continued
Continued from page 2
celebrated their 50th wed-
ding anniversary.
Pam O'Brien of Zurich
was named Queen at the an-
nual formal at Sough Huron
District High School.
A policeman from
Burlington was found not
guilty on an assault charge
in connection with the Fleck
strike. • STARTS TODAY
MPP seeks changes
inmarketing bill
Liberal Agriettlture Critic product marketing PraetiCe
Jack Riddell, haa introduced wereissUed; ell persona Who
!a Private Member's 13ill entered into assurances Of
entitled, The FarM Products voluntary compliance witb
Marketing Amendment Act, the Director; the number.
and nature of complaints
The purpOse cif the bill is to received by the Directot'
prohibit unfair trade respecting ,unfair farm
practices in the marketing Of Product marketing, prac-
farm products in Ontario, tiees; and the names of all
These unfair practices in- persons convicted of offences
elude the arrangement of under the Act.
price advantages in tbe f erne We in the Liberal Party,
of rebates, ,discounte or are concerned that the
allowances between some PUrchasing policies of the
sellers of farm product and supermarkets are reducing
some huyer$ ef the farm not only the numbers of food
product to the exclusion of retailers but the number of
other buyers and sellers of food and food-products
the saMe product. The effect Selppliers as well. Vertical
of these practices is to work integration in the food in-
hardship upon .the buyers dustry is already well
and sellers who are excluded established and it will be
from these arrangements intensified as more and more
and.eventually to reduce the small suppliers find they
levels of cOmPetition in the cannot afford the eicalating.
market for farm products. discounts and price
Essentially, the bill will allowances being demanded
empower the Farm by the big retailers,
Further we believe 'that Products Marketing Board,
on its own initiative or upon there are a number of
inadequacies in the federal complaints, to conduct in-
Combines Investigation Act vestigations of suspected
or the Competition Act, as unfair marketing practices
many prefer to call it, which and to issue cease and desist
orders where such practices justify the need for corn-
plementary provincial are found.
Significant fines and legislation, These
inadequacies were detailed penalties are provided in the
bill when persons or cor- in the presentation by my
porations fail to comply with reader to the Royal Com-
an order by the Director or mission on Discounts and
assurance of voluntary Allowances in the Food
Industry in Ontario, on compliance entered' into
September 27, 1979. - under the Act.
The bill also provides that Simply put, what we in the
the Director make written OntarioLiberal Party want to
see is more fair competition reports monthly and yearly
to the Minister which set out in the food market place to
the names of all persons ensure maximum protection
whom orders- to cease for Ontario's consumers and
engaging in an unfair farm p roducers.
Hensall council. said they
would beck a proposal to br-
ing senior's housing to the
The South Huron and dis-
trict association's Flowersof
Hope campaign raised over
$12,000, the most ever, ,
A seniors survey indicated
a need for seniors housing in
Exeter town police would
have a new office but the
location was unknown.
August 29
Eight employees of Huron
Industrial Park and
members of the Ontario
Public Service Employees
Union were honoured on
their retirement.
A month after the fire
which destroyed the office of
the Exeter town. police it
was still,up in the air where
the new police station would
be located,
Carol Ross of Exeter was
named queen of the Zurich
Bean Festival.
Enrollment in Huron coun-
ty public schools was down
by 178 etudents.
Frank Funston was named
manager of the Stephen
township arena in Huron
September 6
The Dashwood Tigers con-
tinued in their drive for the
0,B,A. Senior D cham-
Lucan council elonated
$4 0 0 te the Oxford-
Haldfnond -Norfolk -Brant
disaster fund.
Ten game machines were
confiscated from a Grand
Bend amusement arcade by
Ontario Provincial Police,
Grand Bend businessmen
reported that the summer of
1979 was one of the best
Exeter council okayed a
location next to the post of-
fice on Sanders Street for
the new plice station.
Joy Thompson of Exeter
was i'eported safe after
Hurricade David passed
through Haiti.
September 13
Slightly cooler showers
might be a result of energy
conservation measures at
the South Huron Rec Centre.
In a surprise announce-
ment, Grand Bend Reeve
Rob Sharen resigned.
Doug Jamieson took over
as principal of Centralia
College of Agricultural
Technology replacing Jim
MacDonald Who assumed a
similar position at
Ridgetolen College.
Exetertown council gave
their blessings to a plan
which would see major
changes at the community
The Canada Employment
Centre report that the
employment picture in the
area was the ,best in four
It was announced that
Stephen township would be
assuming ownership of the
Huron Park arena.
July 1$
Grand Bend and Bosan-
quet township continued be,
have their disagreements on,
a -mutual firepact.
Exeter council gave their
blessing to the purchase of
land behind G and G
Discount for parking.
The office of the Exeter
town police was completely
destroyed in a $50,000 blaze.
A con'troversial noise
bylaw received first and se-
eond readings at Exeter
July 25
Ailsa Craig:s Gala Days
had a fine turnout with
turtles being the main point
of attention,
A hydrant for fire protec-
tion was installed in Shipka.
Once again, the Kirkton
Garden Party attracted
thousands to the community.
August 1.
The Heneall and district
community centre fund rais-
ing committee reported that
$21,000 remained to be rais-
ed towards the final cost of
the facility.
The Dashw,00d Tigers
clinched the Huron-Perth
senior baseball league
Blueberries were thriving
under the careful cultivation
of Usborne township farmer
Edgar Cudmore.
Exeter Christian Reform-
ed Church announced that
they would sponsor two
"boat people" families.
Damage in area crashes
totalled $25,000,
August 8
Bill McLaren of London
was named Hensall's works
About 3,000 people attend-
ed Dashwood's Friedsburg
Churches at Woodham,
Thames Road and
Thamesville discussed the
possibility of sponsoring a
"boat people" family.
August 15
T-A editor Bill Batten
detailed a night. spent with
the Exeter town police.
Annexation was termed
the key to keeping Hensel' a
viable community, Reeve
Harold Knight told a
meeting held to discuss the
move by the village.
Councillor Don Cameron
and Mayor Derry Boyle
presented a plan to get work
going on new facilities at
Exeter's community park.
A change , in provincial
equalization factors would
see rural taxpayers pay
Aid requests from the
tornado-struck Woodstock
area were mede' to
Municipalities in' Huron
August 22
Lucan fair attendance was
down slightly from 1978 but
still drew almost 15,000 peo-
June 13
Karen McAllister. Doug
Hoffman, Ronalee Bogart
and Dave Bell were named
the top athletes at South
Huron District High School.
Mr. and Mrs. Douwe
Boersma and Mr. and Mrs.
A.Hommes celebrated their
50th wedding anniversaries.
More than $1.500 was rais-
ed in a walkathon for the
South Huron Big Brothers
Hensall taxes were raised
by 21 mills.
June 20
The Exeter senior citizens
celebrated their 25th an-
More than 1.000 persons
attend a strawberrry supper
at the Greenway United
Usborne Central won the
area elementary school
track and field meet.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Foster celebrated their 50th
wedding anniversary.
Huron white bean acreage
was reported to be down by
40 percent. ,
Ian Sweet and Darlene
Lowe were named the top
cadets in the Huron-
Middlesex Cadet Corps.
The 1979 budget for the
South Huron Rec Centre was
cut by $7,000 by council,
June 27
Bryariston won the "A"
championship of the annual
Lucan Irish fastball tourna-
Pools Paradise was the
opening play of the season at
the Huron Country
Playhouse. '
Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Adkins celebrated their 60th
wedding anniversary.
The new addition at South
Huron Hospital was official-
ly opened.
The Exeter Public
Utilities Commission plans
to buy a sub-station.
July 4
South Huron District High
School s had 10 Ontario
Exeter taxpayers learned
that their taxes would jump
from between 8.3 to 'ten
percent. Town council
learned that Mayor Derry
Boyle was a "tremendous"
actor in his younger years.
Fiddle player John Wurm
recorded his first album.
Grand Bend United
Church was not granted an
exemption for sewer hook-
July 11
Former National Hockey
League great Paul Hender-
son took part in a hockey
camp at Huron Park.
Hay township gave, their
blessings to the annexation
of 70 acres of the township
by the village of Hensall.
Great Savings
in All
• Fabrics
• Mens
• Ladies
* Children
At South Huron Hospital,
Exeter, Monday December
24, 1979 Gordon Harold
Haist, Crediton in his 69
year. Dear brother of (Lyle)
Mrs. Ed Hendrick, Cmditon
and Arthur Heist, Grand
Bend, Predeceased by his
,parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Heist and two brothers
Royal and Earl (1979). Also
surviving are number of
nieces and nephews, Ile was
a member of Zion United
Church. The funeral was
held Thursday from the T,
Harry Hoffman Funeral
Home with Rev. Brian Elder
officiating, Pallbearers
were Donald and Howard
Hendrick, Peter and
Cameron Heist Robert Haist
and Lawrence Amos. Flower
bearers were Don Wilson
and Douglas Redmond,
Interment in Crediton
At' Strathroy Hospital on
Sunday, December 30th,
t1979, Antoinette (Annie) of
RR 2, Grand Bend, in her
28th year, Dearly loved
daughter of William and
Bertha Baltessen of RR 2
Grand Bend. Dear sister of
John/Lambert, Theresa and
William at home, Angela
(Mrs. Jim Stewart) of
Arkona, Mary Baltessen of
Walford, Betty Baltessen of
London and Hank of RR 2
Grand Bend. 'Survived by
,grandmothem Angela
Baltessen of Holland. Also
loved by seven nieces and
nephews. Funeral service
was held Wednesday from
the T. Harry Hoffman
Funeral Home, Dashwood
and Immaculate Heart of
Mary Church, Grand Bend
with Rev. Father D.F. Boyer
officiating. Interment Forest
RC Cemetery.
In University Hospital,
London, Ontario on Satur-
day, Decembey 22nd, 1979,
Raphael Dupon, in his 66th
year. Beloved husband of
Augusta (Verhoev en )
Dupon. Dear father of
Robert of Tupperville, Mrs.
John (Lilliane) La Porte, RR
2, Zurich and eight grand-
children. Dear brother of
Albert Dupon of Belgium.
Resting at the Westlake
Funeral Horne, Zurich Until
Monday, December 24th,
Funeral service was held
December 24 from the
Westlake Funeral Home and
St, Peter's lioman Catholic,
Church, St. Josephs, with
Rev. Father Bennsette of-
ficiating. Interment St.
Peter's cemetery.
Pallbearers were Jim Plat-
joun Jr., JIM Berkviens, Ed
Matthews, Hank Montague
and Wally Lemesuire.
Flower bearerS were Jim
Platjoun St., Milt Birch,
Neil Duncan and Tony
At Strathmere Lodge,
Strathroy, on Tuesday,
January 1, 1980, Cora
(Desjardine) Vincent,
formerly of Parkhill,
Ontario. Beloved wife of the
late Albert Vincent (1972).
Dear mother of Sylvia (Mrs.
Arthur Holmes) of Charing
Cross and Valera Vincent of
Clinton. Resting at the T.
Harry Hoffman Funeral
Home, Dashwood, pending
funeral arrangements.
Shop early
while selection
is good. CHARGEX
Main VISA —
At South Huron Hospital,
Exeter, on Sunday,
December 31, 1079 in his 86th
year. Beloved husband of
Lena (Coates), Dear mother
of Mrs. Carl Willert
(Margaret) of Olds Alberta.
Dear brother of Norman '
Willard of Eyebrow,
Saskatchewan, Herman
Willard of Cobourg, Ontario,
Mrs. Jack 'Kidd (Lavina) of
Mitchell, Ontario and Mrs,
Maurice (Pete) Coates
(Anne) of Exeter. Funeral
service was held Wednesday
from the , Hopper-Hockey
, Funeral Home, Exeter with
Rev. James Forsythe of-
ficiating. Interment Exeter
roaster charge
Congratulations to our
Jennifer Gielnik-Dashwaod$25
Cheryl Dowsan-Huron Pcirk$10
Kim Masse-Zurich $5
Mellisci Blue-Exeter-1st $25
Shawn McFa lis-Exeter-2n cls1
Thanks tool/ the kids who participated.
At her late residence, 260
Andrew Street, Exeter, on
Mbnclay, December 31, 1979,
(Della Fischer) beloeed wife
of Carl VVeiberg, in her 84th
year. Dear mother of Mrs.
Carrie leatraich of Exeter,
and Lorne of RR 2, Zurich.
Predeceased by Raymond in
Second World War, in Italy.
Also surviving are two
grandchildren, and five
great-grandebildren. Res-
ting at the T. Harry Hoffman
Funeral Home, Dashwood,
until Thureday noon, then at
Peace Lutheran Church,
Andrew Street North,
Exeter, where the fuherel
will teke place oh, Thursday
January 3 at 2 pee. Inter-
ment in teeter Cemetery.
Pastor M. Biht and Vicar
Doug Prieetop officiatihg.
STORE the unction
, Milca Margaret Amelia
(Thiel) Clausius beloved
wife of the late George
Henry Clausius in her 84th
year, passed away at the
Blue Water Rest. Home,
Zurich on Saturday,
December 22, 1979. Dear
Mother of HarVey, Albert,
Clifford all of Zurich (Leila)
Mrs. Edmund Becker, Ft.R.
1 Dashwaod, (Heinle) Mrs,
Elmer I3eierling of Zurich
and Hugh who predeceased
her in January 1979. Dear
sister of Margaret Saunders
of Stratford. Loved hy 15
grandchildren and 10 great-
grandchildren. Funeral ser-
vice was held from the
Westlake Funeral Horne,
Zurich Monday December
24th at 2 P.M. Rev, Jack
Dressler officiating. Inter-
merit in St. Peter's Lutheran
Pallbearers were Don
Rader, Brad ClanSius, lion
Beierling, Earl Becker, Pat
O'Rouke and Bruce Rock,
Main St.1 Exeter Phone 235.0270
The Exeter and District
Heritage Foundation threw
a monkey wrench into the
plans of town. council when
they suggested thee • the old
town hall should be con-
sidered as a site for the new
police station, Council said
they would consider it along
with plans for erecting a new
The South Huron District
High School football teams
started the season right with
shut out wins over the op-
posing Listowel teams.
Grand Bend council ap-
proved a proposal from the
Chamber of Commerce to
move their tourist informa-
tion booth to a more promi-
nent location on the corner
.ghway 81 and 81 Cres-
A London man, William
Mark Irwin, was. fined 3500
for cultivating marijuana
plants on an area farm.
October 11
Exeler council rejected a
last minute offer from the
Heritage Foundation to use
,the old town hall as the new
police station, and decided
to go ahead with the erection
of a new building, The site is
just west of the post office.
Bell Aerospace annoueced
that they would be hiring
about 45 more people. The
company landed a contract
with the American govern-
ment for at least four air
cushioned vehicles, worth
about $21 million.'
Two "boat people"
families sponsored by the
Christian Reformed Church
of Exeter moved into their
neev home on a farm near
Lucan council decided to
repair and paint the village's
water tower.
Hensall council planned to
implement the ese of per-
mits for use of their dump in
Usborne township.
October 17
Grand Bend United
Church minister Harley
Moore and his wife Elaine
along with three passengers
were seriously injured in a
car crash while they were
travelling to Stratford to at-
tend a United Church
Pinery OPP nabbed a
record 95 speeders in the
Grand Bend area, when they
had the use of radar,
Cartoonist Randy Jones
came home to visit his
parents Donna and Ted
Jones in Exeter. Randy is
freelancin,g his drawings in
New York. as well as run-
ning a regular comic strip in
The Exeter Hawks* trimm-
ed Seaforth 8 to 7 in their
first exhibition game of the
The Clare Paton family of
Lucan won a number of
awards at the Middlesex
plowing match.
October 24
Tony Elderhorst of New
Britain, Pennsylvania
travelled to Exeter to help
Earl Campbell -with the
restoeation , of the old town
hall clock.
Strong opposition to the
proposed property standards
by-law was voiced at a
public meeting in Exeter.
Lily Greb said the by-laW
"smacks of dictatorship"
and Reeve Si Simmons was
one of the more vocal
South Huron Hospital
Women's Auxiliary's fall
rummage sale was a success
despite the fact that new
regulations prevented any
sales prior to the day of the
The Exeter Mohawks lost
their season opener to the
Ilensall Sherwoods 6-4,
The Grand Bend Colonials
soccer team took the
Ausable Soccer Association
championship With their se-
cond win over Nairn,
I October 31
Exeter council cleared the'
way for a $1 million even-
Please turn to page 19
September 20
Kenneth Thomas took over
as director of the Craigwoed
nursing home at Ailsa Craig.
After letters, telephone,
calls and visitors, Bob
Sharen 'changed ens mind
and agreed to fill out his
term as reeve.
The cost of replacing the
burned-out Zion Lutheran
Church was estimated to be
Tentative approval for a
$150,000 loan for the im-
provement of Exeter's core
was received.
SepteMbet 21
Eeeter Saveway won the
Southwestern Fastball
Association championship
while the Exeter Midgets
took the WOAA crown.
The Hay township mutual
fire insurance company's
new office in Zurich was of-
fially opened.
Fine weather resulted in
excellent attendance for the
Exeter fall fair. Helen
Brand of Exeter was named
South Huron Hospital
received full accreditation.
OctOber 3
Jerry Finnen, president of
Dashwood Industries
Limited resigned. citing
"irreconcilable differences
with the directors" as his
Furniture handstripped & refinisned.
Repairs done, WOli as pianos refinished
Free 'estimates, pick-up" & 'delivery
Apeciai prices for Senior citizens
Approximotely 2 1/2 Matt south of
Exeter- On No. 4 Hwy.