HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-10-31, Page 12Page 1.2 Times-Advocate, October 31, 1979 ANNOUNCEME THE FORRESTERS RESTAURANT GRANTON, 0141T. Licensed Dining Lounge Open Monday through Saturday 7 a.m. 1 a.m. Sundays & Holidays Noon - 10 p.m. We cater to Banquets in our Banquet Room 225-2560 South Huron Wrestling Club a Presents "RAIN BOW" A fund raising project for S.H.D.H.S. stu- dent council activities. Age of Majority Card Sat,, Nov. 24/79 $6.00 per couple 9-1 Tickets through high school coaches and athletes. I Charter Bus Trip Alpine Club Kitchener Polka Party Fri., Nov. 2 Bus leaving 5 p.m. from Charterways Depot Exeter Admission dinner and bus fare $10.00 complete For information call Norm Wolper 235-1684 1 SHIPKA COMMUNITYCENTRE Fourth Annual Harvest Dance at PARKHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE Sat., Nov. 10 Music by COUNTRY UNLIMITED Dancing 9 to 1 Lunch $8.00 per couple Tickets available 237-3458 294-6790 St. Pauls Anglican Church Annual Bazaar Held at the KIRKTON - WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Sat., Nov. 3 1:30 p.m. Dance KIRKTON WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Sat., Nov. 3 Music by JOE OVERHOLT Proceeds for Hall Maintenance. Admission restricted to age of majority unless ac- companied by a parent. EXETER FIREMEN'S DANCE Sat., Nov. 3 music by "COUNTRY UNLIMITED" EXETER LEGION HALL 9 - 1 $6.00 per couple %M•MMIMINIMI WOODSTOCK DISASTER FUND Benefit Dance Sponsored by Zurich Lions Club .ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE Friday, "November 2, 1979 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Music by "THE BLUE WATER PLAYBOYS" $6.00 per couple TURKEY SUPPER GRAND BEND UNITED CHURCH Wednesday, November 7th 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Adults $5.00 Children under 12 $2.50 Pre-school children - Free Take outs available Phone by Monday Nov. 5th 238-2749 or 238-8732 Book Now For CHRISTMAS PARTY At SOUTH HURON RECREATION CENTRE Dec. 15th Music by DANN HUNTER (COUNTRY MUSIC) 6:00 PA. Social Hour 7:00 P.M. Dinner (Roast Beef, Wine Included) 8:00 P.M. Dance Tickets $8.00 per person (includes dinner and dance), Please contact Rec'n Centre at 235-2833 for bookings. Limited number of tickets available so book early ! Proceeds go to operating costs M11111111111111Iiiiiiiii11180110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111118111111111111ii111111E = • , • = , • - You are Invited to • • \ Open House Week = = ai ,(George and Andrew St.) \, II 1 \v - , , .... = E.: ' • • 4 • • F.- • , , November 5th to 8th = :=.- • a • ' , • / 1 0 / = -. . . : / . \ Theme "That We May Grow In Christ". There / , f — , will be guest speakers, special music, fellowshipg = If; and much more. ..r.- , ,, For Information call 235-1242. = \( g.--- Hope to see you! == k=-....". ffunilifiimmintonmilmoiniminimuniniiinniimumnimmiliminininomnionimiumminimummilimillimillitimula AT PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH BRANT BELLE "A" DEARS Ladies Choir and BRANT MEN OF SONG RETURN CONCERT HENSALL UNITED CHURCH a Available at door or from U.C.W. members. TICKETS $3.00 7:30 p.m. Sunday, November 4th rs in South Huron Phone 235-1834 We Need More Big Brothers Nowt FOR INFORMATION ON MERRY MELODIES! — A variety concert presented by Exeter United Church Senior and Junior Choirs. Sunday even- ing November 4 at 7:30 p.m, Light and sacred selections plus guest soloist Mr. Harold Wildgust of London, trio, quartets, sing song and in- s tru m en ta Is . Free will donations 'and proceeds for Choir Gown Fund. Everyone welcome. 43:44pd 3rd ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR — Nov. 23 and 24th at the Town Hall. Crafts, baking, and teas. Celebrity Auction on Friday. 42:43:44c HAM AND EGG SUPPER — Staffa United Church, November 14 5-8 P.M. Adults $4.00, children 6.12 yrs. $1.50. 44:45c CHISELHURST U.C.W, — Bazaar and Tea Wed. Oct. 31 at 3 p.m. Everyone welcome. 44c ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW — and bake sale. Dec, 19 - 4:30 p.m. Grand Bend United Church basement. More ex- hibitors welcome 238- 8765, 44:45:46e BAZAAR AND TEA — Wed, Nov. 28, 8:30 p.m. St. Mary's Church, Brinsley. 44:45:46;47;48c BLYTH CENTRE FOR THE ARTS — presents the BRICK BROTHERS CIRCUS, a puppet show for children of all ages, Saturday afternoon, November 10th at 2:00 P.M. Tickets are $2.50 at the door or available by mail from Box 291, 131Yth, Ont. 44c Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood Minister Ms. Barbara Laing Organist Miss !della Gabel, A.R,C.T, Sunday, November 4 9:45 a.m. —Church Service Everyone Welcome Christian Reformed Church Minister REV CLARENCE BISHOP, B.A.B.D. Sunday, November 4 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 2:15 p.m.—Worship Service Everyone Welcome The Back to God Hour CHLO 4:30 p.m. Dial 580 Centralia Faith Tabernacle REV. BOB,DEGRAW Sunday, November 4 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service Tues. Nov. 6- 7:30 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Time Everyone Welcome Exeter United Church James at Andrew MINISTER REV. JAMES FORSYTHE Assistant Minister REV. GRANT MILLS Organist and Choirmaster: Mr. Robert Cameron Sunday, November 4 9:45 a.m.—Church School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Nursery Courtesy Car — 235-1163 Centralia and Zion United Churches Manse: 228-6974 -Minister; MR. PAUL SCHOTT Sunday, November 4 9:45 —Zion Worship 1 0:4 5—Zion Sunday School 10:00 —Centralia Sunday School 11:15 —Centralia Worship ORGANISTS Zion - Yvonne Jaques and Mrs. Lome Hem Centralia Mr. Douglas Gill. Tues. 8:30 p.m. Bible Study at the manse All Are Welcome Peace Lutheran Church Andrew and George Streets VICAR — DOUGLAS PRIESTAP Phone 235-1242 Sunday, November 4 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School' 1020 a.m. —Morning Service Tuesday 8 p.m. Bible Study Church of the Lutheran Hour crPL 7 a.m. Sunday Welcome Zion Lutheran Church Dashwood At Calvary United Church Pastor REV. MAYO MELLECKE Sunday, November 4 9:30 a.m.Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Divine Service Everyone Welcome Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East, Exeter Evangelical in teaching, presbyterian in church government, welcomes you Pastor REV. HENRY VAN ESSEN B.A. B.D. Sunday, November 4 10:00 a.m. — Worship 11:00 a.m. —Sunday School 7:30 p.m. — Evening Worship Telephone church 235-2 0 8 4 Manse 235-1435 Everyone Welcome Emmanuel Baptist Church Huron St. West Fundemental — Evangelical Pastor REV. LINN LOSHBOUGH Sunday, November 4 9:45 a.m.—Bible School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Worship Wed. 8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting Nursery Facilities Everyone Welcome Mrs. L.F. Loshbough Organist Caven Presbyterian Church MINISTER REV KENNETH KNIGHT Phone 235-2243 Organist Mr. Robert McIntosh Sunday, November 4 1:30 p.m. Afternoon Worship 11:00 a.m, —Senior Sunday School Junior Sunday School during Service Everyone Welcome Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church Main at Gidley Rector REV. G.A. ANDERSON, D.F.C. Dip. Th. Organist Mr, Gerald McAuley November 4,1979 11:15 a.m.—Holy Communion Sermon The Communion of Saints Sunday School for all grades God Loves You! Come and say Thank You this Sunday BIRTHS — FLAXBARD — Gary and Bette, Kitchener welcome with love Gillinan Nancy born Oct. 22.79 at K-W Hospital. A sister for Geoffrey. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Breckenridge Petrolia and Mr and Mrs. Earl Flaxbard. Zurich. 44c KNOX — Jim and Patty are proud to announce the safe arrival of their beautiful daughter Danielle Patricia, 7 lbs. 12 oz. on October 20. 1979 at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Proud grandparents are Robert and Sadie Knox of Exeter and Howard and Marg Dayman of Kippen. 44pd WILCOX — Tim and Chris are happy to announce the safe arrival of Shane Timothy Edgar, 7 lbs. 12'.2 oz. Born Oct. 18, 1979 at 10:44 A.M. at St. Joseph's Hospital London. Grandson to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilcox and Margaret Moody. Exeter, Ont. Special thanks to Dr. Fellows and Berger and 3rd floor staff. 44c ENGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Sanders, Grand Bend wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Kimberly Anne to Mr. Robert Donald Case son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Case, Exeter. Ont. The marriage will take place Friday November 2, 1979 at 3 o'clock in Exeter United Church. Open reception to follow at 9:00 p.m. Everyone welcome 44c ANNOUNCEMENTS — The family of Ben and Nettie Tinney cordially invite you to at- tend Open House at Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter on Sunday November 4th from 3 to 5 p.m. to honour their parents on the occasion of their 40th Wed- ding Anniversary. Best wishes only. 44pd ANNOUNCEMENTS — To share the joy of our parents 50th wedding anniversary, the family of Aurella and Fred (Toots and Ted) Bowden cor- dially invite relatives, neighbours and friends to "Open House" at Centralia United Church on Sunday Nov. 11 from 2 to 5 p.m. No gifts please. Your friendship will be our gift.44:45c The Family of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Howe invite their friends, neighbours and relatives to share in celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary at an open dance on November 10th 1979. Best wishes only 44:45pd The children of Wilmer and Helen Preszcator cordially in- vite you to attend an Open Dance Nov. 3, 1979 to honour their parents 25th Wedding Anniver- sary. No gifts please. 44pd CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank my fami- ly, friends and neighbours for the cards, gifts, visits and telephone calls I received while a patient in University Hospital and since returning home, Special thanks to Dr. Janzen and the pediatric staff. It was all very much appreciated. Carolyn Love. 44c We would like to thank all our friends at the Big "0" Hensall plant for the lovely surprise party held at the Pineridge Chalet on October 20, 1979. The warmth of friends and the love- ly gifts made the evening one which will be forever remembered. Frank and Bonnie Za walsky, 44p Thank you to my family and to all my friends and relatives who called on the ocassion of my 95th birthday. Also many thanks for the beautiful cards, flowers and treats I received. Arthur Baker 44pd CARDS OF THANKS — The family of the late Pauline Jeffrey wish to extend their sincere thanks to relatives, friends, and neighbours for Mass cards, flowers and donations to the Heart Fund and the many messages of sym- pathy. Special thanks to Father P. Mooney, Westlake Funeral Home, and the Blue Water Rest Home and staff, Dr. Wallace, pallbearers and all who helped in anyway. Special thanks to the C.W.L. of St. Boniface church for their prayers and the lovely lunch they served. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. The Jeffrey family. 44c We wish to thank our former farm neighbours for the sur- prise housewarming visit and social evening we spent together last week, and for the lovely pot of flowers. Another special thank you to Greta Luther and Norma Desjardine for their visit and picture gift. Thank you all sincerely. Henry and Anna Becker. 44c Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chambers wish to thank all their family and friends who made our 'Golden Wedding Anniversary ' get together such a wonderful success. We .certainly ap- preciate and loved meeting all our relatives that came to help us celebrate, also our old friends and neighbours. Relatives were present from Marine City, Michigan, Woodstock, London and surrounding towns and country. Again we say thanks from the bottom of our heart es- pecially our family who put so much time, thoughtfulness, and love, into the preparation of a lovely lunch and arranging everything to a huge success, Mary and Ed Chambers, 44pd The family of the late Ivan H. Culbert wish to express their sincere thanks and deep 'ap- preciation to all their friends, relatives and neighbours for their expressions of sympathy, cards, floral tributes, donations and many acts of kindness dur- ing their recent loss of a dear father, grandfather and brother. Special thanks to Dr. Hugh Barr, Sheila, Lynn and Pat of the Intensive Care Unit, Vic- toria Hospital, to Rev. Allan Young the Lucan Legion Branch 540, C. Haskett and Son Funeral Home, Lucan and all the ladies who helped with lunch. The Culbert family. 44c Our sincere thanks to all our friends, relatives and neighbours, for the cards, flowers, gifts and good wishes received on the occasion of our 25th wedding anniversary. To our family for the delicious dinner and to our friends for the unique transportation home from the church, and for the fun that we shared at our shivaree, we are most grateful. Thank you for a beautiful memory. Gus and Gerry Gregus. 44pd IN MEMORIAM — DOUGALL — In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Brian Murray, who passed away suddenly three years ago, October 31, 1976. The day he left us is sad to recall Without a goodbye he left us all But fond memories keep him near As we face another year We, who loved him, sadly miss him But trust in God to meet again. Remembered always by Dad, Mother, Bob and Helen. 44pd DOUGALL — In loving memory of our dear grandson, Brian Murray, who passed away suddenly three years ago Oct. 31,1976 in his 19th year. Behind the smile there is many a tear, For a grandson we lost and loved so dear, Others are taken, yes we know But he was ours and we loved him so. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Grandma and Grandpa Madge, 44pd DOUGAII — In loving memory of our dear nephew and cousin, Brian, who passed away sudden- ly, three years ago, October 31, 1976. Wishing today as we wished before That God could have spared you many yeah more, No one knows the sorrow we share, When the family's together and you are not there, Though absent you are always near, Still loved, still missed, still very dear. Lovingly remembered and very sadly missed by Uncle Basil, Aunt Phyllis, Darla and Dennis. 44pd DOUGALL — To a very dear friend Brian Dougall who passed away Oct. 31, 1976. Without farewell he fell asleep With happy memories for us to keep But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill But those we love we never lose For always he will be Loved remembered and treasured Always in our memory Time slips by but memories stay Quietly remembered everyday When old times we recall It's then we miss you most of all. Overall Family 44c JORY — In loving memory of a dear Mother and Grandmother, Marjorie Jory who passed away Nov. 1, 1974. What we would give if we could say Hello mom, in the same old way To hear your voice and see your smile , And sit and chat with you awhile So you who have a mother Cherish her and care For you will never know the heartache Until you see her empty chair. Always remembered by Marilyn and Doug, Dianne and Lester, Helen and their families, 44c PASSMORE — In loving memory of Almer Thomas who passed away 11 years ago, October 23, 1968. Wishing today as we have wished before, That God could have spared you many years more, Deep in our hearts, your memory is kept, To love, and to cherish and never forget, The years may wipe out many things, But this they'll wipe out never, The memory of those happy days Which we have spent together. Always remembered by his family. • 44 SUPPORT UNICEF COLLECTIONS THIS HALLOWE'EN SaIrMEZZEMEMEXMHOWNOMES r7he Churches May I extend my humble thanks to friends and neighbours for their cards, flowers and various kindness during my stay in the hospital and since retur- ning home. Special thanks and gratitude to Dr. Gans, Bob and Jim Hoffman, University Hospital staff, cardiac care un- 4, it, Dr. Klein, Dr. Leasa's team, Lorraine Webber, Home Care; Doug joins me in sincere thanks to all. Dorothy Hughson.44c Linda and Garry Wein wish to thank their families and relatives for making their wed- ding so successful. They also thank all their friends for all the support and help they needed. Special thanks to everyone for all the shower gifts and wedding gifts they received, 44p IN MEMORIAM— DORMAN — In loving memory of our parents Clara Dorman who passed away December 7, 1946 and Willis Dorman, Oc- tober 27,1978. Loving and kind in all their ways, Upright and just to the end of their days, Sincere in heart and mind What a beautiful memory They left behind Ever remembered by Doris, Ellen and Bob, 44c DORMAN — In loving memory of our grandfather Willis Dorman who passed away October 27, 1978. Just a thought of sweet remembrance Just a memory sad and true, Just the love and sweet devotion Of those who think of you. Ever remembered by Robert and Nancy, Dave and Nancy, John and Donna and great grandchildren. 44c R. E. Pooley Legion Branch — Exeter 167 invites you to join them in the service at Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church All veterans in Exeter and surrounding area ale urged to participate in the annual Remembrance Day Parade. Veterans will meet at the Legion Hall, 10:15 a.m, and proceed to Church for service. Thence to the cenotaph for the laying of wreaths and the last post. Medals will be wcrn. Remembrance Service at Usborne Central School Friday, November 9 -10:45 A.M. Wreath Laying Service, Etc. — Public Cordially Invited Saturday, Nov. 10 - 7:00 P.M. 3 DAYS OF MISSIONS NOV. 2-3-4 • BAPTIST MID MISSIONS MISSIONARIES Rev, Earl Lewis, Native Jamaican Pastor & Educator Mr. and Mrs, Jim Massey, Appointees to Australia FRIDAY, 7:30 p.m. SAT. 7:30 p.m. SUNDAY 9:45, 11 a.m., 7:30 p.m. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 HURON ST. W. 235-2661, 2559 elorromemlerealereelligeeersollevelogi ALL VEt ERANS AND LEGION MEMBERS (Life, Ordinary and Honorary) WELCOME LEGION HALL Guest Speaker - Rev. Henry VanEssen, Exeter