HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-10-17, Page 8RECEIVES AWARD — David Leatherland of Grand Bend is presented with his wings at Trenton by CFI Major Bridgette after the initial presentation by Brig, Gen. Skalen. Corporal gets wings Owned by John J. Hotson CAN OFFER YOU PORTABLE TOILET SERVICE Custom backhoeing & power sewer line cleaning. Phone John Hotson at 238-2140 or 238-$240 R.R. 1, GRAND BEND Visitors come and go Eleanor Durie, Elaine Moore, and Annie Morenz, attended the South Huron Fall Regional, held last Tuesday at Elimville United church. Grand Bend Women's Institute meet October 18, 7:30 p.m. in the S.S. rooms of the United church, Topic will be Public Relations, and theme will be friends and neighbours. A guest visitor will show slides and com- mentary which feature parks in Canada and U.S.A. Members are asked,to bring a friend or neighbour with them. Visitors are always welcome, Miss Etoile White, of Detroit, has been holidaying with Hazel and Bill Blewett. She is Mr. Blewett's 91 year old Aunt. Six tables were in play Wednesday evening at the duplicate bridge game held at St. John's Parish hall. Winners were for, north- south, Griff and Nancy Thomas .east,-west, Manning and Helen Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Broad, GrandCove, have returned from a train trip holiday to Winnipeg, Manitoba, where they visited relatives. Rev. Harley and Mrs. Moore are patients in University hospital, London, as the result of an auto ac- cident, Saturday. Passengers with them, Mrs, Lawrence Curts and Mrs. Clarke Kennedy are patients at Stratford hospital. Karen McArthur of Port Elgin has spent the past two weeks on holidays with her `JAZZ' CLASS The Grand Bend Recreation Committee has organized a new class to be held at the public school Monday nights. Mrs. Beth Jean will be teaching "Jazzercise"--an exercise course based on jazz movement. Classes for youth ages 8-14 will be held from 6,30 to 8.00. Adult classes will be from 8.00 tp 9.30. Registration takes place on the evening of October 22. As well, Gina Fischer will be continuing with her rhyth- mics group for ladies on Tuesday evenings, and there are gymnastics for elementary school age children Thursdays at 5.00. grandparents, Lawrence and Enid Johnson, Beulah Holt accompanied by her niece and nephew, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Riddock of Sarnia, spent a week's holidays in Northern Ontario. Friday and Sunday visitors with Rev. and Mrs. John Campbell, Laura Lee and Douglas, were two of John's brothers, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Campbell and family and Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell and family, of Westfield. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Kollman, visited Saturday with their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs.. Lawrence Johnson. Due to Grand Bend United church annual fowl supper being held on November'' 7, the Grand Bend Senior Citizens will hold their meeting at the advance date of November 1. Couples Club Twelve members of the Couples Club met Saturday evening at the United church S. S. rooms. Films of "Shalome," and "Farming in our future", were shown, followed by discussion. Couples in charge of program and lunch were Don and Janet Kobe, and Glen and Sharon Miller. Folks you know in the 'Bend 41) ""17HURON SANITATION"! Grand Bend Church of God was honoured with the presence of a man of great stature-both physically, 6'6" tall, and spiritually, when Dr. W.E. Reed, executive secretary of the Executive Council of the Church of God, Anderson, Indiana spoke at their 30th anniversary celebrations, October 7-10. Dr. Reed is the author of two books: "Winning Others to Christ" and "A Story to Tell". His preaching ministry has taken him into several provinces of Canada, each of the 50 states and the many foreign countries. Dr. Reed is currently doing the 'groundwork for the World Conference which will take place in June, 1980, at Anderson, Indiana, with delegates from around the world. This will be followed by the International Con- vention of the Church of God at which some 45,000 people are anticipated. Dr. Reed was ac- companied by his wife Naomi. Although he will be retiring next year, he is already making plans for a continuing ministry at the Theological Seminary in Anderson. Special musical numbers during this time included a ministers quartet, of Rev. John Campbell, Grand Bend, Rev Roger Bittner, Toronto, Ken Weidrick, Dundas, nd Rev. Don Talbot, Hartford. Soloists included, Mrs. Edwin Wattam, St. Catharines, Mrs. Tereaa Weidrick, Dundas and Rev. Roger Bittner. Ladies of the church provided lunches and meals for the visiting guests. United church women meet The October meeting of the U.C.W. was held Thursday afternoon in the S. S. rooms with 22 ladies and two pre- schoolers attending. President Eleanor Durie Ladies Orlon CARDIGANS double breasted rib knit with pockets Reg $32 '1695 Mens CARDIGANS super-wash wool 5 button with pockets Re sS0 .5 3495 Mon. to Sat. 10-5:30 Sunday 12-5:30 LEATHER COAT Super Savings On Fall's Newest Arrivals Latest fashion looks superbly styled by Canadian craftsmen. Soft supple pig-suede accented with leather, luxurious fur trims. Genuine Cabretta leathers. Mens and womens coats and jackets at special low 'Factory Outlet prices'. We invite comparison for quality, price and service. See our Fall sportswear separates and accessories, blazers, pants, skirts, sweaters, scarves and gloves. '/2 PRICE SPECIAL! TREMENDOUS SAVINGS! Selected group of womens coats and jackets - one of a kind, discontinued styles and manufac- tures samples. All first quality genuine leather reduced to half the manufacturer's suggested list price. Size 10-16 only. Hours: Mon. - Sat. 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. Sundays 1 P.M. - 5 P.M. ,rnma,,--8•6 the sun shop 83 MAIN ST, GRAND BEND 23 :4611 up to stoat 20% 0 F F 04: HINDS 1.78 qui 28' 68' 65' 454 grams 10 oz. ° 12's large box 2EMESEMIUMEgi. Fresh Tend-R-Spot pure pork Kraft Single Cheese Slices Campbells Vegetable Soup Westons plain, sugar, cinnamon Donuts Royale Facial Tissue Quality Macs Spys Jonathon Reds now in GRAND SEND STORE HOURS Mon.,to Thurs. 8 to 6 Friday 8 to 9 Sat.8to 6 ' Closed Sundays TELEPHONE 238-2512 SENIOR CITIZENS OPTTP 0000 00 TUIPSO/W1 TO APO _now o veArs OTON 1I;IN ,. nON OP "MR 00011104#10 MOWN I 4.111,11111 rov+InT SAVE 6% (.40 ONVOLIN, r-01 YOU/ POIICN.11 ON PNV TUFtn•v PM11;371111 BAYFIRLD STORE HOURS Mon to Thurs. 9 to 6 'Friday 9 to 9 Sat. 8 to 6 Closed Sundays TELEPHONE 565-2791 lb. ROUNDISTEAK $1.98 everybody saves on food here- /NW/1W stons sliced Wit Olt°r 2/89tt 24 01- Silverwoods 2% BAG MILK or JUG 3 qts $1. 5 5 Canada No. 1 CREAMERY BUTTER lb. '1.53 I /b . /)()Yale 70110 riSSUE 4 rolls 1 18 Prices effective Oct. 1/ to Oct. 23' irnPeriai v.'broe silre° aofe coo a Fresh Ontario PORK LEG ROAST whole or butt portion lb 88( SAVE .5V. lb. Aged Al Steer Full Slice SAVE '1.00 lb. SI amo=rzerrandaramaaaimonm BEEF BABY BONUS CAS, 'rout ,....11V AufWOW1 UM/our Air '01 ANN SAVE 6% ON YOLOI 141101•30 ONO MIN 0000 illYVIO41 EMtlu•in. garottes art algae TWO MORE REASONS TO SHOP AT ...TENDER SPOT We reserve the right to limit quantities. 238-2512 GRAND BEND Canada No. 1 fresh CARROTS 2 lbs. 2 bags 49 Na. 1 GREEN CABBAGE Head 29' -* Prodtice of U.S.A. vine ripe TOMATOES lb. 484 Kidn, Beans 14 oz -2/88 Stokelys dark red 12 oz. 144 $348 10 oz, 784 2/98' 4 Kraft Peanut Butter 1.5 litres $358 EVERGREENS t. Lean GROUND BEEF (formerly steak) lb. .$ 1 98 SAVE 60c lb. AZFACWASAIIIING,S' SUPER BUY For Your Home Freezer AGED Al STEER Processed Limited quantity at this low, low price Tend-R-Spot Smoked PORK JOWL (Bacon Squares) lb. 684 SAVE 30c lb. Tetley Orange Pekoe Tea Leavers pieces and stems Mushrooms Coronation Sweet Relish COUNTRY SAUSAGE SAVE 60C lb. Limit 5 lbs. per coupon ,,884 Page TIrnei•Advoca to, October 17, 1979 Pinery OPP get radar, 95 speeders nabbed AND Intim NEWS It was a bad week in Grand Bend and the surrounding area for those with a heavy foot. The Pinery detachment of the Ontario provincial police laid a record 95 charges under the Highway Traffic Act between October 7 and 13. Corporal Pettigrew ex- plains that all of the charges were for speeding. This was due to the fact that the Pinery detachment was equipped with a radar unit during the week. Pettigrew says that the small OPP detachments in Lambton County such as Sombre and Wallaceburg share the radar on a monthly basis. "When you get the thing, you set it up on Highway 21 or wherever, and get an influx of charges," Corporal Pettigrew says. During the summer months, the Pinery detach- ment had to share the unit with Grand Bend detach- ment. Usually the Grand Bend crew used the 'unit on the weekends, About 60 charges were the most ever laid on a holiday weekend. Bigger detachments such as Forest have their own radar unit on a permanent basis. The Pinery OPP also charged five people under the liquor licence act and two missings persons were located. Three warrants were executed. The following notices were issued by the detachment: Residents of Grand Bend and Port Franks areas are advised that if Pinery Park Detachment can not be reached when telephoning 243-2735 call 243-2900. This new number is a direct call line to Forest Detachment Radio Room. With the probable onset of snow conditions, householders and private snow plow operators are advised that Section 124a of the Highway Traffic Act now makes it an offence to deposit snow or ice on a roadway. presided, opening with a prayer. Clara Hamilton conducted the worship on a Thanksgiving theme, opening with all singing, "Sing to the Lord of Har. vest". Clara opened her talk with a poem of Grace Noll Crowell, "Because of Thy great bounty." She told us Thanksgiving is a time for rejoicing and happiness. We should be thankful we live in Canadaandbegin every day by giving thanks we are alive. Fern" Love read scripture from the 5th chapter of Matthew, where Jesus taught his disciples the Beatitudes . Worship closed with a prayer written by the well known Padre Young. Brenda Love gave a short mission study on Japan. Onlyone half of 1 percent of Japanese are Christians. She told us Japan is a most beautiful, mountainous country with very little farming country. Japan has made great' economic progress. Roll call was answered with a verse of Thanksgiving. During the business, discussion centred on plans for the upcoming hot turkey supper on November 7, beginning at 7:00, U.C.W. members were asked an opinion on helping the boat people and the majority favored a cash donation. Meeting closed with mizpah bendiction. Lunch hostesses were Iva Latta and Norma Desjar- dine. United church news Due to the 104th an- niversary services held at Greenway United church, Sunday services were with- drawn at Grand Bend United. David Leatherland, 16, son of Mr, and Mrs. Al' x Lea therland, Grand Bend, was recently awarded a flying scholarship by the department of National Defence. David is a member of 614 Forest City Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron, London. He has just completed a six week training course at Trenton Air Force Base, following which he graduated from No: 1 glider pilot training school. Corporal Leatherland now takes full advantage of the glider facilities available to cadets at Chatham Airport. He hopes to train for powered flight next summer at London Flying Club. He is a student at North Lambton Secondary School, Forest. Grand Bend Church News