HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-12-12, Page 44ss 1Mn.54k4iiia,Wist4W4Ihs-O4VistAlat 1'
prescribing daily doses of
holiday cheer accompanied by
our thanks and good wishes.
From All The People At
Beverly Ann Hedden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Hedden of London and Charles Oluf Daniel Durdin, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Bud Durdin of Dashwood were united in marriage
July 21 at Dashwood United Church. Rev. H. Moore of-
ficiated. Maid of Honour was Tracey Stire of Dashwood.
Bridesmaids were Deb Hedden of London, Bonnie Arnold of
Parkhill and Karen Durdin of Grand Bend. Best man was Larry
Stire of Dashwood and guests were ushered by John Arnold
of Dashwood, Tom Arnold of. Parkhill and Michael Sass of Ex-
eter. Karen Pedersen of Camp Borden was flower girl and
George Pedersen of Camp Borden was ring bearer. After a
wedding trip to Ottawa the couple are residing in Dashwood.
Located a mile east of Exeter, Off Highway 83
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Odd 'n ends
Our favorite "type" of
greeting sends our sincere
wishes for happy holidays
Stephen Printing
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May the blessed
silent peace of
Christmas enter
into your lives,
Pasie 8 Times-Advocate, December 19, 1979
The real spirit of Christmas
the crowds, the indecision,
the sore feet, I complain,
like all the rest. but deep in-
side. I actually enjoy it.
In hopes of buying people
gifts they need or want, I
often ask them what they'd
like for Christmas. One of
the most frustrating
answers is, "Oh. nothing!"
I find men hard to shop
for, especially when they tell
me they need a blankety-
blank wrench. Then they
grin, knowing full well I
have no idea what a
blankety-blank wrench is or
how much it costs.
In comparison, I am most
helpful to anyone who asks
me what I'd like for Christ-
Every year I seem to take
longer to get into the Christ-
mas spirit. It starts. though,
when I watch my little
nephew hanging up his
Christmas stocking. His
wide-eyed excitement
reminds me of the wild an-
ticipation I felt as a child,
and I warm to the idea of
helping to put a few sparkles
in other people's eyes.
Most adults complain
about shopping - the prices,
Turkey leftovers are as
traditional as Christmas Day
turkey itself. They're great
to have on hand for quick and
tasty meals. But food
specialists at the Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture and
Food remind us how im-
portant it is to take proper
care of leftover turkey to
ensure good quality and
To maintain food safety,
timing is important, Do not
leave the cooked turkey and
stuffing at room tem-
perature for more than 2
hours. Before storing the
turkey, first remove all the
stuffing. Then remove the
meat from the carcass in as
large pieces as possible. The
carcass can then be used for
making soup stock.
Store the stuffing and
turkey separately. Wrap
both tightly to prevent
drying. Store in the
refrigerator for up to two
Ladies take
pot luck
The U.C.W. of Trivitt
Memorial Church met in the
Parish Hall, December 11 for
a Christmas Party in the
form of a pot luck supper.
Mrs. Gladys Sims lead a
Christmas devotional period.
Marilyn Pym gave a very
interesting demonstration on
Christmas gift packaging. A
gift exchange was held.
Fourteen boxes of goodies
were packaged for shut-ins.
President Mrs. Catherine
Elston announced the next
meeting would be held
January 15 at 1.30 in the
days. If you can't use the
turkey and stuffing within
this time, then freeze them,
To freeze turkey, wrap the
meat in freezer packaging
or, if desired, slice and place
in a freezer container and
cover with gravy, sauce or
broth. To freeze stuffing,
package it tightly in its own
container and freeze.
Plan to use the plain
turkey meat within one
month and the turkey
covered with gravy within
three months. Stuffing
should be used within two
When it comes time to use
the turkey leftovers, thaw
them in the refrigerator, and
use them in sandwiches,
soups, casseroles, turkey
pies and salads, Plan for lots
of good eating from Ontario
turkey at Christmas and
afterwards too,
The Christmas Tree
Mount Carmel
Oh how I love the Christmas
Standing there so merrily
Decorated in its own special
It is so pretty and so gay.
The Christmas Tree has a
Which led the kings from
It led them to the baby boy
Who filled the world with
love and joy,
The Year Santa
was Stuck
Grade 4
J.A.D. McCurdy
Jolly old Santa wasn't jolly
any more. While he was
going down the chimney he
got stuck..
Santa mumbled "What
could be worse than to get
stuck in a dirty old chimney?
Oh why does everything
happen to me?"
Santa struggled,pushed
and pulled but nothing
happened. Just then he
heard footsteps coming down
the stairs.
Santa yelled "Help will
you help me get out of this
dirty old chimney?"
The girl said "Who's in the
house? Santa answered "It's
Santa, in the chimney,
When Santa was free he
said to the girl "Do you have
any exercise equipment?
The girl answered "Yes we
do. Just follow that door,"
Santa exercised until he
lost fifty pounds,
He could get down every
chimney now.
As he delivered the
presents he chuckled "Now
that will be a Christmas I'll
never forget!"
mas. I recite a list that in-
cludes everything but a
kitchen sink.
Christmas, on the serious
side, is a special time for
family and friends to share
gifts and laughter and love.
For some, the occasion will
be more sober than for
others, because every year
in every family there are
changes - some happy, some
Perhaps this emphasis on
family and fellowship and
sharing is one of the reasons
Christmas can be such a
depressing time for some
people - those who feel
alone, those who feel they
have little to share, those
who think no one cares. For-
tunately, certain
organizations in our society
try to look out for those peo-
ple, but it stands to reason
that in our rush and excite-
ment, the hand'of friendship
misses someone,
Pondering the state of the
world today makes a
"Merry Christmas" seem
even more remote. Perhaps,
if we remind ourselves the
world seemed in dire straits
on that first Christmas
many, many years ago, we
can gain a little hope for the
future. Hope is probably the
most precious gift any of us
can receive on this Christ-
mas and every Christmas.
I felt fortunate recently
when I was given and oppor-
tunity to help, in a very
small way, a refugee family
in a camp in Thailand.
Many people disagree with
me on the subject of bring-
ing refugees into Canada,
I'm not about to debate
them. I'm well aware of the
problems we have in Canada
inflation, unemployment,
energy uncertainty. You
name the problem, and
we've got it. But we've also
got freedom and a place to
call home; we've got food,
clothing and hope.
Knowing I have all these
things and knowing I can
share them with someone
who has not makes me feel
fortunate. It has given
Christmas a fresh meaning
for me and has put me into
the spirit of Christmas,
P4r5.911W410-1Piat.12 1.ixt.ekk
1May your home be blessed
g with all the joys of thel
Season! Merry Christtnas!
g Leftovers are good g Centralia Farmers'Supplyi
Ltd. 3 but require care
Merry Christmas &
A Happy New Year To All
"., '1 1' ,14-11i..ez Nt5Vilia.117W1 1;t1'
We truly hope
your stockings
will be filled to the
top with gifts of
oy, hope and love
Our thanks.
Walper's Service Centre Ltd.
(at our new location 99 Thames Rd. W.) Exeter
many thanks for your patronage
/6 true meaning
hristmas unites
tiroughout the
,ay this Holy
on be filled
and love.
Exeter Pharmacy Ltd.
DRUGS Main Street 235-1570
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ach gift of love to our neighbors is a
gift of peace to the world. Let us join in
the happy spirit of the holiday to share
its warmth and wonder.
From the management & staff
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from the management and staff
N. T. Monteith Ltd.