HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-12-05, Page 26Lucan
and district news
Iva M. Hodgins
London woman killed
SNOWFLAKE BAZAAR -- Lily Young and UCW president Honor Stanley display some of
the articles on sale at Saturday's Snowflake Bazaar at Lucan United Church. T-A photo
BAKING FOR SALE - Dorothy Dedels and Verna Ibbitson
show some of the baked goods at the Lucan UCW Snowflake
Bazaar, Saturday. T-A photo
UCW members
• envoy supper
ts. see
.111 . \OOS
orOr rw15
• good line of Christmas
Plants and Fresh
• Silk & Dried flowers
• Christmas Tree
For your added con-
venience we now .
have gift cer-
Na3,9g10,1 WoNiaiNizt, Reit.V1
Aeita Wit$,Piita qez4 Ise:e•PAWNisO,
Nicholson Flowers
277 MAIN ST., LUCAN 227-4283
Cars & Trucks
for scrap and
parts. Highest
prices paid.
Turn that old fence,
batteries, copper
and farm machinery
into cash. Give us a
Miller's Auto Parts
Scrap Metal Dealer
R.R #2, Crediton
BUSY BUDDY CORSAGES -- Members of the Lucan Busy Buddies senior eitizens groups
learned how to make corsages, Thursday, Above, Genevieve Nicholson, gives instruction to
Alexia Atkinson and Muriel Cobieigh. T-A photo
Excellent quality
McIntosh, Spartan, Golden Delicious,
Mutzu, Ida Red, Spys & Red Delicious
114 Miles South of Elginfield on Hwy. 4
PHONE 666-0286
Tempwood II
55,000 B.T.U.'s
per hour.
5 28000
Tempwood V
35,000 B.T.U.'s
per hour.
5 25000
Have you considered a woodburning stove for
your home or cottage? If you have you might be
interested in:
4. Less dust because of
infrequent ash
5. No smoking problems
6. Non-polluting aspect
of woodburning.
7. U.L.C. approved.
8. 15 yr. warranty
Since we have the Tempwood
burning constantly,
Please drop in for a demonstration.
1. Safety
2. Maximum heat-
output for less wood.
3. Cutting your heating
bill in half or more.
Location: 3rd farm on left
Biddulph Conc. If and III,
Els Vandenberg
RR 1, Lucan, Ontario •
1 al o
m ••;, -e Al 14
g a3
Z til .
' L o
a o140
Greens regain
first place lead
Some of the members of
the Sunshine and Busy
Buddies' groups plus friends,
left the clubrooms Wed-
nesday morning at 8 a.m. for
a trip to the Kitchener
Market and area, the Greb
Shoe outlet and Fairview
A recommendation to
others anticipating such a
trip - DO go on Saturday,
rather than Wednesday, as
the displays of produce,
crafts, etc., at the Market
was disappointing.
Thursday's meeting
Members of both groups
met in the lower Clubroom
with president Mildred
Hirtzel presiding.
A letter was read fromthe
C.B.0 regarding the
"Tommy Hunter Show" and
a date is to be made for the
next season, as this one is
booked solid.
More tickets were
distributed for the grocery
vouchers draw. Money for
Christmas Dinners was
collected and the deadline is
Thursday 13. Get your ticket
Men's inter-town-stand-
ings- Clinton Hotel-61,
Stratford Bowl Mor-60,
Stratford Mike's no. 1-54,
Clinton Crown Lanes-52, St.
Marys-46, Lucan 1-41,
Clinton Fleming Flyers 27,
Lucan no. 2-25, Stratford
Mike's no. 3-25, Stratford
Mike's no. 2-24, Seaforth-20,
Lucan 1-5 points-Clinton
Fleming Flyers 1 point Glen
Gagan 279-1231, Don Watt
291-1188, Vic Capitano 295-
1185, Bob Smith 346-1169.
Lucan 2-0 points, Stratford
Bowl Mor 6 points Jeff Park
283-1181, Bruce Parnell 348-
1153, Brian Ankers 265-1075.
Ladies inter-town- stan-
Stratford Bowl Mor-64,
Stratford Mike's no. 2-53,
Stratford Mikes no. 1-42, St.
Marys -49, Lucan-40, Zurich-
38, Exeter-29, Mitchell-29,
Goderich-28, Huron Park-20.
Lucan 0 points, St. Marys 7
points Janice Abram 277-670,
Audrey Watt 233-635,
Caroline George 226-628
Monday ladies-Lorna
Ellyatt 299-689, Lorraine
Mosurinjohn 256-687, Mary
Jefferies 325-660, Brenda
Taylor 275-650, Donna
Parnall 217-643, May Murphy
New Year's
Eve Dance
Music by
$25.00 per couple
Tickets available
at Young's Store.
this week, if possible.
Birthday greetings were
extended to Reta Morley and
Eleanor Darling and
somehow Alice Hodgson's
name was omitted. We're
sorry about that Alice,
"Happy Birthday" a week
The Busy Buddies, under
the direction of Genevieve
Nicholson, made Christmas
Corsages, and the members
of the Sunshine Group played
Euchre with prizes going as
follows: Lady's High,
Mildred Hirtzel; Lone
Hands, Merna O'Neil; Low
Score, Gertrude Hodgins;
Man's High, Marion
Thompson, playing a man's
card, Lone , John Park; low,
Eleanor Darling, also
playing a man's card.
Special prizes went to
Lawrence Hirtzel, Rheola
Hotson, Alice Hodgson,
Clare Lewis and Bernice
Lunch was served by Jean
Miller, Mary McCarthy,
Oney McFalls and
Helen McDonald.
254-624, Audrey Watt 236-624,
Kae Haskett 240-622, Marg
Greenlee 260-621, Loretta
Dickson 239-618, Louise
Sutherland 272-613, Muriel
Kennedy 244-608, Marg
Young 246, Pat Davis 232,
Ginette Gwalchmai 228,
Sharon Redick 228.
Tuesday juniors-Michael
Cannon 18J-365, Vicki Hyde
245-343, Diane Watt 185-328,
Brent Fowles 191-315, Shelly
Gillan 191, Rick Gwalchmai
171, Janice Atkinson 171, Rod
Johnston 164, Robin Quinton
167, Mike Holden 152, Jen-
nifer Degraw 152.
Co I leen 's-Nanc y Dens-
more 280-670, Marg Carroll
227-600, Maureen Craig 246,
Irene Hodgins 233, Heather
Gillan 227, Marcia Rydall
226, Anne Craig 215, Jean
Hickson 209.
Medway-Len Poole 224-
618, Jiri Jelinek 267, Ken
Weir 240, Jean Poole 229,
Ilene Moir 220, Myrtle
Hastings 207, Edith Wyatt
Wednesday juniors-Lisa
VanGeel 175-313, Sandy Hyde
178, Jeff Gwalchmai 164,
Jamie Pitt 151, Wendy Nevin
147, Lisa Anderson 142, Brett
Butchart 140, Michelle
Cannon 125, David Annis 124,
Ann Hodgins 124.
Wednesday mixed-Harold
Smith 280-706, Don Watt 252-
688, Lorna Ellyatt 277-673,
Marty Wraith 244-600,
Audrey Watt 248- Ward
Ellyatt 234, Angie Ryan 230,
Mark Fraley 223, Pat Ryan
221, Russ Smith 219, Dave
Smith 217, John Hibbert 217.
Thursday men-Jim Burt
297-806, Don Watt 295-793,
Harold Mayo 285-757, Jeff
Park 294-764, Wayne Smith
312-752, Brian Ankers 261-
736, Ron Dickey 260-710, Bob
Smith 289-697, Lyle Beatson
246-675, Wes Hickson 240-670,
Jim Smith 261-657, Len Smith
270-653, Doug Cunningham
231-653, Ken Eaton 248-652,
Paul Hodgins 243-651, John
Hibbert 260, Ed
Groenewegen 256.
Friday mixed-Jim Unwin
250-670, Kim Rae 277-647,
Wayne Smith 253-618, Anna
A London woman was
killed in one of six accidents
investigated this week by
officers of the Lucan detach-
ment of the Ontario
Provincial Police.
The victim was Mrs.
Beverly Genest of 379
Wortley Road, London. She
was a passenger in a vehicle
driven by her husband Judge
Maurice Genest of the same
address which was struck by
a vehicle driven by Mark
Wisternoff RR 5, Mitchell.
Rev Ray Brewster was in
charge of the Sunday
Morning Service at the
Lucan Revival Centre. Mrs.
Becky Brewster led the
children in singing "Let the
Sun Shine in" before they
went down for children's
Rev. Brewster talked
about God taking away
our stony hearts and giving
us new hearts. Since Adam's
sin every person is born with
a stony heart. To receive a
new heart is what Jesus
called being born again.
There is no back door into
heaven, we must come by
way of accepting Jesus
Christ and knowing Him
every day.
Sunday evening Doug
Butler led the singing. Clare
Swartz sang "I Love the
Thrill That I Feel When I Get
Together With God's Won-
derful People," and
"Heaven's Sounding Sweeter
All the Time." Larry McGill
accompanied Mrs. Kathy
Pritchard while she sang
"Make me an Instrument."
Clare Swartz again
ministered singing "Heaven
For Me."
Rev. Ray Brewster spoke
from Psalm 8 and John 14: 1-
6 saying heaven is not just a
place of sitting around, or all
praise, but is a place of
activity. Heaven, according
to Scriptures, is God's
Heaven has been called the
hope of glory for the
Christian. Our minds cannot
grasp the glory of heaven,
the place of service, of joy, of
stability, of fellowship with
Jesus Christ that heaven is,
Also involved in the ac-
cident which occurred on
Highway 4, just north of Birr
at 6 p.m. Saturday was a
vehicle driven by John Beer,
Mrs. Genest was
pronounced dead at the
scene by Coroner Dr. Robin
Shearer of London. The
investigating officers from
the Lucan OPP detachment
were Constables C.S.
Fleming, W.R. Disher and D.
Stables and Coporal Don
The Genest vehicle was
southbound on No. 4 while
Wisternoff and Beer were
travelling north. Damages
were set at $6,100.
Police announced Tuesday
morning that Wisternoff has
been charged with careless
Constable D. Stables listed
damages at $1,500 when a
vehicle driven by Janet
Hendry, RR 6, St. Marys left
County road 23 in Biddulph
township at 6:15 p.m.
Saturday. No injuries were
At 2 p.m. Saturday, no
injuries were sustained and
damages were listed at $400
when a vehicle driven by
Mary Morgan, Embro left
County road 41 in London
township. Constable T.
Chapman investigated.
Friday at 4:20 p.m.
vehicles driven by Walter
Flood, R.R. 8, London and
Marilyn Simms, RR 6, St.
Marys collided on County
road 23 in London township.
Constable C.S. Fleming
estimated damages at $4,500.
At 3:30 p.m. Thursday,
vehicles driven by William
McGrath, RR 2, London and
Barbara Avery, London
were in collision on Main
street in Lucan. Damages
were listed at $275 by Con-
stable D. Marshall.
Vehicles driven by Robin
Revington,RR 3, Lucan and
David Eden, London collided
at 3:35 p.m. Tuesday on
County road 28 in London
township. Constable D.R.
Vance listed damages at
a success
The Lucan U.C.W.
"Snowflake Bazaar" held
Friday evening and Saturday
afternoon was most suc-
cessful and the executive
wishes to thank all those who
helped in any way. The event
was convened by Mrs. David
Park and Mrs. Sheridan
Revington with Mrs. Keith
Brown and the President,
Mrs. Emerspn Stanley
receiving the guests,
The children's area was
convened by Mrs. Ross
McRoberts while the
Friendship Unit was
responsible for the Tea
Articles which are left, and
there is a fair choice, will be
on display at the Christmas
meeting December 11. To
inquire regarding the quilts
please call 227-4421.
The Greens have again
laid claim on first place in
the Rec League as the see-
saw battle continued on
Sunday. The Greens
defeated Hagen's Hackers 4-
1 to move in front by one
point while Salon 174 gained
ground on the leaders as they
beat the Blues 7.2.
The Greens scored the first
goal late in the first period to
end a defensive battle. Gary
Miller's breakaway goal
with only three seconds
remaining put the Greens
ahead 1-0.
Martin Wraith increased
the lead to 2-0 as he scored on
one of his patented drives
from inside the blue line.
Arden Shantz replied for the
Hackers as he lit the lamp by
knocking in a rebound past
green's goalie John
Garrison made three big
saves keep the Greens in the
running later in the second
while the offense figured out
a way to increase their lead.
Rick "Big Guy" Gwalchmai
responded as he drilled a
Peter Marten's drop pass
past Chuck Fredin.
Martens came back with a
goal of his own as he finally
put the puck past Fredin
after Gwalchmai and Russ
Radcliffe had numerous
chances. Garrison played a
strong game in the nets for
the Greens as he turned
aside 26 shots.
Salon 174 regained a hold
The members of the
Sunday School, with their
teachers and officers led the
service of worship on White
Gifts Sunday, presenting
"Looking for Jesus", with
Barbara Coughlin as
director and narrator.
Each class from the 4 year
olds, right up to the Adult
Bible class had a share in
this presentation. It was the
four year olds who "stole the
show" as they were in
costume and acted out the
Christmas story as it was
read by Mrs. Coughlin.
With Helen Brown at the
piano, the Adult Bible class
acted as the choir, singing
"Come Thou Long Expected
Jesus" and leading in the
congregational singing of
five carols. The total Sunday
School membership sang
"Go, Tell it on the Moun-
The White Gifts were
presented as the offering
was received, the latter
including many special gift
envelopes for the World
Development and Service
fund. The gifts, together with
the articles on the "mitten
tree', will be taken to our
Native Friends at Muncey
next week.
This play was written by a
friend of Mrs. Coughlin, the
Rev. Johanne Hills, of
Conquest, Sask., near
Saskatoon. Mr. Brown in-
troduced and explained the
The Superintendent, Jim
Robertson, looked after the
staging and the P.A. system,
and the High School class,
with their teacher Barbara
Bannerman, were respon-
sible for assembling and
decorating the Chrismon
Tree and the window sills.
A record attendance was
reached of 103, Sunday
on third place as they
decisively defeated the Blues
7 - 2. First period goals by
Dave Cain, who pushed the
puck past Phil Vousden, and
Scott Anderson gave Salon
174 a 2 - 0 lead,
Don Murray increased the
lead to 3 - 0 as he scored on a
penalty shot after George
Ewer covered the puck with
his hand in the crease. Steve
Carter's power play goal
gave the Blues their first
goal but Brian Dick replied
for Salon 174 to give them a
three goal lead heading into
the third.
George Ewer scored on
brother Keith to lessen the
margin to 4 - 2 but Salon 174
came back with three goals
to seal the victory.
Bill Haskett got his first
goal of the season, Don
Coughlin and Murray with
his second completed the
scoring. After nine weeks of
play the Greens lead with 11
points followed by the
Hackers with 10, Salon 174
has 8 and the Blues 7. Only
four points separate the top
from the bottom which
should result in some in-
teresting games to come.
Gord Moon of the Greens
and Mike Wraith of the Blues
share the scoring lead with
points. Chuck Fredin of the
Hackers leads the goalies
with a 3.33 goals against
average followed by
Garrison, Ewer and Vousden
at 4.00, 4.71 and 4.77,
School, prior to the service,
with all children staying to
take part in the White Gift
service,Needless to say the
church was packed.
Upcoming in the U. C.
This morning, Thursday,
the Prayer and Share
Fellowship meets in the C.E.
wing, at 9:45 a.m. and at 6:30
p.m, the members of the
Couples' Club hold their
annual Christmas Dinner
and party in the same area.
Next Sunday at 7:30 p.m.
the Christmas meeting of the
U.C. Renewal Fellowship for
London and District will be
held in the C.E. Wing.
Ladies, keep Tuesday,
December 11th free for the
U.C.W. Pot Luck Supper and
Christmas meeting, com-
mencing at 6:30.
Representatives from
other denominations will be
guests as well as friends
from Meadowcrest Homes.
The Friendship Unit is in
charge of the program and
the Evening Unit will
present a Candlelight Vesper
Sunday, December 16 at 7
Page 6A
Times-Advocate, December 5, 1979
Seniors bus trip
to Kitchener area
Bowling scores
White Gift service
Church Women, enjoyed a
pot luck supper Tuesday
During the business
meeting, chaired by the
leader, Freeda Melanson, it
was announced that two
quilts were finished ready
for the Bazaar, plus a crib
The members agreed to
meet on Tuesday to pack and
deliver shut-in baskets for
Church members, with
special baskets being made
up for diabetics,
The January, February
and March meetings will be
held during the afternoon,
commencing at 2 p.m. on the
fourth Tuesday of each
month. Members who prefer
afternoon meetings are
p.m. the Sunday School will
present their annual
Christmas Program.
Articles of clothing and
bedding for the Men's
Mission London, will be
received until Sunday,
December 9. Place in the box
in the vestibule of the
Members of the Evening asked to take special note of
Unit of the Lucan United this change.
As a member of the
nominating committee for
the General U.C.W. Marjorie
Park invited different
members to take certain
positions. The response was
A beautiful Christmas
Worship service was led by
Verna Ibbitson and Marjorie
Park conducted a quiz in
connection with attitudes
toward handicapped per-
sons,the theme of the
meeting being "Human
Rights of the Handicapped",
Mrs. Park mentioned
three areas those physically
handicapped, those mentally
retarded from birth or from
some accident and the
emotionally disturbed
The group also par-
ticipated when each member
read a few sentences in
connection with how han-
dicapped people feel toward
the non-handicapped. It was
a most interesting meeting.
Those taking part in the
Candle Lighting
Service for the General
U.C.W Tuesday, December
11 rehearsed their parts,