HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-10-17, Page 13Taxpayers
are just that
Exeter ratepayers have
'already paid 72 percent of
their tax bill for the current
year, a figure termed as
"excellent" by clerk Liz Bell
as she reviewed the town's
financial picture to date at
council's regular session,
Monday. .
Mrs. Bell noted that the
November 15 instalment
represents more than one-
quarter of the levy because
of sewer frontage which is
levied on the last two tax
instalments only.
"In my 15 years I don't
recall a year when the tax
receivables were so low,"
Mayor Derry Boyle com-
"That's no reason to put
them up next year,"Reeve Si
Simmons quickly replied.
"I didn't say that," Boyle
The Mayor added that as
long as there are no major
unforeseen expenditures to
the end of the year, the town
should end up in a "pretty
sound" financial situation.
Mrs. Bell indicated that all
the expenditures to date
appear to be within budget
for the period elapsed,
Auction Sale
of Household Furnishings & Misc. Items
Sat, Oct. 27th 1 p.m. SHARP
Main corner Greenway Ont, lust off $1 Hw y.
6 1/2 m. north of Parkhill, 7 miles south of Grand
Bend, for Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clarence Reid.
Norm Whiting, Auctioneer
For Further Information Call
Exeter 235-1964
Auction Sale
Saturday, Oct. 20
10:30 a.m.
Russell Balkwill Residence
47 John St. Exeter
1 block west of Main St.
Antique marble table, oval cocktail table, clockcan-
dle sticks and 2 china cabinets. Dining room suite, all
household furniture, 3 bedroom suites, fridge, rage,
etc. Also tools, Ben Franklin stove.
This is a complete household auction.
Norm Whiting, Auctioneer
For Further Information Call
Exeter 235-1964
SH teacher
on debate
Censorship in education
will be discussed at a one-
day conference sponsored by
the English Department of
The, University of Western
Aimed at English teachers
and school librarians, the
November 3 conference will
deal with the suppression of
literature and films con-
sidered offensive by school
boards. Six speakers, in-
cluding June Callwood,
Warner Troyer and a
representative of the Ontario
Board of Film Censors, will
talk about different aspects
of the problem.
Prof.T,J, Collins, English
Department Chairman, says
concern over censorship in
the schools has been
mounting among teachers as
a result of recent -actions by
some school boards which -
have removed material from
curricula on the grounds that
it is obscene.
During the time last year
when several books were on
trial for obscenity in Huron
County Prof. Collins was
involved in discussions and
becaine concerned that
teachers have no means of
taking action against
"people on these boards who
for religious reasons or other
reasons condemn books
which often they haven't
even read'.
The Saturday conference
begins at 10 a.m. with John Spend 115,000 in 15 years
Eisenberg, Professor of the $
history and philosophy of
education at the Ontario
Institute for Studies in
Education, followed by writer
June Callwood, chairman of A $115,000 master plan for
the Writers' Union of improvements to Parkhill
Canada, and Colin Lowndes,
a teacher at South Huron
District High School.
From 2 p.m. to 4 the group
will hear Mary Brown of the
Ontario Board of Film
Censors, Warner Troyer and
Alan Borovoy, President of
the Canadian Civil Liberties
About 450 teachers and
librarians are expected to
attend the conference which
will take place in Room 40 of
the Business School.
Registration is $25.
Mrs. Elsie Henderson
provided the music
Thanksgiving Sunday at
Huronview, as. Mr. Crich
who is the regular organist
BATTLE FOR SECOND - In an invitational cross country meet
Iv, on Hicjh School, the battle for second place in the senior boys
horn Woodstock College Ave just edged
APPLE DAY — The Exeter Cubs and Scouts participated
makes a purchase from Chris Chanyi, Robbie Russell
Master plan set in Parkhill
in their annual Apple Day Saturday. Above, Rev. James Forsythe.
and Danny Rooth. T-A photo
Volunteers sought
for local committees
positions may become
vacant at the end of
November when the terms of
some sitting members are up
1' for renewal.
While some people have
already indicated a desire to
sit on the planning board,
Mayor Derry Boyle noted
that only those who submit
their names in writing to the
clerk's office will be con-
Planning board member
Don Cameron said they
didn't expect many
candidates to come forth, but
said everyone should beg
given the opportunity to
present his her name for the
Times- Advocate, October 17, 1979 Page 13
0 000000Stenef Atrioftd00000 0
0, 0
4) Auctioneers - Liquidators - Appraisers 0
0 Farm Machinery and Equipment Sale 0
0 From the 300. Acre Wilson Farm
.0 . Without Reserve 0
O 11:00 a.m. TUESDAY, 0
0 OCTOBER 23 . 0
at Brussels Stockyards, Kitchener Road,
0 Brussels, Ontario 0
0 ,
4) All Equipment in Excellent Condition: M-F 165 diesel A.6
0 tractor, M-F 35 diesel tractor,real good M-F hay NZ
Ca baler, cultivator discs - ploughs, manure spreaders, 4 47
, x furrow trip bottom plow, 2 good grain wagons, 2 4)
4-7 hay wagons, hammermill, grain augers, belt drives, 0
0 hay rake, stoneboat grader, scuffler - wire stretcher, 0
0 dehorner, troughs, PTO mower,Nuffield 4/65 diesel et
O tractor, conveyors, AC 10' iscs, Kvernelands 4- 5
plow, etc., etc.,
An excellent auction of well maintained equipment 4,,
The stocker sale is at 1:00 p.m. this sale day. Same 0
0 location. Outside sale - dress warmly - lunch bar (
0 Good consignments welcome - Call us anytime 4
4) Col. Dennis N. Storey - Denise M. Storey 0
0 Western. Ontario's leading auction - 'appraisal firm 0
- 0
0 (519) 0
00 0 000 °455.015 000000004)
was sick' Flowers in
the Chapel Thanksgiving
Sunday were in memory of
Mrs. Livermore, who was a
nurse here, and Mr. Slavin
who was a resident. Flowers
at the foot of the cross were
donated by Marg and Albert
Versteegden. Next Sunday
will be Communion Sunday.
Rev. Darrell will be here to
assist. Sunday evening Mrs.
Luther held a service. The
choir was in attendance and
sang Jesus Come, Mrs. Elsie
Henderson played the organ,
and Margaret McQueen sang
a solo. Cecil Skinner played
his violin,
Everyone enjoyed turkey
Monday, and Huronview
residents were no exception.
Our compliments to our
dietitian and her kitchen
staff. Many favourable
comments' were heard
throughout the home con-
cerning the meal.
The Anglicans held
communion Tuesday
morning. Mrs. Grace Peck
held the painting class in the
craft room also on Tuesday
morning. Tuesday evening
the Vanastra Lion's club
showed the film "Blue Skys"
to the residents free of
charge. We would like to
\e'4 ,(.03
0<t k\C1 C/4 tiCER
thank the Vanastra Lions for
the evening at the movies.
The baking class spent
Wednesday morning
preparing goodies 'for the
bake sale Friday morning.
This bake sale will be for
residents only and baking
will be packaged with this in
If I gain any weight this
week, I'll be blaming the
Clinton Legion ladies who
catered, to the C.N.IB,
thanksgiving supper on
Wednesday evening.
Following the delicious meal
the. Huron Strings en-
tertained us with many
musical numbers. There was
also a couple of readings
done by Mrs. Bob Taylor and
Mary Trick,
"Abbott and Costello meet
the Keystone Kops" was the
name of the movie shown by
Day Care on Wednesday
evening in the auditorium.
The craft room was a busy
spot Thursday morning with
needlework being done,
baking and Mrs. Peck busy
°oil painting. Residents are
invited down to the craft
room any morning. If you
don't want to work, just
cone for a visit and a cup of
Cecil Skinner conducted
Bible Sudy Thursday af-
ternoon, as Mrs, Prouty Will
be away for awhile. Mrs.
Elsie Henderson added to the
service by playing the organ.
Bayfield Conservation
The document has been
forwarded to), the Ontario
Ministry of Natural
Resources, source of most of
the funding, according to
John Small who is author of
the proposed plan. The
ministry may request some
changes and give
"technical" approval before
returning it to the con-
servation authority for its
formal approval.
The $115,000 worth of
improvements would be
made over a 10 to 15 year
period, but the purchase of
several parcels of forested
and valleylancl adjacent to
the present: conservation
area could bring total cost to
nearly $210,0(3y.
Response ito a public
display of tligiVister plan at
Parkhill Publlb' Library and
at the conservation area
"was pretty poor", Mr.
Small said. Only one person
visited during the day he
spent at the library display
and only a dozen persons
picked up summaries of the
plan during the entire week
in late August.
As a result of the scarce
public input, no changes
were made in the draft plan,
Mr. Small said. "It was a
little bit discouraging".
Major proposals for
Parkhill Conservation Area,
described in detail in the
August 23 Gazette, include
reforestation projects,
windbreak buffer zones,
increased wildlife
populations, planting
projects, construction of an
activity interpretive centre
and small tent camping
There had been discussion
of the addition of a swim
ming pool to the con-
servation area but that has
been rejected for the master
plan. "It .was discussed at
length but the idea is to get
people interested in the
reservoir and the ministry
(natural resources) doesn't
provide funds for swimming
pools", Mr. Small said:
After natural resources
ministry study, the plan is
expected to go to the con-
servation authority for
formal approval.
Two hurt
in crash
Two men sustained minor
injuries in an accident in
Exeter, Sunday.
Drivers involved in the
collision which occurred on
Main at the intersection of
Gidley were Irvine E.
Maxwell, Grand Bend, and
Douglas McLeod, Lucan.
Maxwell and a passenger,
Sylvester Jones, RR 1
Exeter, received injuries
and damage in the mishap
was listed at $2,500 by
Constable Brad Sadler,
On Thursday, Janet
Wedlake, Huron St, E.,
reported the theft of her
purse from a vehicle parked
at the South Huron rec
centre. The purse was later
recovered with a small
amount of cash missing,
Over the weekend, five
people were charged by
Exeter police with unlawful
possession of aleehol.
Cancer can
be beaten
Exeter residents wishing
appointments to any local
committees will be given an
opportunity to submit their,
names for consideration in
the next few weeks.
Council agreed this week
to seek names for the various
appointed groups in the
community as they
deliberated on the ap-
pointment of a member to
replace Harvey Pfaff on the
local planning board, Pfaff
submitted his resignation at
the last meeting.
The planning board
recommended that council
advertise for volunteers for
that position, but- clerk Liz
Bell suggested that other
positions be advertised as
well at the same time, noting
that other committee
SS board
sets salary
The Huron-Perth County
Roman Catholic Separate
School board set the salary
scale for school office
secretaries effective Sep-
tember 1, 1979: $4.20 per
hour (Unchanged from last
school term) $4.45 per hour
(up from $4.30 last term) for
1-year experience; and $4.85
per hour (up from $4.50) for
2-years experience or more.
Approval was given for a
mileage rate for members of
the adminstrative staff to be
set at 22 cents per mile retro-
active to September 1, 1979,
up from 20 cents per mile.
The board voted that the
limits of liability ,on non-
owned automobile,
automobile fleet and school
liability insurance policies
be increased from $4 million
to $5 million for an additional
premium of $214.00.
The board approved that
all policies be renewed with
Lesson-Killer Insurance for
the period October 26, 1979 to
October 26, 1980 for a net
renewal premium of
$25,287.00 including the
-above liability limits from $4
million to $5 million.
David O'Reilly of Stratford
was appointed to attend a
meeting of Stratford
Recreation department on
October 16 to represent the
school board. ,The meeting
dalled the' first recreation
and parks masterplan public
meeting will indicate
available programs and
activities and available
parks and facilities, Various
groups will be given an
opportunity to identify any
needs they have.
Lodge instal
new slate
The installation of officers
of Exeter Chapter.222, of the
Order of the Eastern Star
was held in their new
Chapter Room at the
Masonic Hall, Exeter,
The following officers
were. installed: WM - Mabel
Kyle, WP - Sidney Baker,
AM - Doreen Webb, AP -
Glenn Webb, Secretary - WC
Moody, Treasurer - Kathleen
Hodgert, Cond. - Grace
Eyre, A Cond - Jean Mills,
Chaplain - Barbara Cooper,
Marshal - Fred Eyre,
Organist - Bernice Boyle,
Adah-Pauline Finkbeiner,
Ruth - Joan Keys, Esther -
Bernice Kristoferson,
Martha - Patricia Hendrick,
Electa - Edith Baker,
Warder - Bert Kristoferson,
Sentinel - Carl Mills.
The installing officer was
Helen Wells, P.D.D.G.M.,
and assisting were : Don Bell
PP, Audrey McRae
D.D.G.M., Margaret Lovell
PM, Ethel Gregory Grand
Martha, Earl Campbell PP,
Elgin McKinley PP, Roberta
Hamilton PM, Shirley Kay
PM. Others assisting were:
Stan Love PP, Joan Bell
PM, Bill Bell PP, Allan
Fraser PP, Vera Fraser PM,
Dorothy Strang PM, and
Alice May PM.
This was the first in-
stallation in the new
facilities and many visitors
came from near and far for
this annual occasion and to
see the new -quer ters.
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* subject to change
MVP Gaiser-Kneale min Insurance Agency Inc.
Auction Sale
of Real Estate, antiques, furniture, tools,etc.
Mr. George Kellett, Village of Elimville
Saturday, Oct. 20 1:30 P.M. SHARP
REAL ESTATE: This 1'12 storey frame house is
situated on a well kept 1/2 acre lot in a quiet village.
The house features four bedrooms, large kitchen
with newer cupboards, sun proch, carpeted
livingroom, 100 amp electrical service, FAO heating.
Barn 20 x 14. The property has a frontage of 132'
and a depth of 165', Low taxes 5112.00 yr. Terms
10% down on sale date, balance 30 days. Proper-
ty to be sold at 3:00 P.M. subject to a reasonable
reserve bid,
FURNITURE: KARN piano and stool, excellent con-
dition, china cabinet, chrome kitchen table and
chairs, G, E, stove, refrigerator, antique buffet,an-
tique kitchen utility cupboard, antique radio,
chesterfield and matching chair, T.V,, 2 mirrors,
assorted dishes, commode, dressers, hat rack,
toaster, electric fry pan, card table, steel beds, 2
wardrobes, double laundry tubs, new Spanish
guitar, crocks, commode, sad irons, sealers, linens,
sewing machine, wringer washer, ironing board,
large livingroom picture, washstand table, lamp,
laundry tubs and tub holder, 4 end tables, etc.
CAR: 1969 Ford Ranchero, 8 cylinder,
automatic, radio, selling "as-is".
TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: Power lawn mower, ce-
ment mixer, 2 wheelbarrows, 2 hand garden
seeders, 2 hand scufflers, 4 bicycles, 2 cream cans, 2
cistern pumps, lawn chairs, shovels, forks, hoes, itc,
TERMS 'CASH - day of sale
'Ed Lawson
Exeter, Ont, 235-0266
Owner or AUttioneer not responsible for accidents
oh doy of sale.
Conservation Area has been
approved in principle by the
conservation areas advisory
board of the Ausable-
held Thursday at South
race went right'down to
out Murray Wareing of
T-A photo
JUNIOR, SENIOR CHAMPS — Don Cowan and Wayne Par-
sons won the senior-junior championship at the Ironwood'golf
club, T-A photo
BEST JUNIORS — Sean Whiteford and Scott Bogart received
awards at Saturday's Ironwood golf club banquet as the top
junior performers. Missing was Mike Tiedeman. T-A photo
Auction Sale
Saturday, October 27th, 1 P.M.
for Pat O'Brien, 108 Richmond St. South,
Hensall. Sale held on property, indoors if
inclement weather.
GE 2 door refrigerator, WH electric stove,
Kelvinator automatic washer, GE dryer, Gilson
freezer, air conditioner, 8 track stereo 2 speakers,
desk, bar and 2 stools leather trim, 10 speed bicycle,
Skidoo helmets, good toys and hockey equipment,
skil -saw and drill, some chairs including rockers,
typewriter, full listing next edition.
KIPPEN 262-5515