HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-10-31, Page 26Stratford and Seebach's Hill churches. Singing, Bible study and recreation were enjoyed as well as lots to eat. • W.I. speak on student services Dashwood Women's Institute will hold the November meeting Tuesday November 6th. with the Education and Cultural Activities group in charge. A special invitation to all ladies to attend especially those with school age children as the special speaker is Mrs. Ila Kayes Co-ordinator of student services for Huron County. Personals Terri Lee Hamather, in- fant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Hamather was baptized by Rev. Mayo Mellecke, Sunday, October 28. Sponsors were Sue-Ann Becker and Tim Hamather. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hamather and Terri Lee were Mr, and Mrs. Jim Becker, Sue- Ann and Danny, Mrs. Bob Hamather, Tim, Lisa and Cathy and Jason Brown. Jim Becker was one of a group of hunters last week at Smooth Water Lake. They had no luck. James Thomas Gordon, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman was baptized in Calvary United church, Sunday, October 28. Spon- sors were Wayne Schilbe and Debbie Taylor. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman and family were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schilbe, Wayne and friend, great grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mer- ner, Zurich; great-aunts, Mrs. Elda Heppler, Dash- wood; and Miss Donna Merner, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor, Debbie and Jeff, Exeter; Rufus Turnbull, Rev. Stan Mac- Donald, Hensall; and Miss Barbara Laing. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader attended the baptism of their grandson, Benjamin Mathew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rader at Our. Saviour Lutheran church, London, and were dinner guests with the Raders. Erwin Holt and Robert, Grand Bend, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Holt, Parkhill, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sorensen. MOUNT CARMEL WINNERS — Students of Our Lady of Mount Carmel fared well in the recent Huron-Perth Separate Schools cross country meet. Cassie Van Dongen, third in junior girls; Cathy Glavin, third in senior Morrissey, second in junior boys. Separate School From the left are girls and Mark T-A photo Church marks event Elimville ladies meet STEW ART REFINISHING Furniture hand stripped & refinished Spray painting and signs Free estimates & pick up & delivery Special prices for Senior Citizens Approximately 2 1/2 miles south of Exeter on No. 4 Hwy. Ph. 235-2154 after 5 p.m. \N•rirmoomor: guest Faye Blair who is a teacher at the Huron Hope Nursery School at Dash- wood. Miss Blair spoke of the children and volunteers and showed slides of the ac- tivities at the school. This was very informative for all present. Mrs. Johns thanked her and presented her with a gift. Everyone joined in singing the "Thanksgiving Hymn" in the Observer. Mrs. Fulton read "A Country Road in Autumn." The president, Mrs. Gilbert Johns opened the business part of the meeting with a poem. The roll call was answered by "Bring an article that was your grandmothers." Mrs, Howard Pym gave a report on the workshop held at Stratford. Mrs. Ina Skinner and'Mrs. Floyd Cooper gave reports on the Regional held at Elimville recently. The United Church Women will cater to a banquet on November 12 at Kirkton with the Winchelsea group in charge. The November meeting will be on November 28 at 10:00 in the form of a workshop. Everyone to bring a box lunch. The 104th anniversary of the church was held on Sunday with a good crowd in attendance. Rev. La Rouche of the Kirkton-Woodham charge was the guest minister. The soloist was Mrs. Zivkovic of Exeter. MASONIC LODGE MOVES — After meeting for sixty tour years in the lodge rooms on Main Street, Lebanon Forest Masonic Lodge is moving to its new location on William Street North. The above photo records the last regular meeting and last official visit of the District Deputy Grand Master, of South Huron Masonic District to the old lodge rooms. Shown are past Grand Lodge officers serving South Huron Masonic District and the present officers of Lebanon Forest Lodge. Front, left Clifford Culver, Earl Rawsow, Charles P. Corbett, the present D.D.G.M., Walter Fydenchuck, H.H.G. Strang, Murray Hodgins, Morley Hobbs and David Blatchford. Back, officers of Lebanon Forest Lodge, from left: Brothers Gordon Strang, Don Easton, Leonard Wilson, Douglas Parker, Don Gaiser, Wayne Prance, Fred Eyre, Dalton Finkbeiner, John Miners, Bert Kristopherson, Donald Webster and Very Worshipful brothers E. Murray and Earl Stoskopf. Dashwood seniors plan outing churches conduct baptismals leaded and stained glass windows new and repaired complete glass service 5 km WEST OF VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD ON HWY. # 83 TEL. 237-3373 $ IMMEDIATE CASH $ FOR CANADIAN OLYMPIC COINS $5 coin paying $8.00 each $10 coin paying $16.00 each Complete set (28) paying $340.00 each. PAYING 860% OF FACE SILVER COINS 104 1966 and before paying 86¢ each 254 1966 and before paying '2.15 each 504 1966 and before paying '4.30 each '1,00 1966 and before paying '8.60 each WILL PICK UP Sterling Silver Anything — '12.00 per oz. Gold Coins, Rings, Teeth, Jewellery Phone For Top Current Buying Prices 472-1331 London Decorate your home with beautiful CUSTOM DRAPES Choose the fabrics and the styles you want and Barb Whiting will custom make your drapes for you. You can also choose matching bedspreads and, pillow thorns. WHITING'S WAREHOUSE Main St. Exeter 235-1964 i. The PALERMO L2318P Mediterranean styled full base console. Pecan wood-grained finish applied to durable wood products on top and ends. Front and base of simulated wood. Casters. ZENITH PERFORMANCE FEATURES • 100% Solid-State Titan Chassis • Power Sentry Voltage Regulating System • Brilliant Chromacolor Picture Tube • One-Knob VHF and UHF Channel Selector • Picture Control A Low $869 95 Stop in today, RUSSELL ELECTRIC (Exeter) Ltd. Main St. Phone 235-0505 NEW 1980 25" CONSOLE COLOR TV FEATURING: ELECTRONIC VIDEO GUARD TUNING Tuners have no moving parts to corrode, wear or cause picture problems. CHROMATIC ONE-BUTTON TUNING ,Select pre-set Color Level and Tint plus Picture Control adjustments. NOTICE OF POSTING School Support Lists For 1980 Taxes MUNICIPALITIES OF - EXETER/ USBORNE, HENSALL & STEPHEN In provision of the Municipal Act. R.S.O. 1970 Chapter 284, Sec- tion 516 (as amended) the 1979 School Support List for 1980 taxes has been posted in the Municipal Offices, listed below on the 15th day of October, 1979. Complaints in the nature of requests for additions or corrections to or deletions from the list may be made by completing and filing form obtainable at the office of the Clerk in your municipality. The last day of filing forms for appeal of school support is Friday, November 9, 1979. ELIZABETH BELL, Clerk,. Town of Exeter 406 Main Street HARRY STRANG, Clerk, Township of Usborne R,R. #3 Exeter, Ont. ELIZABETH OKE, Clerk, Village of Hensall 108 King Street' WILMAR WEIN, Clerk, Township of Stephen 38 Victoria Street East Crediton, Ont. 235-0310 235-2228 262=2812 234.6331 GUARD YOUR FAMILY'S HEALTH AND BUDGET GUARDIAN DRUGS GUARDIAN DRUGS Prices Effective Till November 17. NECK SHAMPOO Lemon, Normal, Balsam, and Body Conditioner TAME CREME RINSE CHRISTMAS CARDS CHRISTMAS CARDS Herbal, Regular 400 ml Dry, Normal, Oily '2.19 1.77 '1.77 '99( 450 ml Assorted 40's Assorted 25's TEGRIN LOTION SHAMPOO 175 ml.$ 2 6 6 Fluoride AQUAFRESH TOOTHPASTE 150 ml $1.09 Exeter Pharmacy Ltd. Main Street 235-1570 Available Now in This Area Limited Number of SAW. RECORD MAN DEALERSHIPS "YOU CAN BE IN THE RECORIYBUSINESS TOMORROW" I I Ask the man who owns one Chatham, Collingwood, Leamington, London, Owen Sound, Sarnia, Simcoe, Tillsonburg & Windsor, 1111111111111111illiii.111111111111111111111111.111111111111111 ATTENTION DEALERSHIPS SAM the RECORD MAN 274 CHURCH ST, TORONTO, ONTARIO M5B 1Z5 (416) 363-2437 With a minimum investment you can add to your in- come if you already own a retail business or have a location with at least 200 square feet. A SAM the RECORD MAN Complete Dealership Package Includes: I 1. SAM'S newly developed record and tape mer- chandiser (which is all chrome framed, self-standing and can be assembled in 1/2 a day. 2. Record and Tape Inventory 3. Record and Tape Accessories (Includes needles) 4. Information - SAM'S famous Request and Supply Centre 5. Service and Supply from SAM the RECORD MAN FREE BROCHURE *WRITE or PHONE COLLECT' Requirement is topic at OLD SCH(bLHOUSE Centralia UC glass shop By LYNNE FARQUHAR Figure skating registration will be held at the Stephen Township Arena in Huron Park, Saturday November 3 from 10-11 a.m. All those who register will be allowed one hour of free skating from 10-11 a.m. so don't forget your skates! Resistration fees are $25 for each child, $40 for two children in a family and $50 for three in a family. Figure skating lessons will run until mid-March. For information call the Stephen Resource Centre at 228-6302. Sponsored by the Opti-Mrs. The Optimists Club of Stephen is offering free skating for everyone, Sun- days from 2-4 p.m. starting November 4th at the Stephen arena in Huron Park. Stephen arena has ice time available for private bookings on Saturday and Sunday evenings. Why not get your team, school or church group together for a skating party? Ice rents for $25 per hour. Mr. and Mrs. EH Paulen, Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Bev Rabbets, St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Turner and Jeff, London were dinner guests Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Anderson and boys. For hockey enthusiasts, the following games are scheduled at Stephen arena: Thursday November 1- Huron Park Marauders vs. Kettle Point, 8:30 p.m. Friday November 2-Huron Park Marauders vs. Grand Bend 8:30 p.m. and Monday November 5 Centralia College vs Zurich 8:30 p.m. Interested hockey fans should note that the Huron Park Marauders have gone un- defeated in their first three league starts. Stephen Nursery School is having their Halloween party this morning (October 31 for all nursery youngsters. Nursery teacher Dawn McLean tells me that Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street will be making a special appearance to say hello to the pre-schoolers. By the way, there's still room for more youngsters at the nursery so if you're in- terested in enrolling your pre-schooler call 228-6302 and ask for Dawn McLean. Nursery fees are $2 per morning. Dawn also asks me to remind parents that nursery school does continue as usual on Professional Develop- ment Days at the public school. With Halloween upon us this Wednesday we remind our Block Parents to keep an eye on youngsters "trick or treating" and to also watch for pranksters. By MRS. IRVIN RADER DASHWOOD Charles Martene, President, presided for the business at the October meeting of Dashwood Seniors. Twenty-six an- swered the roll call. It was decided to have a Christmas dinner for members only. A trip is planned to Simcoe December 12 to see the Christmas lights. On November 26 they will put on a variety program open to the public. Refreshments will be served. Group 6 with Mrs. Ross Love convener was in charge of the program. Jack Gaiser and Stanley Haist sang several duets. Everett Haist gave a humorous reading. Cards and dominoes were enjoyed. Youth meet The Fall Rally for the Stratford District for the Youth was held at Peace Lutheran church, Exeter, Sunday, October 28. Attending from Zion Lutheran church were Doris and David Stephen, Connie Schroeder, Elise Van- deworp. Miller, Elizabeth and Sandra Datars, Jonathan and Judy Mellecke and Lori Anne Boogeman. Other Youth were from Goderich, Anniversary for Kippen By MRS. RENA CALDWELL KIPPFN Anniversary services were held on Sunday October 21 in St. Andrew's Church Kippen, Music was provided by the Teen-Tones of • Goderich. Rev. McMullen conducted the service. John Anderson underwent surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital London. Mr. and Mrs. Grant McGregor spent the past week-end in Toronto. Congratulations and best wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tim- mermans whose marriage took place October 27 in Exeter and who will be residents of the Kippen area. Edgar McBride is a patient in University Hospital. By KATHY COOPER ELIMVILLE The Elimville United Church Women met Wed- nesday evening at the church. Mrs. Lorne Johns opened the meeting, and Mrs. Larry Fulton read the scripture and led in prayer Mrs. Fulton introduced the Page 10A Olemp••••••.•*••••••••••ir Schedule still busy at Stephen's centre By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA "Requirements" was ' the subject chosen by Mr. Paul Schott for his sermon in the United Church Sunday morning. What must a person do to receive Eternal Life? One must possess an open mind, and open heart, have the urge to seek more knowledge and be willing to follow the teachings of Jesus in order to find the Kingdom of Heaven. There is a practical side as well as a spiritual side to Christianity and when the going gets tough some want to stop. We should be willing to attend church regularly, read our Bible, and set an example in Christian living. The children's story was told by Mr. Schott. and the choir sang an anthem. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Alson Bauman of Kitchener were week end visitors at the Manse with their. daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schott and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hirtzel were Sunday visitors at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hirtzel and family in Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Greb attended the anniversary service at the Zurich United Church on Sunday and were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfile.